Alyssa's Wolves (Wolf Masters, Book 4) (12 page)

“I’m so sorry for that and the angst I caused you. Trust me when I say you’re the sexiest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and my running had nothing whatsoever to do with your appeal to me and everything to do with my misplaced desire to ensure you led a happy life without interference.

“What I didn’t count on was that you’d invade every waking and sleeping moment of my life until I couldn’t even concentrate to accomplish even the most basic of tasks.”

“I know that feeling,” she mumbled under her breath.

Tyler reached for her free hand and squeezed it gently in his own. Her fingers were so tiny he swallowed them completely within his palm. As if unable to control his actions, he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed each finger, one at a time. His heart pounded. He needed her so bad. At that moment he’d do anything to have her … except maybe share.

A growl in his head made him flinch. He’d gotten lax and forgotten to block Michael. The man’s presence was just creepy.

“What’s the matter?” Alyssa gazed into his eyes. “I mean, other than the obvious.”

“Nothing. Just haven’t quite gotten the knack of keeping your other mate out of my head.”

“You’re thinking about Michael right now?” Her brow furrowed in confusion, and he realized she didn’t know the other man and he were connected mentally already.

“No… He’s in my head. He can hear my thoughts. It’s disconcerting.”

Alyssa drew back, eyes wide. “Already?”

“Yep. The moment I drove up we were connected. Some bizarre male wolf thing I guess when one woman is mated to two men.”

“I guess I should have realized. I mean the others all communicate like that, but I didn’t know the men did it even before the claiming.” Alyssa’s palm alighted on his cheek, cool fingers against his heated skin. He leaned into her touch.

“I just left one pack of crazies who marry multiple women to one man. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t know if I can wrap my head around another pack that has multiple men with one woman. It’s creepy.”

“I know. It’s weird at first. But you might see it differently after a few days of watching the other brothers with their mates. And remember, these people are true mates. No one here was forced to enter an arrangement against their will. They are all kind and loving and doting. Nobody is disappointed in their family unit’s dynamics.”

“Still…” He was skeptical.

“Hey, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying it’s for everyone. I had no thought in my head about entering a similar mating, but I can’t control what I know in my heart, and I’m desperately trying to rationalize this situation in my mind. You won’t see me dragging you two off to a room to complete this deal anytime soon. I’m barely less skeptical than you are.”

That was a relief. Tyler exhaled and grasped the hand still resting on his cheek. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against Alyssa’s. Their breath mingled between them. Hers was sweet and salty, as though she’d eaten candy and maybe chips.

“And I assume even though Michael’s brothers are all in relationships with other men, he wasn’t planning such a life for himself either, judging by his anxiety.”

She chuckled. “Anxiety. That’s an extremely polite way to put it.”

She leaned back an inch. “I don’t really blame him. He’s known for two years he was my mate and waited patiently for me to enjoy life’s experiences before claiming me. It never occurred to him he’d have to share. Normally he’s a big teddy bear with an even bigger heart, but this was sprung on him last week, just as it was for you and me.”

She had a point. If Tyler were in Michael’s shoes, he’d be confrontational too.

“Would you mind kissing me?” she blurted out.

“Would I mind?” He chuckled. “I’d be delighted.” His heart soared, and he didn’t give her a chance to rethink the request. He tipped his head to one side and leaned in to take her mouth. She opened for him immediately and let the kiss build from a gentle chaste lip lock to a hungry devouring. She took from him at least as much as he demanded.

Tyler swept inside her mouth with his tongue and circled her own in a dance. Chocolate and peanuts. That’s what she’d last eaten. He smiled against her.

She was delicious, and she let him explore her thoroughly.

Within moments, Tyler was on the edge of his seat. God, he wanted this woman, needed her like he needed his next breath. He gripped her shoulders with both hands and turned his head to deepen the kiss at the opposite angle. If all he ever got to do was kiss her like this for the rest of his life, it would be a wonderful existence. Maybe not perfect, but pleasant.

When he finally lessened the pressure on her lips and nibbled a path to her ear, she moaned lightly against him. The vibrations of her noises could be felt all the way to his cock. There was a long, cold shower in his near future.

