Read Angels In Red Online

Authors: Adelle Laudan

Angels In Red (6 page)

That was it, nothing else was readable. She’d never been more confused than she was in that moment.
Was her little girl the secret? Who is K?
There were many pages between the first entry and this short snippet. It didn’t add up.
Who was she dating after she had me?
What about my fa... Her mouth went dry.
Could the K be Kenneth? Did my mother have me before she married him? Does it mean he’s not really my father—a welcome possibility given his behavior of late.

She read the entries over and over again, only managing to further confuse herself. Her head buzzed from the pain pills.


“Oh!” She bolted upright, a burst of fire raged through her skull. “Ow!” The diary fell to her lap as one hand flew to her head while the other to her chest. Her heart raced beneath her fingers.

Jack knelt beside her. “God Jenna, I didn’t mean to scare you. Didn’t you hear me come in?”

Sasha and Tito pressed their cold, damp snouts against her arm.

“Hey you two, go lie down.” Jack snapped his fingers and both dogs obeyed with their heads bowed.

“It’s okay. They’re fine. I must have zoned out for a bit.”

“I thought you were going to have a heart attack right here and now.” His gaze moved to the book clutched against her chest. “Did you read something upsetting?”

“Most of it is ruined.” Her bottom lip quivered. “What I could make out left me a little confused, is all.”

He arched a brow. “Are you sure that’s all it is?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“I’m going to let it go, but for the record…” He wiped a tear from her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “You’re a terrible liar.”

Jenna’s breath hitched and her eyes widened at his statement.

“How about another cup of hot tea?” He got up from his knees and looked down at her. “Then we can talk more.”

Jack caught the roll of her eyes as he turned toward the kitchen, not to mention the quick disposal of the journal under her pillow. It was pretty obvious she didn’t want to talk about what was on the badly stained pages.

He put the water on to boil and put tea bags in two clean mugs before he turned his attention back to his patient. “So, tell me, Jenna. What exactly were you doing on that road to begin with?” He walked over and sat in the armchair across from her to put more wood on the fire.

She lowered her lashes. “I was trying to get to the ski resort. I guess I got a little lost.”

Jack chuckled as he brushed the shavings from his hands and eased back in the chair. “I’d say you got a lot more than a

Her cheeks flushed.

“Your family must be going crazy wondering where you are, especially with Christmas just around the corner.”

Jenna feigned interest in the crackling fire. “I doubt it. My mom passed a few years back, and my dad is busy chasing women who are far too young for him, and orchestrating the rest of my life.” She shrugged. “Charles and Edna and my best friend Buffy...are probably the only ones concerned about my absence.”

“What about a boyfriend, husband maybe?” He hoped he didn’t sound like he was fishing for info because he was interested–even though that was the absolute truth of the matter. He’d be a fool to fall for a girl like Jenna. There was no denying the attraction between them, the kiss validated his hope the feeling was mutual. The fact remained, she definitely wasn’t the type to want to spend the rest of her days here, and he had zero desire to rejoin the moneyed society of the elite as the diamonds in her ears attested to.

She cocked her head sideways. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

The shrill whistle of the kettle interrupted them. He continued the conversation as he poured water into the mugs. “Of course not, that’s not what I meant. I just thought someone like you would have the SWAT team out looking for her.”

She arched a brow. “What do you mean
someone like me

“Forget I said that. I just have to wonder what you were doing headed to a ski lodge this close to Christmas, and at that time of night.”

Jenna sighed resignedly. “Are you sure you want to know?”

He shrugged. “Only if you want to tell me.”

She wrapped her hands around the mug he gave her, sipping at it tentatively while he was seated.

“Where should I start?” She eyed him curiously.

“How about the beginning?”

Jack sat quietly while she told him about an estate and an ogre of a father who arranged a marriage for her to the town drunk, who just happened to be much older and loaded. The union, she believed, must be part of some business transaction between the two men. Jenna went on to tell him how the diary was her mother’s and she’d taken it from the
sitting room before leaving the estate.

As he listened to her story, the floodgates opened. It was as if she gave herself permission to talk freely for the very first time, the accident stripping her of all her riches, awakening a beautiful, desirable woman.

Carly’s passing taught me the biggest life lesson.
can’t buy everything
In fact, the most important things in life are free.

Jenna cleared her throat, waving a hand between them. “Hello? Jack?”

“Yes, oh, em... I’m sorry. From what you’ve told me, I don’t blame you for wanting to get away from there. And I get why you’re not in any hurry to go back. Will you be looking for another place to live once you’re up to it?”

“I can’t think that far ahead right now.” She shrugged. “I kind of like it right here for the time being. That is, if it’s okay with you…that I stay…just a little while longer.”

Her words slurred, telling him the pain medication had kicked in. He got up and kneeled beside her, fussing with her blanket so it covered her properly.  Acute pleasure in that she wanted to stay made it impossible to curb his desire. Jack leaned in and kissed her eyelids shut, pausing to emblazon the moment to his memory.

