Application of Impossible Things: A Near Death Experience in Iraq (5 page)

Read Application of Impossible Things: A Near Death Experience in Iraq Online

Authors: Natalie Sudman

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #New Thought, #History, #Military, #Iraq War (2003-2011), #Philosophy, #Metaphysics, #Parapsychology, #Near-Death Experience, #General Fiction

In the physical world, we seem to accumulate the data that informs our gestalt of an individual through experiences within the passing of time. In the Blink Environment, that gestalt is available instantaneously. Being that Time (vs. physical-reality
lower case) is multi-dimensional, the whole of the individual doesn’t have to be gathered sequentially from within the linear experience of time and space. The personality’s Self exists, complete, in infinite Time and Space and can be experienced whole.

That the personality is, at once, complete is not to say that the personality is static, finished, or unchangeable.
Rather, this person
is complete within constant creative change and expansion. Assume that a spoken name in our physical world comes to symbolize the whole known gestalt of an individual friend: I’ll call her Fiona. That name could be considered an audible symbol of a single complete thought-flash, an idea unit, a concept that identifies Fiona to me. That thought-flash is composed of innumerable individual thought bits while being simultaneously or overridingly one thought: Fiona.

And although Fiona is constantly changing and growing, adding new experiences to her life, her memory, her character, and consciousness—to her “beingness,” she remains recognizable to me as Fiona. And although I am constantly changing and growing, adding new experience to my own life through my own shifts, I still recognize Fiona.

Similarly, without the physical visual clues of what she looks like or audio clues of what her voice sounds like, in the Blink Environment Fiona can be sensed as herself purely by
the energy of her Self, which is a Self that is infinitely richer than a physical world concept of Fiona.

Our culture uses the term “sixth sense” to encompass a broad range of experiences that could be a pale shadow of this
experienced in the Blink Environment. Extrasensory
perception (
ESP), telepathy, and other so-called psychic phenomena seem extra-normal (exceptional, para-normal) or fictitious to many within the context of the physical culture and mainstream belief systems but are obviously utilized to varying extents in our physical lives, or we wouldn’t have names for them or such extensive examples of experiencing them. Some experience that falls under the designation of
sixth sense
could be a result of hyper-sensitive five-senses awareness to physical clues
Yet many experiences clearly belong to a sensitivity beyond the culturally recognized limits of the physical mechanisms of taste
, touch, smell, sight and hearing. The
sixth sense
could be understood as a shadow of much more acute and well-developed sensitivities that are fully available within the Blink Environment.

Like everything else, the action of instantaneous acquaintance within the Blink Environment is initiated by thought and requires agreement between both parties. Once agreed upon, it feels as if I absorb the totality of that personality without invasion or intrusion. The “signature”
sense of that unique personality is then instantly and forever recognizable on an energy level. Simply by thinking of that personality and recreating within myself the
of that signature, I return to be with that particular being.

In some cases, pockets of information within a personality are not in full focus or are not offered. The signature remains the same, but details regarding specific experience or information might be minimized by one or the other in the interaction. As a corollary, in physical life I may talk to John about art and rarely discuss foreign travel while with Jane I don’t discuss art, but we talk extensively about foreign travel. Their separate signatures of me would likely dovetail without either being aware of the edits that I impose while interacting with them. The focusing interest of each person minimizes parts of my personality that are not of interest. In the Blink Environment there’s an awareness of the capacity and interests of the receiver, and, on the part of the receiver, there’s an awareness of that person’s own capacity and interests. In a sense, pockets of information are minimized or perhaps skipped altogether when offered to the receiver.

Each of the thousands of personalities interacts by focusing outward a part of Self that purveys character quite clearly: some personalities are all business, some intensely curious, others playful, others quick-witted, sober, or casual. They all, however, emanate a total acceptance, understanding, and compassion. I use the word compassion with hesitation because it carries faint whiffs of pity and hierarchy, the one granting compassion being somehow wiser, more skilled, or luckier than the one to whom compassion is bestowed. Perhaps “co-passion” is more accurate. In our interactions, we were absolute equals without the pollution of competition in any of its myriad forms. The interactions, then, were always with absolute recognition of equality in awareness and a shared passion for

That absolute recognition of equality and shared passion for
underlies every other description that I give of this experience.

To address the interests and responsibilities of the personalities whom I describe myself as being aware, it could be helpful to reiterate the base assumption that, from the perspective gained in the out-of-body, consciousness is assumed as the central and enduring
being, the self
. Physical-world consciousness is a rather exquisitely balanced attention or focus of the whole of our Self on that experience. The Whole Self, as I’ll call it, is simultaneously fully aware of innumerable other worlds, possibilities, probabilities, and its experiences within those vibrations or focus points. The other experiences aren’t separate from our physical world experiences; the experiences all inform each other, whether we’re aware of it or not in our physical consciousness.

All of this is not to say that we are individual and unique beings on earth who will eventually get swallowed up by this big anonymous Whole Self, ceasing to exist as unique at some point. Rather, we are individual and unique beings on earth who are even more uniquely and individually expansive than most of us are now aware. We are more than our physical bodies and the limited minds and consciousness-focus of this physical environment. We are already that Whole Self, perfect, complete, and ever-changing though we may only be consciously aware of a small portion of ourselves.

