Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (76 page)

have you been up to these last couple of days?” Robbie tore
nearly half a sandwich off with one bite and Morgan giggled before
giving an answer.

know, sightseeing. That kind of thing.” Morgan was vague and
replied a little more quickly than she could have. To cover, she
quickly took a large bite of her sandwich as well.

did you go? Anywhere interesting?”

Morgan looked down at her soup, then took a drink of her water.
“Yes.” Still too vague. She didn't want to tell him where
she'd gone, at least not yet. “I went to a brewery.” She
nodded at her own answer.
Yeah, that will work.

I hope it wasn't the one a couple blocks from your hotel, I wanted to
take you there this week.” A low throat-clearing was heard from
an anxious Loraine on the other side of the table. Thinking about her
Robbie going out to a bar with Morgan made her uneasy, but she knew
he was a big boy and was allowed to make his own decisions whether
she liked it or not.

this one was in Mu...near the museum.” She caught herself
before saying she'd been in Munich. He'd know for sure she'd visited
his old stomping ground if she dropped that name.


smiled and nodded, then looked out into the back yard. There was an
enormous, light tan and white barn off in the distance, and she was
sure that it held exactly what she was looking for. “Hey, think I can see your horses after this?”

don't...” Robbie looked at Loraine and the older woman nodded,
with another small smile. Robbie had a hard time going out to the
barn since he'd given up riding. He loved his horses dearly, but to
be with them and not be able to jump on their backs only broke his
heart. For Morgan though, he agreed to make a trip out there. “Yes,
we can do that.” His smile grew. “You'll love 'Basco.”

minutes later, after the meal and a long walk through a yard that
still held water from the storm, Robbie, Morgan and her muddy boots
made it to the large barn. It was on top of a hill, quite a trek if
one weren't used to it, and the wind up there seemed much more
intense. Robbie shielded Morgan from the crisp breeze as he opened
one of the barn doors, and guided her inside with an outstretched

I like this, Robbie.” The barn was surprisingly warm and dimly
lit, but just right. She first saw two cats running the rafters, then
below, three more cats cuddled up together on a pile of hay. Four of
them were solid orange, one was as white as a full moon. On the other
side, there was a small pig, nestled in his own bed of hay and to the
left of that was a hallway, which led to the few stables.

way,” Robbie grabbed her hand and led her in that direction.
Even if he closed his eyes and all he could see was blackness, he
would have still been able to navigate through his barn. It was
second nature to him and for that, he was thankful. “Alright,
here's Tarzan.”

he's just beautiful.” The horse was cream colored, his mane and
tail a few shades darker. Upon first sight of Tarzan, she knew he
wasn't quite like the jousting horses she'd seen at the ranch. He
seemed too big, too stocky. She was sure he was good to ride, but he
couldn't possibly have the speed of... “Oh my god!” A
from the neighboring stall made Morgan grab her
chest, saving it from exploding in her chest. “That must be

here's my main man.” Robbie continued to hold Morgan's hand and
pulled her further down the hallway. There he was, the jousting
horse. In that one, she could see his power, his speed, his focus and
determination. Even the way the horse recognized Robbie and greeted
him at the door said all Morgan needed to know. Just like John had
explained, it was clear they had a special bond between them.
do what it takes to give you two one more ride. I promise.

Look at that! What are they for?” Morgan's eyes moved along
the dusty shelf on the wall next to Tobasco's stall. It was filled
with framed photos of Robbie's jousting days, along with a
that was placed a little higher above the shelf. He looked
incredible. He looked powerful. He looked happy.

I....used to joust.” His eyes appeared sad, but the smile on
his lips remained. Morgan asked about his jousting days, and leaned
against Tobasco's door while she listened. “What do you want
to know?” He moved closer and pushed a small lock of hair
from her forehead.

it like? When you're about to take off, what are you feeling?”
She raised her foot and slid it up the wall, resting on one leg. He
looked down at her body then back up to her face, a slow sensual
smile taking hold of both of them.

makes your heart race, Morgan?” He moved closer and barely
touched his nose to her cheek. “What fills you with
adrenaline?” He brought one hand up and ran it slowly over her
exposed collar bone. “What do you start to do with total
control, then lose control by choice?” He moved closer, still
tracing small lines on her skin. “What is it, Morgan...what
makes your mind go numb because you can't process all those feelings
at once?” He brushed his lips lightly against hers as he
waited for her answer. Morgan took a deep breath and dropped her
foot back to the floor. Her eyes searched his, and was nearly
mesmerized by the passion she saw in them. She cleared her throat
softly, and answered.


That's what it feels like.” He took her hand and led her
further down the hallway, both trying to temper the sexual tension
that he had built between them.


this, is an empty stall.” Robbie grinned as he pulled Morgan
to the end of the barn, leaving Tobasco to watch them walk away.
Morgan laughed and pretended to be in awe of the bare space.

