All the Things You Never Knew (9 page)

Read All the Things You Never Knew Online

Authors: Angealica Hewley

What the hell are you doing?
A small part of his sanity spoke to him from the back of his mind.
He’d forgotten everything when he’d heard her call out his name and rushed down to rescue her from the fate of those two drunken bastards.
He’d never thought to see her, well, he did; but certainly not at Hargate Inn this late at night. Nor did he thought he’ll ever get to be alone with her like this, running his hand through her hair and being so close and at ease with her. He’d expected to feel something different from all the years that had separated them, but still it feels the same as back then.
Talking and smiling was coming all so naturally to him like nothing had happened between them. Looking at Rose, damn if she didn’t look scared to the very core of her soul. It’s as if he’s some kind of a beast waiting to devour her.
Her hands were trembling softly, though he can see she’s trying hard to clasp them together from doing so. He could hear her heart thundering uneasily as if she’s about to get ravish or something.
Of course he’ll never do such a thing, though the idea sounds tempting.
But no.
Rose has a future awaiting her. He can’t dishonor her like that. She would hate him even more. He knows she would. He could hear the anger in her voice when he had tried to touch her earlier. He would never do anything to make her feel insecure. She can be sure of that.
“Are you…d-done?’ she asked him.
“Almost,” he answered, running his fingers once again through her hair.
It was a rich golden brown of curls and soft as silk against his fingers.
“Perhaps I should pin it up to make it not seem so…so…”
“Scandalous?” Leon put in helpfully. “Perhaps I can do that for you.”
“Y-you know how to?”
He could hear the amusement in her voice, but believe it or not, he does for reasons he doesn’t want to mention.
“Pins, please?” he said, holding out a hand.
“Oh.” She managed to place a couple pins that were saved from her capture on his palm.
He looked down at the pins. “Rather limited but I’ll do what I can.”
“Do you…do this often?” Rose asked him as he pulls back a curl on her head and pin it into place.
“Rarely,” he said, though he’d done it more than a hundred times and pulls back another curl.
Leon could smell the aroma of her hair spreading over him like roses and wine, intoxicating him. He had an urge to pull her tight into his arms and drop kisses all over her.
Guess he’s not as in control of himself as he had thought.
But then he’s never in control when he’s with Rose.
How he wished he could turn back time and savior a few moments with her.
“So…I suppose Susannah has given you an invitation to my…uh…wedding,” she said nervously after a moment of silence.
Ah, so it was the witty Miss Susy that sent the invitation. He should have known.
He paused for a moment and answered, “Yes.” Then to restrain her from further comments added, “You don’t have to worry. I won’t be there.”
“There you go,” he said, pinning up the last curl.
He smooth it down the back and spun her around to take a look, which was a mistake.
Her eyes were of a shining brown matching her hair. And her lips–her lips were that of a cupid’s bow, full and stunningly red.
Their faces were surprisingly close that if he was to tilt his head just an inch their lips would have met.
But he didn’t. He couldn’t.
“Thank you,” she murmured, turning away. She never seem to be able to hold her gaze with his. Always looking the other way.
He finally turns away too, and answered, “No need to.”
He turned on his heel and went to get something out of a bag. His garments and hat.
It’s time he takes her back; otherwise, who knows what will happen.
“What are you doing?” she asked, approaching him from behind.
“Here,” Leon placed the hat on her head and fixes an oversize coat over her.
“Why–what is this for?” she asked, taking it off.
“Don’t!” Leon said, holding up a hand to stop her. “I’m taking you back. If you don’t want to be recognized and face ruin, you might as well leave it on.”
She seemed annoyed by his response but obediently did so.
“Put this on too.” He threw over a spectacle and she caught it gracefully.
“You are still one crazy man, Leon.”
That brought a smile to his face. “Am I?”
He tossed her now a faux mustache.
“Am I really to put this on?”
“Just in case,” he answered, reaching out to aid her.
“Why do you have this mustache? I must look a fright with it.”
“Agree,” he said with a chuckle. “It’s my sister’s. You look just like her now.”
“Really?” She gave Leon the prettiest pout of disappointment and annoyances, making him just want to throw her on the bed and have his way with her.
“I say this is the most outrageous disguise I have ever had in my life.”
“We’ll take it off in the carriage,” he said–
or everything
, and took her hand before he even knew it. “Let’s go. There’s a back staircase that we can take.”
She nodded and he led them off through a door into another that opens up into a black case of stairs descending down an exit.
“I saw a curricle earlier. Was it yours?” she asked him, once they got outside.
“Yes,” he told her. “But we’re not going to ride it. You’ll be exposed. We’ll take my friend’s carriage.”
He pulled her around a corner and behind the inn stood a carriage with a three horses attached, their ears perching up as they approached.
“Get in,” Leon said, helping Rose inside the carriage.
“And you?” she asked.
Disappointingly, “I’ll be driving,” he said. “Get in quick before anyone sees you.”
She nodded and Leon helped her in, shutting the door and jumping up to the driver’s seat with the reign in his hands.
“Go, boy.” He tugged at the horse, getting it to straighten and galloped on down the road.

