Archipelago N.Y.: Flynn (20 page)

Read Archipelago N.Y.: Flynn Online

Authors: Vladimir Todorov

“I owe you nothing!”
Flynn stuck a finger in her face. “Get that into your pretty head!” He turned
and hurried down the stairs.

“Flynn… wait!”

“Go back to you
boyfriend, Miss Ray!” he shouted over his shoulder. “Leo Van Zandt needs you
more than I do!”

And with those words,
Flynn was gone… leaving Madison to stare after him with a look of despair on
her face.



Duncan Roth was
leaning over his desk, studying the complicated blue-prints of an engine, when
there was a knock on his door. He scooped all the pieces of paper and shoved them
in the nearest drawer, then turned toward the door and said, “Yes?”

The door opened
just a crack and a guard's head appeared. “May I, sir?”

“Come in, Hopper.”

The guard pushed
the door open and stepped in, dragging a boy behind him.

Flynn Perry
stumbled, then found his footing and straightened up. It took him a second to
scan his surroundings. He was standing in a huge room, smelling of leather and
coffee, with big glass windows and an oak desk… Behind the desk sat his new
boss, the man everyone called the Rottweiler. 

“Found' im lurking
round this floor, sir!” said the guard, wiping the sweat off his brow. “Says he
wants to speak with you! I was gonna get 'im arrested, but he showed me the
badge… and I figured he mus' be one of yours, so ‘ere we are.”

“Well done,
Hopper. You can step outside.” Duncan Roth waited for the guard to leave then
turned his cold, gray eyes on Flynn. “How did you get up here unannounced,
Perry?” he finally asked.

Flynn tried to
hold the Rottweiler’s stare. “Climbed the outside scaffolds, and then scaled
the elevator shaft ...,” he said.

“You think you're
good at finding your way around places, don't you?” Duncan Roth arched an

“I am, sir!”

Duncan Roth
studied Flynn's face. “This is the last time you’ll ever break protocol!” he
finally said. “Try to be smart with me again, I'll strip you of all your
privileges and send you to the Waste Crews! Is that clear?”

Flynn nodded.

“Now, why are you

“It's about Tony
Romero, sir, my partner … He's on the Departure List.”

“I'm aware of
that!” said Duncan Roth, his face blank. “And so is your father, I believe.”

“But, there must
be some mistake, sir! Tony’s still young, my age ... that’s never happened
before! Usually...”

“We don't make
mistakes, Perry! You know that!”


“Romero’s sick and
therefore unable to contribute to the community,” the Rottweiler said, studying
his nails. “He’s on the List for the greater good of our city! It’s the law of
the land.”

“Sir, we just won
the Trials together! Surely, you can do something...”

“The matter’s
closed! Don't make it worse for yourself!” Duncan Roth paused for a second,
pointing his finger at Flynn. “There’s someone here in this building… someone
very powerful… who’ll be glad to see you join your father and your friend! Is
that what you want?”

Flynn stared at
Duncan Roth and clenched his fists. He knew that this someone was Leo Van

“I strongly
suggest,” the man said slowly, “that you forget about your father and Romero
and concentrate on your career, young man! You’ve got a bright future ahead of
you. And I expect you to be ready for work assignments as of tomorrow…. I've
already selected a Crew Mate to replace your friend.”

Flynn took a deep
breath… He wanted to scream at Duncan Roth.

“You can go now,
Perry. Our little discussion is over!”

Flynn hung his
head. He felt like an idiot! What was he thinking, really? That winning first
place in the Trials made him special? That it gave him the right to demand
favors, or that they would make an exception and bend the rules for him? Did he
expect someone like the Rottweiler to change his mind? His father was right
about the man after all… he really was the biggest bastard in town! Flynn had
no doubt about it now… Duncan Roth had no heart, and Flynn was a complete fool
to think he would spare Tony, or anybody else for that matter... Slowly, Flynn
turned and opened the door. The guard was waiting for him.

