Anchor Line (35 page)

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Authors: Dawne Walters

Conrad fell over her bracing himself up on his forearms he pulled her on top of him as he rolled over onto his back still inside of her, both of them breathing hard. She could still feel her muscles spasm around his cock as she tried to relax on top of him catching her breath. Her head rested on his chest her arms above his head her fingers just tickling his hair, her body straddled over his. Conrad’s arms were still around her as he kissed her head and sighed deeply.

“I suppose we should get up and get dressed to go pay visit to your parents now.” Conrad said rubbing her back.

“I suppose we should. Seeing as how they were expecting me over an hour and a half ago.” Addie kissed his chest and lifted up so that she was sitting on him. Even though his cock was soft, and a relaxed state it was still rather large.

“Baby, if I were you, I would get up off of me right now and go to the bathroom and start the shower.” Conrad suggested his hands sliding over her hips and thighs. “Or you’re gonna make my dick hard again and you’ll be riding me.”

Addie chuckled as she lifted gently and Conrad’s cock slid out of her and she felt the juices of their reunion slide down her legs as she jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom to the sound of Conrad laughing. Once in the opulent marble bathroom she grabbed a few pieces of toilet paper to wipe her legs and flushed it down the toilet, then cranked the shower and when the water was to her liking she looked around for something to wrap her hair up with and finding nothing she went to her suitcase just out of the bathroom door to get a clip from inside of it.  She heard Conrad talking in a hushed voice noticing that he was standing by the window in a conversation on the phone.

“No I’ll just phone you tomorrow. I’m kind of busy tonight. I’ve only been here since yesterday there’s still time to call you later, when I am not…that’s okay, I promise I’ll call you back. We are getting ready to go have dinner now so I have to let you go…alright babe. Bye.”

Addie quietly backed into the bathroom and pushed the door closed. Then she pulled her hair up and clipped it and jumped into the shower, her thoughts whirling around in her brain. Who was Conrad talking to? Please don’t let it be Steph or Lisa or Susan… Please don’t let it be one of them. Pulling open the little package of soap and grabbed a washcloth and scrubbed her skin until it was red and raw, frustrated that she had even overheard Conrad talking on the phone. As she went to rinse off she felt Conrad walk into the shower behind her and he wrapped his arms around her, bringing her back up against his front. She could feel his cock hardening as he bent down to kiss her neck. But Addie couldn’t get out of her brain what she had heard Conrad say on the phone. He’d been home since yesterday evening and hadn’t called her, but it does sound like another woman on the phone just now. Pushing away from him she finished rinsing off and jumped out of the shower leaving Conrad standing there.

Grabbing a towel, all Addie wanted to do was go home to her parents’ house. Everything that happened in the past two hours, from Conrad seeing her at the airport and giving her flowers, to having sex in his hotel room and overhearing the phone call felt like too much. Why did she let herself do this? Why did she let Conrad back in? She knew better. She knew the kind of guy that Conrad was. And wasn’t it just convenient that he had a hotel room where his sister’s reception was going to be. And wasn’t it just convenient that he was back in the states and only hours from the Messo and Fort Bragg. Maybe she was overthinking things, but all she could think of was to run.














Chapter Twenty-Four

Stepping out into the hotel room at a grabbed her clothes and quickly slid into her jeans and her bra clasping it the back and sliding her hands through the long sleeves and her blouse and buttoned it up the front. Then she slid into her black loafers and unclipped her hair tossing it in her suitcase. But just as she grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder and reached to grab her suitcase Conrad came out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips.

“What the hell...?” Conrad asked confused. “Where you going babe?”

Addie’s mouth opened and closed a couple times resembling that of a fish until she could talk. “I went to get a clip out of my suitcase and overheard you on the phone saying that you were going to have dinner with someone, so I was going to grab my car and go to my parents’ house so that you could go do your thing.”

“So you eavesdropped on my conversation on the phone?” Conrad lifted his eyebrows and looked at her pointedly.

“If you’re so annoyed by it then that just tells me that maybe I shouldn’t have heard what you were talking about.” Addie answered. “And it’s not like I did it on purpose. I just needed a clip so that my hair didn’t get soaking wet. And it’s kind of hard when it’s a hotel room not to hear someone on the phone.”

“Who the hell do you think I was talking to?”

“With you there is no telling.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? I just came home last night. Who the hell do you think I have been calling?”

“Well it sure as hell hasn’t been me.”

“No you’re right. I didn’t call you because I know I would be seeing you today. I talked to your father last night when I came into town and told him that I would be picking you up at the airport. I wanted to surprise you Addie. And I was on the phone with my sister who’s been trying to get me to take some chick out as a date for her wedding.” Conrad explained. “But you are more interested in being jealous and going off halfcocked and flipping out.”

Now Addie felt like complete shit. She had assumed that he was talking to Lisa or Susan or any number of women that were still at his beck and call. She saw it happen on his Facebook page while he was deployed. She had to back up a step and apologize.

