Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (73 page)

You can go now.” His words brought her eyes back to his face,
and back to reality. The anger had returned, and was about to be
unleashed. Morgan took one final step that brought her eyes to his
neck, and she looked up to see his face again. One small shaking
finger poked against his hard chest as she took a deep breath to

You!” The words flew from her mouth and didn't satisfy her at
all. She needed to say more, much more. “I don't care about
your pity party, Robbie, you do. If you want to stomp around in the
storm, go right ahead, but I was only trying to help back there.”
Her hand moved away from his body for a few seconds to haphazardly
point in the general direction of the restaurant. “I didn't
know anything about your condition until Loraine told me, you were a
normal, funny, gorgeous guy then, and you still are.” She took
another deep breath and never looked from his eyes. “I
couldn't wait until we had our week together, and knowing about your
issue didn't change that. But you did. So go, sulk in the rain and
catch pneumonia, but this is all your doing.” She gave his
chest a little push with her ice cold finger, and turned to stomp off
in search for shelter for the night.

really wanted me? Even after you knew?” His voice sounded
strained, and Morgan turned to see his eyes had a moisture that no
storm could cause. She tilted her head, even though her face was
being pelted by the freezing rain. She couldn't believe that he
thought he was undesirable.

course I did. Look at you, are you kidding me?” Her hands
moved in the air along his upper body, doing a perfect game show move
to enhance her words. His silence brought her hands back to her
sides, then around her own waist. She was freezing, and the look on
his face that she couldn't decipher, was bringing another chill to
her shaking body. The tension between them was thick, and Morgan
wondered if she were going to be told to leave again. She wasn't
going to take a chance, and she just put her head down as she turned
once again to leave. Her body was almost completely turned when she
felt a powerful grip around her upper arms. “What the

spun her around to face him, and his lips came down hard against her
mouth. His kiss was deep. His lips surprisingly warm. He held her
body against his, both heating to the feel of the others body. Morgan
moaned into his mouth as his tongue swept across hers slowly. The
wonderfully unexpected kiss had caused a spark in Morgan that she
allowed to grow with each second that his mouth pleasured hers.
Robbie released her slightly, and lowered his forehead to rest
against hers. His lips were less than an inch from her mouth, she
could feel his hot breath against her skin as his chest filled with
air and released several times. His hands were tangled in her wet
hair, and the feel of his entwined fingers nudged that spark even
more. “Can our week start now, Morgan?” His soft words,
filled with desire, brought her body hard against his. She shook her
head, and her bottom lip was gently brought into her mouth as she

it can't start now.” She brought her head down and ran her
cheek against his neck as she spoke again softly. “But we're
adults, Robbie, and if we want to...”

go.” Robbie didn't wait for her to finish. He bent down and
put his arm behind her legs, lifting her easily to his chest. He
carried her as she buried her face against his wet shirt, hiding for
a brief time from the pelting rain. Robbie looked down to see her,
and the thought that she would submit and let him take care of her
was more than enough to send him into a near frenzy with desire.

a moment, Morgan wanted to ask where he was taking her, but it didn't
take long to find out. Around the corner, a bit further than the spot
where Robbie originally discovered the brick wall, was an alleyway.
The man knew this because the summer prior, he'd been chased by a
pack of three Rottweilers down that same street. The alley was
narrow, and even under normal conditions was dark. It would be

fingertips gripped more tightly around Morgan's legs and back as the
anticipation built within. It had been a long time since he'd felt
excitement about anything, especially desire for a woman and he
wasn't going to waste any time. He walked down the small path between
the fish place and the store next door, which sold the same kind
sausages that gave Morgan nightmares, and to the end where the alley
ran behind off the buildings on that street. He looked left, then
right, and decided on the left. The rain hadn't relented, but the
buildings blocked some of it, and although it was still dark, he was
able to at least make out where the wall was and that's exactly where
Morgan's back was placed.

flipped her around with ease, her legs that had rested on his arm
moments prior were wrapped tightly around his hips and her arms
instinctively wrapped around his neck. Robbie's lips came down on
Morgan's neck as her head fell back against the brick wall and the
cool rain that trickled down her skin was lapped up by his warm
tongue, making her shiver under his sweet touch. Morgan's legs pulled
Robbie in closer to her own body, with the need to feel how badly he
wanted her and another soft moan was shared between them as their
bodies found what they were looking for.

lifted his gaze to meet Morgan's, a steady pattern of steam escaping
his lips as his warm breaths met the cold air. His brows came
together tightly and his tongue slowly ran across his bottom lip as
his hand found the back of Morgan's head. His fingers wrapped around
her hair again, and the same spark as before ignited throughout her
body. Morgan's hand moved to the back of his neck and they met in
the middle with another kiss, one that was filled with the intense
need that made Morgan grateful Robbie was holding her against that

their kiss broke, he pushed her body slightly backward, and with some
extra effort, he pulled the tight wet sweater from her body and threw
it to the ground, then his teeth found a bra strap and one at a time,
he released them from her shoulders.

