Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (5 page)

since we're both pretending to be mature adults and acting as if
we're not thinking about this evening,” Morgan rested her head
on her curled up fist and eyed her handsome client, “tell me
about yourself.”

put his head back and laughed. The girl spoke what was on her mind,
he could certainly admire that. “You keep looking at me like
that and we'll have to skip the shopping.”

she told him, then brought her eyebrows together tightly and put a
fake scowl across her face. “Better?” Ian laughed again,
then shook his head.

angry, you're beautiful,” he told her and brought his hand from
her leg to the top of the table to grab his drink. “There's not
much to me, really. Born here, raised in Texas with my parents, then
moved back here when I was fourteen to take care of my
abuela...grandma,” he added, realizing Morgan may not
understand. “But I'm sure you're not wondering about that.”

smiled, then grabbed one of the fried jalapenos from the small red
bowl in front of them. “That's a good start,” Morgan told

smiled back. “When I was a kid, I dreamed of owning one of the
big hotels we'd vacation in. When my grandmother died, she left
everything to me...including enough money to buy a small complex. I
fixed it up and rented out apartments for a while, and when I had
money, I upgraded....and so on...” Morgan nodded, then asked
the burning question.

where do I come in?”

wants me to settle down, move out of the hotel and get a life. I have
a life and I love it,” Ian began. His words reminded her of
Sean and she nodded, understanding his meaning perfectly. “I
just want to be free. Yes, I get lonely at times, but I don't want to
obligate any woman to do everything I want to do either. If I wake up
in the morning and want to go to Brazil for the weekend...”

you can.” Morgan admired him for his honesty and appreciated
the fact he knew what he wanted...or in his case, what he didn't
want. Ian didn't want to be tied down, that was understandable too.
He nodded slightly, then passed Morgan her food.

of all this serious stuff,” he waved his hand as if he were
swatting an insect. “Try this first,” Ian poked a fork
into a pepper and held it up for Morgan to take a bite. Just like
that, they were back to light, playful conversation.

that's hot! But delicious!” She fanned her mouth, not that it
helped the stinging in her lips and tongue, and took a drink of wine
before taking another bite. Her meal had arrived as she enjoyed
another pepper, and looked the plate over with approval before
thanking the man for his excellent meal choosing skills. “Pot
roast?” It didn't matter what he called it, it looked like one
of her favorite meals, and that was good enough.

told her that she was basically correct, however, the seasoning was a
bit different and it was also served with rice. Morgan took a
healthy bite, and closed her eyes as a moan of approval sounded from
her chest. “This is wonderful...,” her words were cut
short when Ian's warm fingers went to her cheek, and slowly moved to
her lips. She opened her eyes and saw that he was mere inches away,
and her gaze dropped to his mouth before he pressed his lips to hers
gently. It was sweet. Brief. Intimate. “Maybe we should
skip shopping.” She spoke to the man, barely above a whisper,
as she leaned her forehead against his.

the lady wants, the lady will have.” Morgan smiled, still
leaning against him, and nodded slowly.

have to stop telling me that, I may take advantage of you.”
His soft laughter, as he pulled away from her slowly, brought a new
wave of desire for the man that she barely knew. It was always
exciting for her to learn what was attractive in a man, and laughter
was one thing that she desired above all else.

tried to behave herself as they enjoyed their meals, but lust's
tension remained thick between the couple through every topic that
was discussed over dinner. She found herself drawn to the occasional
flicker of light that would dance across the sand colored flecks
within his otherwise dark brown eyes.

spoke of the hotel, and the work that never seemed to end, while she
leisurely scanned his thin black V neck sweater, down to his
expensive dark jeans. She put her hand briefly over her lips to hide
the smile that formed as she thought of how much she hated that type
of sweater on a man, but found it absolutely delicious on him. “You
want to see the rest right now, or should I just describe it to you?”
He was waiting for her eyes to return to his face, and the smile
that she saw when she finally looked up made her laugh out loud.

I would love if you'd describe.. it.” She leaned back in her
chair and dared him to follow through with his offer, and was shocked
to see him sit back as well, and nod in agreement.

“Let's get going, I'll tell you all about it on the way.”
He motioned for their server and paid the bill, then stood proudly
from the table, arousal and all. “Shall we?” They both
knew that shopping had been marked off the to do list for the day.

walked slowly through the busy street, weaving now and then around
other couples, as Ian held her tightly around the waist. “It...
well, where to start?” Morgan giggled, then pretended to be
serious as she nodded in encouragement. “
is decently
shaped, thick enough to please, longer than some, but not to worry...
I'll take it easy on you.” She slapped him playfully on his
flat stomach, and laughed as she told him to continue. “Well,
now I'll just be bragging... but...,” he looked down and
smiled, trying not to laugh at his own ridiculous conversation, “I've
been told that it tastes like warm chocolate mixed with sweet vanilla
ice cream.. with sprinkles on..,”

it!” Morgan had to stop as her laughter couldn't be contained
any longer. “Sprinkles!” He put his hands up in

That's what they say!” The two of them finally got themselves
under control enough to start walking again, but their laughter was
ridiculously loud all the way to the hotel.

what do you like?” She leaned her back against the wall of the
elevator as her eyes told him exactly what she meant. His smile
turned dangerous, a sexy dangerous that her body was drawn to

On me.” She tilted her head and smiled.

