Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (130 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

knew you would have an amazing body.” The way Anthony looked at
Morgan made her flesh heat instantly, and again, she enjoyed it. He
was certainly the type of man that would never hesitate to get what
he wanted. But what she found she liked most about him was his ease
of doing so, and how much he enjoyed being in his own skin.
like yourself. Very nice. Very nice indeed.

you.” Yes, that was the word of the day for Morgan,
and it was the best she could do considering the body that had just
been revealed to her as he peeled off his shirt. He was much more
muscular than she thought, much like Finlay, and it made her fingers
yearn to touch his tanned chest. “You know,” Morgan
walked to his side as he pulled two leaves from the pool, “I
was taught to always be professional.” Her hand finally moved
to his arm, and she squeezed his bicep. “To think before I
act,” she moved her hand to his shoulder, and he turned and
looked directly into her eyes, “but I have to be honest,”
her body inched closer to his until her breast was against his arm,
“I've had one hell of a week...and I'd like to just have a
little fun.” She placed a soft kiss against his arm. “Yes?”

turned to face her, and his hands went directly to her hips, and her
white shorts were quickly discarded. “Yes, Morgan. Very much
so, yes.” She laughed and stood on her tip toes to give him a
proper kiss but all she saw was a blur of movement as her body sailed
through the air and into the pool. Morgan came up like a fired bullet
and smoothed her hair back away from her face. She was spitting out
water that she'd practically inhaled and finally opened her eyes to
see Anthony's body hit the water beside her.

She coughed loudly. “We have jokes? We're funny? Okay!”
Morgan splashed him as soon as he surfaced, but he didn't splash
back. His large hands came out and took hold of her wrists, which he
used to guide her body to his. Morgan's legs instinctively wrapped
around his waist, but he pushed her legs down, along with the bottom
of her bikini. “Are you going to....wait...Elena and Rudy
are....,” he pulled her legs back around him, and plunged deep
inside of her.


leaned his back against the rail of the large charter fishing boat
and watched his line as it bobbed and swayed against the water. He
had rented some time on the oversized vessel to spend the afternoon
doing what he loved. It was a far cry from what he was used to, but
exactly what he'd wanted. A day to enjoy the sea, and not have to
work to do so. He was grateful to have joined Morgan for a few days,
and right then, he wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else. A week
long holiday, alone, to spend on the water and truly relax.


had spent the last two hours trying to get a hold of Mendez, and so
far, he hadn't had much luck and his patience was wearing very thin.
He knew Morgan had to be with a client, and that made things tricky.
It would take the skills of his best tracker to find out where she
had headed, but the man wasn't picking up his phone and Carlos didn't
have a way of finding out on his own.

Yes, he thought of an idea. It was a long shot, but if he could get
in touch with an old friend, he might be able to work the system.
Armand, a man who single-handedly took down a multimillion dollar
corporation by hacking into their computer system, would easily be
able to get into Julianne's database. Even if Morgan wasn't listed,
he would be able to find anyone in the city who had company that
week. Being in the system himself, he knew his own address and
schedule was stored in the database, so finding someone else should
be easy.

walked to the closest bench and sat down, tired of pulling his
luggage behind him. He pulled out his phone, and dialed the number
for his old friend. In two rings, Armand answered.


wrapped her arms around Anthony's neck and allowed her head to fall
to his shoulder. He held her ass, like she was made to fit in his
palms, and she rocked with his body as he pushed inside of her again,
and again.

hour hadn't passed since she had first met the man, and for the first
time, she didn't care. It didn't matter that the humming of Rudy's
yard tool was just around the corner, it didn't matter that Elena
would be stepping outside any second, it didn't matter that she and
Anthony were complete strangers. It just felt right, and it felt
exhilarating to be so free.

walked forward until her back was against the wall of the pool, and
his grip tightened on her body, as he pushed himself deeper. “Damn,
Morgan, you feel so good.” He entered her body a few more
times, then pulled out slowly and lowered her feet to the floor of
the pool. “Pull those back up,” he pointed to her bottoms
as he tucked his cock back into his swimtrunks. He wanted more of
Morgan right then, but the sound of the back door told him he was out
of time.

both of them were covered, he took her hand and guided her to the
steps of the pool. They carefully stepped out as Elena and a large
tray of food appeared on the back patio.

all you, Anthony,” she yelled across the yard, and sat her
tired body down on one of the oversized red cushions.

will have to wait.” Anthony looked to Morgan with a smile that
sent heat to every part of her body. Morgan looked to Elena and
shrugged innocently, then burst into giggles as Anthony pulled her to
the closest building...the bathhouse.

Elena laughed too, then shook her head as she stood again. “I'll
light the grill myself then!” she yelled loud enough for the
two to hear.

hands went to the sides of Anthony's head, her fingers gripping his
short wet brown hair. His mouth covered hers as he gripped her waist
and brought her body up enough for Morgan's legs to wrap around him
again. He pressed against her, his hard cock nestled against her
thigh as his tongue roamed her mouth slowly. The torture of being
without him inside of her made Morgan moan loudly.

this okay?” He spoke against her lips as he pressed her back
against the white tile of a shower stall. Morgan nodded and leaned
back as he maneuvered her enough to remove her bikini altogether. She
held his neck tightly with both hands when he quickly dropped his
trunks again, and giggled when she felt him kicking them frantically
from his leg. “Is something funny, Morgan?” She nodded
and laughed, but stopped with a loud intake of air when he pushed
inside of her once again. “That? Is that funny?” He held
her hips, thrusting slowly as he forced her body to move with him.
Morgan's head fell back against the tile as her body welcomed his
every move.