He pressed his cheek lightly against hers and whispered into her delicate ear, “I know my cabin is nothing like the grand estate you’re accustomed to, but you’re welcome to stay as long as you want to. I have to ask, why do you want to stay here when you have the world at your disposal?”

“I like being in your world.” Her eyes remained closed. “Everything I want or need is right here, right now. Okay?”

Jack abruptly pulled away and folded the blanket up under her chin. “Okay.” Yet, unable to resist, he lightly kissed her forehead.

He knew he was setting himself up for heartache, but whatever spell this beautiful creature thrust upon him had cast, made him powerless to resist her feminine airs. 

What have you done to me?


Chapter Six


Garland swags draped down the grand staircase—the house abuzz with preparations for the annual Christmas Eve party. Charles shook his head in disgust. They hadn’t heard from Jenna in almost a week, and her father carried on like there was nothing amiss.

At times, he felt like picking the man up by his scrawny little neck and giving his head a shake. The police had come up with nothing, not even activity on her credit cards. As far as he knew, she hadn’t packed a bag. Surely by now, she’d need a change of clothes. The Jenna he knew and loved never wore the same outfit twice.

No, something isn’t right.

Kenneth descended the stairs looking extremely pale, most probably brought on by too much drink the night before. Aside from his pasty complexion and atypically fragile disposition, nothing changed. He didn’t have to open his mouth to still ooze arrogance.

“Good morning, sir.” Charles shook his boss’ limp hand. “We still haven’t heard from Jenna. I’m getting pretty worried.”

Kenneth clicked his tongue and waved his hand nonchalantly. “You worry too much. Jenna is a young girl. She probably decided to go on a shopping spree to spend all of my money because she’s upset with me.”

He frowned. “I don’t think so. Like I already told you, she hasn’t used any of her credit cards.”

Jenna’s father stopped and looked back over his shoulder. “Can’t you see I have a lot going on? I pay you enough money, so I’m sure you’re capable of tracking down a twenty-two year old having a tantrum.”

It took everything in him to stop from lunging at the seedy excuse of a man. He obviously didn’t give two shits about his own daughter. Maybe she
the only smart one with a good head on her shoulders. Maybe she found a way to leave all of this behind.

Please let that be the case.

Cool air swirled around his ankles as the front doors opened wide and workmen brought in a massive evergreen. They stood it up beside the staircase; the top almost reached the second floor.

“What is this?” Kenneth shouted, his hand flailing in the direction of the tree. His face turned red.

Pedro removed his toque and folded it in his hands. “It was the biggest one they had, sir.”

“Bullshit!” He pointed a shaky finger in the Spanish worker’s face. “If you want to keep your job, I advise you to pick up a chainsaw and find me a
tree. Get this piece of crap out of here now!”

Without uttering a retort, the worker shouted orders in Spanish at his bewildered team. The men immediately sprung into action, taking the rejected tree back out the doors it came through only moments before.

Kenneth swayed in the entryway to the living room, briefly placing his hand on the ornate wood casing before throwing his hands in the air. “Idiots!”

Charles shook his head in disgust.

A blood curdling scream had Jack jumping out of bed and flying into the living room.

“Let me out! Please God, let me out!” Jenna’s hands thrashed about.

He ran to her side and brought her hands together, gathering her in his arms. “Hush, Jenna. It’s just a bad dream.” He smoothed down her hair and rocked gently back and forth as he whispered against her ear. “Easy now, it’s over. You’re safe...shhh.”

She hiccupped and startled awake, gasping for air. “Oh my God, Jack, it was so real. The snow kept falling, burying me deeper and deeper. I couldn’t breathe.” She laid her head against his bare chest and released a windy breath.

Jack pressed his lips to the top of her head. This was the third night in a row she woke up screaming. His protective instincts were quickly growing for this woman. He held her close until her breathing slowed and her body relaxed. “Jenna? Are you okay now?”

She pulled away, looking disheveled and more than a little embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. You have to believe me, I’m not normally this...weak.”

Her choice of words surprised him, and he gently persuaded her head to turn so he could gaze into her eyes. “I never once thought you were
. It’s been a little less than a week since you regained consciousness after your accident. I don’t know of anyone who wouldn’t have a few bad dreams after being through what you have.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?” she asked in all seriousness.

Jack shrugged and eased her back, forcing a cool expression to hide the overabundance of emotions battling inside of him. “I’m sure anyone who pulled a woman out from under the snow would do the same.”

She shook her head. “I don’t think so. You’re quite a guy, Jack.”

He signaled under the table for Sasha and Tito, who had been standing back, now pushed their noses between them. Jack laughed to mask his ruse. “I think somebody is a little jealous. You have to forgive them. They’re not used to sharing me.”
I’m not used to sharing me...

Jenna buried her face in Sasha’s soft coat. “They are beautiful dogs.”

“They make beautiful puppies, too. In fact, if I’m right, there will be a few little paws prancing around early spring.” He rubbed behind Tito’s ears. “They’re the ones that found you out there. I would never have known you were under the snow if it wasn’t for them.”

The firelight caught her tear-filled eyes as she pressed a kiss to both dog’s snouts. “Thank you.”

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