Alayziah II: When Loving Him is Complicated (10 page)



Rell asked me to meet him at his studio downtown instead of the one at his house. That was when I remembered he set things up for me to meet some chick he wanted me to write for. Said she could really sing. Said she had that soulful Fantasia vibe. Said she was a church girl that wanted to switch over. I wasn’t too hype about meeting her simply because of the fraudulence I’d just encountered with Alex and Carmen, but I was willing to put that aside to help him. With my writing and his producing, we were going to be the newest power couple in the industry. If I had to use this chick to get there… so be it.

When I pulled up to the studio Kai’s face popped up on my phone. I answered immediately. BJ was going to be making his arrival soon, so we all were on call.


“Hey, boo. You at the studio yet?”

“Yeah. What’s up? You good?” I asked, starting my car back up.

“Yeah, I’m good. Bishop wanna talk to you.”

Surprised I cut the car back off and looked at the phone. “Ummm, okay.”

“Alayziah,” he said in that voice that I knew Kailani loved.

“What’s up, nigga?”

“Aye, this chick Rell tryna get you to work with, Ion like her ass. You need to watch her.”

I smiled. “Why don’t you like her, Bishop?”

“Ion know, Al, to be honest. I just got a bad vibe when I met her that day at the studio. Ion know if you get down like your sister or not but I just wanted to warn you just in case some shit pop off.”

“Yeah I heard Layyah crazy. That runs in the family. I ain’t worried about that other chick, though. If she wants it she can get it no problem, and even if she don’t want it if she comes for my nigga I’m serving her ass.”

He chuckled but I was dead serious.

“Yeah, you’re definitely Lay’s sister. Damn, I wish I could see you with her. You going in yet?”

“Nah, I’m still in my car instigating ass nigga.”

He laughed. “Mane, fuck all that. A nigga needs a little action every now and then. Kai’s boring ass don’t even care about a nigga no mo. She used to be crazy about me. Now, she don’t care who look at me or try to get at me.”

“That’s cause yo ass ain’t crazy! Play with me if you want to, Bishop,” Kailani said in the background.

I smiled at their exchange.

“Mane, I’m just playing. Watch yo mouth nigga, you ain’t slick. Listen, though, Al, call me if you need me.”

“Will do. Appreciate you looking out too.”

“You good.” He disconnected the call and I sat there for a moment to compose myself before I went inside. After getting out of my car, I dragged myself into the studio. I had a bad feeling about this. I don’t know what it was but I just felt like some shit was about to go down. Stopping in the hallway, I leaned against the wall and inhaled deeply. My phone began to ring and I pulled it out of my pocket to answer.

“Hey, pretty girl,” I spoke to Jessica. I told her to call me when she got out of school and of course, she called as soon as she walked out.

“Allie cat.”

“What’s wrong?”

“RiRi said you ain’t gone be at his house when I get there. Why not?” I rolled my eyes. I knew Jabari did that shit on purpose.

“I’m at the studio, boo.”

“Well, will you come when you get out? We’re off from the restaurant tonight so I was hoping we could watch a movie or something.”

“Listen… you know I love you like a little sister and I’m always going to be here for you, but I’m not so sure if it’s a good idea for me to be coming over as much anymore. I’m in a relationship now and I have to respect my man, but if you want to come to my place once I fix it up you can. And we can always go out.”

“Allliiiee caaaat,” she whined. “How could you?”

“I’m sorry, Jess. Your brother is a great guy… it just… wasn’t meant for us.”

“You didn’t even try.”

“We did. I know you might not understand it now but not everyone that you come into contact with is going to be your mate. Jabari and I… we have a strange relationship. We’re there for each other tough, but I don’t think it’s meant for us to be in a relationship, honey.”

“It’s not because of me is it? I won’t call you as much if it is.”

“No, no. No. That’s not it at all. It has nothing to do with you don’t even think that.”

“Okay. Well, I need to meet this nigga.”

I smiled. “You will meet him soon enough, Pretty girl.”

“Okay. Have fun at the studio!”

“I will. I’ll call you later.”

“K, bye, Allie cat. I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.”

I smiled as I disconnected the call and I wore my smile all the way to the studio, but my smile immediately faded at the sight of Carmen. I saw Rell smiling and saying something to me but I didn’t hear him. Everything in the room went silent as my eyes focused in on Carmen. She was sitting there smiling – as if we had no history.

