Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (19 page)

you. I owe all my sneaky prankster skills to you.” She stood
and leaned forward across the table and kissed the man, then giggled
as he quickly stood afterward and moved to her side of the table.
Clay pulled her against him. Their faces were mere inches apart when
he turned more serious.

much as I like a prank, and trust me, I like them a lot, I'd rather
spend our time today... doing this.” His lips came down on
hers hard, but the softness of his mouth felt like warm butter
against her skin. Morgan's mind had been on the ring, Angel, acting
her part, and how they were going to pull everything off in a few
days, but his kiss had wiped it all away within seconds, and she
moaned into his mouth as her arms wrapped around his warm neck.

was already hard, and he boldly pushed against her while reaching
down and bringing her leg up against his outer thigh. She held her
leg in place, against his, as he moved his hand from her knee. The
man wouldn't wait one more minute to enjoy her, and he made himself
clear as he pulled her shirt over her head and threw it behind him.

these off.” His fingers pulled gently at her waist, and then
he removed his shorts as he watched her do the same with what was
left of her own clothes on her lower half. The sight of her bare
body was better than he even imagined, and his hands moved slowly
from her waist to the front claps of her bra. It was the final piece
that needed removed, and he would be given the gift of seeing the one
area that he had looked most forward to. Her large breasts fell free
from their restraint, and his hands easily caught them as her bra
fell to the floor.

feels so good.” Morgan's words were barely out of her mouth
when Clay's lips took hers again. His tongue moved slowly across
hers, and her body melted into his at the feel of the magnificent

teeth gently pulled at her bottom lip as his hands slid down her
body, and back to her waist. Clay easily lifted her, and walked to
the counter on the other side of the room. She brought her legs up
to his hips when her bottom was placed on the cool surface. His
hands moved to her thighs, and his fingers dug into her flesh as he
pulled her legs away from his body. The scent of woman, his woman
for right then, pulled him to her core with a carnal need that he'd
kept tempered since he met her.

dropped to his knees in front of her, and looked up into her eyes as
his mouth moved closer to her body. He held her inner thighs apart
as only his lips touched hers. She was so soft, and her skin was hot
against his mouth. He kissed her swelling lips gently, then with
more force as his tongue slid inside of her sweet center. Her scent,
her damp skin, the sound she made when his tongue moved in and out of
her, drove the man wild with need.

body began to tense, and her back curved as her head fell back
against the dark wood cabinet behind her. Clay had wanted her to
hold out, but he couldn't deny himself the pleasure of feeling her
climax against his mouth.

felt his deep sigh of pleasure against her skin. Her hands slid up
to his shoulders, his muscles were tight and moved slightly with each
small shift of his head. Her sounds of pleasure grew louder when his
tongue finally moved to the swollen part that begged for attention.
His lips closed around her as his tongue flicked hard against the
area that would send her over a cliff of no return.

fingers dug into him, her nails scraped against his tan skin as the
white hot spasms ran through her entire body. Clay's tongue moved
back down. He continued to thrust his hot tongue inside of her. She
pulled him into her, both giving in to the absolute fury of her

was breathing hard, enjoying the last of the tremors that brought a
soft moan of pleasure with each pulse, when Clay stood again. She
whimpered as she looked into his eyes, then her gaze moved down to
find his large cock only inches away from where it needed to be.

started to reach up to his neck, to pull him into her, but his hands
went to her hips and she was lifted from the sleek surface of the
counter. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as he took
her back to the kitchen table, but he spun her around. She was
placed on her knees, with her ass facing him, just as he'd pictured
her when she had been on the phone. He wanted to have her there, so
that the memory of Morgan would be brought to mind each time he sat
at that table in the future.

put one large hand on her lower back and sighed when she arched her
body at his touch. She wanted it too, and his cock jerked in
anticipation. Clay grabbed her hips again, and pulled her hard,
bringing her knees to the edge of the table. Morgan lowered her head
and spread her legs even more, inviting the man to finally give her
all of him.

that's fucking sweet.” He looked at her ass in the air, and he
grabbed his cock and quickly pushed inside of her. He was thick, and
Morgan sighed loudly as he filled her completely before pulling out
to thrust again.

movements were as frantic as hers, but their carnal rhythm still made
sense to their bodies who searched for more from one another. The
meeting of their skin was loud, and added to the desire that was far
too high for the man to control any longer. He held her hips tightly
as his thrusts got quicker, and deeper. She felt his legs tense
against the back of hers, and she grabbed the far edge of the table
to hold her body as tightly against his as she could. He pushed deep
inside of her and Morgan moaned at the sudden increase of his size.
Clay held her tight and pulled almost all the way out of her, then
slowly, entered her again. Morgan squeezed his cock, her walls
tightened and held him in place. His deep moan filled her mind as
the hot liquid from his thick cock filled her body.

passed while they enjoyed the last of their connection, until Clay
finally pulled out of her and helped her to the floor. Morgan turned
and faced him, then ran her hand through his sweat laced hair. “That
was incredible.” She kissed his much used lips, and he
returned the kiss with as much passion as he had earlier. When he
finally released her, she could swear that she felt something against
her stomach.

