All Good Things Exposed (7 page)

Read All Good Things Exposed Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

My insecure thoughts were quickly banished as I felt Jace's fingertips trace the line of my shoulder, gently, ever-so-slowly, pushing my hair off to my left side. The strands tickled my heavy breasts and my nipples that were already impossibly hard, elongated with the desire to feel his warm tongue lapping at them. Heat enveloped my body in a rush as Jace knelt behind me. I felt his body encase mine, his knees spread around my frame. He was still wearing his pajama pants. I could feel the fabric and I hated it. The thought made me frown and I was suddenly thankful he was behind me and unable to see my sudden disappointment.

"Don't move, Angel." His voice was low in my ear. "If you move I'll be forced to tie you up."

Oh. My. Goodness. What in the world had I gotten myself into? Well, it was too little too late to turn back now. And did I want to?

My thoughts were chased away as Jace pressed a hot kiss to my shoulder, moving slowly upward toward my neck. His hands circled my waist, his palms splayed over my stomach possessively as I sat obediently for his taking. When his fingertips met, his left hand moved slowly upward while his right moved down in perfect sync; a dance of possession over my body. As his left hand skimmed the underside of my breast, his right index finger slipped into my folds.

"You're so wet. Do you know how this pleases me?"

"I believe I do." I whispered hoarsely as his hand moved further south. He located the bundle of nerves at my sex with ease, rolling my clit between his fingertips, massaging, stroking…pinching…until I felt as though I were about to lose my mind. Moans that should have embarrassed me…would have embarrassed me sounded into the space around us, but I was too far-gone in the bliss of Jace's touch to notice or care. When his fingers found a stoic, but equally tormenting rhythm, his left hand resumed its path upward. He paused to kneed my achingly full breasts, working my nipple between his talented fingers. In sync, both hands grew rough and I cried out in tortured ecstasy. I couldn't decide whether I wanted him to continue his assault or stop. It was so deliciously painful I felt my eyes sting with tears and my throat constrict, growing thick emotion. I wanted to beg him…but for what?

Suddenly, his touch turned whisper-soft. My entire body, already on high alert, succumbed to thousands of goosebumps as I strained to feel the weight of his touch that had, only a moment prior, been too much. He maintained this excruciatingly tempting butterfly touch until I felt as though I were about to combust. I needed him. I had never been so wet in my entire life. I could feel my wetness on the skin of my inner thighs. My stomach ached, my body bowed, begging silently for penetration. I needed him inside me. I needed him now. I couldn't wait. If he made me wait for him…I might possibly die.

Robbed of all thought and rationality I pressed myself into his touch. The weight of his fingertips against my swollen flesh sent fireworks through my body. But the pleasure only lasted a moment before there was pain. Sweet pain. Jace's fingers pinched hard on my swollen clit before his other hand moved from my breast to my throat. Strong fingers wrapped around my throat, tilting my head to the side to expose the flesh of my neck. There was cool air as he blew on my sensitive flesh, and then there was the hot, bruising sting of teeth. He bit me before suckling at the hypersensitive skin, soothing the sting of his teeth. It all happened so fast my mind was left reeling numbly.

"I thought I told you not to move, Olivia." His voice was thick, and in response, a broken whimper fell from my lips.

"I'm sorry." My response was shaky and sounded meek even to my own ears. But I couldn't help it. Admittedly, I was afraid of acquiring another punishing touch. I'd pressed myself into Jace before in prior sexual encounters, but never had he punished me for the action. I didn't know what to think. I didn't take him seriously when he told me not to move before and I had been trying. But now, it was clear I had to succeed.

"What are you feeling, Angel?" Jace asked. His lips moved over the skin behind my ear and I shivered. Did I tell him the truth? Did I tell him I was confused, aroused, frustrated, degraded and slightly angry? Did I tell him I was embarrassed, uncertain and self-conscious? Would my feelings anger, enlighten or empower him?

"I don't know." I said quietly.

He nudged me and I felt the cloth over his hard shaft press against my butt. Again, I shivered. "Talk to me."

"I really don't know, Jace."

He sighed, heavy and loud. "All right then, Angel. We can play it your way."

What? Play it my way?