Or just on Sprinkles?” His lips twitched as he tried not to

been months since I've been with a woman. I won't last long at
first. It would be best if you..,”

I see.” She stepped forward as the elevator stopped, and put
her hands on Ian's chest as his arms wrapped around her waist. “You
want to come now, then you'll last longer later?” He nodded
slowly, a surprisingly shy look took over the man's face as the doors
opened to their side. Morgan's arms stretched across his shoulders
as she walked backwards, pulling him into his own suite. They stood
still as the doors closed behind them, then Morgan smiled as she let
go of the man and quickly pulled her clothes off in front of him.

eyes never left her body as he did the same, but a part of him wished
for more self control since it was clear to him that she wanted much
more than a few moments of stroking
“Get in
bed.” She followed him to the first bedroom, and smiled at his
back as she held her mouth shut tightly to stop herself from telling
the man that he was most certainly, longer than some.
Damn, this
is going to be fun.

fell to the middle of the bed and watched as Morgan put her knees on
the soft mattress beside him, then straddled his upper thighs. His
body hardened even more at the sight of her naked body before him,
and his smile grew when she leaned forward, her lips only inches from
his throbbing center. “You don't have to... fuck...”
Morgan's mouth closed around his swollen head, and her fingers
wrapped around his thick base to hold him still. Ian's head fell
back hard onto the large white pillow, then he looked down again to
watch her take more of him inside her mouth.

skin was smooth, and warm, and the scent of desire made her moan
against his cock as she slowly moved back up to lick the sweet
offering that his body was already giving her. She knew that if she
took him only a few more times, he would fulfill his promise of a
quick release, so Morgan sat up again and brought her other hand
around the top of him.

fingers squeezed gently as both of her hands moved slowly along his
entire length, her thumb swirling across the hot liquid that her
movements forced from his large dick.

watched her breasts being squeezed together by her upper arms, while
she held him with her small hands. She swayed slightly with the
mating rhythm that her entire body moved to as she began to stroke
him faster. He was torn between watching her and closing his eyes as
his impending orgasm was quickly building, but he kept his gaze
moving between her hands, face and beautiful body.

squeezed him even more tightly. Her hands moved faster. Ian's deep
loud moan of pleasure filled the room as much as his own thick scent
of sex. His eyes finally closed and he listened to the sound of her
skin against his. Faster. Tighter. She held his head with one
hand, and stroked the space between his body and her own grip. His
cock hardened even more as his hips raised. Morgan sighed heavily
and held her bottom lip between her teeth as his body tightened and
slightly jerked under hers, and she watched Ian's release spill over
her hands in spurts of passion that left her breathlessly wanting

night, the man was more than true to his word, and the two enjoyed
hours of pleasure that left them blissfully exhausted.


was gone before Morgan's eyes opened the next morning, and she smiled
at the pillow next to her as she thought of the man who had made her
feel so damn good the night before. He had told her that he would
have to work early, but planned to return in time for lunch with her.
She reached across the cool sheets and stretched her arms and legs
as far as she could, which worked up enough energy to get out of bed
for the day.

darling.” Morgan giggled as she walked into the bathroom, and
brushed her teeth slowly as her water filled in the tub. She looked
around as the foam began to circle her lips, and smiled as she
thought of the call that would have to be made to Angel. “A
bath wouldn't be complete without my best friend.” She
finished at the sink, and ran to her shorts that were thrown on top
of her suitcase, then fished her phone from the back pocket.

mad as hell at you... you left my ass hangin' in the breeze like wet
fuckin' underwear on a droopy clothes line, don't do that shit
again!” Morgan laughed at the man on the other end of the line
as she dropped slowly into the hot bubbly water. She laughed even
harder when she heard her Angel try to stifle the giggles at his own

no more wet underwear... or whatever.” They both laughed, the
sounds of their voices echoed through the bathroom and those moments
made Morgan feel... at home. “Alright, I'm ready to answer
your annoying questions... so, go ahead.” She really wasn't
ready, nor did she even want to ever bring it up again, but she knew
that Angel would never let it go, so she would give him what he
wanted. “But first, I need to tell you all about Ian!”
Morgan started with her trip to the markets, then the amazing meal
with the man. The rest was left to his imagination, and she was
certain he was more than capable of figuring it out on his own.
Angel listened, then Morgan sat back and waited for the impending
obnoxious questions about her client.

sounds nice, Stick. What are you two doing today?” Morgan's
mouth opened in shock, her Angel didn't ask how or what she would be
, nor did he give Ian a nickname that would have no
doubt made her grab her sides in painful laughter. “You there,
bitch?” Her silence was unusual, and his words brought her
lips together again.

well... I'm not sure. Are you alright, Angel?” She sat up and
pushed her hair away from her face as she switched hands with her
phone. Angel nodded, not that she could see it, and answered.

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