“Idon’t understand why you’re taking me to Phillipa’s House of

Pleasure, Your Grace,” said Marcus Lewis Dent, as he and the Duke of Hargate step up to the entrance of the whore house. “I have never expected a duke with a high position in the House of Lords like you to–”

“I do this for every lord that is about to become a newly wedded groom,” the duke answered with a smile. “Once I heard about your upcoming wedding with Lady Caralina Rose–or was it Rose Caralina–I planned this out for you.”

“It’s Rose Caralina Dawson,” the marquess corrected. “Ah, yes. I remember now,” the duke nodded.
Laguna knew he’s making a fool out of himself with his ignorant

replies, but never had he thought to be able to trick such a marquess this easily. Just a few simple words introducing himself and the position he held in society won everything. It took fewer words than he’d expected. It seems to him that this marquess is rather fond of lords in high position, especially dukes, and can’t resist any calls from them.

“So we are to do what here?” asked Lansing as Laguna opens the door and step in.
“Get an unlimited amount of pleasure before you set out to be the most honorable husband to your Lady Caralina,” Laguna replied. “Everything’s on me tonight. Just enjoy yourself.”
“I have been quite a celibate for a while too,” Lansing answered. “I give you my most grateful remark, Your Grace. Thank you for this night.”
“No gratitude needed,” Laguna answered. “And for your information, I hate formality. Just call me Hargate, or better Laguna. Your Grace is totally out of the question.”
Lansing looked a bit dumbstruck but nodded. “I see.”
“Oh, look who are here tonight, girls,” came Phillipa, the owner of the House of Pleasure, as she waves her handkerchief seductively in front of Laguna and Lansing’s face. “It’s been quite a while since you visited, Your Grace. Tell me who of my girls do you want tonight and I shall have her send up to your room.”
“Sorry, Phillipa. The pleasure is not my today but my handsome fellow here,” Laguna said, throwing an arm to pull Lansing in closer. “He’s the Marquess of Lansing, and would like to have a bit of fun before he gets married.”
Phillipa looked disappointed, but flashed a sugary smile at Lansing and scan him down with her eyes. “Handsome indeed. Might break my girls’ heart to know you’re about to get wedded off, but they would love to have you back here at any time. You may take a few as your mistresses, too, if you would like.”
“That pleasure is most honorably mine, Lady Phillipa,” Lansing said, raising her hands to his lips.
Phillipa fan herself nervously and replied swiftly, “Ah, charming. I’m no lady. Just Phillipa. Should we get to the drafting to see which of my girls would suit you?”
“I totally can’t wait,” Lansing exclaimed. “Show me the ladies!”
Hargate smiled delightfully as he watches a group of Phillipa’s girls came crowding around Lansing and brought him upstairs.
His plan was sure to work, and that Gareth Longsword better get here quickly with Lady Rose.

“Lady Rose is not home?” Gareth was rather disappointed when the maid told him so. “Where did she go? It’s late in the night.”
“You shouldn’t be calling upon her this late then,” the maid said rudely. “A proper lord wouldn’t.”
“What are you trying to say? It has matters to do with his lordship, the Marquess of Lansing,” Gareth replied infuriated.
What kind of maids does Viscount Herring hire to watch his daughter?
“His lordship? Did something happen to him?” the maid asked, worried.
“It’s private. I need to talk to Lady Rose,” Gareth said. “I might as well leave if she’s not home.”
“She’s not. If it’s that important you would’ve told me.” “Forget it.”
With that, he turned and swung up onto his horse.
He was not going to bother with that ill-mannered maid. He was an earl for Lord’s sake.
If he was the employer of that maid, he would have sent her packing. She’s not behaving properly in that role. He doesn’t know how Lady Rose can stand to have all those maids, his valet was certainly enough to annoy him sometimes.
And where the heck did she go? Hargate and his plan would be ruined if he can’t find her.
Did she go to a friend’s house, or was the maid just lying?
Did she run out in the middle of the night? That maid should have watched her.
Blast it!
What is he to do?
The sound of horses started him into a halt and he watches as a carriage approached him.
“What the–” He cursed silently to himself as he realized who was driving it. “Halt! Halt! Halt!” he called out.

