Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane) (22 page)

Read Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane) Online

Authors: Eva Gordon

Tags: #Paranormal

Dora laughed and served him a dish of nuts, dried berries and cookies that looked like square bricks. “Come on. Eat.”

He tried the serving, but then shook his head. “Sorry, I’ll get some cans of stew from our trunk stash.”

She handed him Nirvana bottled water. “In any case, at least we have a week’s supply of water.”

Dirk unscrewed the top. “As long as it doesn’t taste like seltzer water.” He drank to the last drop. “Hmm. Normal water.” He stood. “Finish up eating, I’m going to secure the bike and make sure every inch of this place is zombie-free.”
I’ve come too damn close to losing her

“I’m not going anywhere.” She reached for a yoga magazine and leafed through it.

“I’ll shift in case I run into trouble.” No need to tell her he would mark his territory. Any creature that crossed the line and threatened Dora would be torn apart.

“Be careful, it’s foggy out there.”

He flashed a fanged grin. “My kind of weather.”

She un-wrapped a vegan claiming-to-be-a-cookie snack. “You want the last one?”

“No. It tastes like squirrel tails.”

“You’ve tasted squirrel tails?”

“Nope, but I imagine that’s what they taste like.”

She bit into it and chewed. “I can get used to squirrel tails.”

Dirk chuckled. “I’ll try to catch one for you.” He left her in the small dining area and stripped before stepping out into the early night. He groaned as his body reformed into a werewolf. All of his senses heightened, including his wolf’s need to take his mate, Dora. Scratch that idea. He couldn’t take a witch as a mate, but couldn’t imagine a life without the strikingly attractive doctor. She was smart, funny and incredibly brave. Until Dora, he never had closure over his guilt for Derrick’s death. Maybe he only felt gratitude. He growled. No. It was more.

He turned to look at the spa and caught another whiff of her aroma. Thick drool escaped his jaws as he imagined the feel of her soft curves and his cock thrusting into her always-moist cleft between her legs. He wiped the drool with the back of his furred arm and sauntered into the surrounding forest.

Wind whipped through his fur. He growled low and clear, his clawed feet crushing leaves, warning away any predator that dared cross his territory.

A stag’s glowing eyes shined through the brush before it dashed away. The buck’s musky scent tempted Dirk to hunt and feast. However, his need to stay near Dora curtailed his instinct. A raccoon in the bramble scurried away. The forested area teemed with life. He took in the rich aroma of wild critters running through the vegetation. The crisp scent of pine and oak trees soothed his senses. Good. No fucking zombie stench.

Most importantly, no Benandanti werewolves. He marked the perimeter. No werewolf would cross into another alpha’s territory. Not without a fight to the death. He howled, letting the forest know he was king.

Dirk dashed back at shifter speed and reached the spa hotel in seconds. He pushed the Harley beneath the balcony in case of rain and then shifted back to his human form.

He entered the spa and muted the solar generated light, leapt into the twelve-foot deep good-sized pool, and swam laps. With each smooth breaststroke, his heart went from pounding with his fierce need to protect Dora to a gentle thumping as the weight of constant danger slipped from his mind. Dora’s sweet aroma filled his nostrils as he surfaced for air. He finished one last lap and at the pool edge raked his hair back and turned as Dora waltzed in.

She had changed into red yoga pants and matching exercise bra. Not the kind of athletic bra for practical support but a v-shaped type that lifted and emphasized the swell of her breasts. His wolf did a double take and howled.
Smoking hot

She dipped a toe in the pool but all he noticed was her ample cleavage. “How’s the water?”

Dirk swam to the edge of the pool with his mouth gaping, swallowing a mouthful of salt water. He choked, spitting and coughing out excess fluid, his voice hoarse he sputtered, “Warm.” He coughed again.

“Don’t talk. I’ll get you some water.”

Dirk cleared his voice. “I’m fine.” He coughed again. “I hate salt.”

She sighed. “At least the water isn’t chlorinated.”

He wiped his wet face and blinked away tears. “Where did you get the yoga clothes?”

“A room behind the kitchen had sales products and I found my size. I used to do yoga twice a week.” She stretched one leg forward, driving him to a frenzy of lust before she straightened. “I’m not used to riding in one position for days and days.”

