Angel (NSC Industries) (10 page)

Read Angel (NSC Industries) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

of agreement

 Marcy’s bedded him you know.

(shocked) really?

Who the hell was Marcy Anyway?

Oh yeah, she said he’s an amazing
lover. He even has his penis pierced! (Giggle)

the fuck! Really?


(surprised) Oooh how raunchy.

how raunchy! I mimicked, wobbling my head

(gasping) I want him even more now.

door open, door shut, silence


that was enlightening. Sighing I flushed and exited the cubicle.

my make-up I returned to the ballroom. Nate was still laughing and joking with
his friends, so I meandered over to the buffet table.

was crammed with extravagant delicacies. Everything looking mouth-watering and
I nibbled on a wide selection, savouring the exquisite tastes. 

me, a beautiful lady who actually eats food instead of staring at it insisting
they’re on a diet” a smooth male voice spoke. I fixed my gaze on him. “Are you
saying I’m fat, Sir?” I implored, trying to hide a laugh and failing miserably.

genuinely shocked, he placed his hand over his heart. “Heavens no” he defended
“Far from it sweetheart” he hummed, scanning my body.


his hand, he introduced himself “Harry Manson.”

his hand to return the introduction, I smiled at him “Olivia Adams.”

smiled back “And what do you do, Olivia?” he inquired. “I’m a secretary at NSC”
I told him.

smile faded and he narrowed his eyes on a scowl “You work for Nathan Carter?”


not specifically. I’m a PA to the finance director, so I don’t actually report
to Mr Carter” I stuttered. I daren’t tell him I was Nate’s date, anxious of his

I see” he relaxed a little and we chatted for a while.


was thoroughly entertaining and I was enjoying his company tremendously. He
asked me lots of questions about myself as we drank lots of champagne, and he
was openly interested in the conversation. “So what do you do Mr Manson?” I

an investment banker. No rhyming slang please, Miss Adams.” I threw my head
back and laughed loudly as he laughed with me.


laughter stopped suddenly and he tensed as I felt two arms slide around my
waist. “I was wondering where you’d got to, Angel” Nate breathed, nuzzling into
my neck as he eyed Harry. “Manson” he acknowledged firmly.

Harry replied, just as frostily.

was obvious the pair disliked each other. “Dance with me, Liv” Nate ordered
more than asked.

was lovely to meet you Mr Manson” I said as Nate dragged me towards the dance
floor on my drunken, unstable legs.


we reached the dance floor, Nate slid one arm around my waist and the other in
my hand and he pulled me against him as we started to sway.

was still a little mad at him after the ‘Eleanor’ incident. “What’s wrong, baby?”
he asked softly, his mouth resting against my ear.

my head I tried to ignore him. “Tell me” he demanded.

do not appreciate being used as a pawn in your games with your girlfriend,
Nate!” I grumbled.

not my girlfriend,
Liv” he asserted.

she seems to think she is” I informed him.

just had sex Liv, that’s all” he defended. “Well I think she wants to have more

just sex’
with you Nate” I told him.

baby?” he grinned sly and pursed his lips.

I have had to put up with your moodiness,
, I have had to listen to
a bunch of giggling women, while having a bloody piss, declaring how ‘hot you
are in the sack’ and how your ‘
pierced penis’
is amazing.”

raised his eyes and grinned at this announcement. “Along with being insulted by
girlfriend” I finished with a huff.

not my
Liv” he snarled.


him and shaking my head, I concentrated on the dance trying to stay upright in
my intoxicated state. We swayed to the music, each of us deep in our own

hand slid down and cupped my bottom as he pulled me closer and I could feel his
erection straining against my stomach. He hissed through his teeth as I gasped.

breathing accelerated as the throb between my thighs intensified. “Do you know
how fuckin’ hot you look in that dress, baby?” Nate whispered seductively in my

a low moan I tilted my mouth onto his, claiming him in a passionate kiss. My
own hand slid down and grasped his tight arse, another soft moan escaping as I
felt it’s hardness in my hand.

he had a remarkable backside. The contours in his defined muscles were
incredible, an arse from the heavens.


squeezed my cheeks in confirmation that he liked the feel of my caress and he
pressed his hard-on further into me. “
Stop! Nate”
I gasped pulling away.

around to see if we had attracted any attention, I found Eleanor’s appalled
expression, her lip curled in disgust. “I think it’s time to go, Nate” I
specified, leaving his embrace.

