Read All the Things You Never Knew Online

Authors: Angealica Hewley

All the Things You Never Knew (11 page)

“Fine,” Leon replied, moving back towards the table with a bottle of whiskey to pour himself a glass as they got back to the inn.
He took a nice long shot and finally settles it down.
“I did the exact same thing as that Lansing ass had a decade ago to Rose,” Leon told them, not hesitating in any way.

” Hargate and Longsword were stunned to hear. Leon couldn’t believe he did it either.
“I didn’t actually have sex with any women, mind you,” Leon added bluntly. “It was merely a plan of my own to make her let go.”
“Good God!” Hargate exclaimed. “No wonder your Lady Rose was so infuriated.”
“Why did you do such a thing?” Longsword asked.
“Primarily to keep her safe from the enemies of my family,” Leon added. “Secondly–”
“Why did you choose to fake a scene like that to break her off?” Hargate inquired this time. “You should have done something else like tell her directly.”
“Or never break up with her at all,” Longsword replied.
“I suppose I was having the same shallow thoughts as you guys were with Lansing,” Leon answered, pouring himself another glass of whiskey. He rather dislikes revealing personal information about himself. “It was to make Rose give up on me and go on to find another man who would love and care for her,” Leon continued after his drink. “But now that I looked back, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have done it, but I did. Now, there’s nothing really that I–”
“All right, Heartily,” Hargate cut in. “I understand now of your reasons. Perhaps you should save the rest and explain it to Rose. She would want to know that. It would most definitely reverse her heart back to you.”
“Are you crazy? I can’t tell her that!” Leon said, swooning down on a chair nearby. “She would never–”
“If it’s the truth, then you should tell her,” Longsword interjected. “Though Hargate’s plan had somewhat succeeded to make Rose angry at that Lansing, she is still under his control because of their engagement. You must work to break it off. I see the truth of your story to be the perfect solution.”
“But she could always jilt–”
“Longsword’s right, Heartily,” Hargate came in. “It’s at your advantage now to patch up the hole in between you and Rose. I guess I have helped you by getting her ticked off by Lansing’s act at Phillipa’s. You must continue on with the next act to the game in winning back little Rose.”
Leon sighed, and covered his face with his hands, shaking his head lightly. Is he always going to listen to his friends? Though he will have to admit that they’re never wrong with suggestions. It’s always, no matter how incredulous it sounds, successful at the end.
“I’ll think about it,” Leon said, after a brief moment. He hasn’t quite made up his mind yet and he still has the business about that marquess’s father to handle.
“You can’t think now,” Hargate said. “You have to do it. Don’t be like the weaklings with all talk and no show. It’s quite dull, I tell you.”
“Not to mention you’re going to possibly kill her future husband,” Longsword added. “You might as well tell her the truths that are running in your mind and get her to understand. That way, she would know that you had been as loyal as a dog to its owner and had never done anything to betray her.”
“Could I?” Leon sounded like a fool to ask. He didn’t know if it’s the whiskey kicking in or what. He can hold his liquor well, except for that night with Hargate and them, but that can’t be it. Maybe he just couldn’t make himself believe Longsword’s words.
“Most definitely,” Hargate added in agreement. “The game isn’t over. You can still play to win.”
Leon thought about it, and brought himself to another glass of whiskey. He needed it right now. Somewhat his mind is not acting right because now it tells him…
Do it!
Do it!
. He’s going to do it and make right everything. He’s going to explain to Rose about everything he’d done, his intentions that she had asked, anything she would wish to know, maybe even his family’s secret. He could trust her with it, could he?
Then after that is done, the war begins.


Dawson House

Rose lay on her bed and stared up at the ceiling through the darkness of the room. She wanted to cry again from the event earlier with Lord

Lansing’s depravity but she couldn’t. After encountering with Leon again, she realizes that she doesn’t care one teeny whit about Lord Lansing.

It’s Leon. Always Leon.
She hated how it all ends up back to him. No matter how much she tries to forget. No matter how much she tries to hate him, she can’t. Sure it makes her angry to think of the past, but one little moment with him shatters everything and she no longer remember the intentions she’d had in mind.
Oh, how she wanted to fling herself back into his arms. She would have if only…if only Lansing didn’t bring back the image of the past so clearly back into her head. She would have cried and let Leon comfort her. That is what he always does best. Comfort her.
However did that comfort turned to distress? Rose had no idea.
How did it?
she wondered. How did Leon and they break up? Sure he was having his way with a tart at the brothel, but why? She had never really thought about it till now. What did she do wrong? Their love has been so…enchanted until one stupid night…
One stupid night…that destroyed everything.
Why did Leon do that to her? Rose still wanted to know.
As much as she hates to admit it, their encounter had been wonderful, though it’s only for a few minutes. Rose feel blessed. She just can’t show it again, for she fears of the past. If it was to lurk back, she would forever be ruined.
“Oh, Lord of Heaven,” she prayed, clasping her hands together with her eyes closed. “Please shine on me with your light and wash away my misery and sorrow with the purity of your tears–”
“Good God, honey,” came a sudden familiar voice from her window, startling her up. “Lord of Heaven doesn’t cry.

