Angels Blood (86 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

I cannot believe it, we have only been gone a few hours and you lot have managed to get tanked again.”

He was not pleased and it showed.  Night gave him a look of sorrow, but couldn’t keep it up and burst out laughing, the others followed suit. Wollfen turned away and saw Dark grinning too, he could only shake his head as he left again.  Dark chased after him and caught up. 

Don’t be too upset with them darling. You know in a little while we will all probably be facing pain and death again on a scale none of us have experienced.  Let them have their time, we have had ours.” Wollfen sighed.  

Yes, you are right, I just don’t want anything jeopardizing the mission is all. One good thing about elven beer though is they won’t have a hangover in the morning, so that is something.”

I understand, don’t worry, I’m sure they will all be up to the task when the time comes.”

During the evening the six magic elves got acquainted with Wollfen and his companions. Luthein attended too but was more reserved than usual, since he was fully responsible for all elven input on this mission. Wollfen really thought he would get more involved. The elf seemed more interested in  watching and studying.

Tell me your thoughts Luthein. I have a feeling something is bothering you.”

Luthein certainly wasn’t going to tell him how he really felt and decided a little deflection was in order. 

I am bothered by the verse you have produced.  It speaks of only one with angel’s blood having access to the staircase.  I am still puzzled by that.  Do you have any suggestions?” Wollfen wasn’t sure it really needed that much consideration. 

I think once we are in the lava tunnel, we shall find what we seek and things shall be revealed.  You spend too much time trying to have everything ordered Luthein.  Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.”

Luthein bowed his head a little, he hoped Wollfen would be satisfied in his own mind as to what bothered him.

Wollfen got back to discussing the task at hand,

Obviously when we appear near Drexus she will react quickly. I think it shall be up to both Madeira and I to try and work our way into her mind before she gets a good chance to strengthen her shields.  I say this, for only her and I have been in close proximity and are familiar with her mental makeup.” The rest of the group all nodded. “In view of this I think it best that the rest of us interlock by touching to allow both Madeira and I to draw from your reserves of magic. It should be a two-pronged attack. Which one of us manages to make inroads into Drexus’ mind will become apparent very quickly, I would say within seconds of us arriving.  If the second person who is not managing can then focus on blocking Drexus from drawing from the sorcs in the tower, it will make the first person’s job much easier.”

Wollfen turned to Madeira.

Madeira, if you can also contact your friend Iris and seek her support. Get her to not only direct her energies toward you but also gather support of those sorcs you say are in support of you.  Then even if we face an initial stronger resistance we may still be able to turn the tide.” Madeira nodded. 

I will do all that I can. I understand perfectly.” Wollfen smiled at her and then turned to Dark and Loranda. 

You two will be our security, while we are fighting with our magics.  You will need to defend us against any physical attacks.  Our lives depend on you carrying out that task successfully. Understand that even if one of us is cut down it could spell the doom of us all, so it is imperative that you deal with any guards to be found without hesitation, kill them all.”

Dark responded with a little nod of anticipation. Loranda was excited by the prospect too.  The two of them could be quite bloodthirsty Wollfen observed.

Alright, I think that’s got it all covered.  There isn’t much more to it. I therefore call this meeting at a close.” Wollfen bowed his head to all the visitors who bade their good nights and moved off.

Wollfen looked to the rest left behind,

I think an early night is in order.  We will need to be well rested for tomorrow. I shall see you all later?”

The girls bid their goodnight also and moved off.  Wollfen grabbed Dark’s hand,

Come with me.”

She stopped and watched as he removed his boots and got up.

Where are we off to my love?”

You shall see.”

He led her outside and onto a platform that descended to the ground.  They stepped off into the snow and he walked a few paces.  He looked about a bit and then picked a spot to stand, Dark was curious. 

What are you up to?” Wollfen had a little smirk. 


She studied him and noticed he was burrowing his feet into the snow and she looked up again with a questioning look. Wollfen explained. 

I am grounding myself to take on an extra charge of magical energy.”

He stood still and closed his eyes.  Dark could tell as she watched him relax that he was focusing. She could feel a difference with her feet too, it was almost like a fine vibration coming up her limbs. Then something peculiar happened, something glowed under Wollfen’s shirt. 

Wollfen,” he didn’t answer. “My love!”

Still nothing, now she shouted,


Wollfen’s eyes opened, the glow was still there.

Under your shirt!”

He looked down and realized his armor was glowing and he peeled off his shirt.  What it revealed was a sight to see. The carved image of the Wolf’s head on the chest piece was a yellowy orange glow and Wollfen looked at it in surprise.  He could feel the energies in it rising far more than he had anticipated.  It kept flowing in more and more and still it came. It dawned on him what was going on and he looked to Dark. 

It’s alright honey, the chest piece is a well for magical energy. Dhee has outdone herself! I wonder why she didn’t say?”

He stood there gathering as much as he dare.  He knew that with this much energy focused in one spot he would wield a power like no other, maybe even a match for Drexus and her thousand sorcs.

Wollfen moved a little and he could feel his legs and feet ached. Wisps of steam came from the ground immediately around him. He had taken as much magical energy as he could stand and his body cried out. 

I think I’m ready for bed, these old bones are begging for some rest.”

Dark moved forward and slipped a shoulder under one of his arms.  She felt the magic flow into her a bit too but rather than tax her physically it gave her a bit of extra strength, she wasn’t taking anywhere near as much as he had. She guided him back to the platform which rose up into the trees.  Once up top they moved slowly to their quarters and retired for the night.