Baby” he said, giving me his sexy smile. I realised he thought I wanted to go
to carry our intimate dance into the bedroom.


said our goodbyes to Ollie and Nate’s other friends and made our way through
the desperate paparazzi again.


in the back seat of the car I let out a large breath. “That bad, Liv?” he laughed.

a little pissed, Nate” I giggled back.

noticed” he chuckled “I like you when you’re drunk.” His lips twitched, “I
particularly like your shoes” he admired.

aren’t they” I agreed, swinging my foot out for him to inspect.

grabbed my foot and placed it in his lap, twisting my whole body round towards
him. “Perfect” he whispered.

fingers traced the outline of the shoe, around my foot, delicately stroking my
stocking clad foot.


my shoe and dropping it onto the floor, he lifted my foot to his mouth, lightly
kissing each toe through the sheer black material while he massaged my ankle. I
couldn’t take my eyes off his worship of my foot, it was mesmerising.

arousal spiked and my breathing rushed out in slow pants. His fingers slowly
glided up my leg, leisurely trailing up the inside of my thigh until he reached
my stocking top.

loudly, he traced around the top whilst still idolising my foot with his mouth,
sucking on each toe.


fingers travelled higher until he reached my knickers and his finger slid over
my wetness. A growl left his throat, “You’re so fuckin’ wet, Liv.”

leaned over and pressed his mouth against my ear, “I want you so much baby” he
rasped as his finger continued to stroke up and down my pussy.

licked down from my ear to the base of my throat. “
” I moaned as he
sucked in the flesh on my neck.


car pulled to a stop and there was a tap on the screen. I sat up sharply,
gasping for a breath “I’m home” I stammered. 

turned to me wiggling his eyebrows. “You gonna invite me in for a drink?” he
pleaded hopefully.

can’t, Erin’s home” I swallowed.

Nate glowered. “No Nate, not while the kids are in the house” I glowered back.

ran his thumb across my lip and grasped my chin “You keep managing to escape
baby but just so you know, I’m going to make love to you soon, just accept it.
I’ve waited twenty years for you Angel… nobody came close baby, nobody felt
like you, smelt like you and no one ever fucking tasted like you… and I’m not
prepared to wait any fucking longer.”

sultry gaze dropped to my mouth and his tongue swept across his bottom lip. He
leaned into me “We were so good together, you know that. I can blow your mind,


was panting now, so desperate to drag him in the house, strip him naked and
worship his magnificent body. “Did your husband make you come hard like I used
to, Liv?” he breathed into my ear.

that definitely killed the moment.


pushed him away and grabbed my shoe and bag from the floor. As I grabbed the
door handle he clasped my arm, “Baby I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that” he apologized
as I tried to scramble from the car.

doesn’t matter Nate” I uttered to him as I removed my arm from his hold.

it obviously does matter if it got this reaction from you. I wasn’t belittling
your husband Liv, It’s obvious you still care for him and I’m sorry.”

my head back with a bitter laugh, I turned back to him “You have no fucking
idea, Nate! Now please, leave it. It’s fine.”


his eyes on me he studied my face. “What did he do, Liv?” he asked as his eyes
bored into me.

my brow and biting my lip, I softly shook my head at him as I cupped his cheek
and pleaded with him silently. “Believe me Nate, you don’t want to know” I
spoke faintly.

he persisted.

my eyes to the floor, I sucked in my bottom lip. Swallowing hard I answered him.
“If you want me to open up to you Nate, then you’re gonna have to be patient,
give me time. Please” I begged him.

my hand, he spoke gently “Baby, I’m here. But you’re gonna have to trust me. I
will never do anything to hurt you, okay?”


reached up to his face and kissed him tenderly, the hard shell around my heart
cracking slightly.

smiled softly as I pulled away, “I’ll see you Monday” I said as I climbed from
the car and shut the door.


through my front door, I closed it quietly behind me and leaned my back against
it. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I slowly slid down to the floor, now sobbing
and I slammed my fist on the door behind me. “Damn you James” I cried to
myself, wrapping my arms around my bent legs.


was still there, sobbing uncontrollably an hour later when Erin came down the
stairs and enveloped me in her arms. “Come on Mum” she said compassionately
“Let’s get you to bed”.



next week rushed passed and before I knew it Friday had arrived again. I hadn’t
seen much of Nate; he had a huge contract to finalise and was extremely busy
all week. We’d managed a quick sandwich and chat at the local coffee bar on
Tuesday, but nothing else since, even though we texted each other frequently.


was sat behind my desk, working when my mobile phone rang. Frowning at the
unknown number, I answered it.