Babe, I can think of several positions we can both get used to
. “Come on in, nothing is more soothing than a swim.”

Dora dipped her toe in the water again. “Wow, it’s warm. Who knew solar paneling would come in handy after the zombie take over? ”

He splashed her with water. “Hurry.”

She yelped and covered her face. “No splashing!”

He threw her a wolfish grin. “Promise.”

She narrowed her gaze. “Okay, but then I’m going to shower.” She removed her yoga pants but kept her black briefs and top on. Sitting on the edge, she immersed only her legs in the water.

Dirk suppressed his wolf’s need to howl in approval on seeing her slender but feminine curves and sexy long legs. She was toned enough to be the top bikini model for a sports magazine. Yoga twice a week and damn good genes did the trick. His manhood stirred beneath the chest deep water. No wonder she hesitated. “Come on, Doc, just jump in.”

“Stand back.” She wagged a stern finger. “No hanky panky. I only want to swim.”

He pressed his lips tight to hide his emerging fangs and swam to the opposite side, giving her breathing room. Leashing his wolf. A fat lot of good that was going to do. Even a steel jaw trap wouldn’t keep him away from his intended mate.

Dora pinched her nose. “One, two…” Splash! She wiped her face, extended her arm and swam in a smooth sidestroke toward his side. Grabbing the ledge, she smiled. “This feels so good, it makes me forget zombies. Almost.”

He laughed ruefully and clapped. “Want to race?”

She gave him a sidelong glance. “Me? Race against a super powerful werewolf?”

“I’ll give you a half-length head start.” The better to see your cute ass.

“Still, let’s not bet any money.”

“I’m thinking on betting on something even better.”

She narrowed her suspicious eyes. “And what’s that? Vegan cookies?” He gripped her waist and whirled her around as she giggled in protest. “Stop!”

He gently let go and smiled. “The winner gets a massage from the loser.”

She crinkled a smile. “You’re on.”


Dora looked over her shoulder as she treaded water in the center of the Olympic-sized pool. Dirk casually stretched his arms, an “I can get to grandma’s cottage faster than you” wolfish grin on his face
Of course, he would win. She’d caught sight of how his hard ripple of muscles had pulled him through the water. Werewolves ran faster, leapt higher and swam faster than humans. Competitive by nature, she would at least make him work for his massage. Werewolf or not, his well-defined muscles must ache from battling zombies and driving for days on end.

This was a win-win situation. She’d have an excuse to smooth her hands over his rock hard body. She could show off her anatomical expertise and name each bunched muscle group. Her nipples tingled at the thought, and they peaked through the thin material not meant for soaking. It was obvious where this would end. She wasn’t blind; his high state of arousal easily noticed. The anticipation of their first sexual encounter drove her mad with desire. Was it worth the risk of pregnancy? Did werewolves have a different chromosome number? If so, she was safe from having a bevy of puppies. Yet his sister was pregnant by her human husband. Anyway, according to her cycle schedule, she wasn’t ovulating. Even so, were there any sexually transmitted shifter diseases? Maybe they should just kiss and pet. Was petting even in a werewolf’s nature? Anyway, they weren’t a married couple or even dating. For goodness sake, they were two survivors running for their lives. Guilt shadowed her horny thoughts. Her primary concern was reaching Josh and Mel not playing den with the big bad wolf. She bit her lip. They were stuck staying the night, why not enjoy stolen moments?

“You say go and I’ll wait five seconds.”

Dora treaded water and then extended her arm. “Go!” She immediately eased into a racing stroke as she kicked and splashed in bad form. A yoga pose match would have been a better contest. She moved fast, driven by the need to win and the rush of adrenaline coursing through her blood all the while keeping her eyes focused on the black line on the bottom of the pool, breathing every three strokes.

Five seconds passed when a surge of powerful strokes caught up to her. She was a minnow trying to out-swim a shark. Still, she refused to give up and pushed harder. Dirk effortlessly swam alongside her, rippling muscles beneath the surface. He passed her, but she refused to stop. Her new goal was just to reach the ledge and not quit in the middle of the pool. She always finished what she started.

As he neared the end, he stopped and she passed. Too high on her natural endorphins, she continued and gripped the edge. Breathing hard, she turned. He stood not an inch from the wall. She caught her breath and frowned. “Why did you let me win?”

