All Fired Up (DreamMakers) (20 page)

Read All Fired Up (DreamMakers) Online

Authors: Vivian Arend,Elle Kennedy

Lynn’s crystal eyes sparkled as she admired their surroundings. “I feel like a little girl who’s been given a magic mirror. There’re so many beautiful things to look at.”

“Naah, there’s only one beautiful thing worth looking at.” Parker linked their fingers together, unable to stop touching her, his gaze fixated on her.

Her lips pulled into a satisfied smile.

“I appreciated your help with the recon the other day. And I thought it was only right to show you a little romance as a thank-you.”

“Is that what you’re doing tonight? Showing me you know what I like?”

“That’s what I do every night.” He let go of her hand and stretched his arm along the back curve of the couch. The position encouraged her to lean against his biceps and offered a mouthwatering view of her delectable breasts. “But tonight especially.”

Her lips grazed his cheek before she faced forward again, the distance between their bodies remaining unchanged. Her thigh remained tight to his, one soft breast pressed against his side.

White-suited waiters floated in with appetizers and salads, appearing and vanishing as if by magic.

“Did you pay extra for the wait staff to never interrupt us?” Lynn laid her fingers on his thigh, and Parker’s body tightened with need.

“It’s Eternity on the Bay, sweetheart. Superior service is expected at a place like this. Makes it a favorite for local celebrities.”

“Are there any famous people here tonight?” Lynn craned her neck as she casually glanced around the restaurant. “Movie stars, singers—do you see anyone important?”

“I see the most important person in the world, and she’s right here.” Oh boy. Parker gave himself a mental smack. He really was being a romantic sap—and he couldn’t stop himself.

Lynn didn’t seem to mind. She abandoned her covert surveillance and gave him a sweet smile. “That’s about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

They got caught staring at each other, his gaze drifting from her eyes to her lips to the curve of where her neck and shoulder met before repeating it all over again. Yeah. He was well and truly gone on this woman, and there was no use pretending otherwise.

Lynn shared a story about Suz’s escapades at work. Parker countered with one about Dean and the time he dressed up in women’s clothing to rescue a client who’d lost his date in the ladies-only area of a resort.

The two of them enjoyed their meal, laughter coming easily and often. Parker was comfortable with her in a way he’d never been with another woman, even as the physical attraction between them continued to grow.

Lynn closed her mouth around a piece of pecan-crusted veal, her lashes fluttering shut as she moaned happily.

“Oh. My. Word. This is so good.” She licked her lips and bestowed a dazzling smile on him. “Thank you for making this evening so special. I’ve never had anyone take me to a place like this. Or order an entire meal for me and get all my favorite dishes right.”

“So the food is what you’d have ordered?”

“The food is perfect.” Lynn shook her head. “I don’t know how you did it. I mean, you’re attentive and smart, but somehow you got all my favorite things.”

He laughed. “We’ve only spent the past couple of months together. I think during that time you gave me a hint or two.”

She held her fork in the air. “Maybe, but we never talked about my obsession with brandy cream sauces.”

“Obsession? Really? As in you like to roll in it, or you like others to roll in it for you?”

“You’re the romance expert.” Her expression turned sultry, a siren ready to seduce him into pleasure that would blow his mind and steal his soul. “You tell me.”

He had every intention of consuming her completely once they got back to his place. “I think you’re an amazing woman who would only be more desirable when covered in cream. No matter what kind.”

And there it was. The flush that never failed to rise to her cheeks arrived. Only she didn’t look away this time, meeting his gaze head-on. “Does this mean I get to lick you for dessert?”

His groin tightened impossibly. “You have licking privileges any time you want, sweetheart.”

A flash went off in the distance, the momentary brilliance reflected in her shining eyes. They both turned toward the door, Lynn squeezing his fingers excitedly as two familiar stars entered the restaurant. The accompanying paparazzi remained at a discreet distance, clicking photos of the couple waving to friends as they made their way to a more private section of the restaurant.

Lynn watched with fascination, and Parker watched her. The delight in her eyes only made him happier.

“Did you see? Did you see that?” She was damn near vibrating as she turned back with a gleeful squeal. “He’s one of my favorite actors. And she is
gorgeous. Did you see her dress? I mean, I would kill to be able to wear a dress like that.” Lynn caught his arm, wrapping her fingers around his biceps, happiness pouring off her. “Holy moly, that was incredible.”

Parker didn’t bother resisting temptation. He pressed his lips to her cheek as he slipped an arm behind her and soaked in her enthusiasm. Another flash went off in the distance, but he only had eyes for her. “
incredible. I’m glad you’re having fun, but are you ready to go home?”

She blinked in surprise. “What? No dessert?”

“Not here. Not for your perfect romantic date.” He handed over the menu of dessert offerings. “I considered special ordering, but decided I could make your favorite at home.”

Lynn ran a finger down the list of exotic concoctions, her brow creasing into a frown. “Whoever planned this menu must’ve been high.”


“Gorgonzola-pecan tarts with lychee compote?” A small gagging noise escaped her, and he laughed at her honesty as she clasped her hands and acted the damsel in distress. “Save me from the wicked lychees, Parker.” He was still chuckling when those mesmerizing blue eyes fixed on him, eyelids fluttering lower. “I would love to go home with you.”

Her words came out breathy and low. Maybe the seductress come-hither vibes weren’t intentional, but his cock didn’t care. And it wasn’t only his body that wanted her—it was more than simple physical attraction.

Although, there was a helluva lot of that as well.

Parker lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, never taking his eyes off hers. “Good. Because as beautiful as you look in that dress, I can hardly wait to get you out of it.”

“Is that what you’re offering me for dessert?”

