Read Alien Sex 102 Online

Authors: Allie Ritch

Alien Sex 102 (18 page)

Whitt’s head snapped around so fast she swore she heard a whipping sound. “You watched
Jump Warrior I
? And you want to watch the sequel?”

She shrugged. “It’s a trilogy. Of course I have to see the second installment. Besides, I really like Letaj. She’s got all these cool telepathic powers, she lives by a strict ethical code, and she keeps searching for the answer to her people’s creation despite all the obstacles. Although she and Zudyphor don’t always see eye to eye, they’re the perfect complement for each other.”

“Huh.” He blinked. “I found a girl who likes to watch action movies.”

Selecting the film, he settled back to eat with one hand. The other one was busy stroking the side of her shoulder where he draped his arm around her.

The food was delicious, as was the feel of him snuggled against her side. Over the next hour and a half, they fed each other every last bite and finished just as the sun set and the movie ended.

“I don’t believe it,” Spri murmured when it was over. “Letaj reprogrammed the nano-cyborgs inside Zudyphor using only her mental powers, and now he has super strength and accelerated healing?”

“Makes sense.” Whitt stroked his chin in feigned contemplation. “Those puny cyborgs will have a better time inside Zud than they ever did with the villainous Cist. Besides, he needed a boost so he can match Cist in the third movie.”


She settled deeper into the pillows and crossed her arms until she caught the way Whitt was looking at her.

“What?” she demanded.

With a smile, he reached beneath the pillow on the far side of the bed and pulled out something she hadn’t seen him tuck there. Expecting another naughty sex prop, she was surprised when he plopped a tiny wrapped box on her lap.

“What’s this?” She hardly dared to breathe.

Not all races shared the same courting rituals, so Spri wasn’t sure of the significance. Such a small package, though, had to contain—

“Open it,” he urged her.

Pulling the paper off, she revealed the box beneath and popped it open to find a tiny, fuzzy figure staring back at her.

“Hello, there,” she said, quickly banishing visions of jewelry.

Inside was a plush blue teddy bear the same shade as Whitt’s eyes. When she laid it down in her open hand, it barely filled her palm.

“Touch the embroidered heart on its chest,” Whitt told her.

As soon as she did, the bear stood up and looked at her. “Hello,” it said in a little boy’s voice. “Whitt says you’re very special. He picked me out just for you. Will you take me home with you?”

“That is so cute.” She immediately cooed over the little toy. “Of course, I’ll take you home.”

Although the bear had to have some kind of hard skeleton and AI chip inside, all she could feel was its soft fur and squishy cotton insides.

When she squeezed it, the bear giggled. “You’re fun and pretty. I like you.”

“I like you too.” She turned to Whitt. “Thank you. You are such a sweet guy.”

His cheeks flushed, and he shrugged. “Yeah, well…romance and all that.”

“Do you want to play?” the bear asked.

Whitt answered for her. “She’ll play with you later, buddy. It’s my turn now.”

“Okay.” The bear sat down in her palm like he’d watch.

“Just touch his heart again to shut him down,” Whitt told her. “We don’t want to shock his innocent eyes with our play.”

Now she was the one blushing. “Of course.” She rubbed one finger between the bear’s ears. “Okay, sweetie. You take a nap now.”

“Night-night.” Pillowing his head on his paws, her new toy struck a sleeping pose when she turned it off.

She carefully set it aside.

“I love it.” Throwing her arms around Whitt’s neck, she dropped kisses all over his face and told him how wonderful he was just to see him turn pink again.

They both heated up for entirely different reasons when their mouths connected. His tongue traced the seam of her lips before slipping inside and sweeping away all hope for rational thought. Spri gave back as good as she got.

He moved his mouth down to her shoulder. “I love seeing you in my shirt, but I like you even better out of it.”

His body heat hit her naked breasts like a solar blast the second he tore her top off over her head. Working frantically, she removed his T-shirt and employed both her hands and feet to strip his pants and underwear down his legs. They both laughed breathlessly when his ankles got tangled up, but he freed himself quickly. Excitement flared in his eyes as he handed her one of the gloves and they both put them on.

