Read Angels In Red Online

Authors: Adelle Laudan

Angels In Red (5 page)

A desire he thought never to be ignited again sparked.

Easy does it big guy. Now is
not the time.

In his mind, he knew this, but the increasing tightness behind the zipper of his pants told just how attracted he was to this woman.

Then she purred.

“I can’t begin to tell you how good this feels.”

“I’m glad.” He smiled; surprised at the degree of pleasure her reaction brought him. “I’m going to go change this water for you.”

He picked up the plastic tub and left without waiting for a response.  In the bathroom, he dumped the dirty water down the toilet and went about re-filling the basin with warm water. He opened the hand-made wooden cabinet and frowned at his reflection in a mirror affixed to the back of the door.

Blushing? How old are you, for God’s sake? You’d think you never saw a pretty girl before.
Though, it had been a very long time since ….

He splashed water in his face and patted it dry with a housecoat hung on the back of the door, then filled his lungs and blew the air out slowly. “Grow up,” he scolded his reflection.

Jack returned and set the container down within her reach, handing her a fresh face cloth. “I’ll leave you to take care of,” he stammered.

Her slight giggle drew him to her emerald green eyes.  The instant her gaze met his, she quickly turned away. It brought him a certain degree of satisfaction in knowing she appeared to be as uncomfortable with the situation as he.

“I’ll be in my room. Give me a shout when you’re done.”

She flashed him the slightest of smiles before picking up the facecloth and swishing it around in the water with a soft, “Thank you.”

Jack took long strides to his bedroom and shut the door behind him. He flopped back on his bed and closed his eyes, breathing in and out, nice and slow until he regained some semblance of composure.

The poor woman was buried alive in snow, Casanova. Get hold of yourself.

He rolled to his side, and his gaze settled on the silver frame on his bedside table. A rush of guilt curbed his desire
and he quickly rolled back to stare at the ceiling

I have no reason to feel guilty…or do I? She’s a virtual stranger…how can I be so attracted to her?

Perhaps she’d feel up to a bowl of soup, offering him the chance to know his mystery lady a little better...

“Jack? You can come back now.”

He jumped off his bed and paused for a second before opening the door. Jenna lay back on her pillows with her eyes closed. As quietly as possible, he took the basin and things away.

Her eyelids fluttered open upon his return, and he smiled. Not realizing how disappointed he’d been to find her asleep until her eyes opened.

“Do you feel better now?”

She nodded.

Jack scanned her face. “Do you want something for the pain?”

“Not right now, it puts me to sleep.”

“How about some soup first. Maybe after, we can try and figure out what to do about taking you to see a doctor and getting hold of your family.”

Her belly growled a response.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He smiled.

Mere minutes later, Jenna sipped at the soup from the side of her spoon, all ladylike. Her eyebrows arched ever so slightly. Then proper etiquette went out the window as she dug in like she hadn’t eaten for days.

Most probably because she hasn’t.

It pleased him to see her attack his mom’s recipe with such relish.

She dropped the spoon in the empty bowl and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

Jack took the dish from her. “Do you want some more? I have lots.” He pointed to the big pot on the stove. “My mom used to say it’s better than any medicine a doctor can prescribe.”

“Your mother was a very smart lady. Maybe I’ll have some more a little later—a cup of tea would be lovely, that is if you don’t mind.” She settled back on her pillow, smiling sweetly.

As if I could deny you anything when you smile at me like that
. “Of course, I’ll put the kettle on for you.”

“Thank you.”

Jack took the dishes to the kitchen and filled the kettle, setting it on the stove to boil while he went about finding a tea pot he’d never used. He blew the dust off of a fancy tin filled with teabags—given him by the ladies at the post office shortly after he moved in.

Jenna’s eyes opened upon his return.

“I’m sorry, were you sleeping? We can always do this later if you’d like?”

“No, don’t be silly. I was just resting.” She pulled herself up to sit with her back against the arm of the couch.

Jack set the tray down and took the pillow wedged under her backside, plumping it up for her to lean against. “How’s that?”

She reached up and cupped the side of his face. “My knight in shining armor, how will I ever repay your kindness?”

Her tender touch moved him and he swallowed hard. “You just worry about healing. I’m sure anyone would have done the same for a damsel in distress.”

“I doubt…”

His finger against her lip stopped her in mid sentence. “Please, you’ve already thanked me.” He took her hand from his face and quickly turned away, busying himself with their tea. “Sugar and milk?”

She nodded. “Yes, please.”

Thankfully she indulged his unspoken desire to change the subject.

“I should warn you, I have no idea what kind of tea this is.” He looked over the rim of his steaming mug.

“Seriously? You save my life and now you would have me drink something that could potentially kill me?”

Jack took a drink and set the cup down on the coffee table. “Wait five minutes. If I keel over and am rendered unconscious...don’t drink yours.”

Jenna laughed and immediately reached for her side, her face contorted in pain. “Ouch! Don’t make me laugh.”

He grinned sheepishly. “I’m sorry.”

She waited a few seconds before picking up her drink and tentatively sipping from the side of her mug, and closed her eyes. “Mm, mm, good. My guess is, Earl Gray.”

The room fell silent, aside for the crackling fire as she appeared to enjoy the tea.

“So, what do you do for excitement out here in the boonies?” Jenna put her cup down and settled back against her pillow. “I mean, don’t you ever get bored?”

“Actually I don’t. I have an extensive collection of books in my room, and of course, these two are great company.”