Great! Whenever she thinks about him, he’s there. And when he’s there, all the fury from the past arises.
“Give me a hand over here, would you?”
Stupid idiot.
Rose knew she shouldn’t do this, but got up anyway and walk off towards the open window.
“Why are you here?” she hissed, trying to sound as furious as she could. “Didn’t I tell you to get out of my life?”
“I did,” Leon answered. He looked a bit dazed, and smells like…whiskey and whatever alcohol beverage it was that he had drank.
“I did,” he said again, pushing himself up onto the windowsill. “But I’m back. I’m back for good, Rose.”
She arched an eyebrow at him. “Are you?”
“I haven’t yet done anything…May I get in first instead of hanging out here? Someone might see me,” he said, raising a hand to his head. “And damn if I’m not getting a headache.”
A smile tug at Rose’s lips as she move aside and let Leon fell through the window onto the floor. He was an ass. Always had been one. She just can’t seem to stay mad at him long enough.
She knows she should really push him back out to prevent a scandal from erupting, but thought not.
She needs him, whether she admits it or not.
“Look, Rose,” he began as he stood up from the ground and adjusted his crooked cravat, which really has no point because it was still off to the side. “I need to talk to you.”
“About what?” she asked, moving off to her bed, which was a total mistake because Leon was coming right after and the feelings she had wasn’t good.
“Don’t worry. I’m not here to ravish you or anything,” he said. It was as if he was reading her mind.
“I wasn’t thinking of that or anything,” she answered, which was the truth, if not fully.
“I have decided…” He cupped his head with a wince and fell on her bed.
“What the–” She quickly move to her feet and swat at his arm. “What do you think you’re doing? Get off!”
“I need to rest,” he murmured. “I ran here and I don’t feel good.”
“Of course, you don’t. You have the distasteful smell of alcohol and whatever else,” she said, settling down next to him.
He turned onto his back and looked at her. “You’re not mad anymore, are you?”
Rose flushed at his gaze and shook her head. “No.” She was earlier, but how could she now with him here so…charmingly inebriated?
“Then do you have time to listen to my
? You asked me earlier,” he said, swinging an arm over her lap.
“Your intentions?”
He smiled crookedly at her and rose up, pinning her down on the bed.
“Leon!” she cried, trying to push him away. “Get off me! What’s wrong with you?”
“Shhh…” He put a finger to her lips and rested his head on her chest. “I need this…so I can talk.”
“Get off me!” she snapped.
He covered her mouth with his hand and told her, “Sh” again.
“You’re too loud, Rose. Please be quiet.”
“You–” Rose flinched away, and finally gave up. “Fine. Your intentions? Make it quick.”
He smiled and sniffed into her hair. “Good girl.”
God, what is wrong with him? He couldn’t be that foxed, could he? And what is wrong with her?
It wrecks her nerve so to be pinned under Leon like this. She could hear her heart beating wildly within her chest against his. Surely he could hear it, too, from the silence of the night.
“Rose,” Leon murmured, nuzzling her neck. “I’m sorry.”
“Everything…from that day…I left you.”
“And you’re telling me this now because…?”
“Look.” He sat up and pulled her into his arms, embracing her warmly. “I know you were mad earlier, and I understand.”
“And your point is?”
Leon sighed, and turned her face to look at him. “I want to tell you, love, that my intentions were far from Lansing’s and that you shouldn’t be mad at me anymore.”
“Whatever. You are just like him.”
A light chuckle escaped him, and he flicked at her nose. “No. I didn’t do it on purpose.”
Quite unbelievable.
“I did it…only to make you let go.”
“What!” Indignation struck her suddenly and she pushed him off. “Why did you?”
“You don’t understand.”
“I will never understand if you don’t explain your little behind right now, Mister!”
“You’re quite demanding.”
Why, of course! She has to be demanding
She wanted to know why, didn’t she? Might as well make him explain it. But how would she know if it was a jest or not?
“I know you wouldn’t believe it, Rose. I know women don’t ever believe a man when they say this after so many wrongs, but I have to say it,” Leon said, running his hand through her hair. “I have to. I have many things to say, but let this be the first.” He gazed into her eyes once more and gently pushed her back down on the bed. “Because I love you.”
His mouth met hers, and all thoughts were lost.