“Take the boy back
downstairs, Hopper… And make sure he uses the front door this time.”

Flynn heard Duncan
laugh as the guard's hand grabbed him by the collar and threw him out of the



The Midtown Bay’s
Scavenging Station shimmered in the distance ahead. Its cargo hold was made of
a rusting railway transfer bridge, kept afloat by dozens of barrels and tires,
encircled by large floating pontoon docks. This was where the “newbie” Free
Scavengers were supposed to gather and get their first instructions and
assignments from their boss, Duncan Roth. Flynn slowed down the
and let it glide slowly toward the nearest dock.

Pharrell and Clay
were already there, their raft moored to the Station’s docking platform. Flynn
was immediately struck by how quiet the two boys were. Always full of laughs
and loud chatter, they were now sitting in silence. Pharrell turned to look at
Flynn. “You alone?” the boy asked, puzzled.

“They took Tony,”
Flynn said as he tied his raft next to theirs. “And my father!”

Pharrell nodded.
He then looked away, his red-rimmed eyes wandering absently over the horizon.
Flynn studied him for a moment, frowning, trying to figure out what was wrong
with Pharrell... And then it hit him… The boy had lost someone close, someone
who had been on the List, just like Flynn’s father.

“Who did they take?”
Flynn asked quietly.

“Both my parents,”
replied Pharrell, his face full of pain and misery now. “I was kind’a ready for
my old man, but my mom ... that came out of nowhere…”

“Were you there…
when they came for them?”

“Yeah, man. Dad
held it together, but my mom... she took it pretty bad, cryin’ an’ all that!”

“I wasn't there
for my dad,” said Flynn.

“That must’ve been
rough, bro…”

“Yeah, real rough,”
Flynn said and turned to Pharrell’s buddy. “Your family OK, Clay?”

“Mine’s safe!”
Clay mumbled. “For now...”

Flynn sank into
his seat and closed his eyes. He felt bad for Pharrell. The fact that he wasn’t
alone in his loss didn’t make it less painful, though… In the course of only
two days, Flynn had gone from the highest to the lowest point in his life…
Winning and losing! But Flynn wasn’t prepared to lose! Not like that, not
without a fight!

“Where’s the
girl?” Pharrell’s voice brought him back to the present. “Wasn’t she your
back-up Crew Mate?”

“Not anymore… Don’t
need her!”

“You kiddin’?”
Pharrell raised an eyebrow. “Duncan won’t let ya work without a Crew Mate, ya

“The hell with
work,” Flynn snapped, “…and Duncan Roth!”

Pharrell cocked
his head. “What’s on your mind, bro? Fed up with life on the Upper Side

“No, but if I
don’t do something soon, my life will mean nothing!” Flynn jumped from his seat
and hopped onto Pharrell’s raft. There was a new urgency in his voice. “I can't
just let them kill Tony and my dad, can I? You can’t let your parents go away…
We’ve got to do something, Pharrell.”

The boy just
stared at Flynn, stunned by his words.

“C’mon, we can
come up with something… get them out of there…”

“They’re gone,
man, they’re gone!” said Pharrell, shaking his head. “Give it up!”

“Give it up?”
Flynn cried angrily. “You’re going to sit and watch you folks die, just like that?
I never took you for a coward Pharrell…” He was now stabbing his finger in
Pharrell’s face.

“I’m no coward!”
Pharrell sprang from his seat. “But I ain’t stupid, either! I know the rules
here, and I plan to stay alive for as long as I can! Get it?”

“Yeah, I get it!”
shouted Flynn, glaring at him. “I’m stupid ‘cause I don’t want to accept their
rules… and to keep my mouth shut…”

“You’ve lost your
mind Perry boy! Quit with this reckless bullshit talk before you get us all
into trouble.”

“Yeah? And live like
a coward for the rest of my life!”