I prompted.  


my eyes when the call ended I continued working. Ten minutes later the unknown
person rang again. “Hello?” I encouraged.


grated down the phone, getting impatient.

“Okay, I’m really busy here. If you’ve
got something to say, say it!” I urged, annoyed.



the call I flung my phone across my desk, only to glare at it sceptically when
it trilled its text message alert.

it up suspiciously I glanced at the screen, seeing to my relief it was a text
from Nate.



in my office? I’m going stir crazy up here.

I will supply you with wine ;-)



and replying that I would be up at 12:30, the unknown caller rang again.
Presuming it was somebody struggling with a new phone I answered again.


fucks sake” I cursed down the phone.
 And then “Tsk!”

I tried again “Hello, is someone there?”

Listening intently I could make out
someone breathing. “Are you going to talk to me?” I appealed.  
“Oh screw you” I shouted down the mouth piece and terminated the call briskly.


okay over there sweetie?” Grace queried, her head popping up from behind her
monitor to look at me. “Yeah, stupid bogus caller” I told her, shrugging.

just a wrong number, darling” she said, trying to pacify me. “Yeah probably” I
agreed, trying to shake my anxiety.


arrived on the 50
floor a little after 12:30, waving my ‘hello’ to
the male receptionist, Jonathon.

walked down the corridor to Nate’s office. His PA, Rachel, regarded me “I’ll
let him know you are here Miss Adams” her abhorrence of me plainly etched on
her face.

you Rachel” I answered stiffly.

she could buzz me through, Nate’s door opened and his gaze searched the
reception area.

me, his face lifted into a huge grin. “Liv, thank god!” He sighed with relief
“I was contemplating suicide in here. Come on, the wine has been opened for ten
minutes; I’m surprised you didn’t sprint up. You can sniff out an open bottle
of wine ten miles wide” he winked at me as I feigned offence.   

turned to his assistant “Please make sure we’re not disturbed, Rachel.” 

eyes narrowed on me as she huffed. Nate inspected her, “Problem Rachel?” he
asked her crisply.

Mr Carter” she smiled sweetly to him.

giving her a glare Nate ushered me into his office.


he shut the door I turned to him. “I think someone wants to get in your pants

I mocked, holding my hand over my heart and fluttering my eyelashes at him. 

looked at me under his hooded eyes “There’s only one person I’m eager to let
into my pants
and we both know who that is.”

at his audacity I shook my head and ventured over to the couch “Keep trying
Nate” I smirked.

I intend to, Liv” he smirked back.


walked over to me, poured me a glass of the expensive wine and sat beside me.
“This bloody contract has got me in a frenzy” he sighed deeply, rolling his
neck on his shoulders, “I need a distraction baby” he pouted, picked up a
strawberry and placed it on my lip, encouraging me to open up.

were succulent and sweet and the juice dribbled down my chin as I bit it. Nate
leant forward and swiped his tongue over the seeping sticky liquid. “Mmmm, even
better when they taste of you too” he hummed.

up his glass, he took a large mouthful of wine then positioning his mouth over
mine, he transferred the cool, crisp liquid into my mouth. Now it was my turn
to moan in appreciation, the wine satisfying my hot, dry tongue.

me lightly on the lips after I’d swallowed, he reached over and took another
strawberry, this time dipping it into gooey, thick chocolate syrup and popped
it in my mouth, a scorching look in his eyes when I sucked the remaining
chocolate off his finger.

he closed in for a kiss.


as lips collided with mine my phone rang, making me flinch with unease. Nate
sensing my tension, frowned and reached into my bag to retrieve my phone.
Looking at the display, he narrowed his eyes and passed it me. “Jay” he said
firmly, his eyes narrowed and dark.

it from him, my hands shaking I walked over to the giant window and answered it.
“Hey, Sweetheart” I spoke quietly.

the happy voice came over “You busy?”