The dog’s ears twitched as they raised their heads, looking back and forth between them.

She chuckled. “I think they actually know you’re talking about them.”

Jack shrugged. “I guess since we’re in each other’s company pretty much 24/7 we’ve grown in tune to each other.” He rubbed the tops of both dogs’ heads in turn while their tails thumped against the hardwood.

“Impressive.” Jenna shifted and cringed at the pain shooting up her arm from putting weight on her hand.

Jack kneeled beside her. “Are you okay? Can I get you something more for pain?” He pushed back a few wayward curls from her face.

The gesture sent chills up her spine. She shook her head, and shivered.

“Are you cold?” He made a move to stand and she grabbed his hand.

“No, I’m fine, really,” she replied, stifling a yawn.

“Maybe you should close your eyes and rest.”

She held his face in her hands and gazed deeply into his expressive blue eyes. “Thank you for saving my life.” Completely on impulse she kissed him. A sweet kiss, of which she would’ve gladly continued if encouraged. His sudden silence made her uncomfortable and she pulled away. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

Jack kept his head lowered. She wanted to be anyplace else but here. Utterly humiliated by her forward advance, she blinked back the threat of tears.

His hand touched her arm, and she found him staring her in the eyes with such intense emotion it robbed her of breath.

“Please don’t be sorry. I’ve wanted to do that since you opened your eyes.” He moved to his knees and gathered her in his arms. “Let’s take things slowly. You still have a ways to go in your recovery. Your health comes first.” He pulled away and put a finger under her chin, tilting her face up so she’d look at him. “If you ever feel the need to kiss me again, I won’t stand in your way.”

Her cheeks grew warm, and she inwardly cursed the color of red she knew her face must be. “Thank you. You really are a special man. I’m not glad I went over the side of the mountain, but I am more than glad to have met you.”

Jack pressed his warm lips to her forehead, lingering longer than she expected.

“I’m going to get you a couple of pain pills. I want you to try and have a sleep.” He eased her back against the pillow and smiled. “I’ll be right back.”

Jack hurried to the kitchen area, welcoming the timely diversion to compose himself against the unexpected thrill in knowing the attraction was mutual. He reached for a pill bottle on a shelf above the stove when his hand knocked over Jenna’s book he’d set up there to dry.

Shit! I forgot all about this.

He shook out two painkillers from the bottle and then took down the journal.

“Hey, Jenna, I forgot to tell you…” He crouched to pass her the book. “This was under you in the snow.”

Her head popped up off the pillow, and as her eyes sprung open, she clenched her chest. She took the leather bound journal from him with shaky hands. He didn’t begin to understand the depth of emotion welling up in her eyes as she turned the book over in her hands.

“I’m sorry. I completely forgot with all that was going on. I take it’s important to you?”

Jenna let out a breathy shudder. “Words aren’t enough to thank you for this.”

Jack passed her the pills and glass of water. “Here, take these first.”

Despite how curious he was about the origins of the book, he had startled her awake and sensed her need for privacy to look inside. He rubbed his hands on his thighs and stood. “I have to tend to the dogs. Can I get you anything before I head out?”

She pressed the book to her chest. “Thank you. You’ve given me exactly what I need right here.”

He swallowed hard; the intensity of the moment had him fighting the threat of tears.
Keep it together, big guy. The last thing she needs is a blubbering fool sprawled out on the floor beside her.
He coughed into his hand. “I shouldn’t be too terribly long. Promise me you won’t try to wander around on your own.” 

She quickly diverted her gaze; the corner of her mouth twitched with what appeared to be the makings of a smile.

“Promise me, Jenna. I’m not leaving until you do.”

Her eyelashes fluttered as the slightest of smiles curved her lips. “I promise.”


Chapter Five 


Only after she heard the door close behind him did Jenna let loose the myriad of emotions welling up inside of her. She wiped her tears on the corner of the blanket covering her before taking a look at her mother’s diary.

The outer leather casing was badly stained. On closer inspection, she realized it was by her own blood. Her stomach lurched as she opened the book to find more of the same. Almost every page was stained so bad it left the writing illegible.

It broke her heart to think her mother’s innermost feelings were lost forever. She clung to hope the remaining entries would shed some light on their content.

The date on the first page was smudged so bad she couldn’t make it out. Her eyes grew heavy as she scanned the first entry. She tilted the book toward the light from the fire, and her finger followed the lines of a short, barely legible passage.

It finally happened today. I’ve been counting the weeks to feel the first flutters of her in my tummy.  It was like the whole world stopped moving and all that was left, me with my Angel. I was almost asleep again when I felt a tiny little tap, tap, tap from inside. It was as if she was saying hello for the first time, letting me know she was really there.

Not long after the tapping subsided, I was roused from sleep, only to learn I am very ticklish on the inside too, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing, not able to control the tickling feeling any longer.  Needless to say, not much sleep happened for the rest of the night. I didn’t want to miss a second of her first movements inside of me. It didn’t matter how she was conceived as much as her being my living, breathing baby … my little girl.

The page ended there, the following entries completely wiped out. Most were stuck together as if bound by cement, but she found a legible short entry near the end...

I’m so excited to be going on a real date. I know at my age I should’ve been on at least a few before now, but life seems to be playing out of order for me. I can hardly call my time with him so long ago a real date.

Should I tell him my secret right away? No, I don’t want to scare him away. This man is so different. He’s such a gentleman…K.

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