Because I love you…
Leon didn’t know if telling Rose so was a lapse or not. But hell, he would be lying to himself if he denies it because deep down, he knows that Rose had always been his love. The one he had wanted all along. The future of his life. If only he can make room for her to fit in.
His family was too dangerous for her to be a part of with all the enigmatic foes lurking around. There were five suspects he had been looking for, but there could be many others in their association that could cause a series of rampage. He doesn’t want Rose to feel insecure or be endangered in anyway.
Despite how many times Leon told himself that, he still can’t restrain himself from desiring her. He had promised not to violate her, but it seems he’s doing exactly that. He can’t hold himself back. Not today, tomorrow, now, not
He doesn’t know if it’s the four bottle of whiskey he had chugged down earlier before he came that is making him reveal himself or his own truthful heart that is speaking. No. Definitely not his truthful heart. For one thing’s for sure, it’s not being true. It has never been. But with Rose, the truth is what he wants to spill.
“Rose,” he murmured against her lips. It’s been so long. Too long. He hadn’t kiss a mouth this pleasant ever since their break up. How he misses her so. Miss her with all his heart. She just doesn’t know how long he had endured the tedious life scavenging and hoping for the end of his adversity. Or how long he had waited to finally have the opportunity to face her once more.
“What did you say again?” Rose asked him, breathlessly moving her mouth away from his.
“Because I love you,” Leon repeated again. He said it so naturally without any hesitation at all.
It must really have been the whiskey.
“I don’t believe you,” she said, turning loose from him. “If you do, you wouldn’t have done that to me.”
“Rose, I–” He doesn’t know how to say this. Trying his best to prevent her from getting enrage he added, “Please believe me on this before anything else. I did
lay one finger on that woman the day you caught us together.”
He saw her flinch away in pain and move over to cradle her again.
“I know it sounds like a sham to you since I was half–” he hesitated but went on– “–since I was half… dressed, but I swear I never took her on or anything else,” he told her, grimacing as he feel a sharp aching pain to the side of his head.
“Leon, are you–”
“I’m f-fine,” he winced as Rose’s hand came over his head. Leon feels bliss to still have her care for him after he had hurt and deceived her.
“How much did you drink anyway?” she asked, lightly massaging the side of his head. “Hasn’t been more than an hour since we–”
“Can you not do that please?” he said, moving her hand away. As much as he enjoys her touch, the pain was afflicting too much. He probably went over his limit today taking down four bottles of Scotch whiskey. It seems to be going into his head and impairing his vision as she touches his head.
“I think I need to leave,” he said, rolling to his feet and slightly swaying back. Now doesn’t seem to be such a good time for him to speak, though probably it’s the easiest since liquor tends to get the truth out of him.
“Already?” she sounded rather disappointed. “You haven’t quite yet explain–”
He shook his head to straighten his sight. “Wrong timing,” he said, walking off to the open window he had come through. “Promise me you would consider what I had said and not let the past haunt you anymore. And please–”–he looked into her eyes and lift a foot out the window– “Please don’t marry Lansing,” he said unexpectedly.
The damn Scotch.
“Leon.” Rose walked over to him and gently cupped his face. “Are you sure you could get home?”
Was she even listening to him?
“I was able to get here; I should be able to return as well.”
“Sure. I don’t want you here any longer,” she said to him.
Total lie, he can tell.
He could never understand Rose. He could tell that she wants him to stay. Why does she have to deny it? The kiss they had just share, she had been willing to give it to him.
Women are so hard to understand. You give them pleasure and they reject it all at the end.
It’s to Leon’s advantage now to leave and clear his head before it gets worse. For some reason, he feels as if he’s going to start up a really regretful speech if he stays any longer with Rose. All the things he never wanted to say would come out. With Rose, secrets are hard to hide away. Right now he just wanted to tell her everything–of all the things she never knew. Every little secret of his life, his mission, his family–all the things on his mind.
“Sorry, Rose,” he said, reaching out to take her hand. “I’ll finish everything we have started tonight when my duty is over. Please, just don’t marry that Lansing.”
He cut her off with a brief kiss and slid off the windowsill and out into the night.

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