“I’m sorry Conrad. I guess the emotion of seeing you at the airport and what we just shared… I guess I just wasn’t ready to let you go yet.” Addie shrugged her shoulders.

Conrad just stood there for a minute looking at her and shook his head. “I was going to drive you to your mother’s store and we were going to have dinner there. But if you’d like to continue on this train where you feel that you can’t trust me then maybe you should go.”

“Did I not just apologize to you? Did you not hear me say I’m sorry?” Addie said frustrated.

“Fine, then let’s just get over this bullshit and let me get ready so that I can go have dinner with you and your parents.” Conrad said a little frustrated.

“Fine.”  Addie snapped. “I’ll wait for you to get ready and we’ll go have dinner.”

“Are you seriously throwing attitude at me?” Conrad took a step closer to Addie.

She shook her head. “No. But if you don’t get a move on we’ll be late.”

Conrad let a smile spread on his face. “Seriously baby. It was just my sister trying to get me a date for her wedding.  I swear to fuck I am never going to try and surprise anyone again.”

Addie dropped her purse on her suitcase and walked over to Conrad who moved to his bag that was in the chair in the corner by the window. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back.

“Conrad, I’m really sorry. I don’t know how to explain it. You just evoke these… Feelings out of me and I don’t… I don’t know how to deal with them.”

              Conrad patted her hand that was resting on his waist. It’s ok Addie, we’ll get through it. Oh and by the way… Leave your suitcase here.”


“Because your parents know that you’re going to be staying here for a few days.”

“What do you mean? How do they know I’m staying here a few days…Oh my God! You told my parents I was good to stay with you? How could you do that? Do you know that I will get teased for life about it!” Addie backed up from him and put her hands on her hips.

Conrad turned around with a blue button-down shirt in hand. “Are you seriously worried that your parents know you’re going to have sex with me?” Conrad laughed. “This… Is going to be fun.”

“Do you know what they did to me? What my brothers did to me when they caught me on the front porch with a date who had his tongue halfway down my throat?”

“Oh yeah when you were moving out of your old apartment your dad told me that they teased relentlessly.” Conrad had a huge grin on his face as he slid his legs in his jeans and pulled them up, then pulled  his T-shirt on and then through the button-down over it.

“He told you about?” Addie’s eyes got huge.

“He told me all about it.” Of course Conrad new he was stretching the truth, but her dad did say that they had teased her. He just wouldn’t tell her that that’s all her father told him.

Addie he was mortified. She flopped down on the bed and looked straight ahead in the TV that was turned off. She had always kept her sex life, her dating life private from family because of that one time that she was caught on the front porch. She kind of like to think that her family thought of her as a virgin.

Conrad finished getting dressed throwing on a clean pair of socks and shoes, tucked his wallet in his back pocket and grabbed the keys off the dresser standing before adding he kissed her on the top of the head and pulled her up to stand in front of him.

“Sugar It’s going to be fine. Let’s go drive out to meet your mom and dad and have dinner. No conversation of us having sex or the nasty little things that you said to me about masturbating will come up.” Conrad teased.

“I swear to God and all that’s holy that if you bring up what I said while we were fucking… I will fork your eyeball and eat it.” Addie said adamantly.

Dinner with Addie’s parents was fun. Conrad had told Addie that she definitely looked like her mother except for the wild crazy curly hair that she had. The Sergeant Major was a lot more relaxed now than the last time Conrad had met him because of his retirement. All in all, with all four of them stuffed full of salad, lasagna and garlic bread and two bottles of wine, they still sat at the dining room table laughing and talking.

Addie got up to help her mother with the dishes while Conrad and her father kept talking about Conrad’s deployment. Addie was worried that her parents wouldn’t approve of her staying with Conrad even though Conrad had said he had talked to her father.

“Are you sure daddy’s okay with me staying with Conrad Momma?”

“He is quite all right bella mia.”  Her mother Tella said. “Besides, your daddy likes him. I think he’ll take care of you quite well.”

“We are dating mama.” Addie said running her hands into the water and then squirting soap into the sink. “I think this is just a case of I’m in Pittsburgh he’s in Pittsburgh we get together.”

“Well he told your daddy that he wanted to see more of you during his two weeks of leave. Daddy said on one condition.” Her mother winked at her.

“I’m almost afraid to ask what it was.”  Addie raised an eyebrow looking at her mother.

“Every now and then you’ll have to have dinner with us.” Her mother smiled.


“And we know you’ll be having sex.” Her mother chuckled. “Is he good in bed?”

“You know mama, I actually liked it better when you thought I was a virgin.” Addie blushed.

“My love you haven’t been a virgin for a long time.”

“Mama!” Addie looked at her mother her eyes huge again her cheeks aflame with embarrassment.

“She’s still a virgin?”

Fucking Conrad! Addie thought, I’ll kill them. I’ll just tell him.

“I’ve always wanted to be with a virgin.” Conrad whispered as he came from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. “And love to pop your cherry.”

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