Aiden's Betrayal (14 page)

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Authors: CT Nicholson

Then why am I tied to this bed?”

Obviously you’re irrational!” He crossed his muscular arms.

If there
was a time she’d throw her arms in the air and storm out of the room, it would have been right then. But no, she was tied to a damn bed because the huge redheaded vampire didn’t know the truth about his own mother.

I need blood and you’ll supply me. Sex I won’t steal but blood I will. I won’t hurt you if you’ll just stay calm.” He leaned in close and his fangs punctured her neck.

She knew better than to move or his sharp teeth would rip her throat open. Elle needed to believe he didn't want to hurt her and she had to stay calm and pray Aiden found her before this vampire lost his mind. Like his mother.

Each pull from his mouth made her feel sick to her stomach. After a few minutes, the room seemed to spin and her eyes became heavy.  This man was taking too much and it didn’t seem like he planned on stopping.

Stop.” Her voice came out harsh and so low she didn’t know if he heard her.

Fangs retracted from her neck
then the redhead pulled away with a look of horror on his handsome face.

I’m sorry. I need a lot of blood for the change.” He walked out of her view before returning with a glass of orange juice.

The glass touched against her lips and the juice slid down her throat. She swallowed enthusiastically until she'd emptied the glass. Looking into his eyes, she told him exactly what she felt in that moment.
“How could you talk bad about the Guardians then take blood I’m not willing to give you?”

He jerked as if she slapped him.
“I’ve got a plan to keep everyone safe and if I have to take some of your blood to do it then so be it. Please stay quiet. I’ve got a visitor and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t disturb her.”

She felt relief as he walked out the doo
r until something he said clicked in her head. He needed the blood for the change. What change?

Change didn't sound good. Elle struggled with her restraints and gave up when her wrist and ankles started
to hurt too bad to move anymore.



Empty! The whole damn warehouse was empty. Whoever took Elle left moments before and now they were on the hunt once again. Something about the rogue’s scent seemed familiar and he couldn’t quite shake the eerie feeling creeping through him. Aiden also noticed a second scent. Nicolas was there, too.

He jerked his phone out
and called Ethan. “Can you still track them? We missed them. Gregory took off on foot and we’re following close behind in the SUV.”

Trusting Gregory to do a better job with his tracking skills, Aiden still couldn’t help the strong need to be out there with him.

“I’ve got them! Sending the address through to your phone.” Ethan hung up and the phone vibrated with a text.

Why the hell did he insist on always texting? Aiden read the address
then took off to pull in front of Gregory. “Get in, we’ve got her.”

Aiden took off at full speed, tires squeal
ing. Elle wouldn’t be alive for long if they didn’t beat the clock.

Trying to conceal their presence, they started on foot half a mile from the target. Staying on alert
, Aiden scanned their surroundings for any signs of an ambush.

I want Nicolas for myself if he’s here but not at the cost of Elle.” This time he wouldn’t fall for any bullshit.

Got it, keep your mate safe.” Gregory attempted to tease. “Of course if I have the chance, he’ll get some payback.”

Understood and she’s not my mate.” Elle couldn’t be his mate. A repeat of his past wasn’t something he wanted.

Whatever you say,” Collin chided.

Ok then, we’ll keep your fuck-buddy safe.” Drake nudged him with a dumb ass grin across his face.

The grin disappeared when Aiden punched him in the arm. Beside Collin, Lena stayed quiet but Aiden caught the smirk on her face
, too.

Julian stayed silent through all the teasing.

Aiden chose to ignore them. Getting closer to the home, the teasing from the others stopped and everyone grew silent and serious.

The two-story house looked to be old and a decent size, but still didn’t compare to
the Sanctuary. Black paint covered the windows from light and anyone looking in.

Collin, Lena, Drake. Go through the back. Gregory, you’re with me.” He gave his orders, keeping his voice low enough for only them to hear. Julian stayed so quiet, Aiden nearly forgot he was with them but then again, no one ordered Julian to do anything. “And you sir?”

I’ll go in with you.” Julian joined them toward the front door.

It’s odd that I only smell two different scents of vampires and two humans. Your mate being one of them,” Gregory stated.

Stranger things ha
d happened. Most rogues didn't usually end up in groups and Aiden had killed two at Elle’s. Why didn't he smell any trace of them?

Gregory sniffed the air again and his large shoulders dropped with disappointment.
“I only smell one right now, he doesn’t smell rotten like a rogue and it's not Nicolas.”

No, he’s not here. I recognize the other human as Anya, Elle’s friend. I’ve smelled her on Elle and at her home.” Aiden tried the knob to find it locked. Twisting harder, the lock snapped.

He moved into the darkness of the first floor, a glow from upstairs c
atching his attention.  He started up the steps with Gregory and Julian following close behind, weapons out and ready.

Opening the first door, he found the room empty. The next revealed the bathroom; also empty. Only two more doors
were left and both had lights creeping underneath.

Aiden s
niffed the air and decided to start with the door of the room the unknown vampire hid in. Gregory and Julian stood on one side as he did the other. Lifting his hand, he held three fingers up and silently counted down.

Slamming his foot into the door, pieces of wood flew in all directions. Aiden's only concern
was the large redheaded vampire holding Anya around her throat. Then he noticed her silver eyes. The son of a bitch had turned her.

Don’t make another move or she’s dead.” The stranger pulled his arm tighter but Aiden could tell he wasn’t hurting her. His threat seemed weak.

