Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (90 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

my goodness! Are you still going to do him? Did you do him? You did!
You rode the mothafuckin' Poland Express!”

did not ride anything! But yes. Nothing has changed. I can't just
leave because he knows Tanner. I...” Morgan looked down at her
knees, then stretched one foot until it was the edge of the tub.
“This is my job. I'm a professional. Do me a favor, Angel...”


Tell. Tanner. Not yet. I'll tell him. Just not yet. Okay?”
Morgan pleaded, knowing her words were probably worthless.

won't, Stick.” There was a pause, then a quick response in
Portuguese that wasn't to her. “I swear, one of these
mothafuckin' days!” Angel growled, which was unlike him, then
continued, “I have to go Boo, apparently G-Spot has plans to
get white girl wasted and I have to drive his silly ass around.”

giggled, then blew a loud kiss into the phone. “Have fun, my
Angel!” He hung up after three loud kisses of his own, and
Morgan dropped her phone to the pile of clothes beside the tub.

soft thud of the phone dropping was followed by a quick knock on the
door. Morgan immediately covered herself and sank down under the
bubbles. “Can I come in?” She smiled at the fact that
her client was being so polite, and also that his
for the week felt the need to cover herself in his presence.
Quickly, she sat up again and allowed her bubble-covered upper half
to be seen.

Her tone, even in just one word, let him know that he was welcome to
do more than just enter the bathroom. She smiled again when she
heard his throat clear as he walked in.

stopped after only two steps in, his gaze went straight to her wet
shoulders, then moved slowly down. “You're....,” his
eyes met hers, “so beautiful.” Morgan thanked him as she
stared directly into his eyes. “,” he dropped
his gaze to the floor and walked to the side of the tub, “I'm
going to work for about an hour tonight,” his eyes
moved again to her full breasts, “you'll probably be asleep
when I get back so,” he looked to her face again, “I can
get you anything that you may need before I go.” He took a
deep breath as he tried to keep his eyes on hers. Morgan smiled at
his willpower and straightened even more in the tub, allowing her
breasts to take his attention again. Her eyes moved to what she
needed as she was eye level with his obvious desire. She slowly
released her gaze on his midsection, and raised her head to face him.
His dark jeans, black boots, and a fresh black designer tee that he
was most likely going to cover with another shirt, were more than

hour, huh? Well,” she sunk down into the tub and smiled as
she continued to look him in the eyes, “what I need now....I'll
need then.” He shook his head and growled loudly.

tempting me, are you?” She nodded and he let out another long
breath. “I'll see you in an hour then.” Morgan nodded
and ran her hands over her chest, then across her nipples slowly.


reluctantly moved from the side of the tub, then turned and left the
room. Her client was easy to arouse, and that knowledge made her
look forward to his return even more.

going to be fun, Mister Baran. Very fun indeed.” The last of
her words made her giggle as she spoke them to the quiet bathroom in
the best Julianne impression that she could muster.

another thirty minutes of soaking, her water began to chill and
Morgan decided to get out before her skin wrinkled. Angel's voice
popped into her head, and in her best impression, she mocked him as
she stepped out of the tub. “Bitch, you need to step out of
that mothafuckin' water before you wrinkle up like my grandpappy's
testiculars.” Morgan doubled over in laughter at her own
thoughts as the other foot touched the cold tile floor. She loved her
Angel, and one thing that could be certain was that there was no one
else in the world that could make her laugh so much.

was still wearing a smile as she pushed her arms through the long
sleeves of her fluffy robe and tucked her feet into a pair of
matching slippers. The robe was an easy choice for Morgan, because
when the hour was up, she planned on simply sliding it right back off
her shoulders for Eryk.

left the bathroom and went down the hall to Eryk's room, where the
rest of her things had been carried up and lined neatly against the
wall. It was something Burke or Angel would do, but Eryk didn't have
a Burke or an Angel. Having a butler was never a bad thing, in fact,
she'd gotten along well with all of them, but it was something to be
said about the differences in her clients. Giovanni and Eryk could
have the same exact amount of money, yet the way they carried
themselves and lived their lives were worlds apart. Gio would never
be caught driving himself somewhere, picking anyone up at airports or
even enjoying a beer. Finding a class two was rare, but they were
their own unique breed. The Finlays of the world could or could not
drive themselves, and if they wanted a cheap beer or the most
expensive scotch, they'd do it. The differences between the men is
what made them so attractive, and a little could be learned from all
of them.

got to her knees in front of her largest bag and began to unzip the
top when she heard her phone ring from the other room. Her eyes went
out the window of the bedroom, it was dark but she could tell his
vehicle wasn't there. “This better be quick,” Morgan
stated as she got back to her feet. She had a whole week off and
anyone who needed to talk to her could have taken care of it then.
When she looked at the name on the phone though, her heart raced
faster than it had in a very long time.

Morgan's hand shook as she lifted the phone from the bathroom floor.
She had no idea why the man on the other side of the phone was making
her so nervous. “He's just a friend, Morgan. No need to act
like this.” She stared at the screen for so long, trying to
talk herself into answering, that the call went to voice mail. “Well,
if he has something to say, he'll s...that was quick.” Before
she could finish her sentence, she got a notification for a new

bit her bottom lip, staring at the tiny icon on her phone. A part of
her wanted to listen to it, to know what he had to say, but another
part of her wanted to ignore it and let the man simply be a memory of
her past. He was a great memory, but one thing Morgan was learning
was that even though she had met many great men, and while she
wouldn't mind seeing them again, they weren't meant to be seen again.
And that was okay.

had met Michael, and they had some wonderful times together, but the
rational part of her told her to leave him a memory. The
part of her that made her heart race, told her otherwise. “Okay,
it's not going to hurt if I listen to it...” she bit her lip
harder, then agreed with herself and dialed the number to listen to
the message.

know you're busy, but I need you to call me. Please. I miss your
voice.” It was short, just as she had known, but his voice made
her weak in the knees.