Robbie! An empty stall! This is awesome!” She walked around
as if she were inspecting a penthouse for purchase. “It's a
stall,” she brought her hand up and tapped her chin lightly
with her index finger, “and it's empty.” She spun around
to look at the far wall, but was caught around the waist and brought
back to his front. “Why, Robbie, whatever are you doing?”
She laughed again, but the passion in his bright eyes told her that
silly playtime was over, and adult playtime was about to begin.

still want me, Morgan? Like you did the other night?” His
voice was low, and the question was very serious. She didn't speak
an answer, instead, she raised on her toes and lightly pressed her
lips to his. The soft kiss deepened quickly as he moaned against her
gloss coated mouth. Robbie didn't need further invitation, and with
one swift movement, he swept Morgan from her feet and cradled her in
his arms while never breaking their kiss. He carried her to the back
of the stall, but Morgan stopped him when she realized that the man
was close to putting her against that hard wood, and that position
wasn't going to happen again.

we...uhm...on the floor?” He smiled into her mouth as he
captured it again, and dropped slowly with her in his arms. He
placed her gently on a bed of hay and rolled to her side, pulling her
close. “This is nice.” Morgan cuddled her head against
his large chest and exhaled slowly, enjoying the quiet moment of
being held by her handsome new friend.

His voice was strained slightly and Morgan smiled against his shirt
at knowing how sexually charged the man beside her was. She also
knew from their prior connection that Robbie may not be a man who
could be content with a sweet coupling on the floor of his barn.

smiled again and tried to hide her humor at the situation. She had
figured him out a little, and her mind raced with ways to please the
somewhat broken man. Her eyes secretly scanned the small stall and
landed on the large wooden door to their enclosure. It was perfect,
and she rolled over quickly and stood before he could stop her.

door was open, she had reached out and pulled it shut, closing them
in completely. She looked down and smiled again, yes, she knew it
would do just fine. Morgan turned back to Robbie who was then
sitting upright, and she reached to her waist and smiled as she
pulled her sweater from her body. His eyes tried to focus, to see
the details of her slender body, but he couldn't quite see what he
wanted. He knew, however, what she was doing. “I can't see
you, Morgan. Not really. Come closer....please.” His voice
was small, and almost desperate, and Morgan quickly moved to stand
right in front of him. He nodded with gratitude, and she continued
with the show.

bra was tossed in his lap, which made him chuckle as he placed it
beside him, and her jeans were kicked off to the corner of the stall.
Her panties were all that were left, and Robbie ran his hands from
her calves to her thighs until he found the material. “You're
so soft.” His face went to her thigh and he inhaled her scent
as he pulled the soft material from her legs. “And you smell
so...fucking...good.” He nearly groaned as he spoke and the
feral sound brought a deep breath to Morgan as well.

was still nuzzling Morgan's thigh when he removed his shirt, and
pulled away for only a moment to shed the rest of his clothes. The
tattoo of the lance covered the entire expanse of the left side of
his chest and made him look even more dangerous and sexy. She watched
him move closer, her eyes focused on the lance, then his face.

Morgan stood still, letting the man learn her body in any way he
needed. It was erotic to her, knowing that his every other sense was
in overdrive.

got to his knees and wrapped his arms around the back of her legs,
his hands cupping her ass, and he pulled her closer to his lips.
“Spread your legs, Morgan.”

took in a few shallow breaths, and looked down at her feet as she
spread them a few more inches apart. The hay tickled under her bare
toes, but all she could focus on was the anticipation Robbie was
building as his lips brushed against the smooth skin of her inner
thigh. Her fingertips curled into his hair and she looked down to
watch the torture as it happened.

hot breath against her wet center sent tingles through her body and
her breathing became forced as she begged him to give her what she
wanted. “Please, Robbie.” She held her breath, until she
finally felt his tongue slide between her legs, and it was released
in a long moan of pleasure, then another as his tongue ventured
lower. Robbie's grip tightened around her ass and he brought her even
closer to his face. Morgan briefly fought the beginning tremors, she
tried to close her legs, and Robbie fought back, trapping her legs
tightly around his neck. His tongue pushed inside of her and her loud
reply told Robbie to continue.

opened her eyes for a moment and saw a wall behind Robbie's back and
quickly, she leaned forward and placed her palms against it. Standing
on her toes, Robbie was in position to bring her to ecstasy in
seconds, but he let the torture continue, just to hear Morgan's moans
that made his cock jerk with need. Slowly, his tongue ran the length
of her center, up and down. “Robbie...” She felt him
smile against her clit and her legs clenched together more tightly.

what?” His voice vibrated against her skin, and Morgan's
forehead rested against the cool wall of the stall as she tried to
catch her breath.

She couldn't say anything else. In a frenzy, his tongue found her
throbbing area and in seconds, Morgan felt the wave of pleasure rip
through her body. She held onto the wall tightly as Robbie milked
every second of Morgan's bliss with slow circles of his tongue.

she had even regained feeling in her legs, Morgan stood upright and
took a step back and looked down at Robbie. He licked his lips slowly
and gave Morgan a wicked smile. “You taste so fucking good

bit her own lip and took another step backward, curling her finger in
a fashion that told Robbie to follow her. He got to his feet and
Morgan slowly turned, facing her back to him and she walked back over
to the door of the stall. Toward the bottom was a board that stuck
out further than the rest and that's where she decided her feet were
going to go. She grabbed the top of the door and climbed the side,
until her toes were in place on the edge of the bottom and her hands
found two pieces of rope near the top that her fingers tightly curled
around. Morgan looked over her shoulder and pushed her ass out.
Robbie didn't need any other direction.

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