Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (16 page)

looked around the room for a sign of her client, but he was nowhere
in view. She took the opportunity for a little more bonding time with
Abby and fed the big girl the last few noodles from her plate of
fettuccine. “Just don't tell your dad,” she whispered and
put a finger to her lip as if she were holding a secret with the

give her that, she'll only beg for more!” Clay came back into
the room as Morgan was entertaining herself by placing a noodle on
the obedient dog's nose. Abby snapped her snout upward, then caught
the flailing pasta and ran into the other room at the sound of Clay's

Morgan giggled, mostly because she was remembering the time she'd
given William and Wallace peanuts. “What's that for?” she
asked, noting the paper and pen in his hand.

smiled and sat down in his chair again. “Tell me everything, I
need all the details. We've got Angel, we've got Cedric...who do they
work for and who else would be willing to help?”

crazy!” Morgan shook her head and grabbed a few plates from the
table, then walked back into the kitchen and laid them in the sink.

not at all. This is what I do!”

jokes on people?” She stopped washing her plate to raise a brow
at the man and he nodded.

exactly. I'm good at it...” Morgan gave him another look.
“Usually.” Both of them laughed and when it was under
control again, he continued. “My whole life is so serious. I
own a casino, I have hundreds of employees, I have to go to meetings

like someone with the maturity level
a seventh grader?”
Morgan teased, but he remained serious.

This is what I do to have fun. And do you know how much I fucking
hate ties?” He pulled at the light blue and black striped tie
that was around his neck until it came loose, then he yanked it
through his shirt and threw it over the back of the chair next to
him. Morgan giggled at his sudden outburst, nearly dropping the
slippery plate in her hands. “..And, well...I assume you
to get them back, right?”

do you have in mind?”

first day together had started off rough, but by the end of the day,
Morgan and Clay had been brought together by a mutual joking nature.
That night, the young woman who'd found out her best friend was
behind her week of mental hell was more than willing to give Clayton
all the information she had. She told him all the details she could
think of, down to who the two troublemakers worked for. Morgan also
told him about Sean, and his willingness to participate. By the time
Morgan wasn't able to keep her eyes open from exhaustion, they hadn't
hatched a plan yet, but it was certainly a good start. They had a
week to think of something, and it had to be good.

making sure Morgan was tucked into bed and in Abby's case, on the
floor next to the bed, Clay left to go to work. He worked nights,
since that was when most of the high rollers were out and he had to
be there to make sure things were running smoothly. Going in that
night though, Clay felt different. Morgan was going to be a lot of
fun, that much he knew.


up, wake up, wake up,” Clay's voice startled Morgan awake, but
she only pulled the blanket further over her head, shielding the
light and Clay from herself. “Okay, the hard way is how we're
going to do this?” A loud groan from under the thick comforter
told him that she was up for the challenge.

wasn't much of a challenge though. She'd already made it easy for
him, the way she was wrapped up like a caterpillar. All he had to do
was pick her up and he'd be able to take her anywhere he wanted. His
large arms slid under her body, he wasn't even sure where his hands
were until she wiggled, and his armsfell into the correct place at
the bend of her knee and shoulders.

ready to wake up now?” Clayton asked as he carried her to the
bathroom. She mumbled a 'no' and he kept walking. Under the blanket,
Morgan had her hands up to her mouth, stifling the laughter. The man
was crazy, but she liked it. Clay walked to the large bathtub and
gently lowered her inside. Morgan had no idea where she'd just been
laid, but she was starting to wonder. Was she outside? No, she hadn't
felt him go down any steps. Had he put her back in bed? No, it didn't
feel soft enough.
Where did you take me, Clay?

Clay began to count down, but Morgan interrupted.

wait, wait! What happens at one?” Morgan shouted from within
her confine. He didn't reply with words. She held her breath and
listened carefully, then heard a sound that made her jump up faster
than she thought she could even move. “You wouldn't have!”
Morgan was still fighting with the blanket, shaking it from her legs
when she questioned the man. His hand was still on the little metal
shower lever, the one he'd just about let loose on her.

would. But I didn't,” he spoke in a cocky tone, then picked the
blanket off of the floor. “You're awake, we're good. Coffee?”

was still dressed in a dark blue suit, complete with a stark white
shirt, and matching blue and white tie. Morgan felt more than
slightly under dressed as she sat at the table wearing only her white
tank and black sleep shorts. She had to admit to herself that he was
absolutely breathtaking as she watched him work his magic with
nothing more than a coffeepot and fresh bagels that he'd picked up on
the drive home.

had turned his back to her while taking out the strawberry jam from
the refrigerator, and his wide shoulders nearly screamed from across
the room,
oh... I'm looking!
He also wore cowboy boots, with a
suit, and that told Morgan that he liked to be different, and his
obvious refusal to conform made her smile at yet another thing that
they had in common.

