Aiden's Betrayal (13 page)

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Authors: CT Nicholson

He put his bleeding wrist to her lips.
“Drink from me. You’ll love the change as all of your senses increase and your strength becomes nearly unbeatable.”

Anya could only drink his blood as he held her in place.
Was she hypnotized? Why did she enjoy his spicy flavor?

The beginning stage of the change is quite painful. I’m sorry you have to endure it.”


Chapter Sixteen


Aiden woke with a jerk to find Elle gone. They’d fallen asleep wrapped together and now he was alone. Searching his quarters with no luck, he ran into the hall and searched for her. Before wasting more time, he ran to the security room to find Ethan sitting down with a cup of blood.

Good morn—could you manage to put some clothes on? I’d appreciate you to be decent if you run into my mate.” The usual lighthearted teasing was always the first thing Aiden heard from Ethan.

He growled because right then the teasing
was the last thing he wanted to hear. He only cared about finding Elle. “Check the footage. Elle’s missing.”

Ethan’s fingers flew across the keyboard and he
pulled the footage up from that morning in a matter of seconds.

There she is. She went right out the front door and...” Ethan's fingers hit a few more keys, before they could see the outside gate. Opened and Elle stepping outside. “Why the fuck was the gate opened?”

More keystrokes from Ethan and Aiden watched the video moments before Elle escaped. A hooded figure
had tampered with the gate.

Shit! Do you think it’s Nicolas?” Ethan asked.

Aiden stiffened.
“No, they’re too small. If this person was there close to when Elle escaped, did they see each other?” He sure as hell hoped not. “Fuck me.”

I’d rather not. How about we find your human for that?” Ethan still teased but kept hitting the keys with determination. “Aiden.”

The footage
Ethan pulled up showed the sidewalk outside their estate. They watched as Elle turned, continued walking then a figure appeared behind her. The unknown figure pulled her hood down to reveal long, curly hair on the black and white screen. “It’s a woman.”

Aiden watched the screen as Elle spun again. This time she froze as the woman spoke with her. His heart raced when Elle tried to run. He saw red as the woman knocked Elle out
before she carried her off, keeping her face away from the camera.

Get the Guardians together. We’re going on the hunt for that woman.” He pointed at the stranger carrying Elle away.

You gonna tell Julian about this?” Ethan opened his annoying trap once again.

Going to tell me what?” Julian stepped in, dominating the whole room with his size and power.

Sir, I’m begging for your permission to go rescue Elle.” Aiden bowed his head in respect to his devoted prince. Enough time had been wasted but without his kings support, Aiden might never find her.

And if I say no? You let Nicolas escape your grasp last night.” One white brow lifted as he waited for Aiden’s response.

I’d have to say I’m going with or without your permission. I don’t give a fuck if you help but I’d really appreciate having your backing.” He stepped past Julian and started out the door.

Aiden, you're a stubborn ass sometimes but I respect you. Go gather the others and find your mate. I’ll hunt with you.” Julian left without another word.

She wasn
't his mate but no one corrected the prince unless they wanted to lose their heart. His mate died over a hundred years ago and who wanted a mate that didn’t listen.

Damn Aiden, you have balls, which brings me back to my first comment. Please get some fucking clothes on.” Ethan turned back to his equipment and called the others to the weapon's room.

Aiden stomped back to his room, busting a few holes in the wall along the way. He dressed in his hunting clothes, grabbed his jacket,
and headed to the weapon's room. He walked through the training room and Collin, Drake, Lena, Julian, and the now healed Gregory stood ready, already geared up and awaiting the plan.

Aiden grabbed his own usual daggers
before he looked up at everyone. “Tonight we hunt. Elle left to check on her friend. She asked this morning if she could go out in the day and I told her no. Obviously she didn’t listen and she doesn’t know the dangers that are out even during daylight hours.”

Ethan shoved through the crowd with a big grin on his face.
“I’ve found her location.”

How?” His question came out more of a growl.

Easy now. I used this new software I copied from the FBI. I just scanned outside our gate for a phone signal at the time the female was there. The only phone I picked up had to be hers.” His eyes lit with pride. “They are now stationary at an abandoned warehouse, a convenient place to hide a human.”

Julian stepped toward the door.
“You heard him. Let’s head out. Ethan, send us the coordinates so there’s no confusion.

They all moved in unison and left in two different vehicles.

Chapter Seventeen


Nicolas found the rogue framing him. The old abandoned warehouse was dark but he could still see just as well as he did in the light. Maybe better. He saw the rogue enter the warehouse with a human. The rogue had to be female. All of their males stood at least six feet but this one couldn’t be taller than 5’4. More than likely she was turned since even their women grew close to six feet.

didn’t care. He was going to kill her. Dropping from the rooftop of another warehouse across from his target, Nicolas’ boots hit the pavement with a thud. He walked around the warehouse to find the best point of entry.

Crouching low with his ass nearly on the ground, he pushed up with all of his strength. He caught the side of the roof and swung over. The sight of the door on the roof made him smile. Perfect.

He opened the door, not expecting the blow that came next or what he saw before darkness swallowed him.

Chapter Eighteen


Elle opened her eyes to more darkness. Her head ached and she
tasted blood. Shuffling caused her to search for the source of the noise of something being dragged across the floor until a voice spoke.

