Read Allure of the Wolf (Seraphine Thomas Book 2) Online

Authors: Erin R Flynn

Tags: #Paranormal Mystery

Allure of the Wolf (Seraphine Thomas Book 2) (17 page)

“A quick one,” I agreed. I yanked him closer to me and pulled down his shorts. Then I made sure his gaze was locked on mine as I leaned over and licked the head of his dick.

“I didn’t think your siren would ever let you get on your knees for me,” he hedged as he reached out and ran his hand over my hair.

she’s fine with it, but I don’t think anyone else.” I saw the fire light in his eyes and I fondled his balls as I started teasing him with my tongue. I lavished attention on him, smiling at the noises he made. It had been a long,
time since I’d given a man oral and only a few times ever. It wasn’t my favorite thing to do, but with Tristan, I found I liked it.

It was just a day for surprises it seemed.

He didn’t push me, letting me explore and play until I could tell he was dying for more. I swallowed down as much of him as I could and finished him off. It was a prideful, job well done smile I felt on my lips when he groaned out my name.

“We should work every Sunday so I get a break like that,” he panted as I pulled away, giving a naughty slurp.

“I do need lots of help and appreciate your time,” I agreed with a wink. “Any brain cells left or do you need a moment before you can tell me what you found?”

He nodded even as his gaze ran over my body and he licked his lips. “What about you?”

“Next break.” I shivered at the look, able to image all the ways he’d want to play with me.

“Something to look forward to,” he murmured as he leaned in and kissed me. “Thank you. That was wonderful.”

“Oh, so my pleasure.”

He pulled up the front of his shorts, and we moved to the floor so we could spread everything out. Tristan had found the proof of my theory and what he’d told me, that there was no money to buy the muscle Engle had in the pack. The Chicago pack had the highest percentage of women by a whopping twenty-five percent over the next pack. Most were fifteen percent women to eighty-five percent men. High was an eighty-twenty ratio.

Chicago was a monstrous forty-five percent women to fifty-five percent men. That was
. And yet all the Shifter Council had done was make a side note that someone might want to ask Alpha Engle what he was doing to unite the women in such a way.

Were they
? Idiots. It wasn’t about unity.

“How do we prove he’s turning them?”

“We don’t,” Tristan signed. “He
be the one turning them or they’d all be strong wolves. My guess is he’s sending out pups or bottom-of-the-food-chain wolves to pull random attacks. He wants them weak enough to be submissive to the heavy hitters he’s bringing in or at least not strong enough to win dominance fights.”

“Good point,” I agreed, letting my forehead fall to the carpeting. “He’s an evil genius in other words. There’s no trail directly back to him. Fuck.”

“Not necessarily,” he hedged. I knew where he was going with this and it would never work.

“Yeah, ask around and find out who he ordered to make the attacks. Not going to work without Engle finding out. It’s like infiltrating a gang or the mob. Hell, we’re still not sure if the pack
about Bernard’s activities and the wolves with him or if they were part of the pack. No one knows anything and the whole thing went
the second it led to wolves. Havers is trying to work the mob family angle but the bust was such a
that everyone’s gone underground.”

“Understood, but you’re already
, Sera. You can order those under you to answer you as dominant in the pack and to keep quiet.”

“But they have Alpha’s orders not to say anything I’m sure,” I argued.

Tristan winced. “You’d have to offer them your protection and assurances of non-retaliation.”

“Jesus. At this rate, I’m going to have my own pack in hiding,” I bitched as rolled over onto my back and rubbed my temples.

“Other cities have two packs,” he tried, flipping through papers. “New York, Boston, LA, Seattle—”

“I read those too. That was an even split,
mutually agreed upon
when the pack became too much for one person to handle. Engle’s got a bunch of Betas which is the other solution for a big pack. It keeps him in power. It’s what he’s thinking of making
since I flat out told him I’d rather die than be Alpha Bitch. I think he at least gets that now since he’s felt my power. I can’t mate.”

“No, no you can’t, and you’re right, he won’t ever agree to it.”

Then it hit me. “There was some guy a bunch of the enforcers were beating on when I went to Engle’s house. Said they were
him up or some shit. But it looked like they were pissed. I wonder what it was really about.”

“What did he say?”

“I didn’t talk to him. Harris and Riley did, and Harris told me later the guy said it was just that, some wolf-hazing shit.”

“Maybe it wasn’t.”

“I’ll ask Riley to see if we can’t talk to him, get someone on record about what’s going on.”

“Break time then?” Tristan whispered as he scooted closer to me.

I was about to say
when the doorbell rang.

Damn it.



“I’m so yelling at whoever it is,” I grumbled as I jumped to my feet.

“Sera, wait—”

I hurried to the foyer, not wanting him to handle all the crap that day. “No, I got this, you keep looking for dirt!” I ripped open the front door and growled. “It’s

“I know but you said this was a priority,” Noah muttered as he stared at me funny. “I have my contact’s background, his name is Marlin Cook, I’ve been issued my FBI contractor credentials, and I have the first files from his assistants that can start being
a bit before it gets to the FBI but I thought you’d want the complete copies.”

That explained the box of overstuffed file folders in his hands.

“Couldn’t you just have emailed it to me?” I asked, whining a bit even as I wanted to do a happy dance at the
of work he’d just saved me.