I can make you smile without even trying.” He broke the
naked-Clay images that Morgan had conjured, and she giggled as she
took a sip of obviously expensive coffee that he'd poured for her.
Another note to herself was that he was an avid coffee drinker,
because he seemed to have the best of everything for her beloved

I wasn't smiling about you,” she teased. His brows came
together, and then he slowly removed his suit jacket.

about now? Does this make you smile?” He turned his head to
the side like a Greek statue, and puffed his chest out as he stood
perfectly still for her inspection. Morgan's outburst nearly landed
her mouthful of drink all over the table, and he was satisfied that
he was, in fact, the reason that she had been smiling. “I hate
suits. I'll be right back.” He jogged away from the table,
and took the stairs two at a time to the second floor. Morgan
watched him leave, and shook her head as she took another sip.
Mister sex-in-a-suit had officially stirred a well received desire in
the girl, and she looked forward to finding out everything the man
did and did not like. Especially, when it came to all things naked.

returned before Morgan finished her first cup, just in time to grab
her empty mug and refill it for her. “You're quite the
gentleman, Mister Shaw.” She nodded politely, and he gave her
one in return.

just trying to keep my guest happy.” At that point, he no
longer had to try, and her only regret was losing half a day of
entertainment while they worked through their mishap. His mishap.

was finally ready to join her, and Morgan took in her fill of the man
once again as he smothered his bagel with butter, than jam on top of
that. Clay had changed into a pair of black basketball shorts, and a
red and black tee with some local band displayed on the front, and
bare feet to boot. He was no longer Clayton the business man, he was
Casual Clay, and Morgan quickly decided that both sides to him were
equally attractive. “You know, you're nothing like what I'd
expected. It's a nice surprise, don't get me wrong, I just never
would have guessed that a casino owner would be
laid back
It's almost contradicting, but very cool.” She had hoped that
the man was going to be fun, but was beyond thrilled that he had a
strong playful nature that drew her in with each passing moment spent
with him.

of his bagel had been taken in one bite, and he chewed for a few
moments until wiping the strawberry jam from his upper lip. He was
still holding his napkin as he laughed quietly. “Oh, you have
no idea.” He took a drink of coffee, then met her gaze. “I'm
a walking contradiction. I hate to gamble, yet I own a casino. I
don't like the heat, and I live in Vegas. I can't stand wearing a
tie, but I have to wear one each and every day.” He shook his
head and smiled at his own choices, and popped the rest of his bagel
into his mouth.

smile grew wide as she realized why she was there. “And, there
are legal prostitution houses in Nevada.... and you used a service
based in Ohio.” She giggled as he nodded.

can't stand the girls here... I know, like I said.. a walking
contradiction.” They both laughed, and Morgan had to hear more
about his aversion to the women of Nevada.

turns out that there wasn't anything specific about them that he
didn't care for, he just wanted nothing to do with them. Maybe it
was just a mental hangup, the thought of walking into a house of ill
repute, he didn't know. He did know that he would never do it, so
having a week long companion was only going to happen through a
service such as Julianne's. There was only one remaining question.
“So, why
you request a girl?” He looked at
her as if she'd just sprouted a third eye between her brows, and

you not listened to anything I've said?” It was Morgan's turn
to be confused, but she nodded. “I have a fantastic life, I
do...but I don't
the women here. I'm lonely, sexually
frustrated and bored outta my fucking mind.”

didn't exactly like the 'bored' part, she didn't want to be just a
toy to keep a man entertained, but she always had to appreciate true
honesty and for that, she simply smiled.
I might
someone who can help with that.


ya want to stay here tonight or...” Morgan was sneaking Abby
some lunch meat from the refrigerator when Clay came around the
corner, asking if she'd like to accompany him to work. Caught
red-handed, once again, Morgan quickly dropped the half a slice of
turkey to the ground and kicked it behind her, then giggled when Abby
nearly knocked her over trying to get it. “Or do you just want
to stay here and spoil my dog all night?”

laughed again and stepped to the side, allowing room for the Dobie to
vacuum up all the little bits. She'd never been inside of a casino,
except the back room when I thought I was being arrested
, so
the thought of going to work with the man sounded entertaining. Then
again, if she went, she knew she'd be exhausted by morning, but she
was sure it'd be worth it.
I can see it at least once.
like to go with you...sorry, Abs, I still love you..” Morgan
told the dog, then looked back to Clay. “Are you sure I
wouldn't be a bother? Most guys don't want me anywhere near their

Holland, I am not most guys,” Clay walked past her and opened
up the cabinet behind Morgan to grab a coffee cup. After breakfast,
he'd gone to sleep so she'd spent most of the day with her new furry
friend and catching up on needed beauty time. A fresh coat of nail
polish, fingers and toes, eyebrows done, a facial mask and a long,
exfoliating shower had done quite the trick at making her feel
better. She'd also managed to finish a crossword puzzle and read a
few chapters of the book she'd been dying to finish. Of course she
could have gone downtown to explore, but a day of rest and relaxation
after a day of traveling, stress and exhaustion just sounded like a
better option. “And no, you would absolutely not be a bother.”

poured himself a cup of leftover coffee, then asked Morgan if she
wanted one, but she shook her head. She'd drank so much, she could
barely keep her hands from shaking. “Okay, so...what do I
wear?” Morgan had no idea what
people who
casinos dress like, let alone acting as the date to a man who
the casino. Judging by his expensive suits though, she imagined
jeans and boots weren't in her near future.

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