Before I could stop myself, I rushed her and started beating her face in. Rell pulled me off but I punched him unintentionally and ran up on Carmen, kicking her face until Rell lifted me into the air. He dragged me out and I could see his lips moving, but I still heard nothing. Nothing but the beating of my heart and Alex’s last words ringing in my ears.
“It was always you, Noelle. You were my one and only. I love you.”



“Mane, what the fuck is wrong with you? Have you lost your damn mind?” I screamed as I carried Alayziah out of the studio. I didn’t know what the hell had just happened. All I know is when Al came in the studio her ass pounced on Carmen so fast I couldn’t even stop the shit. Then her skinny strong ass punched the shit out of me when I pulled her off. She better hope my jaw don’t have a bruise on it or I’m gone beat her ass. Carmen might not have been able to get up with her but I wasn’t gone play with her bipolar ass. When we made it outside, I let her go. She still hadn’t answered me. She was shaking so bad she sat down on the ground and started rocking.

“Alayziah, what the hell is going on?” I asked for the third time. Finally, she looked up at me with tears streaming down her face. Her hands trembled as she palmed her face. I squatted in front of her and tried to remove them, but she wouldn’t let me.

“Baby… talk to me. Let me fix it,” I pleaded. At first, I was mad because she was fighting. Now, I was getting mad because she was so upset and there was nothing I could do about it. “Alayziah…”

“That’s the bitch. That’s the bitch he was with. He married that bitch like what we had wasn’t shit. What is she doing here, Terrell? You fucking her too?” She sobbed as she finally faced me.

“Hell nah, I ain’t fucking her. I told you she came at me on some music shit. Said she wanted me to produce her album, so I agreed.”

“Rell, she’s a fraud, my nigga. That hoe don’t mean you no good. She means me harm.”

I nodded as I lifted her to her feet. “Say no more. Get in your car and don’t get out when I bring her out here.”


“Gone, Alayziah. And don’t get your ass out the car.”

Cursing me out under her breath she stomped over to her car and slammed the door once she got in. I walked back into the studio and Carmen was gone. She must have parked in the back of the studio because there was no way she could have left without us seeing her. After cutting the lights off and locking my shit up, I made my way back outside. Figured I was going to have to fuck this aggression out of Alayziah, but before I did, I was going to have to call Bishop. He wasn’t gone believe this shit. The nigga was right about Carmen all along.



Rell wanted me to follow him back to his place, but I didn’t. I was pissed. Carmen tried it! I bet her ass was the one that trashed my place and had been blowing my phone up. Her ass was definitely going to have to be handled. I drove to her and Alex’s old home hoping she still stayed there, but she didn’t, so I called Alex’s brother Terrance to see if he knew how I could find her.

“Al… what’s up ma?”

“Terrance you will not believe what just happened.”

“What? You good?”

“Yeah, nigga, I’m good. Carmen ain’t though. I just beat her ass, and when I see her, I’m beating her ass again. You know where she’s staying now?”

“Damn, nah, but I can find out for you. What happened? Where you at? Meet me somewhere.”

“Aight. Where you wanna meet?”

“I’m going to Fox and Hound in about an hour with a few of my niggas. You can meet me there if you want.”

“Cool. I’ll see you in a few.”



I had been blowing Alayziah’s phone up and she hadn’t answered since she ditched me on the expressway. That was cool, though. I was gone make her ass pay for it when she came home. For now, I was over Bishop and Kai’s house in his man cave – on my third blunt. Shit wasn’t even calming my nerves like it normally did. I was too worried about my baby.

“Damn nigga, that shit bruised already,” Bishop said looking at the side of my face. I rubbed my jaw absently and shook my head. Alayziah had a mean right on her.

“Nigga, she caught me so off guard with that punch I couldn’t even protect myself,” I said laughing lightly.

“I told you some was up with Carmen. You know anything about her and the nigga?”

“I mean… she told me little bits and pieces. All I know is she was talking to the nigga and she loved him but he married somebody else, Carmen I guess. Died shortly after. The way she talked about it makes it seem like her and the nigga might’ve had a chance to work the shit out but he died before they could.”