The male looked familiar.
“I don’t think you’ll do that. Why go through the trouble of turning her if you're just going to kill her so easily?”

Gregory looked at him funny as his gaze switched between them both. Julian did the same.

“What?” What the hell did they find so damn intriguing?

He looks just like you. Well, except for the hair.” Gregory never turned his sword away from the target.

Aiden held one dagger in his left hand and his gun in the other. Shock froze him for a split second. Sniffing, he smelled sex but more than anything he could smell the familiar scent from the warehouse. Gregory told the truth about the redhead. He could’ve been Aiden’s twin.
All but the red hair.

Red hair reminding
Aiden of… He shook his head as he denied his thoughts. Luciana died. After she killed so many, Nicolas killed her for Aiden.

Aiden brought his attention back to the redhead.

“Who are you?” Needing to clear up the things running through his head, Aiden demanded an answer.

My name is Lucian Aiden Davron.” His lips lifted into a cocky grin.

Gregory’s mouth dropped.
“You had a son?”

Aiden, you didn’t mention a son. I know we weren't close for a while but I’d have thou—”

No! Luciana died. We never had kids.” He ended Julian’s sentence, not caring about formality at the moment.

You’re wrong. She nearly died but she survived and so did I. No one knew she was pregnant. Not even her.” Pain flickered in his eyes before his lips lifted into a snarl and his gaze narrowed on Aiden accusingly. “You failed in killing us and now you’ll pay for the fuck up.”

Aiden couldn’t speak and he sure as hell couldn’t move. The red-haired vampire holding an innocent girl around the throat
was his son. His son who had been raised under the guidance of Luciana, a rogue.

Knowing Elle
was still in danger, Aiden pushed all other thoughts away to analyze later. “Where’s Elle?”

Fangs disappeared as his son closed his mouth tight.
Stubborn ass.

Alright, if that’s how you want to play.” Aiden didn’t give a shit about hurting his son. One pull of his finger and the gun fired. The bullet hit Lucian in the shoulder and hit hard enough to loosen his grip on Anya.

She collapsed with her body still weak from a recent transition. Falling hard, she still didn’t wake up completely.

Lucian grabbed her but not in the threatening way he had before. The tender way he held Anya surprised Aiden considering who’d raised him.

Aiden rushed in while Lucian
was distracted and locked his arm tight around Lucian’s neck.

Gregory didn’t waist a second, pulling Anya out of Lucian’s arms. All hell broke loose.

The crack of head hitting jaw sounded loud as Lucian slammed his head back. Aiden’s grasp loosened but he didn’t let go completely until a boot connected with his shin. “Son of a bitch!”


Lucian twisted then kicked his foot directly into Aiden’s gut.

Fighting for air, Aiden could only watch as Lucian spun with his foot still in the air
, going over Anya’s head to hit Gregory dead in the face. Curses exploded from Gregory’s mouth.

With every bit of will power Aiden had, he tackled Lucian to the ground. Anya took a hit since Lucian had her in his arms
once again but Aiden wouldn't let his son get away. Not when he’d just discovered him. He had to find out if his son had turned rogue like his mother or if the boy even knew the difference.

Collin appeared with his sword raised directly against Lucian’s throat and Aiden started to panic.

Collin eased his weapon away from Lucian when they both had him contained. Smells of multiple rogues hit his senses and everyone stiffened. Three rogues came through the door and more followed behind.
“Son of a bitch! Everyone, ready!”

Aiden held his daggers ready and waited for the attack
as the first rogue went straight for him. Ducking from the gruesome claws swiped at his throat, Aiden swung one foot out and brought the rogue to the ground. He gave the rogue no time as he stabbed a dagger deep into the rogue's chest and used the other dagger to remove his head.

Around him, Gregory took down his own vampire with the same speed
before he started on the next.

Lena held her own along with Collin who worked on his second.

Aiden checked on the prince and when he saw Julian working his way through the rogues with his famous speed, he searched for Anya and caught sight of a stray rogue heading for her.

Lucian jumped in front of her with a sword of his own and swung with ease.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Touch her and you die. Or better yet, I think you’ll just die.”

Aiden didn’t understand his son. He thought the Guardians were bad though he obviously knew the rogues weren’t any good.

“We were told to only spare your life.” With every word the rogue spoke, black spit came from his mouth. “She was not part of the plan. We were told she was to be killed for sure.”

A scream full of rage and hurt exploded from his son’s mouth. Lucian lifted his sword high, swung fast and hard until the rogue's head fell to the ground. Black blood ate through the carpet like acid.

Aiden went on full alert when another rogue crept up behind his son with his claws out and ready. Without another thought, Aiden threw his dagger to pierce through the rogue’s heart.

Lucian took the rogue's head as he fell to his knees, screaming in pain. A look of confusion crossed his son’s face before he turned back to check on Anya.

Aiden had to take Lucian in but he would give him his time to care for her. The connection his son felt toward Anya had to be strong to go against his own beliefs.

Out of nowhere female laughter and Julian’s cry out in pain sounded in the hall.
Aiden and the other Guardian took off at full speed. The world seemed to freeze as they watched their prince fall and Aiden’s mate, the one he believed to be dead, ran off laughing.

Lucian tried to escape past them but Aiden slammed the hilt of his dagger into the back of Lucian's head, knocking him out cold.

“Go get her, damn it!” Julian growled at them.

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