The wet wall behind Morgan took her by surprise when he pressed her
back against it. It was shocking how warm the soaked sweater had
actually been, but its warmth was quickly being replaced and exceeded
by Robbie's tongue, that was slowly moving down her chest. He was
dangerously close to the area she wanted his attention the most, but
he needed no direction. His hands cupped under her breasts as his
teeth, once again, pulled at the last part of fabric covering her
body from his view.

first felt his warm breath tickle against her hardened nipple, making
her squirm under his touch, as the need for his mouth became
stronger. Instead, his thumbs slowly encircled her breasts, making
Morgan moan again, that time, with half pleasure and half
anticipation. “Your mouth...” she instructed, still
enjoying what he was already giving her.

leaned forward, still playing with her breasts and whispered in her
ear, “what was that?”

your mouth on me,” Morgan spoke up, over the howling wind and
thunderclaps. Robbie smiled, and placed his hands under her arms and
lifted her up higher on the wall, then quickly took one of her pink
buds between his lips. His teeth gently pulled as his tongue quickly
danced and Morgan was close to the edge within seconds. Her back
arched as he pressed her against the brick wall.

eyes were closed as he enjoyed the the taste and feel of Morgan, and
her every movement and whimper drove him wild with need. “Take
them off.” His mouth barely moved and her hard nipple muffled
his words in a way that brought another moan from her chest. Robbie
had moved one hand to her waist, and pulled slightly on her jeans.
Morgan reached down and unbuttoned them, then lowered the zipper.
They worked together to peel them from her legs, and they too were
discarded on the ground next to them.

Her back side was met with the ice cold wall again, but Robbie
didn't stop. His pants were lowered. Just enough. His hand went
back to her nape, and the other held her bottom in position. Morgan's
hands went around his neck, and she pulled him to her mouth. His
deep kiss was what she wanted, and as his warm tongue began to dance
slowly in her mouth, her breath was caught again when his cock pushed
slowly inside of her. Her loud cry of pleasure would have been heard
by anyone in the area, but the storm caught the sound and saved her
from discovery.

deep and slow thrusts were maddening, and her body tightened around
his dick. He dropped his face to her shoulder and stopped moving,
knowing that it had been too long to endure much more of her. “Don't
move, Morgan.” His desperate plea made her smile, and she
gripped his waist even more tightly with her long legs. “Don't,
Morgan.... please.” It wouldn't work, she was determined to
bring him pleasure, and she arched her back quickly to bring him
inside of her even more. “Fuck...don't...” His entire
body hardened as he held his breath. The waves of pleasure were far
too strong. He couldn't fight it, and his hands dropped to her hips
as he began to thrust again. Deep hard thrusts. He moaned against
her shoulder as Morgan's head fell back once again. His body jerked
inside of her as months of turmoil and frustration flowed freely from
his body.


yawned loudly as she pushed the blanket from her bare legs. She had
slept nearly ten hours but was still considering a few more after a
quick bathroom break. She giggled as she stood from the bed at how
sore she was, and the bruises and scrapes on her back and butt didn't
help either. Sore to walk, sore to the touch, but she was still very
satisfied with how the day had ended with Robbie. “You were
worth it. Ouch!” She giggled again as she rubbed her backside
with every step. It would be a few days before she could walk
without pain, but once again, she was perfectly alright with how it
turned out.

she made her way to the bathroom and back to bed. There was nothing
that she had to do that day, so spending the morning under her warm
blanket sounded wonderful to her. Her eyes were almost shut when
they flew wide open at the sound of her phone. “Okay..okay..
I'm coming. I have a sore ass here, give me a sec!” She
laughed as she nearly waddled to the dresser across the room, and
pressed the green button quickly when she saw who it was. As usual,
she didn't even get a chance to properly answer her phone.

mothafuckin' Buns! I have been holding this damn phone to my head
for days. Tell me you're alive, Stick!” Morgan giggled and
nodded, and assured the man that she was, in fact, alive. She also
reminded him that they had spoken just the day before. “Don't
correct my ass, Stick, I've been worried. I think you gave me heart
rhythms!” Morgan held her side as she laughed, and tiptoed
through her giggles back to the bed.

think you mean Arrhythmia, Angel.”

it's making up it's own song in my chest, it's mothafuckin' heart

Morgan stole Angel's typical reply and laughed again through clenched
teeth as she climbed back into bed.

Morgan heard PoPo mock her in the background, followed by a loud
from Angel. Then another voice, it was Portuguese, but
unmistakeable for Gio's.

he want now?” Morgan half whispered as she rolled over to
inspect the damage on her backside. A large bruise covered her
tailbone, most likely from hitting the wall repeatedly and a few more
bruises that she couldn't see ran the length of her back.
worth it.

don't fuckin' know. G, what do you need, boo?” The last part
was directly spoken to Gio, in which another Portuguese, yet stern
toned, reply was given. “He said he needs his pretty pink
panties starched. Oh, that's fun. Pretty. Pink. Panties. Say it with
me, Stick.”

giggled, then obliged, “pretty pink panties.”

that shit ain't funny when you say it.” Morgan huffed and said
she didn't want to say it anyway. “I trust you had an
historical afternoon?”

evening,” Morgan corrected Angel's movie quote. “And he's
not Robin Hood,” she corrected before Angel even had the
opportunity. “Robbie, Angel.”

Did Robbie Hood give to the needy? Hmm? Did he?” Angel stroked
his hand down PoPo's back and the large bird announced a few more
's hoping to get more praise.

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