Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (80 page)

I miss you! Going to Paris for my week off, I'll get in touch soon.


read the text, and his heart raced at the thought of finally talking
to Morgan. He had to explain everything, and make their world right
again. “Burke, pack a bag. I'm goin' to France.”

read the text and smiled. He had just arrived in Spain to look at an
older fleet of fishing boats for purchase. He had planned on staying
for two days, but his plans changed that very instant.
Looks like
I'm going to France.




yer shirt off, Love.....I need te see ye.” Finlay's large body
covered Morgan from head to toe, and he raised enough to allow her to
maneuver out of her clothes. “That's muh Angel.” He
slowly moved his gaze from her face, down her neck, over her narrow
collarbone, then to her full breasts. His face moved slowly down as
he watched the deep rise and fall of her chest. Morgan sighed
heavily at the anticipation of feeling his warm mouth on her, to feel

my god!” His teeth scraped her most sensitive area in the way
that she loved and her hands moved instantly to the sides of his head
where she gathered handfuls of his thick hair. “Fuck...don't
stop, Fin.” He had no intentions of stopping, and his tongue
flicked quickly against her nipple as his mouth held her.

at me, Morgan.” Tanner's hand found Morgan's soft cheek and he
turned her head, to face him. His bronzed body next to her felt warm
against her side. His mouth covered hers completely and the passion
in his kiss left her breathless.

hand moved along her side, to her hip, then slid between her legs.
His fingers pushed inside of her, forcing Morgan to arch her back and
press against Finlay's body. Finlay moaned against her hard nipple
and he moved one hand to her hip and held her down as his body raised
to allow Tanner more room to please her. Morgan's body tensed with a
passion that she had never felt and her loud moans, that begged for
more, drove the men wild.

pushed further, faster, and Morgan's body raised as much as it could
under Finlay's strength. Finlay kissed her breasts, pulling soft
flesh into his mouth each time. His head moved down, kissing in the
same way across her stomach until his upper body rested between her

watched as Tanner's hand moved quickly inside of her, and smiled up
at Morgan when his head lowered to her swollen and tortured area.
Morgan's head thrashed from side to side when Finlay's hot mouth
consumed the near painful part, and his tongue moved slowly over her.
She was very close.

need you inside of me! Please...I need you!” Tanner smiled,
then kissed her neck. Finlay released her sweet bud and looked into
her face.

one, Love?” Morgan smiled at Finlay as he spoke, and was about
to answer.

me, Morgan...who do ya want?” Tanner's words heated her
already warm neck.

want...fuck...I want....,”

are you alright?” Morgan felt her arm being pulled and sat up
quickly. An older woman who was on her way to the restroom had
noticed that Morgan was having a
dream, and just wanted to

my god... I'm...uh... I'm fine. Thank you.” The woman
continued on her way, and Morgan closed her eyes, wishing that the
dream had continued.
Oh shit. Who would I have picked?
question taunted her for several minutes until she had to find an
escape from her own mind. With that, she found her phone and called
the one man that would get her mind off of everything. She also, had
a brilliant idea.


only an eleven hour flight, I can get you there by noon tomorrow.”
Morgan flipped the collar of her jacket back and forth between two
fingers as she explained to her best friend that the two of them
could hang out for the week.

the fuck up! Stick, are you saying you want my ass to come to France?
Like the two of us?” Angel's excited voice screamed in her ear
and she pulled the phone away while managing to flash a smile to the
booth across the aisle of the train.

exactly what I'm saying. I know, it's short notice, but do you think
Gio would mind? Would you be able to find a replacement again?”
Morgan's train ride was coming to an end, and after seven and a half
hours of it, she was grateful. She'd spent the first half thinking of
all the people that were in her life, and the second was spent
napping on and off. She had silently wished that she had more time
to catch up with all of them, but it was at that moment that she knew
which person she wanted to catch up with the most. Of course, she
talked to Angel more than any of the others, but every time she and
and her flamboyant friend would meet, there was always a distraction.
Not that she really felt as if Tanner, Finlay, Cedric or even Clay
had been a
she had to admit, the thought of her
Angel to herself was very nice.

G-Stick is going to have to put his big boy panties on and get the
fuck over it. Besides, his ass if out of town with his
girlfrie...oops.” Angel gasped loudly and Morgan could hear his
hand clap against his full lips.

Morgan repeated. “And you didn't tell me!? Oooooh,” she
sang into the speaker. “Spill it!”

calm your tits, I didn't even fuckin' know until this morning. I've
been packing his bags for days and didn't know why he'd needed to
pack his silk pajamas for a business tr...”

silk pj's! I so remember those!” Morgan looked around, it was
dark in the cabin, so she was safe from people wondering why her face
had become scarlet so suddenly. She chewed her bottom lip as she
recalled the mental image of Gio in his black silk outfit and how it
had felt in her fingers when she'd taken it off. As if it were
possible, her face became even more heated. Not just of the thought
of the sexy Brazilian in the nude, but...
he has a girlfriend?
“Well...” She didn't know what to say, or why the
fact he had a woman in his life had her so curious.
Stop it. This
is Gio.
“I'm really happy for him. I guess that explains
the singing!” Morgan laughed and Angel groaned as he recalled
the so-called singing Gio had been doing for days.

