Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (77 page)

eyes faced forward again and the next thing she felt were Robbie's
large hands at her hips. Softly, his hands moved over her bottom,
then back to her hips, up her sides and down the deep curve of her
back, where his thumbs gently dug into her skin as he made his way
down. His hands found her hips again and he leaned forward, his chin
rested on her soft shoulder. Morgan felt his dick pressed between her
legs and she lifted her ass, matching his height. Without warning,
Robbie plunged inside of her and Morgan was grateful she wasn't
against the wall again.

thrusts were intense, harder, deeper, than before. Robbie was more
comfortable and Morgan could tell. Her body responded and adapted to
his movements quickly and in a few seconds, she was moving in perfect
rhythm to their barn dance. His hands moved up her sides, to her
breasts and he gripped each of them firmly as he plunged himself
inside her.

held tightly to the rope and her legs shook from holding her in place
while her body arched hard against each thrust. Robbie's eyes were
closed, but he could
her body moving with his in his
mind...and it was beautiful. The aroma of their sex drifted between
them and he inhaled deeply to take in as much as he could of the
intoxicating scent. He felt powerful, he felt strong, he felt as if
he were on the edge of losing control...he felt, normal.

sound of large agile horses moving quietly in their space mixed
erotically with the sound of Morgan's strained moans that he could
feel almost rumbling in her chest. It was a moment that he needed,
and a moment that pushed him beyond reason as the eruption of sweet
release rushed through every inch of his body. Morgan felt his body
harden even more, and his movements became deep and deliberate. She
felt the heat of his satisfaction fill her, and a final long soft
moan left her body as he finally relaxed against her.

held the rope, and kept her feet in place as she listened to his
heavy breathing against her bare back. Robbie's head pressed against
her skin and he kissed her shoulders softly as his hands wrapped
gently around her waist. Morgan sighed as she dropped her head back
to rest against his, and she felt absolutely sexy at that moment.
Robbie actually
everything, and knowing that made her
feel...more like a woman.

It looks like rain again! Should I get your coat?” Loraine's
voice ripped through their silent embrace and Robbie easily lifted
her off of the door, and placed her on the ground. Morgan ran to the
other side of the stable, where it was at least a bit more dim, and
dressed quickly as she scanned the hallway for the dominating

And don't come back here, we're naked. And having sex. Hot sex.”
Morgan and Robbie both laughed when they heard her scoff, and
laughed even harder when they heard the barn door open and slam shut.
Robbie didn't have to be sarcastic with her, she would have taken
the hint if he would have just asked for a moment, but it was still

she helped him button his shirt as she spoke, “what's next on
our schedule? Please tell me sightseeing.” The smile on her
face that he could almost make out was enough to make him agree to
almost anything. Morgan Holland had a way about her, a way of making
a person feel as if they were the only person in her world. It was a
gift, and one that she most likely wasn't even aware of. It absolute love of life, and he envied it.

sightseeing is on the schedule. But first, I want to take you to the
pub and order you a real beer.” She giggled as she flipped her
hair from underneath her sweater, and nodded enthusiastically.

love that!”

afternoon, Loraine volunteered to take the two of them out to the
bar. It was the least she could do after accusing Morgan of being the
kind of woman who'd take advantage of the man she cared for as her
own son. It was the bar Robbie had spoken of, the one not far from
Morgan's original hotel. Their plans of sightseeing went out the
window though, as their afternoon out together turned into a long
night of beer, shots, karaoke and dancing.

bar was actually an Irish pub, shamrock something, as Morgan recalled
the following day. There was a local band playing, even though they
were Irish, and it reminded Morgan much of the bar she'd gone to with
Sean. It also reminded Morgan of how much she missed her Irish friend
and at one drunken point, she'd texted him to tell him so.

the two of them had loudly called Loraine at a quarter til four in
the morning, she'd taken them back to the house and Morgan and Robbie
passed out on the couch together, fully clothed, unable to even
stumble into the bedroom. Loraine had to laugh to herself as she
watched the two of them snuggle into a spooning position on the
smallest part of the couch, as she'd never seen Robbie act that way.
Most of his legs hung over the side of the sofa, but his arms wrapped
tightly around Morgan's waist, so she wouldn't fall over the front.
The two of them had giggled for a few moments, then fell into a noisy
slumber of loud snoring from both parties.

anything, Loraine had to give it to Morgan for making him smile. It
was something he'd lacked for quite some time. She hoped though, it
would continue after Morgan was long gone, and he would keep his new
found confidence.


