Read Anchor Line Online

Authors: Dawne Walters

Anchor Line (34 page)

  “Wait a minute… I’m not staying here. My parents are expecting me to stay with their new house.” Addie looked a little panicked.

“I didn’t say you were going to stay here but if you want to get cleaned up before you see your parents after I show you my room, then you’ll need your suitcase.” Conrad said slyly with a smirk.

Addie was stunned she didn’t know what to say, so she picked up her flowers and followed Conrad as he filled out the card for the car gave it to the valet and took his ticket and her bag in one hand and her hand in the other and walked her through the hotel to the elevator and up to his room. They were quiet as they walked down the hallway, both knowing what was going to happen with anticipation. But, in the elevator when Conrad didn’t kiss her, Addie seemed a little disappointed. But she was still excited about being with Conrad again. As the elevator doors opened Conrad squeezed her hand and motioned for her to get out first as he pulled her suitcase along behind him.

Finally at his door Conrad slid the key into the slot and when the light turned green he pulled the key out push down on the handle and pushed the door open. He let Addie in first and watched her face light up as she set her flowers down on the bed and went straight to the window and looked out. Conrad had a room on the 10th floor on a corner facing the river.

“Oh my God!” Addie exclaimed. “You can see PNC Park from here. And down there that’s Heinz Field, I’ll bet the view at night is just gorgeous.” Addie turned around to see Conrad push her bag by the dresser that held the TV.

“I haven’t seen the view at night yet.” Conrad explained as he walked up behind her at the window and put his hands on her hips. “I just checked in today.”

“I thought you’ve been home a couple days.”

“No, I got home last night and ended up sleeping on the sofa in the living room. Pop wanted to give me his bed but the old man needs his comforts at his age.” Conrad chuckled. “But I was hoping, that I would get to share the lights at night with you at least a couple of days.”

Addie turned around in his arms and really took him in for the first time since she got to Pittsburgh. He looked wonderful for somebody that had spent seven months in a war zone. Tanned, toned and yet still muscular she licked her lips and slid her hands up under his shirt onto his chest, splaying her fingers out so that she could feel his muscles and the little bit of hair that was on his chest. Conrad let her explore as they stared at each other, desire flowing through the both of them.

“Can I take your shirt off?” Addie asks nervously.

“You can take everything off if you’d like.” Conrad almost whispered.

“Let’s just start with your shirt first.” Addie said reaching for the hem of his shirt and pulling upward as Conrad lifted his arms to help her take his shirt off. She then threw it in the chair in the corner. Then her hands were all over his chest again, following the dips and curves of his pecs and his abdominal muscles. When she came to the V that dipped into his pants she got onto her knees and slowly unbuttoned and unzipped Conrad’s pants.

Pulling the zipper down one tine at a time she noticed out of the corner of her eyes that Conrad’s hands had fisted by his sides and his erection was bulging under the fabric of his jeans. Sliding the jeans apart she slid her hands into the fabric until his hard cock was fully exposed.

Addie smiled as Conrad groaned. “I’m not going to last, and unless you want me to come down your throat I would not put my Dick in your mouth.”

Addie took that as an invitation and before she slid his cock into her mouth she ran her tongue over the slit where a drop of pre-come had formed. Then she slid down his cock as much as she could until he reached the back of her throat her hands sliding around to grab his ass at the same time engulfing him in her warm heat. Slowly she slid back so that her lips stopped at the tip of his dick and her tongue slid around it. Then she took him back into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat where she relaxed her jaw a little bit more and he slid in even further. She hummed as she pulled back, her eyes looking up at Conrad in expectation of his response.

“God baby that feel so good.” Conrad groaned as his hands slid into her hair, gripping it tightly. “Let me back in baby, just a little bit more and I will come down your throat.”

Addie could feel herself getting wet as she slid down the length of him again, her tongue sliding over his cock, the feel of his hands in her hair gripping tightly turned her on. Watching him, was as erotic as sucking his dick. When Conrad closed his eyes that’s when Addue picked up the pace and started sliding his cock in and out of her mouth quickly, taking him in his much as she could until he hit the back of her throat and then she would pull back out.

“I wanted to fuck you and have you come with me at the same time.” Conrad groaned, his eyes still closed.

Addie’s hands slid his jeans down further and then her hands slid back up the front of his thighs and she grabbed his hips and picked up her pace a little bit more her lips wrapping around her teeth creating a little pressure over his cock.

“I’m coming baby.” Conrad groaned. “If you don’t want me to come down your throat, you better move, otherwise I want you to take this fucking hot load, then you better pull your shirt open and let me come on your tits.

Addie took him in one more time sucking hard as she felt his cock swell before he came, shooting cum into her mouth, she swallowed greedily until the last spurt of cum came from his cock. Slowly, she slid down the length of his cock her tongue swirling around the tip of it. Looking up she saw as Conrad exhaled a deep breath and looked down into her eyes.

Conrad let go of her hair and slid his hands under her arms pulling her up against him where he kissed her hungrily his tongue searched hers out in a heated kiss. When he pulled back he pulled her shirt up and unbuttoned her jeans slowly as he pushed off his sneakers with each foot. Addie was unbuttoning her shirt and let it slide down her arms, then reached behind her and unclasped her bra and let the straps fall down her arms as well where she dropped it on the floor with her shirt.

“Get on the bed and take your pants off.” Conrad said in a gruff voice of pleasure.