While Tyler licked and nipped at her earlobe, Alyssa squirmed. Finally she pulled back and turned his face with her hands to gaze into his eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to tease. I…”

He melted a little more. “Don’t be sorry. I’ll enjoy every single moment of whatever you’re ready for, Ali. Don’t ever be sorry.”

She smiled when he used her childhood name. He loved that nickname. It suited her.

In a bold move he was unsure wouldn’t be more than she could handle, Tyler sat back against the couch and lifted Alyssa onto his lap so that she straddled him, their faces just a breath apart.

His mate sucked in a breath at the shock, but she didn’t balk. With her legs spread around him, he could clearly smell her arousal. So sweet. So fucking sexy. Her innocence was evident in the way she didn’t meet his gaze dead on. Her eyes kept flickering to other parts of the room. She gripped him with her thighs around his own as if she could somehow squeeze her legs together. It embarrassed her to be held so open in front of him. He could sense her shyness. Her fear of the unknown.

Jesus. She’s a virgin
. That thought had not occurred to him.


She glanced at his face and held the gaze. The minx tucked her lower lip into her mouth and nibbled on it to drive his cock to new heights. He wondered absently if that gesture of hers drove Michael as crazy as it did him.

“Have you slept with a man … or a wolf before?”

She shook her head slightly, and Tyler exhaled. He let his own head fall back on the couch, so he could catch his breath.

“Does that bother you?”

A single chuckle escaped his lips. “God no.” He’d misled her. He yanked his face back to hers. “It’s sexy as hell.”
Does Michael know?

“Of course Michael knows. And if you take her virginity right now, you’re going to have to face his wrath later in a knock-down brawl in the barn, buster.”

Tyler grinned. Did Michael often refer to himself in the third person? He was warming up to this Michael character who paced somewhere, wringing his hands at the imagined antics occurring behind the closed door of this guest room. The question was the first time in several minutes Tyler had let Michael into his mind. Apparently Tyler was blocking better by the minute. Perhaps the two of them would get along fine, if their mutual protective instinct where Alyssa was concerned was any indication.

“What’s so funny?” Alyssa inquired as she boldly kissed Tyler on the lips. Hers were so soft and warm. She scrambled his brain every time she kissed his skin.

She suddenly jerked backward. “Don’t tell me you and Michael are having a secret side conversation about the poor, inexperienced virginal girl.”

God, she was sharp. And he was going to fall in love with her in no time.

“When you kiss me like this”—he demonstrated by laying his lips against hers for a brief peck—“I have trouble blocking. He slipped in. Well, actually he threatened me. I’m new to this telecommunication thing. Never known anyone who could do it. It seems Michael has had a bit of tutelage, perhaps from his brothers. He’s better at it than me. So far…” He grinned at her.

“Tell him to stop being such a baby … I mean a jackass … and go muck the barn or something. He had his turn yesterday. Now I want to spend time with you.”

The word “jackass” sounded awkward coming from her mouth, and Tyler knew she wasn’t accustomed to cussing. However, that thought aside, he raised an eyebrow in question.
“What did you two do yesterday? Anything I should be aware of?”
He looked at her while he spoke silently to Michael. His hands shook slightly where they rested on her waist, and he squeezed her middle to keep from trembling.

This ménage and sharing thing was going to make him old before his time.

“I don’t kiss and tell, Tyler. But heed my warning. I’m not kidding. You fuck with her, literally, and I’ll…”
His thought trailed off. The man surely realized his threats were empty and only hurting himself.

Judging by the reaction of both Alyssa and Michael, Tyler would guess the two had engaged in a bit more foreplay than just kissing. It was time to even the field.

Wrapping his arms around her middle, Tyler tugged Alyssa against his chest and took her mouth in another mind-blowing kiss.

He waited until she relaxed into the lip lock and then let his fingers roam under her shirt and up her back. Her skin was so soft, smooth. And warm to his touch.

She flinched when he let his thumbs graze the undersides of her breasts, reaching around from behind. But she didn’t pull back. In fact she moaned again, that soft deep sound that was seeping into his skin.

