Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (131 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

she slowly climbed back into the bed, Anthony turned to his side, and
smiled at Morgan. “Sorry,” she said. “I didn't mean
to wake you up.”

didn't say a word in return. He lifted the blanket and placed his
body over Morgan's, then kissed his way down her abdomen as he
disappeared under the covers. “You don't have to...oh...”
Morgan's fingers curled around the sheets as his warm tongue ran up
her thigh, and his hands slid under her ass. “Okay...”
Her voice trailed off, and she bit down on her bottom lip, feeling
his hot breath against her wet center.

feel like a midnight snack...” Morgan felt Anthony smile before
his mouth enveloped her clit, and his tongue flicked delicately
around the small bud. Her legs began to shake, but Anthony held them
around his neck, as his mouth continued to feast on her body. It was
unexpected, and the element of surprise pushed Morgan to the edge in
seconds. Her moans filled the room as her sweet release was captured
between his lips.

stop, stop!” Morgan tried to push him away, as he continued to
torture her, making her body twitch with each stroke of his tongue.

thought it was an all-you-can-eat buffet?” He smiled again, as
he continued to play.

my god...” She gripped the sheets tighter as his tongue slid
lower. “Stop,” she whispered, even though her body wanted

do you want?” His tone sounded as if he'd already made up his
mind. He pulled the blanket back, revealing a smoldering look that
made Morgan bite her lip again.

me.” Morgan wrapped her legs around his back as he inched up
her body, and pulled his hips toward her throbbing center. She
couldn't get enough of the man, and at three in the morning, she got
her fifth serving of Mister Segura in less than twenty four hours.
Morgan finally understood why her client was a


awoke to a breakfast sensory overload. “Mmm, I don't know what
smells better, the coffee or the bacon.” She rolled to her
side, and placed her hand on Anthony's chest.

Definitely the bacon.” He stretched and yawned loudly, as he
placed his hand on top of hers. “Not much of a coffee drinker,
myself. Elena lives by it though.”

don't drink coffee? I think that's a sin.” Both of them
laughed, and he jokingly apologized for his lack of interest in the
caffeinated beverage. “I guess I can forgive you.” She
sat up enough to kiss his check, and climbed out of the bed first.
“But I am going to go investigate.” Anthony sat up too,
and reached across the bed to slap her ass as she reached for her
robe. “And I'll get you back for that.” Morgan quickly
wrapped the robe around her body and was out of his reach before he
could do it again.

can't wait!” Anthony watched Morgan as she left the room to
head to the bathroom, and shook his head when she was out of sight.
“Damn, girl.” She was not what he had expected, in any
way at all. He'd only used Julianne's service twice before, and
neither of the women had been anything like Morgan. They were polite,
classy, and did their
, but Morgan was more than that. She
wasn't just doing her job. She

took a quick shower, and spent the following fifteen minutes
preparing for her day. She put a high ponytail in her hair, and
straightened her bangs to the side. A simple style, but Morgan was
the kind of woman who could wear a ponytail and still look classy.
She put on a blue tank top and a pair of denim capris, then completed
the look with a little make up and a bit of gloss.

the time she made her way to the kitchen, the bacon was nearly gone,
but a new pot of coffee was brewing, and that's what she wanted most.

shopping or sightseeing?” Anthony sat back in his chair and
shoved a whole piece of bacon in his mouth. “I don't know how
you usually do this,” meaning a week with a client, “but
I can't sit around all day.”

that the truth?” Elena offered her two cents, and the two women
giggled with each other. “Sugar? Cream?” Morgan nodded.

please.” She waited for Elena to pour the cup of coffee, and
took it from her hands before finding her place across the table from
Anthony. “Well, the two kind of go together, don't they? You
know, walking around, looking at everything, and
there is a
cool store...” At least that's how she had done it in the past.
She would go on a trip to look at a museum or park, but that didn't
mean forgoing on a little shopping.

let me ask again. Do you want to go to the city, or do you want to
see some
? The beauty of the rich coast?” Anthony
grabbed another piece of bacon and held it out for Morgan.

happily took his offering and bit off a piece before answering. “Does
it really get more beautiful than this?” It was a rhetorical
question, but she really couldn't imagine what was more wonderful
than the view his home offered.

have no idea.”


pulled as close to Anthony's driveway as he could without being
noticed. He had finally found her, and it had cost him much more than
he'd anticipated. Right then, it didn't matter, because he knew that
Morgan would be lucky if he allowed her to see the light of another

plan was simple, he would wait there as long as needed, and trail her
until she was alone. “Then, you'll be
whore again.”

was still smiling at his own plans when he watched Anthony and Morgan
pull out onto the road, and he began to follow them.


we close?” Morgan watched out the window as the landscape
changed. The coast was long out of view, and nothing but lush forests
and a dozen shades of green foliage surrounded them. She took several
photos and was just sending a few to Angel when she heard Anthony
laugh. “What?” She smiled in question.