The vibrators in the palms gave off only an infinitesimal hum, which was further muffled by their frantic breathing. Not wasting time, Whitt ran his hands up the insides of her legs and spread her wide so he could drop between her thighs. His lips puckered around her nipple and sucked until she swore she felt an echo of sensation in her other breast. Then he had one vibrating finger pressed firmly against her clit while he laved her nipples back and forth.

Spri tried to reach for him to return the pleasure, but she couldn’t get a clear shot at his lower half. All she could do was lay there and take it. Tension coiled in her womb, making her insides feel tight and needy. Nerve endings lit up in a perfect “Y” from her jittering clit to each breast, which he still attacked with his mouth. Her toes curled and raked the sheet beneath her as she drew her legs up to cradle him more fully.

After what seemed like forever, he finally shifted up to kiss her lips. She snagged his cock.

“Oh, yeah,” he groaned long and loud.

Thumbing his dripping slit, she ran her vibrating grasp slowly from the crown of his cock to his tensed balls. This made him moan even more dramatically, but he didn’t stop teasing her poor nubbin. His longest finger found her opening, circled a few times, and invaded her channel. Her hips lifted off the bed.

“That’s it.” He grunted. “Grind your hips.”

With a gasp of pleasure, she did as instructed, raising her hips into each stroke as he pumped her. At the same time, he thrust his pelvis so that he slid in and out of her encircling hand in the ancient male rutting rhythm. His breathing grew heavier. Her orgasm was climbing. They were almost there.

“Wait!” he cried.


Catching her hand, he pulled it away from his erection and placed it on his shoulder. “I don’t want to come too soon. I want more.”

His finger whipped out of her, but the pad of his thumb still circled her aching clit. Her pulse fluttered up and down inside her sheath, and then her impending climax seemed to double in velocity. It was bearing down on her fast and unbelievably hard.

The first precursors were just starting to make her moan when something larger and hotter than his finger pressed against her entrance.

“Whitt?” She said his name uncertainly.

“Trust me, babe.”

Spri groaned and arched her neck before she could get another word out. Any second now. The “O” was coming…coming…

The pressure of his erection against her vagina increased, which broke through the haze of lust enough to make her look at him. At the same time, it ratcheted up the sexual tension building inside her an extra notch.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

His teeth were gritted so hard she could see his cheek muscles bulging. “Let me put the head in. Just the head.”

Ah, gods. This was a bad idea. They were moving too fast, and he still didn’t understand. But it felt so good. She wanted to take him inside her, hold him there. It wasn’t full intercourse if just the crown of his cock was inside, right?

“Only the head,” she agreed.

Enough time had passed since she’d had a man inside her that her muscles were extremely tight. He had to use small stabbing motions to work himself forward until he popped past the resisting ring. They both kicked their heads back and moaned in tortured bliss.

“So good,” he hissed. “So tight.”

With his hand, he kept prodding her clit and massaging her labia. Meanwhile, his partial entry was enough to make her burn. Tingles raced up and down all her extremities, leaving her shaking with the power of the orgasm threatening to break free.

Whitt’s tone turned pleading. “A little more. I’ll go in so easy, Spri.”

Yes! Her cream already anointed his cock. It would take nothing for him to slide right in to the hilt. She could do it herself just by bucking her hips. Then they could connect—intimately, fully—and take this to a whole new level. Except…

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Spri knew there was a very good reason not to take that final step. It was just hard to remember what it was when she began to thrash her head back and forth. The first contractions were starting.

“Please.” He was already pushing forward. “I can feel you grabbing on to me.”

Drawing on some last vestige of sanity, she did the only thing she could think of to stop him. Dropping her hand, she grabbed his cock tightly and held him hostage. At the same instant, her climax barreled over her.

“Ahhhh!” They bellowed together.

The feel of his hot spunk jetting into her told her that she’d grabbed him just in time. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her vagina convulsed around the thick invading head of his dick again and again. It was only once the spasms subsided that she realized how close to disaster she’d come.