Robbie arched his back against the sofa and stretched his arms and
legs, only to knock Morgan right onto the cold tile floor of his
living room. He realized his mistake even before a very groggy and
very hungover Morgan Holland knew what had happened.

she whined, as her hand went to her elbow that had knocked on the
edge of the table. “Throwing me on the floor now?” She
ran her fingers through her tangled hair and looked outside with
squinted eyes. It was bright, too bright.

so sorry. I...I'm not used to sleeping with anyone. I mean...”
Sure, Robbie was used to sex. Maybe not as of recently, but Morgan
had been right with her assumption of not taking him for much of a
cuddler. At least, it was not something he'd really sought after
before. But a part of him, even a tiny part, loved the thought of
being close to Morgan. To touch her skin, her hair, to hold her
tight. Maybe it wasn't something he'd look for in the future either,
but right then, he loved it.

sat up and wrapped his arms under Morgan's and pulled her back up to
the couch, and across his lap, with ease. “It's okay.”
Morgan was still nursing her elbow when Robbie took over and softly
rubbed the area free of pain. She laid her head against his chest and
was back asleep in seconds. Robbie also fell asleep, and it was in
that position, that the two of them slept most of the afternoon away.

you two going to sleep
day?” Loraine poked Robbie in
the shoulder, jolting him awake. He narrowed his eyes at Loraine,
making sure it was her, then shook his head back and forth, only to
realize he had a pounding headache. “Alright, let's get you
something for that.”

had a miracle hangover mix that she swore by, and when she shuffled
to the kitchen, Robbie knew it was coming. “Might as well make
two,” he shouted over his shoulder when Morgan stirred. Her
hand immediately went to her own head, and she groaned as the
pounding began as soon as her eyes opened.

much did we drink? What time is it? What time did we get home?”
She tried to sit up and her world spun around her. Morgan had
certainly been more drunk in her life, but never had she had such a
hangover. “What was in those drinks?”

Turbo, your questions are coming out a million miles per hour. We
drank a lot. Nothing was in them out of the ordinary. I think we got
home around four and right now, it is....” Robbie looked behind
him for help from Loraine.

almost two.” She was walking back toward the couch, holding two
tall glasses of a green liquid...with bits of
around the top. One she gave to Morgan, the other she handed to

hell. This smells like sh...” Morgan caught herself being rude
and closed her mouth tightly. The next time her lips opened, she
tried a nicer approach. “What's in this?”

drink it as fast as possible, don't think about it. You'll feel
better in a few minutes.” Robbie began chugging his drink.
Morgan waited for the reaction, and when there wasn't one, she slowly
brought her own glass to her lips. It was the most vile thing that
she had ever tasted, but the vision of Julianne's face while telling
her to be polite had kept her in check.

took their empty glasses and went back to the kitchen while Morgan
and Robbie both held their stomachs in mock pain to the drinks. It
was a few moments later that they agreed to stay around the house for
the day, and Morgan already planned to take her client back out to
the barn to spend time with Tobasco.


following three days were much different, as Robbie had taken Morgan
to every interesting place that he could think of. The Spice Museum
had to be one of her favorites, not because it was so unique, but she
truly found that she loved hearing about the history of cultivating
spice from hundreds of years ago, to the present. Robbie saw her
interest, even more so than he noticed when he took her to the Museum
of Anthropology, and he happily spent several more hours in the place
than he had intended.

second favorite place was the Planetarium. It reminded her of a
smaller version of the White House, but with much better outside
lighting to the point of having a romantic feel. The exhibits were
fascinating with a live orchestra that made her feel as if the
Universe had come to life before her eyes. It was an amazing event
that she would never forget, and three dozen photos would make sure
of it.

of her most favorite moments up that point had been a simple walk
along the river, taking photos of buildings both old and new. Robbie
was relaxed, as he had been since their week started, but she noticed
something different as they strolled down a seemingly ancient street.
He was content. Not just happy, or having a good time, he was
actually comfortable in his own skin for the first time since she had
met him. It was a wonderful thing to see, and one that she kept to
herself so as not to ruin something so beautiful.

fifth day together had been rained out, but both were happy to have
another day of relaxation. Sightseeing was wonderful, but going at
it for ten hours a day had exhausted both of them. Morgan had even
been comfortable enough to pull her long hair back into a pony tail,
and chose to wear her pink low rise sweats with her pink and white
tee. Yes, she decided, staying in and relaxing was what they both

are we going to watch movies, eat all day, go play with Tobasco, or
just sit around and stare at each other?” Morgan had asked the
questions as she met Robbie in the kitchen that morning.

way she's cooking, it looks like we will be eating all day!”
Robbie pointed toward Loraine who had two separate meals going on at
once. One was a slow cooking roast that she'd already had cooking for
several hours and the other meal was one that held various breakfast
items. She missed her blueberry muffins, but the chocolate chip
pancakes would definitely be a close second when it came to replacing
her favorite breakfast food.

gave him a kiss on his cheek, then grabbed his hand and pulled him to
the couch while they waited for the food to be done. Both of them had
already offered to help, but Loraine was the kind of person who
insisted that she do everything herself. Morgan had giggled at the
thought, because there were two very stubborn and independent people
living in the same household, who in fact, actually needed one

it's Wednesday, and that means I only have two more days with you.”
His finger slid under her chin and he forced her to look at him,
which didn't take much persuasion. He was handsome, more rugged than
some of her past clients, but that added to his appeal. His brows
were thick, but not in a way that would have made Angel want to pull
out a weed eater and go to town, and his jaw was strong. There was a
two-day old beard lining that jaw and Morgan reached up to touch it
as she nodded in reply to his statement. His eyes flickered left and
right, then down to her lips. Morgan caught a brief lick of his own
lips, then he spoke again. “If possible, I just want to explore
every inch of you today. All day. Every inch.” With each word,
he got closer to her lips and his voice grew more strained. “Would
that be alright?” He looked toward the kitchen at Loraine, then
pulled Morgan's ear close to his lips. “She's going into town
all day...”

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