“I think Carmen was the one that was in her apartment too. Bitch is crazy. She’s mentally crazy. Al is crazy like Lay, popping off any minute, but Carmen, she’s a stalker. Crazy. Al better watch that shit. You can’t fight everybody. Ain’t no telling what Carmen up to, and I ain’t tryna have to body that bitch, but I will.”

“Shit, I feel you. Might need to do that shit anyway. Her ass needs to be dealt with, preferably before my son gets here.”

I sighed heavily. I couldn’t make any moves until I talked to Alayziah. I decided to call her again to see if she’d answer. When she didn’t I asked Bishop to get Kai to call her. He shot Kai and text and she called him. He put her on speakerphone.


“Yes, Bishop?”

“Call Al and see if she’ll pick up.”

“Rell still ain’t getting no answer?”

“Duh. Why would I tell you to call her if she was answering his calls?”

“Shut up, Bishop. You’re such an as…”

“Such a what?”

I shook my head at them and chuckled.


“That’s what I thought. Call her.”

“Aight. Hold on.”

I sat next to Bishop, unsure of how to feel. If she answered, I was gone be pissed. If she didn’t, I was gone be pissed. Now was not the time for her to be pulling no disappearing acts.

“Baby?” Kai said as she clicked back over.

“I’m here.”

“Kai… you good?” Alayziah asked. Before Kai could answer, I grabbed Bishop’s phone and jumped up.

“Aw, so you can answer her phone calls, but you can’t answer mine?” I yelled.


“Don’t Rell me. Where the fuck you at, Alayziah?”

“Fox and Hound.”

“Fox and Hound? With who?”

Took her a while to respond, but when she finally did, she whispered, “Terrance.”

“And, who the fuck is that? Alayziah, you gone make me pop a fucking vessel and strangle yo ass, mane.”

“He’s Alex’s brother. I was trying to see if he could get me, Carmen.”

“Fuck that. Take yo ass home.”

“But, Rellll…”

“Take yo ass home now, Alayziah. I ain’t playing with yo ass. Don’t be at the house when I get there and watch what happen…” I hung up before she could even respond. I gave Bishop his phone back and sat back down. After running my fingers through my dreads and groaning, I relit my blunt and tried to calm down before I headed home.

“Swear I thought I was done with this shit when I cut Lay’s ass off,” I said more to myself than Bishop.

“Damn, nigga, I thought Alayziah’s ass was gone be stress-free for ya. Thought she was gone be a quiet lil normal junt. Fooled yo ass.”

“Mane, what? It’s cool, though. She’s worth it.”

“Is she?”

“Hell yeah. She’s to me what Kai was to you.”

“Damn. Go see about your woman, then. Break her. Make her fall in love with you. Then, that ass will be on some act right.”

“You already know how I do. She’s getting it tonight.”



“How long are you going to be gone, baby? You know I don’t mind watching my grandbabies but we will be in revival next week. I can’t have them running all over the church.”

I rolled my eyes as my mother spoke. She was holding my youngest daughter in her hands as I packed my bags. I knew Alayziah was going to be looking for me so I had to get away for a few days to come up with my next plan. I wanted her dead – period and I was going to do whatever it took to make that happen.

“Ma… I don’t know how long I’ll be gone but it won’t be long. A week tops.”

“A week? Can't you wait until after revival? Does this have anything to do with what happened to your face? Baby, if someone is after you, you need to go to the police.”

“No, ma, and trust me, if there was someone else I could leave my kids with I would, but seeing as my husband is no longer here you’re all I have.”

“I know, baby. You know I don’t mind. I’ll just… I’ll make it work.”

I stopped packing long enough to hug her before I returned my attention to my bags.

“How are Alex’s parents doing anyway?”

“Fine, Ma. Just fine.”


“Ma, please. It’s bad enough that you let your husband practically run Alex away from me and into Alayziah’s arms. I really don’t want to talk to you about this.

“That is enough, Carmen. I get that you’re hurting, but I will not allow you to disrespect me especially when I’m trying to help you. Alex didn’t leave you because of your father. He left you because he wasn’t the man for you. None of the men that you’ve chosen to give yourself to have been. Your father saw that. Now the way he went about expressing that to you may not have been the best, but baby he did it out of love.”

I didn’t respond. I couldn’t respond. I was tired of having this conversation with her and with myself. Alex was mine. He was supposed to be my forever. Alayziah ruined that. She had to pay.

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