Alyssa’s hands wandered around his chest. He was suddenly grateful he’d worn a dress shirt today. When he’d first arrived, he’d felt the outfit had been overkill in his attempt to impress, but now, the shirt was working in his favor as tiny fingers fumbled down the front, flicking open one button after another.

When she finally finished, she leaned back and spread his shirt open to gaze at his chest. What did she think? He wasn’t built like other men. He was more of the lean, studious type. Not one who’d frequented the gym as a teenager.

However, this mate of his stared at him like he hung the moon right now. Her face was relaxed, a slight smile curving up her lips as she perused his pounding chest. He’d never been tan, but Alyssa was so fair skinned he actually looked like he’d just spent a week in the Bahamas next to her. Her fingers danced down his chest, exploring his pecs, his abs. Even his nipples now stood at attention after she’d flicked over them coyly a number of times.

Tyler wasn’t new to the act of sex. He’d been with a few women in college over the years. But nothing compared to how Alyssa made him feel with just a look.

Without asking her permission, Tyler grabbed the hem of her sweater and whipped it over her head. The field was slightly more even. The sexy pink lace covering her pert breasts could barely pass as a bra. It wasn’t something she’d be able to leave the room wearing, that was for sure.

Nevertheless, she was breathing heavily and hadn’t flinched at his bold move to undress her, so he reached around with both hands and flicked the tiny clasp that contained her nipples. Gorgeous pink buds were revealed to his gaze as he pushed the straps of her bra off her shoulders and tossed the scrap of lace to the side.

Her chest bounced slightly up and down as she breathed heavily, and a glance at her face told him she was no longer ogling his chest. Now she was staring at his face for his reaction to her own.

He smiled. “You are so hot. So sexy. Beautiful…” Tyler cupped both breasts in his hands gently and then delicately spiraled around them until he circled her nipples with just the tips of his fingers.

After a few passes, she arched her chest into him. “God, Tyler.”

He loved the effect he had on her. Her skin pimpled with goose bumps, and she gripped his shoulders with her hands, holding herself off him. When she tipped her head back, exposing her long neckline, he had to swallow to keep from groaning.

She had no idea what she did to him.

Tyler watched her face for her reaction as he grasped both nipples and pinched them lightly with his fingers. She gasped and ground her crotch into his cock.

He wasn’t about to venture into her pants. There’d be no way he could stop himself from taking things too far, but there was no reason why she couldn’t get off against him. Hell, he’d die watching her. She was so aroused, so hot, he could feel her heat against his dick. He grit his teeth, for just a moment, to gain some control.

Pinching and plucking her nipples until they were distended and begging him to suckle them, he pressed his cock against her sex, creating a rhythm he wasn’t sure she was aware of.

The pink, pebbled flesh of her tits made his mouth water, and Tyler finally bent his head to suck one between his lips. Gently at first, and then with more fervor, he sucked just the tip and then a larger section of her breast into his mouth. Heaven.

Alyssa moaned a little louder, and Tyler let go with a
to press a hand over her mouth. He had no idea who was listening or from how far away. “Sweetheart…”

She tipped her wild gaze down at him … and licked his palm!

The nymph was going to kill him for sure.

“You’re loud,” he whispered, his voice gravely.

“I need…”

Yeah, he knew what she needed. Tyler wrapped his hands around her back and pulled her against his chest. Her nipples grazed his skin and seared a path to his heart. “Grind yourself against me, sweet. Make yourself come.”

Alyssa froze for a second, just a pause, and then she relaxed and did as he said, her hot pussy rubbing furiously against his cock until he realized he was also going to come from the dry humping. God, he felt like a randy teenager yet again.

His woman moaned softly now in wanton abandon and let herself go against him, her face buried in the crook of his neck, her breasts rubbing against his pecs.

He had visions of commanding her to masturbate for him in the future, watching her blatantly get herself off, her legs spread to his gaze, her pussy hot and wet while she used those tiny fingers to rub herself to orgasm. Eyes squeezed shut, Tyler couldn’t hold off another second. When Alyssa’s breath hitched and she froze, pressed firmly into him, her pussy pulsing against his crotch even through her jeans, he came with her, cum jutting into his pants.

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