He shifted the box on his hip and nodded inside of it. “I have a USB drive with all the files in the box as well, but I’m old school, so if we’re
I need to see the printouts. I cleared this with Monroe.”

“Noah, this is awesome and I will thank you later, but right now, you are
I wanted to solve one case today, figure out one problem, and come up with a plan. An
day off. And I wanted
today. Lots and
of sex.”

The box thunked as it hit the floor and Noah wrapped his arm around me. “I can help you with the sex request of your day.”

“Is this an open invitation because sign me
,” Havers muttered from my porch. “Jesus, Sera. What are you wearing?”

I shoved Noah away and crossed my arms over my chest.

“That’s why I was trying to stop you from answering the door,” Tristan drawled from behind me. “
remembered what you had on.
didn’t seem to.”

“No, no I didn’t. I wanted your offer of taking a break and forgot the rest,” I admitted sheepishly, rubbing my toes in the soft carpeting as if that would suddenly make me dressed. “And
, it wasn’t an open invitation. Tristan and
were working and going to have sex. It’s our day.”

“Well if you don’t want the results on your dead body I had rushed and thought you’d want…” Havers teased. I moved over to him in a flash and grabbed the file. “That’s what I thought.”

“You’re forgiven for walking away at the shooting range. Thanks. Go enjoy your Sunday.”

“Oh, I’m
it just fine,” he chuckled, fingering the satin at the bottom of my shorts.

I stepped out of range as I swallowed a growl. “Stop staring at my tits,” I grumbled as I opened the file, not even needing to look at him to know where his eyes were.

“But they’re right
and just
,” he breathed.

I opened my mouth to say something and then felt a chill as I realized what
had brought and how
Havers would want that.

“Noah, do me a favor and stick that box of old training handouts in my room and grab me a robe?” I asked, glancing at him with my back to Havers. He gave a nod, letting me see he
understood. “We can pick out what curriculum we want to make later. Homicide results and wolf shit take priority.”

“Of course.” He grabbed the box and hurried out of the foyer with it as I turned face to Havers again.

“Thanks. See you later.”

“I do need to talk to you. I spoke with a few instructors and there’s a new development.”

“Yeah, I talked to Jerome Curtis,” I sighed, stepping away from the door. “Come in.” He did and then I angrily kicked the door closed, hard enough to shake the frame. I glanced at Tristan. “I wanted that break. I wanted the sex. This is
my fault.”

“I know. I believe you and this is more important.” He moved up to me, blocking Havers’s view of me as he reached out and rubbed his thumb over my nipple which was already perky from the feel of the satin. “We can take a time-out and pick up where we left off after they leave.”

“Then why are you teasing me?” I panted, dropping the file on the table by the door as I stared up at him. Both his thumbs started misbehaving, and I just about turned into goo right there. “Tristan, stop, or they’re going to get a show.”

Would we get all three?
my siren purred.

“She wants to come out and play now,” I warned him.

Tristan’s fangs came out. “I want to play with her too.”

“We all want to play with you,” Noah chuckled. “Can we draw straws?”

“Oh for fuck’s sake, grow up,” I growled, glancing around Tristan. “I’m not a toy. Whip them out and compare if you want, but I’ve been with you all. Noah’s the biggest but Tristan knows how to use his best. There, you happy?
No one’s
getting sex.” I pulled away from Tristan, pissed at his teasing. “Why you would stir me up with them here is beyond me. Add some fuel to the fire, why don’t you?”

I grabbed the file off the little table and then my robe from Noah, slipping it on as I stormed back into the living room. Now I
wanted sex.

“What do you
Tristan’s best in bed?” Havers bitched as he followed after me.

“I don’t think I agree with that either though I doubt
Chief Havers
wins,” Noah growled, crossing his arms over his chest.

Tristan on the other hand moved up along next to them and was stretching out leisurely with a shit-eating grin.

“Don’t you dare gloat,” I growled, pointing a finger at him. “You just stirred this hornets’ nest.”

“I was a dick for teasing you with them here but I was just playing and maybe wanting you to say in front of them that I was the only one who got your attention today so they should bugger off,” he defended with a light-hearted shrug. “I didn’t push you to walk into
. You were the one who blurted out who was best in bed.”

“Because you pushed my buttons and gave the inappropriate green light to all the males in the room it was
jump Sera
time and I announce shit then.” He lost his smile. “Yeah.”

“Crap,” he sighed. “So I still get my first place title?”

“Yes,” I hissed, annoyed
that was
what he was focused on.

“No way, I can totally do better,” Noah argued. He actually cracked his knuckles and adjusted his neck as if he were walking into a
as he just announced he could be better in bed. Was he high?

“I seriously doubt they’ve topped some of the times we were going at if after busts,” Havers added. He snapped his fingers and pointed at me. “That time in the conference room? You were screaming my name—”

out of here,” I grumbled. “I have an errand to run. We have company coming for dinner.” I shot Tristan an evil glance. “Fix this or
of the men here are getting sex today.”

“Am I allowed to beat them up?” he drawled, glancing at Noah and Havers who were in each other’s faces now.

“Try the hose,” I chuckled. I quickly threw on some clothes and booked it out of there, grabbing my wallet, keys, and cell. Fuck, Noah and Havers were so busy still arguing they didn’t even notice me slip by.

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