it does and he needs to take that shit somewhere far, far, far away.
Oh, shit, Stick. He's leaving now, I've got to go. Call a bitch when
you pick a flight.” Angel kissed loudly into the speaker and
hung up.

gave a soft kiss back and stared at her phone after it turned black.
“I can't wait to see you, my Angel.”


all set, Campbell. Your flight has been arranged and your luggage is
in the car. Would you mind telling me now why you're headed to
Paris?” Burke handed Finlay a black tie and the big Scot set it
down on the counter, not even bothering to put it on. Burke knew
Finlay had a big job that week in London, so why he had the sudden
urge to globe trot had the older gentleman confused. He'd just spent
two weeks helping his boss organize paperwork, make phone calls and
prepare for the big event, then, as he thinks Finlay is headed to
England, Fin tells him to find the next flight out to Paris. Work was
never something Finlay missed.

mate.” Finlay loved Burke, but he knew the old man had a large
mouth. Letting his butler know that he was going to France to see
Morgan Holland would have warranted a long talk of unnecessary
advice. Especially when work was involved. He knew he never missed
work either, and since he was the one orchestrating the whole deal,
he knew a couple more days wouldn't matter much. They'd wait. In
fact, when he'd told Sean's crew that they had the week off, it
didn't exactly go badly.

if the Irish lad comes by?” Burke put a worrisome hand to his
weathered forehead, trying to figure out if he'd forgotten anything.

Sean didn't need to know where Finlay was going or why. He'd already
asked, and Fin had told him the same thing. “There is an
opportunity in France that I can't miss.” Burke nodded.

though Sean is his best friend, this was one time where Finlay wanted
Morgan all to himself. He had some serious explaining to do, and face
to face...alone...was the only way he'd have the chance to recover
anything with Morgan. “I don't know if this is going te work,”
Finlay shook his head and saw the confused look on Burke's face. He
knew there was a chance he could go all the way there and she'd
ignore his calls, but, “there's no way she'll ignore me if she
knows I'm there, aye?” He spoke low, even Burke hadn't heard
him. “Fook it,” he spoke louder. “She has to at
least listen. Let's go,” he nodded his head toward the door and
Burke followed.

hour later, Finlay was on a plane to Paris.


yawned loudly as she flopped down hard on the king sized bed in her
hotel room. She would have loved to have looked around and inspected
every square inch of the gorgeous room, but her cramps were kicking
into high gear and her stomach sounded loud enough to disturb the
nearby rooms. “Okay...okay. Food, then rest.” She
placed her hands over her stomach and yawned again as she soothed the
unrelenting beast.

rolled over to her side and stretched out all of her limbs, but
that's as far as she got. Still in her clothes and shoes from her
travels, the tired woman closed her eyes. For once, rest won the
battle before food did and Morgan fell fast asleep. Not even the
obnoxious ring of her phone woke her up. It wasn't until the
following morning, when room service knocked on her door, that she
finally stirred.

started to roll off the side of the bed, her legs flailing wildly,
hoping to cling onto anything other than air. Her efforts failed and
Morgan's shoulder met with the carpet in a very ungraceful fall. “Ha,
didn't hurt!” Morgan half-laughed at herself and brought her
legs off of the bed to meet the party on the ground with the rest of
her body and rolled over to push herself up with her arms.

a quick attempt to look presentable, she stood and ran her fingers
through her hair as she stumbled to the door. “Room's clean,”
she told the woman on the other side and after a quick exchange in
nods, Morgan closed the door again.

a little longer...” Morgan walked back to the bed, in which all
the covers were still perfectly made and let her body fall onto it.
It was the moment her back hit the mattress that her stomach reminded
her that she still had not eaten. “Okay, okay...”

more effort than it had taken to pull herself off the floor, Morgan
climbed back out of the bed that she had only spent a few moments
with, and walked slowly to the desk that held several brochures
boasting of food and entertainment. She looked at the clock on the
small nightstand. It wasn't dark out, so either she'd only slept for
an hour, or she'd slept until the following day. Morgan got her

Wow.” It was nearly two, and she laughed at how long she'd
slept. “Her eyes went back to the desk. “Pizza. Done.”
She pointed at the glossy photo on the top of the pile, and smiled
down at the gourmet pizza that beckoned her. Her choice was made
mostly because it was on the same street as her hotel and would be
easy to find, but also, Morgan was determined to try her favorite
food from every corner of the globe.

I'm going!” The loud growl from her belly nearly echoed in her
room, and she ran to her purse to grab a hair tie. Still in the same
outfit, and most her makeup left on her pillow, Morgan pulled her
hair into a high ponytail and brushed invisible dust off of her
shirt, more with the hopes of flattening the wrinkles that had built
up through the night. “It's just pizza, I don't have to be
runway ready, right?” This time, food won before appearances.
Her cramps were kicking in again, and she was already looking forward
to a hot bath when she returned. Angel wasn't due to arrive until
four, so she knew she still had a couple hours to relax. She walked
over to the nightstand, grabbed her phone and stepped over her bags
that were still in front of her door as she left her room.

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