Amber & Lochlann (Flesh & Blood) (9 page)


Chapter 7


She couldn’t stand it. Watching him packing his stuff up was killing her. She loved him there was no denying it now. He had stolen her heart and his leaving was going to leave a huge
hole in her chest where it was meant to be. Her eyes were swimming with unshed tears which she was fighting to hold back. He hadn’t asked her to go with him, hadn’t offered her anything more than hot blinding passionate sex. She hadn’t expected him to but a part of her had been secretly hoping that he would want to keep her. She wasn’t ‘Owned’, he couldn’t buy her like he could others but still she had hoped.

Sensing her growing sadness, “Amber what is wrong?” he said turning away from the bed to face her

“Nothing,” she stuttered. “I'm fine.”

“You are far from fine.” Walking over to her and gathering her in his arms. Nuzzling her head into his chest she breathed him in remembering his cradling her in his arms the night before as he had kissed her neck over and over. A sob broke through and the tears began to fall. “Please sweetheart I cannot bare to see you like this, talk to me.”

“I can’t stand it.”

“Stand what?”

“You leaving… it hurts…” she knew she was rambling but couldn’t stop, now that she had starte
d speaking the truth of her feelings there was no stopping it. “I have fallen in love with you Lochlann… I love you.” Lifting her head to look at him, not knowing what she would see in his eyes when she did. Her breath ceased in her throat as she was met with a blinding smile, his eyes glowing with happiness.

“I love you too Amber.” Wiping away the tears still running down her face, “how could I not. You have brought me back to life, given me a reason to exist again. I have spent the past few decades questi
oning everything, questioning if it was worth continuing with this never ending life. I never left my home. I locked myself away from the world. It had lost all its colour and beauty, I saw nothing but grey. Then Tristan persuaded me to come here and talk to Marcy about a new life away from here. I was fine with the offer, I have always been fond of her but I wasn’t excited about the visit. Then on my first night here he talked me into sitting in the club for the show. Every girl I saw on the stage bored me, I saw nothing but food. Then you appeared and for the first time in a long time I saw colour again. I was mesmerised by you instantly. After that I lived to watch you dance. Every night I would sit in my booth and wait for you to appear, to breathe life back into me.” Leaning down he captured her lips in a slow gentle kiss, her legs going weak. 

“But your still leaving aren’t you?”

“I have to sweetheart. I have a home that has been neglected by me for far too long and Marcy to get settled in.” Her eyes casting down as a new wave of tears threatened. His fingers moved under her chin and he lifted her eyes back up to his. “But if you think that now you have told me that you feel as deeply as I do that I am going to allow you to stay here, to dance for anyone but me then you have another thing coming. Come with me Amber, become my mate, live by my side for eternity.”

“Your mate?” her eyes widening in shock and fear. Did she want to live forever? Be a vampire? She wasn’t sure about that.

“I won’t turn you against your will Amber, the choice is completely yours. If you want to remain human and live out your life as a human then I am fine with that. I just want to be by your side for as long as I can be.”

“But I would die and you would be alone.”

His eyes clouding with sadness, “that you would and I do not know what would happen to me after that I will not lie to you. But I would have decades by your side before then, decades I would treasure. Listen, don’t answer me now, take as long as you need to decide if you want to become like me, we have plenty to time. But please say you will be my mate. Please say you will come with me.”

She didn’t know if she would allow him to turn her but she knew that there was no way in hell she could live without him. “Yes Lochla
nn, I will come with you.”

Walking him backwards she pushed him down onto the bed, climbing up to straddle him. She knew that she wasn’t strong enough for her to have knocked him off his feet but it just showed her how much he cared for her that he went do
wn like he did. Fisting his hair in her hands she kissed him deeply their tongues dancing as they began removing each other’s clothes. She didn’t want to mess around with foreplay tonight, she needed him, need to feel him deep inside her. Lifting up she reached down and grasped his length, pumping it slowly with her hand and spreading the drop of pre-cum around his swollen head before lining their bodies up so he was posed at her entrance. Slowly she pushed down taking him into her body. He filled her perfectly. As she moved upon him the friction building her higher and higher, lighting a fire deep inside her, his hands grasping her waist as he thrust up to meet her movements.

“Lochlann,” she gasped. As she neared the brink she pulled her hair away from her
neck to offer him her blood. “Feed from me Lochlann, taste my love for you.”

Pushing up with his elbows he feasted on her mouth before running his lips over her jaw and down her neck licking and nibbling. She shuddered as she felt his fangs scrap against
her skin but it was from pleasure now not fear, she knew that his bite would bring her nothing but pleasure, would push her to an orgasm like no other and bring him great pleasure too. As his fangs pierced her neck she flew over the edge, the whole world spiralling away from her as she screamed his name.

As she came down to orbit she realised that she was no longer sat stride him, instead she was now on her side, Lochlann facing her, stroking the hair out of her eyes smiling at her.

“You ok sweetheart?” he asked, “You back with me?”

Slightly embarrassed that she had once again passed out she nodded causing him to frown at her, “I’m fine, just a little embarrassed that I blanked out again. Will that happen every time?”

“I doubt it, your body isn’t use to the endorphins that my bite creates but eventually it won’t knock you out like that. But if you want to stop feeding me all you have to do is tell me, I will completely understand.”

“No Lochlann I want to do this, I hate the thought of you feeding from othe
rs. Promise me that from now on I'm the only person you bite?”

“Promise,” he whispered before taking her mouth again and she was lost to everything but him.   




