Read Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane) Online

Authors: Eva Gordon

Tags: #Paranormal

Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane) (23 page)

Dora lifted her head in protest. “I’m not jealous, just curious.”

Tenderly, he pressed her head back down and thumbed the base of her skull, taming her growing resentment. “I’ve never had any intention of taking Marla as my mate. I’ve made that very clear to her.”

“But she’s a perfect match.” In a purebred breeding way, she was tempted to say.

“I’m not into mating with a female clone of myself.” He trailed a finger along her nape. “Relax, babe, you’re tensing again.”

“I guess you’ll have to take the knots out again.”

“With pleasure.”

She dozed off in heavenly bliss but came alert when he slapped her bottom. “Oww! That stung.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist, turn over.”

She did as asked and Dirk draped the towel over her sensitive breasts. He stood, his throbbing hardness, the elephant in the room. Dora pushed herself into a sitting position. “My turn to massage.”

“I’m not sore.”

She let her towel drop and shot him a mischievous smile. His eyes bulged and mouth fell open. “By the looks of it, there is one organ that desperately needs this doctor’s touch.” She took hold of his shaft and squeezed.

He hissed and took a long breath before slowly exhaling. His voice husky, he begged, “Don’t stop.” He reached for her exposed nipple and squeezed, making her pant out a gasp.

She dipped her other hand into her wetness and then coated his shaft with it, making his eyes roll back and call her name. “Dora.” That sounded nice. Better than doc or babe.

A low growl escaped and his fangs emerged. Long and fierce, only seen when he was fighting zombies and other bad guys. His face darkened between man and wolf. Fur carpeted his arms down to his clawed hands. He was shifting. His panting grew, as if he was losing control.
Oh, shit
. She was playing with fire. He snapped toward her and chomped the empty air. Was he going to bite her? That would be the end of her.

She dropped his penis and fell back. This might explain why he’d not been more intimate earlier. Dora couldn’t imagine making love to a monster. Is that how they had sex? But he claimed to have slept with humans.

“Dirk, did I do something wrong?”


Dirk tried to retract his fangs but so close to the edge, they wouldn’t withdraw until he climaxed and not just with a hand job. As pleasurable as that was, he wanted more. He must claim her. For the first time in his life, ashamed of the beast inside, he turned away. His tone was guttural, a werewolf trying to speak, “No. You did nothing wrong. I’m sorry, I scared you.”

She wrapped the towel around her body. “No, no need to apologize. This is the first time I’ve been intimate with a werewolf. You have been intimate with human women before. Right?”

He stiffened and narrowed his gaze at her. “Then I was able to control my fangs and these.” He lifted his clawed hands, though her horror on seeing the beast had already caused them to recede. Yet his cock was still at full attention. The feel of her silk smooth skin, pink flush warm as honey and the sweet scent of her arousal during his massage made him want to fuck her until the next full moon.

She shivered but gave him a small smile. “I hadn’t noticed.”

He smelled her lie and her increased heart rate thrashed in his wolf ears. The prey’s fright excited him. He clenched his fists, forcing his claws into submission. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t have harmed you.” Yet, how sure was he that his inner wolf would forget she was a delicate human?

She bit her lower lip. “I believe you. It’s just that… Yeah, your fangs freaked me out. No offense, but they kind of remind me of the zombie girl who bit me with her sharp braces.”

He winced at the comparison. Biting her was exactly what he wanted to do. Tear into her flesh, taste her blood and mark her. Claim her as his. His fangs had never even sprung out for any of the sexy she-werewolves, including Marla. How was he going to tell her he would struggle with the temptation to bite her until she was properly claimed as his mate? His imprint would let all shifters know she was his. How could he expect her to tolerate the initial pain after she’d been bitten by those stinking zombies? Not to mention the fact that she may not want to be a werewolf’s mate. Or that their mating was technically forbidden. Well fuck that.

“I’m going to shower and then we can sleep.” She stepped back. “Umm. We’ll talk in the morning.”

He forced a smile and drew her to him. “We talk now. Dora, how do you feel about me?” Anxious to hear her answer, his wolf’s heart drummed.

Her pulse sped and the truth rested in her gorgeous big brown eyes that met his. “Are you kidding? Lupine or not, you’re the hottest guy I’ve ever been with. My wolf in shining red fur armor. I know you need to find the right mate and I’m human and of the witchy variety which makes your life and mine complicated.”