that up, and you'll be back on top of that table.” He smiled
into her lips as he kissed her again, and Morgan giggled at the
growing threat that he was pressing against her.

you can do
again, this soon... then I'm totally game.”
She tilted her head to the side, and laughed out loud when he lifted
her again and put her on the table.

two happened, on the table, but round three was taken to the bedroom
where they enjoyed one another for several comfortable hours in his


what the fuck do you think you're doing?” Angel ran his hand
through his glossy, straightened hair, then flattened out his tight
tank top. He knew Morgan didn't want him to ever call Finlay again,
but her engagement news called for drastic measures. Thankfully,
Sean, Morgan and Clay had seen that one coming, and had taken the
liberty to fill Finlay in on the joke as well. He'd been more than
happy to oblige them all and go along with the act.

took a deep breath and wiped the smile from his lips. “What ye
goin' on aboot?”
“Finlay, you muthafucka, you know
damn well what I'm talking about. Hmm. Morgan, your bride to be? That
ring a bell? Hmm? Does it?” Angel stopped pacing and poked at
the glass on his bedroom window as if he were face to face with the
big Scot.

told ye, did she?” Of course, Finlay already knew she'd told
him. He was only surprised it took Angel so long to call. Morgan knew
why though. She couldn't even imagine the turmoil going on between
her best friend and Cedric...after all, it was Cedric's ring and
Angel had no way of getting it back without admitting he'd been
behind the whole thing.

Angel mocked Finlay. “She told me. Why...uh...why would you
send a ring to her and not tell her it was you?”

bit down on his finger to avoid laughing out loud, then took a moment
to gather his
composure. “Ye know why, mate. I
wanted tae see who she'd choose first.”

sorry to break it to you Finny-Fin, baby girl didn't ask
Angel clasped his hand over his mouth. He
hadn't meant for the words to fly out of his mouth and he instantly
felt terribly for saying so.

For the first moment in their conversation, Finlay didn't have to
fake a serious tone. “It was the wee Aussie wasn't it?”
Fin's heart broke. He was going along with the joke for Morgan's
sake, but the truth was, it wasn't
a joke and it hit him
like a bat to the head. Morgan did receive a ring and she really had
attempted to figure out who it was from, and he realized, he hadn't
been her first choice. Little did he know though, he
her first choice.

shit, look at the time. My bird needs a bath and a beak waxing...I
will have you....bye.” Angel hung up without
waiting for a reply and his forehead fell to the window with a soft
thump. That didn't go anything like he'd planned. His intention for
the phone call had been to find out why Finlay was lying about
sending the ring. Maybe, he'd hoped, Finlay would just admit that he
hadn't sent the ring and was just taking advantage of the opportunity
and Angel could admit that it was he who had sent it, but Fin had
said no such thing. He was still taking ownership of it.

calling, Angel had a backup plan, if it came to Finlay not admitting
it was his. He'd been ready to put his big pants on if it came to it.
He'd planned on telling Finlay the truth, at least a partial truth,
that it wasn't his ring and he had no business pretending it was.
Somewhere along the way though, reality hit him. He couldn't accuse
Finlay of not being the one who'd sent it without giving himself
away. “I had to open my fuckin' mouth, PoPo. Every time!”

cursed for another few minutes while he continued on with his pacing.
He cursed for making things worse with Finlay and for Morgan and even
cursed the ring. He wasn't ready to accept full responsibility for
his actions, but calling the ring names seemed to help a bit. Once
he'd calmed down , he grabbed his phone from the dresser and carried
it back to his bed.

Cedric...” Angel sighed, knowing he was going to have to tell
his friend the news. The truth was, Angel hadn't told him anything
yet. For one of the rare times in Angel's life, he wasn't sure how to
handle a situation. Telling Cedric that his ring might be lost
forever was going to be hard, but it was easier than ruining Morgan's
happiness by telling her the truth. “I hope you understand.”


hung up her phone, then ran to the bedroom to wake up her client and
tell him the news. “Clay,” she pushed on his shoulder
until he stirred.

time is it?” His eyes were barely open when he stretched his
limbs in every direction, nearly hitting Morgan in the face with a
closed fist. “Oh, sorry!” They both laughed and Morgan
stretched out beside him and placed her hand over his to avoid
anymore flailing from the man.

seven and I just got off the phone with Sean...” She pressed
her lips together and raised a brow, waiting to see Clay's reaction.
He didn't surprise her when he sat up quickly, fully alert. The plan
had been in motion since Sunday when Morgan had told Angel of her
engagement and it had taken until Tuesday evening to finally get a
response. Both of them were excited.

going on?”

sure he's freaking the fuck out! I guess he called Finlay, as we
expected, and basically hung up on him...but if I know Angel, he's
losing his mind right now! I wonder what he's told Cedric...”
The last part faded with her thoughts and for a split second, Morgan
felt a tinge of guilt.

now, there's no turning back! After what they did to you, you gotta
be strong!” Morgan smiled again and nodded.

right. Those sneaky bastards deserve ever bit of what they're
getting!” She dug in deeper to the pillow, then reached up and
pulled Clay back down to the bed by the back of his tee shirt. He
fell down beside her and his hand softly went to her cheek, then a
smile pulled at his lips.

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