Her fingers moved to his hair again and he moaned loudly when she
gripped all that she could. He instantly loved her touch, and his
face went to the crook of her neck to allow her a better grip.

held his wet hair tightly as their bodies moved. He groaned against
her flesh and moved faster, pushed harder. His thickness filled her
completely and sounds from Morgan took him to the edge far too
quickly. He wanted to wait, to enjoy her. It had been too long since
he'd been with a woman. “Is it alright if I...?” He
couldn't stop, even if she asked him to. Morgan's response was
simple. She held him tightly and dropped one leg to his thigh, and
the other higher around his waist. She pulled him into her body hard,
and felt his legs begin to shake. His cry of pleasure filled the
small room, and Morgan pressed her mouth against his chest as he
slowly regained his breathing.


heard all of it.” Elena was standing her ground, still smiling,
as she told Morgan for the third time that she had to hear all that
happened in the bathhouse. Morgan giggled as she shook her head and
popped a bite of bread into her mouth. “There's no way. La la
la... I can't hear you.” Her hands covering her ears made
everyone laugh, even Rudy who had sneaked in behind Morgan and
reached over her shoulder to help himself to a grape from her plate.

I heard you.” Rudy took his green prize and turned around,
leaving them all in hysterical laughter. Morgan, still laughing,
turned around in Rudy's direction.

know, I think I saw a help wanted sign by the airport. The Purple
Peacock is hiring....they need a landscaper. Think about all the
tata's you could see!” Morgan had won, and made everyone nearly
cry in shock, and laughter. The seedy strip club close to the airport
was the last place that Rudy would ever go. He turned his head,
putting his good ear forward.

pincock? That's no way for a lady to talk!” He huffed, truly
not hearing her, and quickly stole another grape before leaving.

client was turning out to be wonderful. There was no guessing about
sex, nor having to work to figure people out, and it couldn't have
come at a better time for Morgan. The prior week was fading fast into
her memories, and that's exactly where she wanted to keep it. Elena
and Rudy were also fun, and as she looked around at the small family,
her heart was full at being a part of it, professional or not. They
even enjoyed hearing all about Angel, and the crazy antics that
they'd both been through. Anthony thought that he would very much
like to meet the man that could easily hold Morgan's heart, even if
it were just through a beautiful friendship. “Well,”
Morgan wiped tears of laughter from her eyes, “dinner was
amazing! Thank you!” She leaned over and kissed Anthony on the
cheek, but Elena cleared her throat loudly and broke the moment.

did most of the work.” She leaned over and offered her cheek to
Morgan, and in return, got a loud kiss as well. The banter and
laughter continued for two more hours after the table had been
cleared, and by then, the sun had faded behind the cliffs that stood
guard behind Anthony's home. Morgan's eyes began to feel heavy, even
through the laughter, and a series of yawns finally surfaced. Anthony
put his hand on her back and rubbed her skin softly, he knew that
she'd had a very long day and didn't intend to keep her up much

show Morgan to our room.”

did as she was asked, and Morgan was guided to the massive master
bedroom, all the way on the third floor. It was enormous, and like
many of the other rooms in the home, it offered a wide panoramic view
of the coast. The sun was setting beyond the horizon, and Morgan
wanted to watch it disappear, but at that moment, a shower was
begging for her attention.

walked into the master bathroom, and shed her clothing quickly, then
turned on the tap. Anthony had already told her that she didn't
to use the bathroom downstairs, but it was hers to do her makeup
or whatever
girly things,
as he put it, she needed to do. By
the time she had let her hair down and allowed the water to reach the
right temperature, Anthony had made his way to the bedroom. The sound
of the door opening, then closing, brought a smile to her lips.

stepped into the shower and closed the curtain before his footsteps
could be heard in the bathroom. Her smile grew when she heard his
belt hit the tiled floor, and a soft groan as he pulled his tee over
his head. A few moments later, Morgan saw his hand wrap around the
curtain, and he pulled it open slowly, then stepped in with her.

mouth immediately took one of her hardened nipples between his lips,
and his hand wrapped around her back, pulling her body closer.
Morgan's moan echoed in the small enclosure and she felt him begin to
grow hard against her stomach.

hope you don't mind if I join you.” Anthony lifted his head,
and kissed her hard. She shook her head as her fingers curled around
the his thick hair. “Good. Remember that time after the
Christmas party?” She smiled and nodded.

hotel had an amazing shower.”

do that again.” He turned her around quickly, and gently pushed
between her shoulders, forcing her to bend over. “Grab the
wall, darling.”


woke to nature's call at three in the morning. Anthony was snoring
softly and she maneuvered slowly as she left the bed. Once in the
bathroom, she stepped on her small pile of clothes that she'd left
before swimming, and her toes covered her phone that was still in the
back pocket of her shorts. It was instinct that made her grab it, and
habit that made her check it. Whispering into the bathroom with
nothing but moonlight shining through, “Finlay, Angel, Sean.”
Three missed calls and several texts told her that she would most
likely have to catch up with her friends very soon. “Sorry
guys, work first.” She turned her phone off, and finished her

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