He held her chin. “Everybody has a complicated life. Without you, life is meaningless.” His fangs retracted, for now. Had she tamed the wolf or had he lost his nerve to mark her? He imagined her screaming in agony. Hating him. Maybe even worrying that she would become a werewolf like in the Hollywood movies.

“But you…”

He pushed back a strand of wet hair and grinned with his normal teeth. “Go shower and I’ll bring up some snacks.”

She sighed and left for the suite while he donned his blue jeans and stalked into the kitchen. He found oat beer and vegan chips. Not his top choice, but it would keep his mind off her sexy lithe body.

He returned to the suite Dora had chosen. She was in the shower. He opened the door a crack and on the towel rack set the negligee he’d held on to all this time. Not daring to look. “Dora. Everything okay?”

“More than okay. We have hot water! Oh, yes.”

He smiled; it wasn’t the shower, but the sweet aroma of her love hormones, spiking her enthusiasm.

The shower finally stopped. She held the door ajar. “Where did you find the gown?” she said before returning to the bathroom.

Dirk’s inner wolf howled. Good, she’d found it. “It’s been in my coat pocket since the Indian casino.” His manhood stirred and his gums tingled. He paced as his fangs fought to emerge. Once a wolf chose his true mate, there was no way to fight it. After so many years of not feeling the urge to mate, his pack members wondered if he was destined to be the alpha without a true mate. “Umm, maybe I should sleep in another…”

Dora stepped out and turned to model. “How do I look?”

If he had been a cartoon character, his widened eyes would have popped out like overstretched slinkies. The red negligee hugged her body, with a loving embrace over irresistible curves on skin he already knew was as soft as silk. Her hair tumbled down her back in scrunched waves of auburn curls, adding to her striking look. If he’d been smart, he would have given her a burlap bag to wear, though truth be told she’d probably look hot in anything. Transfixed for what seemed an eternity, he finally found his voice, “Beautiful.”

He twisted away so she wouldn’t see his fangs. Thinking she’d sense what was happening, he forced himself to leave. Too late. Her soft hand touched his back, making him shudder like a horse flicking off a fly.

“Dirk, I want you. I need you. Please.”

He stiffened and turned, licking his tongue over his fangs to remind her she was dealing with a beast. “There are things that a werewolf…”

She placed two fingers over his lips. “Shh. I look forward to rough sex. I’m no virgin. Besides, I’m not ovulating.”

“I know.”

“You do?”

“Werewolf nose.”

She leaned in to nuzzle beneath his beard growth. “Good.”

“But…” Odd, his claws retracted. He stood still as she rushed kisses with her soft lips along his chest and over his nipples. Completely under her power. There was no going back. A low growl escaped his throat. With blinding speed, he lifted her and brought her down on the bed. He stepped aside to gaze at her. The scarlet negligee against the white comforter made her look like a spot of blood on fallen snow, exciting his predatory nature. Her damp hair tousled behind her and her wide beautiful eyes and lovely mouth beckoned the wolf.

She threw back her head, exposing her pale delicate throat. So trusting. “Bring it, wolf.”

Dirk climbed over her and grinned. “Careful, what you wish for.” He fisted her hair and took a deep whiff of her. She smelled of herbs, flowers and the soft scent of a newborn lamb. His inner wolf salivated at the overpowering scent of her wetness. He gently nibbled her earlobe. Her breathy pants drove him to near madness. It would be so easy to bite and claim, but first he would make sure she had the ultimate pleasure. Her negligee, once a sexy accessory, turned inconvenient. He held one end with his fanged mouth and with a free hand, ripped it.

She gasped. “Dirk, after you went to all that trouble to…”

He engulfed her mouth before she finished her sentence. She moaned helplessly as he took her deep, probing strongly, and soon she too was exploring him with hungry urgency. She pressed her hand on his neck and squeezed as if claiming him as hers. He manacled her other wrist above her head.

Satisfied with the intoxicating sweetness of her luscious mouth, he released her swollen lips and lowered his mouth to each waiting nipple on her creamy soft breasts. He licked and sucked from one nub to the next, all the time avoiding using his fangs. The taste of her arousal sent him over the edge and he rasped, “Mine.”

She writhed beneath him, her lovely breasts jiggling. “I need you inside.”