think you've taken a hundred pictures today, you're going to wear the
poor little phone out.” She laughed and explained that her best
friend would kill her if he didn't get a few pictures of her outings.

few?” Anthony shook his head and went back to watching the
road. “You even took pictures of my house!” Morgan
giggled and nodded as she watched the tree line come to an end along
the road.

home is beautiful...I had to show him! Oh shit! I!”
The rest of
Volcano National Park came into view. They pulled into a lot near the
visitor center, and found a place to park, but Morgan's breath was
already taken away by what she could already see. “Okay, I
definitely wasn't expecting to see a volcano today!”

knew you'd like it. Let's go, you haven't seen anything yet.”
He climbed out of the car and quickly walked to her side to let her
out, then took her hand in his. “There are three hiking trails,
if I remember correctly. It's been a while since I came here.”
Morgan nodded, and silently walked beside him as he led them toward
the visitor center. “But let's get you a cup of coffee first.”

They went inside, and there was a small cafeteria,
serving a group of ten or so students. There was also a souvenier
shop, and plenty of places to read about the park. The facts she
learned though, mostly came from Anthony. While they waited for her
coffee, Morgan took in all of his information like a sponge.

last eruption was in nineteen fifty four, so you don't have anything
to worry about.” He saw Morgan's look of worry, when two kids
were telling a story about running away from lava. “Sometimes
you'll see flumes of smoke, some days it's almost perfectly clear.
You can also see,” Anthony walked to one of the large windows
and pointed toward the
Crater, “that all the vegetation around it is brown and well,
dead.” Morgan placed her hands on the glass and stared down at
the crater and nodded. “That's because that water down there is
a sulfuric lake, and it causes a lot of acid rain.”

know a lot about this place,” Morgan smiled up at Anthony,
loving the fact he was sharing it all with her.

did a report on it back in school.” He kissed the top of her
head and went back to the counter to grab the coffee, then the two
headed back outside.

had watched from the parking lot, as the two of them had gone into
the visitor center, then toward the hiking path. He knew there was no
way he would get her alone right then, and he knew that with his leg,
there was no way he could keep up with them. “Enjoy your
fucking volcano.” He opened up the middle console and pulled
out a small bottle of whiskey and took a large swig. He watched as
her client took Morgan's hand in his and clenched his teeth tightly
before a twisted smile curved across his lips. “I'm going to
cut off all of your pretty little fingers.”

took a few dozen pictures of the crater, the trail, Anthony, and even
a few pictures of the two of them in front of every sign that
mentioned the park. The first trail they took started from the
visitor center. It was a viewing path for the massive crater below,
and a small wall surrounded the area, preventing any accidents. The
average time it took to get from one side of the path to the other
was about fifteen minutes, but Morgan enjoyed all of thirty, taking
in every single sight around her.

some of that battery, there is something else I know you're going to
want pictures of.” Anthony took her hand once more, after
Morgan tucked her phone into her pocket, and walked to the next
trail. “This is the escalonia cloud forest trail. It's a good
place to see...well, you'll see.”

they began the trail, Morgan knew exactly what he had meant, and her
phone was back out of her pocket in less than a minute. “Oh my
god! Is that is!” A toucan sat less than ten feet from
them, perched on a tree. His bright blue eyes watched them carefully
as Morgan took another dozen photos of the beautiful bird. “And
what's that? It's so beautiful!” Morgan pointed at another
bird. The colors appeared iridescent as it turned to watch them.
Blues, yellows and greens nearly sparkled and blended into themselves
with each tiny movement.

is a pantrepe insignis.” Anthony turned to Morgan as she
pointed her camera at the tiny bird.

sorry?” Morgan giggled at his native translation.

hummingbird. And there it goes.” Anthony laughed as Morgan
stomped her foot when she missed the perfect picture of the beautiful

She looked around quickly, hoping to see where it went, but the quick
bird was out of sight.

see more,” he assured her.

reminds me of the time we went hanggliding in the rainforest. There
were so many beautiful things to see!” Morgan kissed his cheek
and the two continued walking as they shared more stories of things
they had never really done.

the time they finished with the trail, Morgan had taken pictures of
at least twenty more kinds of birds, and double that amount for the
flowers and trees. It was one of the most beautiful walks she had
ever been on, and she regretted not buying more batteries for her
camera, nor charging her phone over night. Before they reached the
car, her phone held two percent battery life, and she hoped she
wouldn't miss anything on the way home.


and Anthony, still laughing at the fact that Morgan was trying to
keep her phone alive long enough to look at every single picture
she'd taken, walked into the house upon return of their afternoon
sightseeing. “Here... give it to me, I'll charge it for you.”
Elena, who had met them in the kitchen, took the phone from Morgan
and plugged it in. Morgan began to shake her head, she didn't like
her phone out of her sight.

can take it upstairs and charge it. Besides,” she turned to
Anthony and smiled, “I promised Angel a picture of the pool.”
It was true, she did, but mostly she just wanted to charge it
herself. Elena laughed and promised that nothing would happen to it.

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