As Addie slid her jeans off Conrad did the same and Addie slid on the white comforter of the king-size bed splaying her legs open so that Conrad could see her freshly waxed pussy. Now divested of his jeans and socks, Conrad slid on the bed lying on his belly, his head right above Addie’s pussy, Conrad slid one finger through the slick heat.

He smirked up at Addie before he threw her legs over his shoulders, “My you’re excited baby. Did sucking my cock do this to you…make you all went like this?”

Addie could only shake her head before Conrad dived in and licked from top to bottom the folds of her pussy.  Her sharp intake of breath told Conrad without words just what he wanted to hear. He feasted on her, sliding his tongue in and out of her pussy. His nose inhaling her scent as he gave her and gave her open mouth kisses, sliding his tongue over her clit several times making her moan and pushed her hips up to pushed into his face. His thumbs holding open the lips of her pussy open, Conrad drove in again and again as if he fucked her with his tongue.

Sliding a hand over Conrad looks up at Addie, her hands fisted in the comforter beneath her, her body arched and pleasure Conrad smiled. This is what he had missed. This is what he wanted… Addie naked beneath him, arching with the pleasure that only he could give her.

“Do you want to come now baby…you want to come all over my face?” Conrad slid two fingers into her pussy and started rubbing in a come here motion.

“Yes Conrad… I want to come… I want to come over your face. Then I want to come on your hard cock as I ride you.” Addie arched again feeling her orgasm get closer.

“Alright baby, come for me.” Conrad slid his tongue over her clit one more time and then latched on and sucked hard as his fingers rubbed on her G spot.

Addie exploded. Coming all over his face, she screamed his name loud and long as her orgasm pounded through her.” Conrad! Oh… fuck!”

Conrad slowly slid his fingers out of Addie’s pussy and reached up and slid them into her mouth.  “Suck them.” He demanded. “Suck them hard like it was my cock. Clean off all that pussy juice.”

Addie slid her tongue over his fingers as he pushed them into her mouth. She tasted herself for the first time on his hand. She grabbed his wrist as she sucked her come off his fingers. Then Conrad pulled his fingers from her mouth and pushed her legs off his shoulders sliding up the length of her body. His tongue sliding up the middle of her body from her pubic bone to her navel, then to her breastbone in between her nipples. 

He kissed his way to her left nipple sliding his tongue around it and nibbling on the underneath part of her breast. Then he kissed her nipple again and then kissed his way to her right breast where he did the same thing. Sliding his tongue around her nipple nibbling beneath her breast and only this time he took her nipple into his mouth sucking as hard as he could, making her push up into him to alleviate the pleasure/pain. Releasing her breast with a pop, Conrad removed his fingers from her mouth slowly as he kissed his way up her breastbone over her throat he kissed the tip of her chin and then licked her bottom lip before he sucked it into his mouth lightly biting it and then releasing it. His arms now braced himself up above her he shifted his hips as Addie took his cock and guided him into position at the entrance of her pussy.

“I need you again Addie.  I need to fuck you.” Conrad whispered as he looked down into her eyes glazed over with passion.

At Addie’s nod, Conrad pushed in all the way into her to the hilt making them both moan in ecstasy.  Addie’s legs slid around his waist and her hands slid up his arms. Conrad sighed when he was deep in Addie.

“Give me your hands baby.” Conrad groaned.

Addie twined her fingers into Conrad’s beside her head, then looked at the Conrad and nodded her head. It was only then that Conrad moved, sliding out slowly all the way to where only the tip of his cock was inside of Addie just barely. And then waiting just a moment Conrad slammed back in stopping briefly and sliding back out to where the tip of his cock again rested just inside of Addie and slammed back in. He did this a few more times and each time he and Addie would groan as Conrad rested his cock deep inside of her. Then Conrad started a punishing rhythm, sliding almost all the way out and pushing all the way in over and over again. There was no sensual rhythm. He just wanted to fuck. Deep and hard.

“This is what your pictures did to me Addie.” Conrad groaned above her. “I laid in my cot at night imagining your tight wet pussy as I stroked my cock. I came so hard so many times just imagining fucking you like this.”

“Fuck me Conrad… Fuck me harder.” And he groaned, pushing up as he slid into her, making him slide deeper into her. “This is what I missed. This is what I masturbated to. Your cock deep inside of me.”

Conrad paused, letting go of Addie’s hands as he straightened to his knees he pulled Addie’s hips up to meet his, her legs up against his chest. The only parts of her body that was on the bed were her head and shoulders. Then he started again…that the punishing rhythm. Only this time they both felt that he was deeper inside of her.

“Are you going to come for me baby? Come over my big hard cock inside your wet, tight pussy. Do it Addie.” Conrad gritted his teeth. “Make that tight pussy come all over my hard cock. Make me come with you.”

Addie could feel her orgasm getting closer, not just from the way he was pounding into her but from the way he talked to her. It was erotic his fuck and it turned her on.              

“Bring your hand between your legs Addie. Rub your clit…I want to see you rub your clit and make yourself come all over my cock.” Conrad said looking down at her. “I want to come inside you while you rub your clit.”

Addie reached down to her pussy and started to rub on her clit. She cried out his name over and over like a mantra on her lips as she reached her orgasm. When it hit she screamed out his name louder than before as her pussy muscles gripped Conrad’s cock making him shout out her name in return as he too started his orgasm, spilling inside of her. It was so intense that Addie could feel Conrad’s cum shooting into her, setting her off on another orgasm as she milked him to completion.

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