He released her wrist and his fingers dipped between her legs. So wet. So compliant. Mine. “Ah babe, the feeling is mutual.” He drove inside her warm tightness. She arched and cried out. He stopped. “Did I hurt you?”

Panting, she threw him a seductive smile. “No, it’s bigger than… Don’t stop…” She brushed her fingers on his biceps and then held them taut. “I’m so close.”

As if he could stop. Not now when he sensed her building climax without much effort. Her arousal was definitely not human. He rode her and with each thrust was reminded how much trouble he was getting into.
Fuck the rules
. Before the night was over, he’d make a witch his mate. If it came to war, so be it. Death was preferable to life without Dora. He mustered his strength.
Must not claim!
Too late, she trembled and whimpered pleasurable pants of ecstasy.

As her climax peaked, she arched, as if making it easier for him. His wolf was released and his fangs emerged. Now was a good time as she rode her waves of bliss. He sank his fangs into her, covering her lower right throat to shoulder. An overkill claiming mark.

Her eyes widened in shock and she cried out from his sharp bite. “Stop!”

He growled too lost in his wolf’s need to claim, and pierced his fangs deeper. She released a breath and calmed. Werewolf pheromone saliva provided a soothing anesthetic affect so as not to cause pain during the claiming bite.

She moaned, as she came again. “Dirk! Oh, Dirk, yes, yes, yes!”

Her screams and the taste of her sweet blood made him buck and he spilled his hot seed deep within her. “Mine!” At the end of his jarring explosive release, he howled in victory. They both rode the aftereffects of their blissful pleasure.

He gently licked away her blood and kissed the scar that would soon turn silvery. A mark that would announce to every shifter that she belonged to him. He glanced down at her. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Dora fingered her bite. “That was a hell of a hickey. Erotic in a kinky sort of way.”

He chuckled and brushed away a loose strand of hair on her cheek. His fangs had retracted and he felt human again. “Next time you get to bite me, anywhere on my body.” He pulled out, lay on his back and drew her in, holding her in a loving embrace. “I mean anywhere.”

She poked his chest and teased, “I wonder where?”

Soft rain pelted the roof and she fell asleep in his arms. He stayed awake, not just to remain alert to danger but with troubling thoughts. His mate was a witch. How would the packs react? Duh! With anger. What if they chose not to have children? That would not placate the witch hunting Benandanti. To hell with them. Their opinion didn’t matter. He only cared about Talon, and he’d be pissed. What was the worst his uncle could do? Talon honored his father’s death by vowing to protect him and Sierra. Even if he banished Dirk, that was not as bad as life without Dora.

He glanced down at her. So trusting in her sleep. She had no idea the magnitude of what he had just done. As far as she was concerned, they had a budding romance that ended in sex. How would he tell her that he essentially just married her? A shotgun werewolf wedding, without her permission. Would she now feel bullied into a forced marriage? Humans had their rituals that included dating, engagement and a formal wedding ceremony. The Consortium shifters only had an honorary banquet after the mating ritual. No gifts or after wedding honeymoon. Actually, the honeymoon was the wedding ceremony. Would she run off angry, when she found out she’d been bound to him without her consent? Maybe he should have allowed a telepathic connection.

That’s it. He would get her a ring first then ask for her permission to marry. Best not tell her until he had, at least, found a ring.

Later after the engagement so nothing could spoil it, he’d explain what the bite meant, but by then she’d be reunited with her family and things would sort out. After all, she’d be grateful.

He kissed her hair.

Fuck, he was hard again.

Chapter 14

Dora lay on her belly and sighed with a naughty grin on her lips. Three times. There were definite benefits to making love to a man of the lupine persuasion. The last thing she remembered was Dirk mounting her from behind and making her scream in ecstasy. Hmm. The pleasant soreness between her legs was a minor after effect from nearly an entire night of hot sex. The well-endowed werewolf knew how to show a human woman a good time. She rubbed the tender spot on her neck and shoulder where he’d bitten her.

The shock of the initial bite had sent her into deep panic mode. She had screamed and flailed. Memories of the zombie who attacked her in the ER flooded her mind. Now she was pinned, helpless as a rabbit caught in the jaws of a wolf. Werewolf. Dirk. He growled in a low soothing tone. His fangs pierced but there was no longer pain. An overwhelming sense of surrender and pleasure coursed through her. She was safe. Lovingly, he licked and kissed. She came, wildly, explosively and screamed, “Dirk!”

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