I’m just having lunch with a friend” I informed him. Nate scoffed bitterly
behind me making me wince a little.

I’m just ringing to see if it’s okay if I come and see you next week?” he asked
“I have something I want to talk to you about.” Gulping, I knew Erin had
notified him of my break down last weekend.

Jay, I’d like that” I answered back, smiling down the phone at the thought of
seeing him. “What day is best for you?” he probed.

would be good” I replied.

see you then. You can treat me to lunch. Love you.”

too” I reciprocated, trying to lower my voice.


the call, I sauntered back to the couch and sat hesitantly on the edge, Nate’s
taut features, making me swallow hard. I smiled uneasily at him and picked up
my glass, downing the rest of my wine.

nibbled on the sandwiches while Nate smouldered silently beside me, never
taking his intense focus away from me. I shifted uncomfortably as he asked the
dreaded question “Who’s Jay?”

important” I squirmed, inspecting my fingernails.

his foot rapidly he ran his forefinger across his lips, “Why are you lying to
me Liv?” he asked flatly, his head slightly tipped to the side as his eyes
scrutinized me.


phone started ringing again, saving me from his questioning. Glancing at my
phone, I saw it was the unknown caller again. Grimacing, I declined the call
and placed my phone in my bag.

you’re declining calls in my presence, and you say you’re not hiding anything”
he bristled, his anger pouring off him in waves.

think I’d better go” I attempted, picking up my bag and walking to the door.


I made for the door, Nate grabbed my arm and swung me round. His breathing was
hard and his anger was displayed openly on his face. “WILL YOU FUCKING TALK TO
ME LIV?” he thundered.

in his firm grasp I hissed, “Let go of me Nate” my own rage surfacing.

dare he treat me like this?


Not until you tell me what’s going on” he fumed, dangerously calm. “NO! Nate Let.
Me. Fucking. Go!” I stormed, attempting to prise off his strong hold on me.

you playing games with me, Liv?” he asked, his rage now so strong I could see a
vein pulsing in his temple.

I spluttered, shock turning into fury.


pushed me against the wall, his arms trapping me under him. “You lure me in,
turn me on and then back off. Do you know how fucking frustrating that is Liv?
Do you? Cos’ you seem to be enjoying leading me on” he spat.

avoid sex with me but it’s obvious that you have a string of men tagging along.
 Do you hook me in, make me hard then laugh at me behind my back while you’re
some other guy?” he roared.

Liv. Twenty fucking years, twenty fucking years of wanting you, of needing you,
nobody ever came fucking close and I finally get you back and you think it’s
fun to play fucking games. What the hell happened to you? Now tell me again WHO


temper now detonated. My heart pumped wildly as a white rage blinded me and
adrenaline coursed through me.

pushed him away with so much force he banged into the couch, nudging it a
couple of inches across the room.


wanna know why I won’t have sex with you Nate?” I hollered at his shocked face.
“Huh, do you?” I spat, way too enraged to stop now. “Well here it is. Don’t say
I didn’t warn you” I screamed at him furiously.

last time I had sex, I was being fucked from behind like an animal, while my
husband held a knife to my throat and bit chunks out of me,” I screamed at
him “then when that wasn’t enough for him, he tortured me and sliced me to
threads with a knife.”

voice now dropped to a repulsed whisper, each word choking me more than the
last. “And then he beat me to a pulp and put me in a coma for seven weeks” I
finished with a strangled rasp.


heart slammed in my chest as my ears pounded and I was shaking so hard I was
struggling to stay upright.

sobbed in a breath as I looked over to him.


was propped up by his hand on the arm of the couch, striving to breathe, his
face white as a few beads of sweat adorned his top lip. He was staring at me,
his eyes wide and his mouth parted in astonishment.

attempted to say something but failed as he swallowed hard.


couldn’t stay here; the desperate need to escape was overwhelming. The obvious
disgust and revulsion exposed on his pale face.

and fighting tears, I opened the door and stepped through it, calmly closing it
behind me.

head down, I methodically made my way to the elevator and rode to the ground
floor before exiting the building in a shocked daze and drove home in stunned


my house, I slowly climbed the stairs, walked into my bedroom and curled up on
the bed, exhausted.

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