“Nah. Sex is our agenda
you’ve enjoyed dessert.”

She swayed into his arms as they eagerly left the booth. Lynn slid her arm under his suit jacket, fingers teasing his back as they took the elevator from the restaurant to the waiting limo.

Not even Jack’s grin, visible in the rearview mirror, interrupted Parker’s absolute fascination with the woman at his side. It had been an extraordinary evening so far, and things were just going to get better.



She tingled with anticipation, even before he returned from the kitchen and rested his hands on her hips. His mouth went unerringly to the sensitive spot on her neck that made her toes curl into the lush rug underfoot.

“Parker. I’ll never finish my ice cream if you keep interrupting.”

He sank his teeth into her earlobe. “You’re taking forever to eat.”

“Good quality vanilla ice cream is nothing to rush.”

Parker hummed happily as he continued to torment her. “I’ve created a monster.”

Lynn made her version of a zombie noise, and he laughed.

She took her time licking the ice cream cone he’d handed her after they entered his apartment. He’d been one hundred percent right about this as well. The simple sweet treat was far more her style than anything listed on the fancy restaurant offering.

Although she had absolutely loved going to the upscale retreat for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The wine, the appetizers, the main course—all fabulous. But it had been his attention that made her feel as if she were a princess in waiting. “Thank you for the amazing dinner.”

His strong features brightened with pleasure. “Did I get it right?”

“Everything. Everything was perfect.” Even the size of the ice cream cone. She popped the final bite in her mouth and licked her fingers clean as he turned her in his arms.

“I’m glad.” He circled his hands lightly over her butt before swooping them up her back and settling her tighter against his body. “You deserve nothing but the best.”

. “You really are being a romantic tonight, aren’t you?”

He played with her zipper, his fingers warm on her nape as he stroked her skin. “Does it bother you?”

“I love all your moods. When you’re possessive, when you’re sweet.” She loved everything about him, if she was willing to confess the complete truth.

They were rapidly approaching a very finite line in the sand, and Lynn wasn’t nearly as afraid to step over as she thought she’d be. “Are you going to undress me?”

Parker released the first couple of inches of her zipper. “How did you get this dress on in the first place?”

“Why do you think I go to yoga?”

He didn’t answer. He was too busy kissing the skin slowly revealed as the sheath slipped from her shoulders to puddle on the floor.

“Jesus, Lynn. No bra? No panties?”

Which meant no waiting as he skimmed his palms up her waist to cup her breasts.

She let him caress her, soaking in the sensations for a minute before slipping from his grasp and going to her knees.

Parker swore softly. “What are you doing, beautiful lady?”

Lynn lifted her chin as she put her hands to his belt buckle. “Something romantic from your wish list. To prove I’ve been listening, too.”

“I have a list?”

She nodded, the leather separating from the buckle and pulling from the loops with a gentle whoosh. She tossed it aside, then paused before undoing his button. “Wait. You need to grab your present first.”

Parker had his fingers tangled in her hair. “I’ve already got my present right here.”

A delicious shiver rolled over her skin. “In my purse. You need to open it. Please?”

It was a reluctant man who stroked her cheek, staring at her as he paced unseeing through the living room to scoop up the teeny silver pouch she’d brought with her for only one reason.

He strode back like his pants were on fire, thrusting the purse at her.

“Open it,” she insisted.

“Hell no. If I’ve had one thing beat into me over the years it’s that a man never, ever, under any circumstances, goes in a woman’s purse. Ask Pepper sometime what she—never mind.”

Lynn shook her head, accepting the purse and pulling out the palm-sized package she’d placed inside. “You’re a nut.”

“You’re naked, kneeling on my floor and you want to give me a present?” Parker held out his hand. “I’m not the crazy one in this room, m’lady.”

He tore open the paper, his amused expression switching to shock, then earnest excitement. He shook the small boxes she’d given him—the small, empty boxes that had held her last two months of birth control pills.

“Does this mean? Can we…?”

“Speechless? Parker, this is so unlike you.”

He tossed the boxes on the couch and joined her on the floor, his arms tugging her to his firm body. “No more condoms? I’m just making sure I understand what you’re saying.”

“No more.” She wiggled, loving the sensation of rubbing her bare skin against his fully clothed body. “We knew before that we were both healthy. But now that we’re protected without—”

He didn’t let her finish. His lips were on hers, and there was no room for words. No need for them either as she pushed his jacket from his shoulders, her fingers on his shirt buttons before the jacket hit the floor.

She’d never experienced that “clothing flew everywhere” thing mentioned in books before, but it was possible.

Who knew?

Then Parker had her on the floor, his naked torso suspended over her by his strong, muscular arms. “Once isn’t going to be enough,” he warned.

Hmm, nice. “Of course not. We have different positions to try as well.” She ran her foot up the back of his leg, purring as he settled firmly between her thighs. “It might take a few nights.”

His eyes flashed with heat. “That sounds like a challenge.”

A challenge he seemed determined to win. Over and over again. All night long.





Jack strode into the office with a shit-eating grin, clutching a rolled-up newspaper in one hand and a takeout coffee cup in the other. “Mr. Wilson, Mr. Wilson, can I please have your autograph?” he said mockingly, then blinked when he realized only Dean was in the room. Damn. He was
to rag on Parker about the follow-up article that had shown up in today’s paper.

The other man snorted, holding up his own copy of the Bay City Press. “I did the same thing, but the jackass isn’t here yet.”

Jack frowned. Huh. That was weird. Parker was usually at the office before he and Dean even rolled out of their respective beds.

Then again, Parker was also having wild, lovey-dovey sex with his woman every night, and when your woman looked like Lynn Davidson, of course you didn’t want to drag yourself away.

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