“Watch it!”
Pharrell growled, pushing Flynn hard in the chest.

Flynn stumbled
back, found his footing quickly and saw that Pharrell was now pointing a diving
knife, inches away from his face. As the blade slashed sideways through the
air, Flynn caught Pharrell by the wrist and drew his own knife… But before
Flynn could strike, Pharrell had grabbed his wrist, too. Now, with their hands
locked and arm muscles bulging, the two began to move around in circles.




“Hey, hey! Stop!”
yelled Clay, trying to break up the fight. He managed to pull the boys apart
and stood between them, hoping that he could get them to calm down. Flynn and
Pharrell glared at each other, breathing heavily, their bodies tense and ready
to pounce at each other again.

Suddenly, the loud
sound of a motor boat made them all turn their heads. Duncan Roth was speeding
toward the Station, his boat cutting through the glassy waters of Midtown Bay.
He wasn’t alone. There was someone sitting next to him. Flynn squinted and
lifted up his hand to shade his eyes against the glare of the sun. He saw a boy
sitting next to the Rottweiler and his heart skipped a beat. “Tony!” he cried.
Duncan Roth had changed his mind, Flynn thought happily. But as the boat
approached, Flynn realized he had made a terrible mistake. “Shit!” Flynn spat
in the water with disgust... It wasn’t his friend sitting next to Duncan Roth… It
was Madison Ray, her long hair cropped to within inches of her scalp.

Flynn couldn’t
believe his eyes. What the hell did she want? As if hooking up with Leo wasn’t
enough, Madison was now hanging round Duncan Roth! Raging inside, Flynn watched
the boat as it slowed down and slid next to the boys’ rafts. Avoiding his gaze,
Madison got up and followed Duncan Roth onto the docking platform. Flynn
noticed the golden badge pinned above her breast and his face darkened.

“Perry!” Duncan
Roth turned to address Flynn. “As you’re well aware, Anthony Romero can no
longer serve as your Crew Mate!”

Flynn felt his
whole body tense. He stared furiously back at Duncan Roth.

“Therefore…” the
man continued, “having trained with you prior to the Trials, Madison Ray will
take his place.”

“No, sir!” said
Flynn, lifting up his chin. “She won’t!”

Pharrell and Clay’s
jaws dropped when they heard Flynn’s words. They had never seen such open
defiance of authority. Stunned, their eyes darted back and forth between Duncan
Roth and Flynn. Madison also shot a worried look at Flynn… No one dared talk
back to the Rottweiler, no one!

At first, there
wasn’t an immediate reaction from Duncan Roth. His cold eyes remained fixed on
Flynn for a painfully long moment. “Perry!” he finally spoke, “I’ll pretend I
didn’t hear that! And I strongly suggest you don’t repeat it again!”

Too late, thought
Flynn. Blood was rushing to his head now. He had crossed the line, he knew
that, but he couldn’t stop himself... He was beyond caring about the
consequences… “I don’t need her! I can work alone!” he said.

Duncan Roth ignored
him and turned to Madison. “Go ahead! Board his raft.”

Without any
hesitation, Madison jumped down from the platform and walked over to Flynn. He
glared at her, and then at Duncan Roth. "Sir, I won’t work with..."
Flynn began to say.

“One more word out
of you Perry…” Duncan Roth began, pointing a warning finger at Flynn, “and
you’ll be joining the Departure List! Winner of the Trials or not! Is that

Flynn opened his
mouth to speak, but Madison grabbed his elbow and squeezed.

“Stop!” she hissed
in his ear. “You’ll ruin everything!”

“Get away from
me!” he hissed back and pulled his arm free.

“I know how to
save them all!” she whispered through her teeth.

Although her words
were barely audible, Flynn heard them well. He threw a quick questioning glance
at her and saw Madison nod her head. He looked back at Duncan Roth. Had the man
heard her? Flynn hoped not… The Rottweiler’s expression had not changed, his
finger still pointing at Flynn, waiting for his response. “Is that clear,
Perry?” he asked again.

