Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (9 page)

the next half hour, while they went further out to sea, Morgan spent
the time taking as many pictures as her fingers could keep up with.
The skyline, Ian, the yacht, even the small captain who never stopped
smiling as he navigated the boat away from the gorgeous lights of the
city. By the time they were nearly two miles out to sea, Morgan's
mind had completely drifted away from any thoughts of an engagement.
There was only one thing that would make the night even better.

like to see the rest of the boat...” She wrapped her arms
around Ian's neck and curled her fingers around his thick hair, then
pressed her lips against his. Her meaning came through crystal clear
and Morgan felt his smile against her mouth.

put his hands around Morgan's hips, then lowered them enough to lift
her from the floor and up against the wall. The two had ran below
deck like school children on recess, and the man wasn't going to
waste time in having his fill of the beautiful girl.

head lowered to her shoulder, his lips meeting her sensitive skin in
a flurry of kisses that she could feel to her very core. His lips
raised as he bared his teeth, and bit into the strap of her white
tank, yanking it out of his way quickly. The sound of his wet lips
closing against her neck and shoulder brought sounds of pleasure from
Morgan that his body demanded more of. He loosened his hold enough
to let her slide down the wall, then pulled her tank off and threw it
behind him on the floor. Her hands instinctively went to her bra and
she leaned her head back against the wall as she unhooked the front

stood still when she pulled his shirt over his head, then dropped to
his knees in front of her. He moved his face along her hard pink
nipple, feeling her soft skin against his cheek as he took her other
large breast into his hand. She closed her eyes at the feel of his
thumb across her sensitive skin that brought a sweet throbbing
pleasure from her chest to her hot wet center. Morgan's legs came
together tightly to ease the pain of desire as he slid his hands to
her waist. He unbuttoned her shorts, and slowly pulled them, and her
panties, down her legs as his tongue followed in their wake. Morgan
looked down and watched him pull them from her ankles, then moaned
quietly as his mouth moved again to her thigh. Her head fell back
against the wall when she felt his mouth open, and his teeth grip a
large piece of her flesh. He bit gently from the top of her knee, up
slowly to her hip, then across her belly.

Morgan opened her eyes and looked into his face as he began to stand
again. She pushed her chest out for the man to leave no doubt in
what she wanted. A wicked smile took hold of his luscious mouth, and
he picked Morgan up again, but that time, carried her to a bedroom
several feet away. Ian gently placed her on the bed, then removed
the rest of his clothing while she watched.

knees came down on either side of her legs, and he pulled her up
further onto the large mattress. “Is this...,” he bent
his head and took her small nipple into his mouth, then held it for
several seconds between his teeth before letting go, “what you
want?” His lips brushed against her skin as he spoke, and the
mischievous glint in his eyes was intoxicating.

nodded as her tongue moved along her lips to moisten her suddenly dry
mouth. It had been too long since she'd felt the sensation that he
was so very willing to give her. His mouth closed over her again,
and her hands moved around his neck in a desperate hold as his teeth
scraped against her skin. She didn't care that their guide was only
a few feet above them, her loud moan of pleasure filled the room, and
brought a bolt of desire through Ian's body at the unbridled passion
that he'd found in Morgan.

moved quickly from one breast to the other, biting her gently until
her body thrashed against him. His hand moved down her sensitive
side, and between her legs, toying with her wet pink lips before
forcefully entering her with two fingers. Morgan arched against his
hand, forcing him in deeper, and he moaned into her flesh as he
pushed harder and faster into her body. “Please...,”
her head moved to the side as she pushed her face hard against the
small pillow under her head. One touch, one sweet touch, and he
would answer the carnal call of her body's torment.

felt her body tighten and removed his hand quickly. “Not yet.”
She sighed loudly and opened her eyes that shined with a fevered
desire in the moonlit room. His mouth came over hers and their
bodies melted together as Ian reached down and moved her thighs
apart. He pushed himself inside of her slowly. “What do you
want?” His lips moved across her neck, as his slow thrusts
drove her mad.

me, Ian.” Her words were low, and strangled with need. He
raised up slightly and lowered his hand between their bodies, then
gently ran his finger across her painfully throbbing part.
“Fuck...... yes....,” her hands moved up his head, and
she grasped his hair as his finger moved across her again, and again.
His large cock pushed deep inside of her as his one sweet touch
controlled her every move.

hair was dampened with sweat and her fingers gripped as much as they
could as she continued to pull him inside of her. The sound of their
bodies crashing against one another was tangled with their own carnal
sounds of need. Ian moved faster. Thrusting deep inside of her wet
body. His breathing changed as his finger pressed harder against her
tiny bud, circling faster with each deep thrust.

bodies tightened. Morgan's legs squeezed tightly around his waist
and Ian pushed hard inside of her, burying himself completely into
her slick center. She pulled him against her as she felt him jerk
inside of her. The intensity of their shared release echoed
throughout the entire vessel, and the small man above turned the knob
up to the volume on the ship's stereo, and smiled as he turned the
boat around toward land.