It was quite obvious from the Blink Environment perspective that it takes specific skill on the part of consciousness to operate effectively in the physical vibrations that we occupy, and not every consciousness has developed itself in that direction. That it isn’t exactly easy from an energy standpoint
seems to be, conversely and paradoxically, one reason why it
can be difficult
to remember who we are as Whole Selves while we’re within the physical. But the point is this:
all of us
are sharing a unique experience that takes real and amazing skill. We have absolutely no idea how amazing and totally cool we are, really, each of us, and how totally amazing and cool it is that we can maintain a physical body and comprehend experience from within time and space as we do.

This was part of the reason that I received admiration from the Gathering. What seemed quite elementary to me, being familiar with operating within a physical reality, was acknowledged as requiring a high degree of specialized skill from the perspective of those personalities at the Gathering.

The interests and responsibilities of the personalities at the Gathering all, in some way, while not focused within the physical, touch in varying degrees upon this physical level that we inhabit, as well as extend into other dimensions or vibrations.

Taking another sidetrack into language deficiencies, I’m using the term
with some frustration. The word carries some sci-fi connotations for me, and—hard as this may be to believe—I dislike almost
science fiction books, movies, comics, stickers, art---you name it—leave me out of it
wait …
I do like the first Star Wars movie, and the Narnia Chronicles were my favorite books as a kid. But really, lose the artwork.) The word also carries a bit of baggage from the hippies and New Agers, triggering—I know, totally unfair of me—visions of crystal worship, dreadlocks, white boys drumming, deeply meaningful tattoos, self-absorbed dramatics, the pale ooze of synthesized Enya and the over-used stench of enough patchouli to gag a rat. (Relax. I like Enya, have used crystals, own a drum, and have engaged in more than my share of self-absorbed dramatics and will continue to do so. I’m just saying … well, re-read the Preface.)

Despite all that, the word
is attractive in that it signifies, in one use, an
of something. In fact, my understanding of the various

vibrations or worlds or focus levels—of expanded consciousness is that they are
of one encompassing reality. The
reality includes all
or consciousness. It is the endlessly unknowable infinity of creativity and an apparent paradox of infinite numbers of unique individuals that are simultaneously
. This encompassing connection is within and of, and creates, is created by, and moves through each unique being,
part of all
while also existing
separately from
what I’ll call “All That Is.”

This All That Is can be perceived simultaneously as a force and as an individual consciousness that exists within each consciousness and yet is separate from each consciousness or being. It’s what might be referred to as God, but the ideas of gods that we have are a pale and incomplete shadow of the All That Is that I perceive. Projecting an idea of a god or gods upon that infinite creative consciousness inevitably limits an understanding of the All That Is in ways that reflect the severely limited comprehension that we have of ourselves and the physical universe.

What I’ve been referring to so far as vibrational levels, worlds, realities, or dimensions are, in my current understanding, focal levels of consciousness that are as real as the physical world. In that way I understand them to be
of All
Is, whatever that is—the unknowable totality of conscious and infinitely expanding creation.

Within my very elementary understanding of quantum physics, too, the word
is appropriate. Physics, I’m told, theorizes a structure for the universe with similarities to what I perceived from the Blink Environment perspective
. Our perception
of solids is a fiction, as even the smallest perceived particle actually contains no solid whatsoever, and parallel dimensions
exist within our reality—dimensions
within and beside and between the reality we perceive, which implies probable and parallel experience and realities. In this sense the word
is appropriate
. From now
on, this description of its meaning can be applied and used interchangeably with vibration, vibrational level, world, or reality.

tting back to the point, the concept of dimensions underlies a more specific description of what I perceived to be the interests and responsibilities of the personalities making up the Gathering. While some personalities operate independently, the majority are participants of small groups, each focused on specific interests or tasks within specific environments or focal points. For example, one group’s interest involves working with healing energies as they cross over dimensions, which necessarily directly affects healing energies woven through the physical dimension. These are overarching healing energies that exist apart from individual consciousness as a structure of flow. They could broadly be said to inform and flow through healers working from within human form although the energies are specific in that on the physical they pertain to applications that are
not consciously practiced in mainstream Western medicine

Another group’s interest is focused on the balance of interaction between points of overlap in dimensions. The overlaps, which could be thought of as multi-dimensional junctions, join dimensional realities (physical and non-physical) to each other. Imbalance within one or between them all can result in bending massive flows of energies, which, in turn, would de-focus consciousness and cause what might be perceived as transmogrification or realignment of creative direction within reality systems.

Another group represents maintenance of energy grids that support laws of energy within and throughout the physical universe that we’re familiar with although our current focus excludes a majority of what is actually perceivable. Those energy grids support other dimensional energy systems in ways distinct from, but equally important to, the way they affect the physical.

Other groups work on what we might judge to be more limited levels. One is responsible for assisting consciousness (including physical humans—us) through transitions into and out of the physical levels (like birth or death, for instance). Yet another group concentrates on energy patterns of science within the physical world as we know it, making available specific information that could be intuitively picked up by us in physical consciousness and put to use. Yet another group works exclusively with the energies that create, maintain, and guide cultural systems in the physical world, which could be understood as energy webs that manifest in or are manifested by physical belief systems and social networks.

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