After a couple of minutes Luthein stepped from the shadows.  He had been watching quietly the entire time and now moved off as well.  He had seen enough.

Wollfen awoke with a spring and freshness like no others there were feeling.  He was a bundle of energy and took off while they were still sleeping to go for a run through the woods in the dawn light.  He even gave chase to a deer that knew he was no danger and played with him by slowing down to lead him along. He felt very alive. If anyone had seen him running about, the unusual sight of a man wearing a black breastplate and pants but nothing else would have struck them as very curious. 

After Wollfen returned, Luthein greeted him by giving him a nod.  The others were starting breakfast and he sat down with them. About an hour later they gathered together and were ready. Wollfen stood at the center and the others took a hold to form a chain.  Dark and Loranda had their swords out in readiness for when they arrived in Isogorr.

Are we ready?”

Wollfen looked to each of them and in turn they all gave him confirmation with a nod.  He let out a deep breath and holding the turquoise crystal closed his eyes.

A flash of brilliant light and they all appeared in the great hall of Isogorr.  Drexus was sitting on her throne while a number of sorcs were gathered about her.  As soon as the group arrived there was a cry of attack! Wollfen and Madeira immediately hit Drexus with a mental blast but she was already strengthening her shields.  The three of them became still as a dance of magics came into play. The six Elven magic users, Nightwing and Luthein all bent their energies to feeding both Madeira and Wollfen.

Loranda and Dark were already running.  They had spotted two male guards, which they attacked.  Loranda swung hard and fast at the first as he parried her blow and they battled, each trying to gain an upper hand. Dark meanwhile had also clashed with her opposite, then after a few strikes raised her sword high and struck down quickly.  The guard raised his own sword in defense and as he did she whipped out a dagger and drove it home in under his ribcage in one swift movement. If anybody had been watching they would have been astonished at the speed Dark could operate, it gave her an upper hand in most encounters.

Before the man had even sunk to the ground Dark was off to the main entrance.  They had planned this the night before, the idea was to bolt the doors to keep any more guards from coming in until the duel between Drexus and Madeira was over.  After that the magic users would be able to deal with any more guards that arrived.

As Dark approached, the doors swung open and three guards made it in, Dark swung hard and begun fighting.  Loranda too joined in and the three guards were pushed back to the entrance preventing any more from coming through.  A crossbow bolt flew past Loranda’s head from behind the three guards and Dark gave a signaling grunt to Loranda. 

She took out her dagger and threw it low at the legs of the guard in front of Loranda and he instinctively lowered his sword in defense from the incoming missile. The dagger for its part did nothing as it glanced off the man's knee, but Loranda struck catching the man's throat with the tip of her blade.  The blood that spurted out caught the next guards face and Dark struck driving her blade home as he reached up to clear his eyes, he cried out in anguish and fell back. The third guard took the opportunity to strike at Dark as she was now open to attack but Loranda was already rushing her own blade into defense and parried his blow.  It was long enough for Dark to pull back, both Loranda and Dark struck home with both their swords taking the last guard in the throat and belly.  He went down with a gurgle.

Another crossbow bolt flew through the partially open door but still missed. Both of the girls slammed their shoulders into it and heaved.  Loranda stabbed into the gap repeatedly and someone cried out, the door swung almost shut but an arm came through and stopped it from closing. Dark swung and started hacking at it, blood spouted out as the man screamed and wailed in pain on the other side.  Finally it fell away, with the man pulling back the stump and the door slammed shut. The girls slid the beam in place, that would prevent any more soldiers getting in once they arrived. The two turned to each other and gave the thumbs up, job well done.

They looked back at the throne and watched the eerie sight of fifteen people standing silently and staring.  They were locked in a battle on some other plane and whoever won would have the day. Loranda turned to Dark.

Why don’t we just strike them down?” Dark shook her head. 

Some of the sorcs are Madeira’s friends and we don’t know which ones are which. Madeira is too busy to speak and tell us. As for Drexus,  Wollfen won’t have it and I don’t know why. Mark my words Loranda, if Drexus gets the ascendancy I won’t hesitate in taking her out though.” The two of them watched on feeling somewhat helpless.

Finally Wollfen started making inroads into Drexus’ mental defenses and Madeira pulled back.  The other elves channeled their energies to Wollfen whose armor plate was starting to glow.  It was proving to be a mighty battle. Madeira mind touched more and more of those loyal to her and they stopped feeding Drexus making her weaker little by little.

Then a curious thing happened, Luthein stopped his efforts altogether and looked about.  He spied Dark and Loranda standing there and he gave a little nod, what was he up to? Luthein walked behind Drexus.  All of the magic users were oblivious to their surroundings and he drew out a dagger.  He hesitated only a second before driving it into her spine.  There was a little cry from her and Drexus fell to the ground. Wollfen cried out,

No! What have you done!”  

He rushed over to her and kneel-ed.  All the others were released from the fight and started looking about.  The sorcs of Isogorr began backing off.

Wollfen reached out, cradled Drexus' head and he sensed a presence.  It was the entity again he had felt so long ago.  Now it pulled back and retreated once more under his mental power, what was it doing here? Drexus was still alive and she looked up at Wollfen. 

Wolfy? What are you doing here?” The full horror of what was going on struck Wollfen. 

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