 “Yes, sir!” Flynn
straightened up, throwing his shoulders back. “For the Greater Good, sir!” he

The corner of
Duncan Roth’s mouth twitched as he lowered his arm. “Now, let’s get going. I
have your first Scavenging task for the day,” he said, addressing everybody.

But Flynn wasn’t
listening. His heart was still pounding hard against his chest. Madison had
stopped him from getting into serious trouble with Duncan Roth, but the die had
been cast… Flynn knew that sooner or later, he would clash with that man again.
There was a time when Flynn had looked up to Duncan Roth, and he had wanted to
be like him…But the last twenty-four hours had changed everything. Now, he hated
the man with a vengeance! Duncan Roth had allowed poor Tony to go on the List… And
his father had been right all along… Those rumors about Ann Baxter were most
probably all true, Flynn thought... He was sure that the Rottweiler was
responsible for her death… If only Flynn could make the man pay for all of this!
And then a thought struck Flynn like a bolt of lightning…He was going to rescue
his father and Tony… and then kill Duncan Roth! That would be his revenge.



The section of
Twenty Third Canal, between Fifth and Sixth Avenue Canal had not yet been
scavenged properly. The mountain of mangled, rusting vehicles still littered
the submerged street. This was quite an unusual sight for this stretch of
Midtown Bay, at the edge of the Lower Side, where most cars, buses and trucks
had already been salvaged and lifted up to the surface. Flynn had swum deep
into the bowels of the large hardware store and was filling up his mesh sack
with cans of adhesive glue, tubs of epoxy cement, vacuum-packed screwdrivers,
pliers and power tools.

The Free
Scavengers were on their assignments, following orders… Duncan Roth had sent
them to this specific location with a long list of items to be gathered, and
the teams were checking them off that list at a good rate. Nothing unusual
about that job, Flynn thought, except they were to deliver the scavenged goods
not at the officially designated holding port, but to a far-out spot in the
Hudson Bay… He couldn't care less where Duncan Roth wanted his stuff. It didn't
matter… What mattered to Flynn was to lay low and not draw any attention on
himself. For the first time in his life, Flynn had made an effort to listen and
to obey. Flynn knew he had to hold back his anger and save it for later… He
couldn’t afford to raise anybody’s suspicion and spoil the plan.

The Plan!

Yes, they did have
a plan… It was Madison's, of course… Clever Madison! Flynn had trouble
accepting that... accepting her back on the
, but he had to give
her credit for being so ingenious. Madison had found out a valuable piece of
information about the Departure Ceremony. According to her, Duncan Roth would
take the Departure raft with all the people on the List out into open waters
and set it adrift… and Duncan Roth would do that alone! He had been doing this
for the last couple of years…No guards, no one else around… The opportunity was
unique… All they had to do was wait for the Ceremony to finish then trail the
Rottweiler… Once away from the Archipelago, they would strike him down, grab his
father, Pharrell’s parents and Tony… then hide them in one of the underwater
air-pocket shelters Flynn had found on one of his dives…

Nobody had ever
dared to carry out such a rescue mission in the history of the Archipelago! It
was a good plan, though. All thanks to Madison, Flynn thought again… Madison
had details about the Departure Ceremony known only to a few select members of
the Government. Flynn tried hard not to think about how Madison had extracted all
this information, but he was sure it all came from the mouth of Leo Van Zandt… Again,
he felt the stab of jealousy … He knew he was now picking at a scab that had
grown over a recent cut… yet Flynn couldn’t stop himself…Why would he be
jealous? There was never anything serious between him and Madison…Just that one
little kiss! She wasn’t even his type! For a brief moment in time, he had been
in love with the girl, but not any more…Flynn had to stop thinking about her
that way… and focus on his work.

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