Easing down from his climax, Whitt was left too sated to feel cheated by the fact he hadn’t gotten fully inside Spri. They’d certainly come damn close, and he had no doubt they’d go all the way next time. Considering how tight she was, that was probably for the best. He was better off entering her when he had enough control to be nice and gentle. They’d leave the gloves off for that.

Stretching back with a loud yawn, he tucked her against his side. Which was when he noticed she was shaking.

“You all right, Spri? Are you cold?”

Shaking her head, she audibly swallowed. She offered a strained smile. “No. Just overwhelmed.”

He knew the feeling. Ever since he’d met her, he felt like someone had tagged him right between the eyes with a laser blast.

“Everything will be fine,” he told her, wishing he could think of something more romantic to say. Maybe they should have watched that sappy movie about the poet after all. “Just let me hold you.”

She buried her head against his shoulder and stayed put.

It took several minutes or more before she finally seemed to calm down. Whitt wasn’t quite sure since he drifted off a bit.

When she did stop trembling, she made a muffled noise and pushed herself up into a sitting position. “I’d better go. I need to get home and change, and I have work tomorrow.”

The level of disappointment he felt over this pronouncement was as absurd as it was unexpected. He tried not to let it show.

“I’ll walk you home.”

“Stay and relax.” Leaning forward, she planted a quick kiss on his forehead. “It’s not that far. Besides, I have my new little friend to keep me company.”

She glanced at the bear he’d given her before getting up to dress.

Whitt’s train of thought temporarily derailed while he watched her cover up her naked body. Then he managed to focus again.

“Want to do dinner tomorrow night? I could bring something over to your place.”

She nibbled on her lower lip and cuddled her new toy against her chest. “You know I’d love to see you, but I’m not sure tomorrow is a good idea. I’m modeling for class Tuesday night, and I’d like to wait to get together after that.”

Although he didn’t follow her reasoning, he didn’t want to be one of those clingy losers who begged for his girlfriend’s every free second.

He shrugged. “Fine by me. Do you know where we’re heading after class this week?”

“Katra’Ruma left me a message that she’s picked out a restaurant a few blocks down.” She sounded amused. “Apparently she wants to try their soup again so she can figure out what they put in it. The chef refuses to share his recipe.”

“She cooks?” Somehow Whitt had never pictured their classmate as the domestic type.

Now it was Spri’s turn to shrug. “It should be interesting to see her and Krux now that they’re an item. I wonder if they’ll still bait each other as much.”

Somehow he doubted they would, at least to the same degree. After all, sexual relief did wonders for one’s mood.

Chapter Twelve

Commitment Issues

All day Monday at work, Spri thought about Whitt and what had almost happened between them. Part of her was relieved she’d stopped him from coming fully inside her. After all, she didn’t want him accusing her of tricking him into a bonding, and she wasn’t convinced he was ready for that kind of commitment. Another part of her—that precious piece that couldn’t stop smiling and basking in the glow of new love—wished they’d finished what they’d started. What they had together was so special maybe he’d want to play for keeps.

She’d find out for sure at tomorrow night’s class. After he learned about Litting sexuality, he’d understand exactly how serious that last step was. Spri hoped it didn’t scare him off.

When she got home, she immediately picked up the little bear he’d given her, whom she’d appropriately named Blue. Her heart warmed every time she looked at it and pictured Whitt buying it for her in the store. The adorable creature stretched as it woke up from its nap.

“You’re home!” Blue cheered right away. “Can we play now?”

“What do you want to play?” she asked, wondering how much the toy was programmed to do.

“How about hide-and-seek?”

That made her smile, but she did want to at least give Whitt a call tonight. Her exit last night had been kind of abrupt.

“I’d love to,” she agreed, “but why don’t we call Whitt first?”

The bear nodded enthusiastically. “I like Whitt. Whitt took me home so I could be adopted by someone extra special.”

“Then let’s go tell him thanks.”

Plopping in front of her living room vid screen, she settled the bear so he was sitting on her lap. Everything remained dark for several seconds after she logged in Whitt’s code, but then his handsome face filled the screen. His eyes widened in surprise.

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