“Who in the world–” Leon pulled hard against the reign of the horses and tried to stop the carriage before it hits the madman in front of them. “What are you…” he stopped as he recognized it was Longsword with his hand up in the air.

Hell! He didn’t want this. Not with Rose in the carriage. “L-Leon, what’s wrong?” came Rose from inside the carriage. He looked down to see her sticking her head out the window and

told her to get back in as he jumps off to confront Longsword. “Heartily? You’re back already? What are you doing out here so
late?” Longsword asked. “Where’s Hargate?”
“I was going to ask you of the same.”
“Why are you driving that carriage out?”
“I have business to do,” he said flatly, hoping Longsword would
stop and let him on his way.
“Who was that in the carriage? Is it Lady Rose? Did you abduct
Damn, he didn’t think Longsword would see Rose and recognize
her. “Hell no!” Leon bellowed. “Just taking her–”
“He’s taking me home,” Rose interjected, cutting him off as she
got out of the carriage.
She was no longer in her disguise.
“Wow. It was just a guess,” Longsword said with a grin. Leon had the urge to jump up and tackle Longsword down for
having to make him admit it.
“What are you two doing out here anyway?” Longsword asked,
raising an eyebrow at Leon.

What am I doing?
Rose had asked herself once the carriage started moving.
This wasn’t her intention.
She was only supposed to get a glimpse of Leon and get back the invitation then return home–not spend half an hour in his presence having him dress her hair, nor riding home in a carriage driven by him.
Oh lord!
What would Lord Lansing think if he finds out? He would certainly jilt her. She would be ruined and stay a spinster for the rest of her life. She would be a disgrace to her family.
She should have thought twice before she trotted off to Hargate Inn and got into this mess.
But then…did she really care?
No matter how much she despises him for the past, she’s quite happy to have him still worry about her. He’s still the same man she had known. Never had he change. Still calm and protective as ever.
In fact, that was the reason she’d fallen in love with him in the first place. He had saved and protected her from facing a fate similar to the one she had encounter with that Bruno and Kentle.
That day…
Her thought trailed off. She can’t simply think back. Otherwise…
“What the hell!” She heard Leon curse outside.
Leon muttered some words over the horses’ cry and feel the carriage come to a stop.
Did something go wrong?
She stuck her head out to ask Leon only to get dismiss back inside.
She heard him jump off and walk away shouting out to someone.
Someone? A man.
Oh God, she’s going to get caught!
The thought panic her and she look around wondering what to do.
She’ll be ruined!
There’s nothing she can do.
As Rose listens, she realized that the man Leon was speaking to was one of his companions and the panic in her chest eased a little.
He was asking Leon about where he was going and then to her surprise, asked if it was her that’s inside the carriage!
Oh this ridiculous disguise doesn’t work!
She strips it off and threw it in the carriage.
Knowing she’d been found out, there’s not much she can do except get out and try to save herself.
“Get back in the carriage,” Leon ordered her, but Rose paid no heed.
She has to save her reputation.
“Mr. Heartily is just taking me home,” Rose said nervously out to the companion of Leon’s. “I was out looking for my fiancé and just happen to stumble across him.”
“Is that so?” the friend of Leon seems to doubt her, but then added, “I know where his lordship is. In fact, I was coming out to find you myself and take you to him.”
She heard Leon cursed and her eyes widened in shock.
“What?” He was looking for her? She barely knew him.
“I’m Gareth, the Earl of Longsword,” the man introduced, bowing to her. “I saw your fiancé and thought to fetch you.”
“Fetch me?” Rose went completely blank for a moment. “For what?”
“He’s drunk at the brothel of Phillipa’s,” the earl finished.
The word slapped at her and raged filled her suddenly.
Sure she had said it’s all right since he was a man, but with a lord telling her that he’s at a brothel and it happening at the very moment, she lost it.
“Show me to him!” she blurted before anything else.
“My pleasure,” the earl replied, reaching out his hand. “Get up here.”
Rose took hold of his hand and he swung her up behind him on the horse murmuring something to Leon and rode them away.

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