You're too damn heavy, Nicolas.” Grunting. “Aw, look who’s awake. Oh, you can’t see me. No fun to torture someone who can’t see what’s coming.”

Seconds later a bright light shined into Elle's eyes. She reached to cover her
self only to realize her arms were tied.

Laughter exploded from her kidnapper.

“How fun! I can’t wait to get started.” The redhead rubbed her hands together before grabbing a knife.

Without warning, she sliced the sharp edge across Elle’s cheek. The stinging pain jerked a scream from her and more laughter from the vampire.
“Why are you doing this? I haven’t done anything to you.”

Ah, but you did. You slept with Aiden and he’s all mine. After all this time he stayed away from women but then you show up. He was mine first and nothing or nobody will ever change that.” Rage showed in her ruby red eyes.

I didn’t know! He never said anything about a girlfriend. He told me vampires couldn't go out in the daytime.” She couldn’t stop her screams or the tears as the knife sliced over and over on her arms and face.
Why did Aiden keep this woman from her?

You think our relationship consists of being boyfriend and girlfriend? We're meant to spend eternity together. Far longer than your meager human years.” She dipped to lick the blood dripping down Elle’s face. “No reason to waste good food. As for the daylight, made vampires have one thing over vampires who are born, we can withstand the sun. I actually enjoy it.”

No wonder he didn't want her to leave on her own.
Elle felt like an idiot for not listening to Aiden.

With every lick Elle cringed and her skin crawled.
This creature was stalker and it was possible Aiden didn’t even know her.

Damn it! They're always ruining everything. Oh well, I’m not ready for them to see me.”

Elle didn't hear what the vampire did.
Maybe she really was crazy.

The vampire
shifted with a grin spread across her lips before she struck Elle again.

Pain didn’t last long as darkness took over.


What's going on?”

He hesitated at first.
“I've changed the girl. She's in a lot of pain but I need more blood.”

Then get more blood. Go use the girl upstairs.” The harshness in her voice was too much. She had to tone it down or her son would suspect something. He was more like his father than she liked. “She's all we have right now but you'll need to be easy with her. She's been hurt by the Guardians. Aiden hypnotized her and she thinks we're a danger to her instead of him being the danger.”

Lucian nodded.
“I understand. I wish there was more we could do for these innocent humans who fall for the Guardian's traps.”

Yes.” She would like to drink them dry but she couldn't tell her son. When he didn't leave right away she raised a brow at him. “Is there something else?”

I don't want to send Anya to the Guardians. It would be cruel.” His eyes dropped to the floor when she stared at him.

She took a deep breath.
“I know this is hard to understand but it has to be done. We need someone on the inside.”

After a moment of quiet, Lucian turned and walked back upstairs.
It seemed like forever while she waited for him to go to Aiden's human. How great it was to have Lucian drink from the worthless human.

Aiden would be that much more furious once he knew everything.

The door opened and closed once again as Lucian left the human's room to head back to the girl he cared too much about. She hated to ruin her plans but she had a feeling she'd be better off getting rid of the blonde before she lost her son altogether.

She sat back and thought
about a way to get rid of the blonde without her son finding out the truth. Then a noise sounding outside caused the perfect idea to click into place.


When she woke, lights illuminated the room which was odd given it was covered in black. Whoever decorated this room had some serious issues. Once again she found herself tied but not to a chair. Each foot was tied to the bottom bedpost and her hands were bound above her head. Sprawled apart, she had no way to protect herself and no clue how long she’d been there.

The black door creaked as it opened to reveal—Aiden? No,
it wasn’t Aiden. The stranger had curly red hair like her captor only a darker shade. His face reminded her of Aiden. Red scruff growing around his mouth and his red brows looked like the only difference she could see between the two. Silver eyes watched her.

Suddenly fear came rushing back. She remembered how the female vampire threatened that her son would have fun with Elle.
Would he rape her?

Eyebrows pulled together and his nose wrinkled. Maybe he wouldn’t rape her
given the look on his face said she clearly disgusted him.

I don’t want you.” His words came out cold. Still, he walked in, closed the door, and turned the lock.

Fear took over as she jerked at the ropes
. She couldn’t help the fear controlling her.

Stop! No one can hear you except my mother and she sure as hell isn't going to help you. I’m not going to rape you or didn’t you hear me? I don’t want you but what I do need is your blood.” Fangs shot out from his mouth as he leaned in to sniff her neck.

Aiden took from her but she didn’t want anyone else doing the same.

“ Your heart is going to explode if you don’t calm down. I’m one of the good guys. I don’t want you because you smell of Aiden and either way, I don’t rape. That’s more of a Guardian's thing.” Red hair fell around her and sharp fangs scraped against the vein in her neck.

Did he think Aiden raped her? This vampire truly thought the Guardians
were the bad guys?

Aiden didn’t hurt me.” Her heart slowed as she defended the vampire she loved. Oh shit, she loved him.

He snorted.
“Yea, looks like it.” Silver eyes glanced over her wounds.

Your mother did this to me. She kidnapped me and cut me until someone finally interrupted her. Never once did Aiden hurt me.” What the hell was his mother’s problem? And damn him, her wounds hurt now that he reminded her of them.

His eyes narrowed and his lips lifted into a snarl.
“Watch it! She saved you from being killed from Aiden and his friends.”

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