Lochlann went to talk to Tristan leaving Amber asleep in his bed. He hated the thought
that he may not be there when she awoke but while Tristan was not her owner he was her boss and there was no way he could take what he considered his best dancer away from him without talking to him about it first.

“Marcy all packed up?” he asked entering
the office.

“That she is, though she is still faffing around worrying about forgetting something or taking something that she is not allowed. I must have had a dozen calls from her during the day asking if it was ok to take this or that,” he laughed. “I'm
glad she decided to take up the offer. She’ll be able to keep an eye on you for me, stop you from locking yourself away again.”

“I won’t be doing that I can assure you. I’ve asked Amber to be my mate.”

A smile forming at the corner of Tristan’s mouth, “have you now?”

“You don’t seem surprised.”

“Of course I'm not, I had a feeling this would be the end result when you asked me if you could hire her. I just didn’t know if she would except or not.” His eyebrow raising in question.

“She has accepted to joining
me yes.”

“But not to be your immortal mate?”

“She is unsure as to whether she wants to become immortal, but that is a choice only she can make. I will not force her. She was only able to give herself to me completely last night, to offer me her blood. This time a week ago the idea repulsed her. Hopefully one day she will accept the offer to be my immortal mate, but even if she does not a decade with her alone would be heaven.” He wouldn’t think about what would happen one day or at least try not to, the thought of her death made his blood turn to ice. It would destroy him to lose her but he would not try to sway her decision, it was her choice to make and hers alone.

“Well I hope that she does decide to take the ultimate bite, I really do.” Tristan’s eyes gl
azing over in an ancient pain that Lochlann hated to see. Shaking his head of his dark thoughts he continued, “So I take it you have come to me to ask for me to release her from my employment?”

“She will never dance before others again, only me.”

Opening the filing cabinet behind him Tristan pulled out Amber’s contract and another form. “She just needs to fill this form out and she’ll be off the books. I’ve hired a van to transport Marcy’s stuff to your place. There is a little room left but not much. Let me know if we need another van for Amber’s things.”

Nodding in thanks Lochlann left and made his way back up to his suite, smiling when he found her still sleeping soundly in his bed.


“So after I fill this out I'm free to go? I know I'm not ‘Owned’ but I
signed a 3 year contract,” she asked after Lochlann had explained about his visit with Tristan.

They were sat at the table as Amber finished her meal. She hadn’t wanted to get out of bed, she just wanted to stay there forever with him, his cock buried dee
p inside her. But he had refused all her advances, after feeding him twice she needed to eat, especially if she was going to keep doing so.

“Tristan is a dear friend of mine Amber, and no matter how he may seem at times he is not cruel, he would never deny
me my mate.” His eyes glowing with happiness as he said the word. After all this time he had actually found her. He wasn’t going to be alone anymore. He had Amber, forever… or at least he hoped he did. “Anyway sweetheart we will be leaving before sunrise and we need you all packed up and ready to go. Tristan says he can have another van sorted for your things.”

“Oh its ok, I haven’t got much stuff, there is really no need.”

“Don’t you want to come with me? Have you changed your mind?”

“What? No of course
I haven’t it just… I don’t really have much,” she explained rising from the table.

“Ok so we don’t need the extra van, but we still need to get your things from your place.” Placing his hand on her lower back and beginning to steer her towards the door. He
could feel her resisting, her feet planting firmly on the floor. There was no way she was strong enough stop his progress but he halted anyway.

“Mmm… there’s no need to go anywhere… I'm kind of already packed.”

“Are you that desperate to get me back home and christen our house.” For it was their house now, she was his mate and everything that was his he now willingly shared with her.

“No Lochlann, while I really am looking forward to that, that is not the reason that my stuff is a
lready packed.” Thanking a deep calming breath, “I was asked to leave the bedsit the other night. Everything I own is in boxes in my car outside.”

Why hadn’t he known this? Why hadn’t she told him? Or Tristan? Unless he didn’t know either. He couldn’t have otherwise he would have
done something about it, given her somewhere to stay. But that was the problem. If she had told Tristan he would have helped her, which would have given him a little power over her, or at least that is what she would think. Lochlann knew better than that. Tristan may be cunning and tricky when it came to his favours, but he wouldn’t have held that over her. No he only asked for ‘Ownership’ if he thought the person could not be trusted to take care of their own lives. “So where were you planning on going? Please tell me you had a plan, that you had somewhere to stay after I left here.”

Biting her bottom lip looking guilty, “well not until the other night. I spoke to Beth and she o
ffered me her spare room. Her roommate moved out a while back and she has been struggling to find someone else.” Well at least that was something but she had been lucky. He dreaded to think what would have happene
d if she hadn’t admitted her true feelings to him and Beth hadn’t offered her somewhere.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell
me any of this. Well at least we haven’t got to go and pack you up, but you must promise to tell me everything from now on. We are mates there should be no secrets between us, understand? I love you Amber and I want to trust you but you must trust me too.”

“You know I do,” she smiled angling her neck to the side giving him a glimpse at the bite marks just under the collar of her shirt. It was hard to remain upset with her.

“I can’t wait to get you back to my bed and feast on your body again, I want to taste everything.” His eyes sparkling with promise.




“You’re sure about this Amber? Sure this is what you really want?” Beth asked.

A few of the girls had already come to say goodbye but Beth had seemed to wait until the last minute as if giving her fri
end time to change her mind. But there was no way on this earth that she would. She could never survive without Lochlann, not now, not ever. He was a part of her as much as she was him. They belonged together, of that she was sure.

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