In three seconds flat, the warmth of Jace's body was replaced by cool air over my back. I wanted to cry out and beg him to come back…but I just didn't know what I would receive from him. Would I get gentle Jace, or angry Jace? Would I get Jace at all? I just didn't know. And right now, I didn't know what I wanted. My body was still throbbing for him on another plane of desire I'd never thought could possibly exist. But my mind was screaming for me to run from him. It was almost loud enough to elicit action, but my heart was louder still. And it screamed to wait for him. It begged and pleaded for me to wait out this confusing torment of sexual stimulation so I might catch a glimpse of the wounded soul hiding beneath the many layers of this man. I loved this man. There was no longer any doubt in my mind. I would do anything for him. Even at the risk of losing myself. I loved him so completely I was willing to risk my minds sanity for a chance at showing him, proving to him that there was another way. That this was not all there was. He could do better then this. But first, I had to understand the root of his desires. I had to meet the demon residing in the center of his soul so that I might hold a chance of defeating it. For Jace, I would submit to his demons because I knew he was still in possession of his heart. Even if he didn't believe he was. I knew it. I felt it. In his touches, however mistaken their malice, I knew there was passion and love. Even if he didn't recognize this. I knew it was there. I believed it lived and I would find it. Because I loved him.

"What are you thinking, Olivia?" Jace asked…or demanded.


"You're lying." His voice was coming from directly in front of me and I felt a blush taint my skin. Had he been watching me this whole time but I'd just been too lost in thought to recognize the feeling of his scorching blue eyes on my face? On my skin? Over my bared body?

"No, Jace." I argued feebly. I knew there was no point. But I was not telling him. He had control of my body and that was about as far as the extent of his control was going over me. My mind was still and always would be mine to control.

"Tell me, Olivia. I need you to talk to me."

I didn't say anything else. Instead, I maintained the position on the floor with my knees spread and waited for further instruction. When I didn't respond and it became clear to him that I would not relay my thoughts to him, I heard him sigh heavily.

"Stand." He said gruffly.

I obeyed. My legs were cramped from sitting so long on my knees and they ached as I stood. With the blindfold on, I felt my insecurities settle into the pit of my stomach. The persistent throb I'd experienced for Jace had dulled but was not gone. It was more of an irritation from going on too long unsatisfied. I didn't like it.

"What now?" I asked when I didn't hear him move toward or away from me.

"So impatient." His voice sounded right in front of me and I jumped. I hadn't known he was so close. I could feel his breath on my face now. I could taste him in the air. It calmed me. I knew it was an irrational response. But it was true none-the-less. Jace calmed me.

Without warning, Jace's hands were separating the folds of my most private, sensitive place. His finger massaged my opening and I gasped, pulling away fractionally. In response to my movement, his free hand palmed my ass, holding me in place.

"Don't move, Olivia."

I ground out a sound of utter frustration from between my lips and he chuckled. I wanted to wallop him on the head, but the desire was soon overridden by a more demanding need…for him.

"Spread your legs." His voice was coming from below me and I knew he was on his knees. What was he doing down there?


"Don't make me ask you again." His voice was rough, but the stroking of his thumb against my swollen opening was gentle. It was like he was trying to sooth my wired nerves. But that wasn't going to work. I was uncomfortable with what I believed he was about to do to me. I didn't want him to taste me. Not before I'd had my morning shower.

"I'm not comfortable with this." I whispered my words awkwardly.

I heard him sigh and a gust of air whispered against my skin as he walked away from me. I didn't know what to do. Was I supposed to remove the blindfold? Should I get myself dressed? Did he expect me to wait for him? What?

In the distance, over where I assumed the closet was I heard what sounded like metal on metal. The clinking of - chains? My entire body stiffened as I waited for what was coming. Was this where he whipped me? What was metal? I'd never loathed the idea of being blind more than I did in this moment. I felt as though I were being preyed upon. It was a terrifying feeling. Unnerving in the worst of ways.

The chains rattled in his grasp as he moved slowly closer to me. My heart was pounding so completely viciously in my chest, I could have sworn it would tear from my skin. Blood rushed through my body, filling every extremity apart from my head. It had to have ignored any contact with my brain because certainly, if my brain was receiving what it needed to think coherently, I would be fighting for my wellbeing. I wouldn't be waiting here like a sitting duck in the hunter's sights. I wouldn't be allowing myself to stand in such vulnerability. Surely I was smarter than this?