I can't.” Her heart was already battling the love of other men,
and there was no more room, and no more time, for anyone else.
have a girlfriend anyway.
No, she couldn't use that as a
justification. Try again.
It will never work.
What won't work?
A relationship?
I can't even make up my own mind, why would I
judge him?
It was too much, and having so many things come back
into her life in one week was overwhelming. Dante's wedding, Finlay's
baby, Kole's mother, Tanner's cousin...Michael. “No, I
definitely can't call you right now.”

are ya talking to?” Eryk's boots echoed as they walked across
the tile floor.

voice startled her and she dropped her phone in the middle of her
dirty clothes pile, and picked it all up at once. “No one.
Just..myself.” Morgan giggled as she realized what she must
look like, or sound like, when he walked in. Sitting on the floor
talking to a pile of laundry wasn't Eryk smiled and
took the clothes from her hand.

get in bed, I'll put these in the laundry room.” Morgan
quickly dug her phone from his handful of clothes, and turned toward
his room.

man who takes charge.. I like it.” Her words, as she was still
walking to his room, stopped the man in his tracks. She had no idea
that Eryk had been trying to get a feel for what she liked, as his
greatest pleasure came from a satisfied and highly responsive woman.
He no longer had to try to figure her out, and his cock hardened with
each passing second at the realization that he could explore Morgan
the way he wanted to; by dominating.

Morgan turned and faced him, stopping to see what he wanted. “Take
your robe off,” he nodded slightly at her fuzzy covering,
“slowly.” The clothes that were in Eryk's hand fell to
the floor. They were the least of his concerns at the moment. He
smiled slightly at her hesitation, then dropped his head down
slightly to remind her of what he wanted. “Now.”

legs were frozen as she stood before him. He was still across the
room, waiting, and his voice made it very clear that he wasn't going
to wait long. “Uh...okay.” Her own voice was shaky, and
she cleared her throat as her hands moved to the belt of the robe,
and untied it. Her fingers brushed the bare skin between her
breasts, as she pulled the material open. The slight moan that her
own touch produced forced Eryk to take a long step in her direction.
He didn't want her to feel pleasure....yet.

it.” He watched as Morgan let go of the thick material and his
eyes immediately found hers again. “Get in bed, little
one....and,” he stepped closer, still ten feet from the bed,
“lie face down.” Morgan's heart raced as she put her
knee on the bed, then the other. She looked over her shoulder to see
him watching her, the thought of simply moving to excite him was
something that Morgan found that she liked. She dropped her head and
arms to the bed slowly and left her ass high in the air.

this?” Her soft words were filled with a heat that more than
tempted him, but he smiled and shook his head in response. Without
moving, he answered.

the way.” Morgan smiled and slowly lowered her bottom half
until she was completely flat on his bed. She wrapped her fingers
around his white comforter and pushed the right side of her face
against the soft material as she watched him.

top shirt shirt was quickly removed, leaving the black tee, and the
belt around the waist of his jeans was already open. She heard the
soft jingle of his belt buckle as he finally walked the rest of the
way to the bed. “Watch me, Morgan.” His deep voice was
sensual and lured her eyes to scan the length of his long body.

pulled his shirt off slowly as he stared at the curve in her back,
then down her soft ass and smooth legs. Morgan could almost feel the
heat on her body as she watched him move.

shirt fell to the floor and her tongue ran the length of her bottom
lip as she took in the beautiful sight. His body was lean like
Gio's, but more muscular from years of hard labor in his warehouse.
His skin was bronzed, much like Tanner's, and she smiled at wondering
how they maintain such a perfectly tan complexion all year round.
Blonde hair fell slightly below his shoulders, and she suddenly
imagined his beautiful locks in a pony tail.

I amuse you?” His words brought her eyes to his and she shook
her head.

but you do make me feel....good.” He opened his pants and let
them fall to the ground, with nothing underneath. He stood before
her, beautiful and naked.

will, little one. Close your eyes.” Morgan's eyes fell shut
but the smile never left her lips. She dug her cheek even deeper
into the soft material of his blanket. She was still nuzzling the
comforter when she felt him touch her face. “Keep your eyes
closed.” She felt something soft against her forehead, then
over her eyes. “Keep it on, until I tell you otherwise.”
He had slipped a black satin blindfold over her eyes, then straddled
her lower body gently. “Morgan...don't make a sound,”
his fingertips softly met her shoulders, “until I tell you to.”
Her body shivered as his fingers moved down her sides and rested on
her ass. He pressed harder into her fleshy backside, then back up to
her hips. Morgan moaned softly and she felt his hands grip her sides
quickly. “Not. One. Sound.” Morgan's lips clamped
tightly together and she squeezed her eyes closed to control the
simmering desire that he had started within her. She felt him come
off her body, her skin feeling cold in his absence, and he gave her
another order. “Roll over.”

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