“I figured you’re sorer than I am…and the thought of giving you a massage intrigued the wolf in me.” He stretched his hard muscled arms behind his neck. His gaze primal and his voice seductive as hell. “Actually, I think I have the winning job.”

How hot! He was just as eager to feel her body, as she had been to feel his. She swallowed. “You do?”

Dirk leapt out of the water and tied a towel about his waist. His moist body accentuated his rock hard musculature. Delicious hard nipples peeked within the tufts of his red chest hair.
Good God, I’m gaping
. He offered his hand and she shut her mouth and stepped forward. In one fell swoop, he lifted her out of the pool and wrapped a towel around her shoulders. She shivered like a wet cat, and not entirely from the cold. “Thank you.”

“Now for your prize.” He led her to a massage table. “First undress.”

“Are you sure we should tempt…”

“Shh. Don’t panic, Doc. I promise to not cross boundaries.” He turned. “I won’t look.”

But what if she wanted him to? Instead, she turned into a prudish nineteenth century librarian. “Okay, but the towel covers my hips.” She stripped, wrapped the towel around her waist, and lay belly side on the cushioned table. His breathing slowed as he stood in front of her.

He reached for the massage oil and poured a dollop on his palms. Slowly, he rubbed the oil in his brawny hands, driving her mad with anticipation. He kneaded her achy shoulders in gentle squeezing motions. “This is my first massage, Doc, so if I rub too hard, let me know.”

“No, this is wonderful.” If anything, he was too gentle. A pleasant surprise coming from such a powerfully built man. She’d had many a rough so-called therapeutic massage that afterwards left her reaching for ice and pain meds. Dora moaned in delicious bliss as he pushed her hair to the side and with one hand worked her neck area. “Oh… Yes!” Mortified that she sounded like she’d had an orgasm, she twisted around. “Sorry, you just touched a tender pressure point.”

He gently pushed her head back. His voice husky, “Oh, babe, scream all you want.”

Uninhibited, she moaned as his thick fingers dug deeper, relieving tight knots, not just from the long motorcycle ride but also from the stress brought on by being chased by flesh eating ghouls. One finger stroked the area between her neck and throat. A wave of pleasure caused her to shudder.
Jeez, I want him inside of me. Thank goodness, the Dirk channel is turned off.

A low growl escaped his throat. She opened her eyes, thinking he was shifting. No. Still human, rubbing more massage oil on his palms.

Dirk used his thumbs in circular motions trailing them from her shoulders down to her lower back. He lowered the towel to the middle of her bottom and began to work the area on her lower lumbar.
Oh, God.

“You’re especially tense in this area, so don’t think I’m getting fresh.” He chuckled. “Though I’m tempted to take advantage of your rather vulnerable position.”

Yes, take advantage
! However, her mood darkened. Soon he would be massaging the future Mrs. Werewolf. Remember. She was not his kind. Still, the memory of this incredible massage by the handsomest hunk she’d ever be with was worth an eventual heartbreak. “If you need a career change from werewolf hunter to massage therapist, I’ll gladly write you a recommendation letter.”

“Unfortunately, I’m bound to be head alpha, but I’ll always be your personal masseuse.”

She scoffed. “Not always. I doubt your future Mrs. Werewolf would allow such personal service.” She gasped as he glided his skilled hands on her sides to her bottom and down her legs.

He laughed. “There is no future Mrs. Werewolf.”

“Tell me the truth.”

“Have you read my mind without my…”

“No. Just that one time and I didn’t see any female presence.” He returned to kneading her bottom and she flushed, recalling how she once picked up his thoughts about him nibbling her ass.

“There’s a beta werewolf named Marla who kind of stalked me but she finally gave up.”

“Is she good looking?”

“Not as stunning as you, but she is a knock out.”

He found her stunning? That was a plus, yet she pried. “Describe her.”

“Tall, six feet, big boobs, hazel eyes and red hair, like mine.”

“Sounds like you would be a matching couple.” She didn’t want to know what she was like in the sack. Probably wild, knowing how to please a beast. His splayed rough hands massaging her shoulders reminded her of what she would never have.

He playfully messed her hair and laughed. “I never thought human women were as jealous as she-werewolves.”

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