"Stretch your hands out in front of you." His voice was calm; eerily so. It worried me, but I complied regardless. The chains clinked and what felt like cool leather wrapped around one wrist. Jace tightened it before moving to the other wrist and doing the same thing. "These are restraints." He explained and I felt him move away from me, tugging on the chain as he went. Jace forced me to follow his lead blindly. For the first time, I was thankful for his immaculate room. It was highly unlikely that I would trip on something and fall on my face.

"Stop." I stopped walking immediately. Jace lifted my hands and the chain of the restraints slid against something high above my head. What the hell? "I've hooked you to the wall, Angel. You won't be able to release yourself no matter how hard you try. This is what you get when you don't listen, am I understood?"

I nodded weakly. "Yes."

There was rustling by my feet and I frowned. What was he doing down there? I didn't have time to ask. I felt the same leather that bound my wrists against my ankle. Was he tying my ankles together too? What was he going to do to me? I thought about crying 'exit' but I didn't want to use the safe word if I didn't really have to. And, right now, although I was feeling anything but safe, I held my tongue.

Jace pushed my legs apart and I felt leather against my other ankle. When he was done, I tried to close my legs, but found I couldn't. There was something between my ankles that was keeping my legs spread apart. With my hands tied high above my head, I was unable to snatch at my blindfold to reveal the contraption that bared me to him.

If I thought I was vulnerable before, I clearly hadn't known the meaning. Because, I was more vulnerable now than I ever imagined I could be. But I didn't struggle. I didn't want him to know I was afraid.

I trust him. I trust him. I trust him
. I replayed the mantra in my head over and over again as minutes passed by without him touching me. My heart pounded in my chest violently as my mind overcompensated with every terrifying thought of the extensive possibilities of how Jace could inflict pleasurable pain.

"You are so beautiful, Angel." Jace whispered. His words caressed me and I felt my panicked breathing calm significantly. "You're mine."

I didn't say anything in response. I was unaware he was waiting for a reply.

"Aren't you, Olivia?"

"Sorry?" I whispered.

"You're mine."


"Yes what?" His breath on my face was warm and his fingertip trailed circles over the ticklish skin of my stomach.

"I'm yours." At my words, he sighed. It was a pleasant sound.

His hand moved lower and my body warmed with sudden need. I knew I was wet for him still. I could feel it. As soon as he slid his fingers through the slick folds of my opening, he sighed. "I love the way you feel."

In response, I whimpered. I couldn't trust myself to utter a coherent response when his fingers moved over me like this. He teased my clit with the pad of his thumb as a finger sat at my opening. I wanted to push into him, but I refrained at memory of my last punishment. I didn't want to earn another pinch.

"Do you want me inside you?" He asked against my lips.

Finally! Oh God…the golden question. "Yes," the single word was worth a thousand pleas.

"Tell me, Angle."

"I want you inside me, Jace." My skin felt hot. My blood was sizzling under his touch and my rapid breathing was making me feel light-headed. My hands were numb, but I could barely concentrate on them as his finger circled my opening.

Without warning, his finger slammed inside me. Pain shattered through me and I cried out loudly into the room. Unlike many times before, Jace didn't cover my mouth with his. He reveled in my cry for him, because of him. He didn't wait for me to grow accustomed to his intrusion before adding another finger to the first. His thumb continued a decadent rhythm against my clitoris as he pounded inside me. I felt cool air blow against my nipples before his tongue lapped out. He moved from one breast to the other, careful not to lavish unequal attention. My nipples were hard in response to his teasing tongue and I longed to caress their swollen flesh with gentle hands. My hands. But I couldn't. I pulled on my wrists as Jace continued working me with his hands and mouth. He licked my left nipple before blowing cool air on it, pebbling the sensitive skin around it. His hands stopped their delicious assault and all movement paused. In the space around us, I could only hear my own rampant breaths interrupting the silence. I felt weak and yet so very stimulated. He pulled his fingers out of me before slamming back inside. At the same time, he bit my pebbled nipple hard. In the wake of pain there was a sheer path of ecstasy. My body bowed as a hot orgasm tore through my body, shaking me to my very core.

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