stood from the small bench and looked around to decide which way she
would travel to take in the city. So far, she had only gone as far
as the food vendors that crowded the narrow streets, and filled the
air with scents that made her re-think her initial plans of touring
Old San Juan first, and lunch later. She smiled as she dropped her
paper plate and napkin in a trash bin, and wished that she had more
courage to try new things, especially food. No, for that day, a
large burrito that was enough to feed two was the safest choice, and
one that she had enjoyed for nearly thirty minutes as she
people-watched from a small green metal bench.

walked along the walls to the colorful buildings, and stopped at a
large tourist shop to look at brochures of the area. They had become
her life line for sightseeing, and San Juan was no different.
or walk.
Morgan looked down at her tan boots and shook her head
slightly, she wouldn't be walking to the island in those. Her other
decision, concerning a guided tour or going to Old San Juan alone,
was made just as quickly. She would go alone, as she always did, and
take her time as much as she wanted.

hour later, after a pleasant cab ride and a few stops for shopping,
Morgan was walking along the blue cobblestone of the narrow roads on
the island. The first stop on her mental list was the Saint
Christopher Castle. It was the largest fort in Puerto Rico, and
stretched nearly twenty seven acres, not all of which she had the
time to see that afternoon. She took dozens of photos of the
beautiful castle before finding her way to Plaza del Quinto
Centenario. She walked down the stairs leading to the large paved
area in the center, and literally turned in several full circles to
take as many photos as needed to capture the clay column, statues,
and fountains that made up the large, and heavily populated park.
Her only regret was not waiting to eat, because it would have been a
perfect place to relax while enjoying her authentic meal.

finally forced herself to finish her own tour, and spent the
following five hours walking through monuments, the Ponce De Leon
family home, ancient cathedrals, and even took a walk around the
cement walls surrounding the island. It was a day that she would
never forget, and the hundreds of photos that she took would make
sure of that.

ride back to the hotel didn't take as long as the ride out, since she
wasn't stopping every few minutes for a quick peek inside one shop
after another. Evening, however, was still fast approaching and she
and Ian had agreed to meet for dinner since he had to work most of
that day. She was running late, but Morgan Holland wasn't one to
miss a meal, so after arriving at the hotel, she was changed and in
the lobby before her client had arrived.

sat at a small table near the front door of the large lobby, just so
Ian could find her quickly, and scanned the black velvet lined menu
as she waited. Hours and hours of touring the city had left her
ravenous, even with the monster burrito that she'd had for lunch.
Once again, she laughed at herself for not stepping
out of her comfort zone, but nonetheless, steak was in her very near

waited for more than half an hour and had finished two glasses of
wine before she realized Ian wasn't going to show up for
least not any time soon. Just to be sure, she made a quick phone call
to the handsome man and he confirmed that he was running late. She
didn't know how he could be late when he was working in the very
place she was waiting, but he explained he was out of town, making
new fruit contracts. “Really, fruit?” Morgan giggled when
she hung up the phone, and by Ian's requests, she went on with dinner
without him. He did promise though that he'd make it up to her later,
but at the moment, nothing sounded better than the meal she was about
to enjoy.

waved down one of the servers and placed her order, which included
the biggest steak on the menu, a loaded baked potato...and a salad.
Angel would have laughed at her choice, then reprimanded her for not
broadening her horizons either. But her new motto said otherwise,
because I want to...and because I know what I want.

thought of her best friend reminded her of the text he'd sent that
morning. A simple and short text stating 'call a bitch' was all he'd
sent, but usually that meant he had some kind of news or advice.
Morgan wasn't sure if she even wanted to hear whatever it was, but
she couldn't leave him hanging like wet underwear again.

her salad arrived, she took a deep breath and clicked Angel's name.
Three rings in, her friend answered... only, it wasn't the friend
she'd expected to hear. Morgan inhaled a piece of lettuce, putting
her into an uncontrollable coughing fit that caught the attention of
everyone around her. One of the servers quickly brought her a glass
of water, but by that point, she'd managed to dislodge the little
bastard from her throat. She silently thanked the man for his
efforts, then slowly brought the cell phone back to her ear.

Love. Are you okay? Sounded like you were choking?”

yeah... I just... I didn't expect you to answer Angel's phone.
What...why are you... I mean, that's great you're... together...”
She was confused, and in her normal way of dealing with it, she

girl, breathe. I arrived in Brazil last night.” Morgan could
hear Angel in the background and she wondered why he wasn't the one
on the phone. “I was just talking to Angel, you haven't figured
out who sent the ring yet?”

you too,” Morgan groaned, flipping lettuce leaves around her
plate. She was happy the two had come together, but she wasn't ready
to be lectured by both of them. “Put me on speaker, I can hear
the bitch giggling.” There was a pause, then the beep of
confirmation that he'd done what she'd asked. “Angel, you said
to call you?” She wanted to get to the point and suddenly
regretted calling her friend in the first place. There was shuffling,
muted whispers, then silence. “Angel?”

here, Boo. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be all pushy
and shit about this damn ring anymore,” Angel finally answered.
It took Morgan aback, shocking her at the sudden change in her best
friend. She had been bracing herself for the ass ripping, figuring
he'd be wondering why she hadn't called Finlay back yet.

appreciate that.” Morgan leaned back in her chair to make room
for the big steak that was headed her way. She mouthed a thank you to
the server, then spoke to Angel again. “Why the change of
mind?” Her brows came together as she waited for the man to
answer, yet she was still grateful that the hounding might finally
come to an end.

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