Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (93 page)

“” Morgan gave his behind a hard
swat, and the man didn't so much as flinch, “ice....cream!”

I did.” Eryk gripped her more tightly.

Why would you do that?” Morgan was still in shock. Not even for
the fact she was being carried over a man's shoulder, she just
couldn't understand why he would waste something so delicious. When
they were in front of his car, he finally set Morgan down and helped
her to her feet. “Why?” She sounded sad, and the thought
brought Eryk into near hysterics of laughter. “It's funny? Okay
then.” Morgan tried to turn, but Eryk got his laughter under
control and grabbed her around her waist and turned her toward him.
When their eyes met, there was no more humor to be seen. His green
eyes nearly glowed in the sunlight, and Morgan took a second to
appreciate their beauty. Without speaking a word, Eryk wrapped the
Mastiff's leash around a post, then opened the back door of the car.

in, and this time,'ll do as you're told.” Eryk
took her by the arm again and helped guide her into the back of his
car. She smiled to herself, knowing that she would no longer play
hard-to-get. “I've wanted you since the airport, we're not
waiting another second.” He followed her in and gave Boomer
and knowing look as he shut the door. The large dog turned his head
and happily took watch for his best friend.

was in the middle of the backseat when Eryk joined her. She watched
as he began to pull his jeans from his long legs. She also didn't
need to be told to do the same, and the two of them laughed as they
quickly shed enough clothing to please one another. “Come
here.” Eryk reached around Morgan and grabbed her by the
waist, easily pulling her onto his lap. She wore only the thin tank
top that was under her sweater that had been removed and tossed in
the front seat. The rest of her body was bare, as well as Eryk's.

put her hands on his large shoulders and closed her eyes as his
fingers gripped her hips. He slowly lowered her body, impaling her
wet center. He pushed her body gently, taking all of him in one
move. Morgan wasn't completely ready for his size, and the pain
mixed with the intensity of building pleasure made her squirm back
and forth on his lap.

feel me, little one.” He closed his eyes
and his head dropped back to rest on the seat behind him. His hands
gripped more tightly, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her
bottom. He brought her body up slightly, then back down with more
force. Morgan pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and her head
tilted back as she felt him fill her completely.

was still painful, but the pleasure was easily winning the silent
battle within. “Eryk,” her soft moan brought a growl
from his chest, and he moved her again, much more quickly. They
never looked at one another as the pleasure mounted from their shared
frantic need.

minutes passed, when Eryk knew that he was no longer in control. The
sound of Morgan's warm flesh meeting his, her loud whimper through
clenched teeth, and the way her small hands gripped his shoulders,
pushed him over the edge of no return. “I need to, Morgan. I

pushed her body hard on top of him, and Morgan moaned loudly as he
simultaneously raised his ass to take her even deeper. His release
was loud, and Morgan's eyes opened as she watched his face change
from need to satisfaction. He was beautiful.

wanted to push his long hair away from his face, to bend down and
kiss him on his lips, to rest her head on his chest and just embrace
the moment they had just shared together, but even if she had been
able to talk herself into doing any of that, Boomer's deep bark
quickly brought them back to reality.

“Fuck!” A red van pulled in to the spot right next to
theirs, and people were already filing out of the large vehicle. “The
whole damn lot and they need to park there!” He blindly reached
into the front seat and produced Morgan's sweater to quickly cover
her bare lower half before she slid off his body. After a brief
struggle, she reached her panties, that had ended up near Eryk's
head. “Thank you,” she told him when he handed her her
jeans as well. Eryk's body shivered with one last tremor as the cool
air met with his moist, and still-sensitive, cock... and the reaction
made Morgan want to touch it again, just to hear that deep moan sound
from within.
I won't. We'll just give you some time to recover
she spoke silently to the part Eyrk was covering with his jeans.

“What are you smiling about?” Eryk sat up in his seat
just as Morgan was buttoning her own pants back up.

“Nothing. Just thinking about round two...”

“I can't wait.” Eryk kissed the tip of her nose and
climbed out of the backseat, then held the door open for her. The two
of them got some glares from the van next to them, but that didn't
matter. Neither one of them paid attention when they went over to
retrieve Boomer, and the only sounds shared between them were the
quiet giggles of knowing they were being judged.

It took twenty-five minutes to get back to the house. It would have
only taken fifteen but Morgan pleaded for another ice cream and Eryk
wasn't able to tell her no. On the way home they discussed dinner and
he asked if she liked burgers. She was forced to hold in her comment
about Tanner, as that had been the first thing he'd cooked for her,
but she did admit her incredible love for burgers, and the two
settled on dinner.

“Another one? Jesus...”

“I told ya you were popular!” Morgan climbed out of the
car before Eryk. “I'll take Boomer out back.” There was
another neighbor in his driveway when he pulled up, probably to ask
about the party. Morgan didn't want to be sucked into a conversation,
because both her and her furry companion had to pee, but she wasn't
going to tell her client that. He gave her a slight nod, and even
through the windshield, Morgan could see the heavy sigh and she
giggled to herself as she made her way to the front door. “Maybe
he should just put a sign in the front that says 'I'm going to the
party!'. Whatcha think, Boomer?” The dog ran inside and right
to the back door, where he waited to be let back outside. “You're
a goof. You know you could have peed out there, don't ya?”
Morgan laughed again and went to the door, and slid open the glass.
Boomer ran out and immediately marked his territory on the largest
tree. As she watched him make his way to the second tree to pee on,
Morgan's phone rang.

“Hi, Angel!” She only had a minute to talk, but a minute
for Angel was well worth it. “CiCi said he can't do the
mothafuckin' distance anymore, Stick!”

okay,” Morgan reassured. “Before we go into a five-alarm
emotional spiral, breathe! Did..” She didn't want to ask, but
she had to know, “did you two break up?” It was probably
an obvious question, but knowing if she was trying to resolve or
console was important.

we two did not break up! He. Broke. Up. With. Me. And I ain't
sweating it Boo Boo. You know why? Because your ass is coming to Peru
and we are going to eat so much mothafuckin' ice cream that we are
going to mothafuckin' explode.”

“ don't live in Peru.” Morgan couldn't help
but laugh.

girl, I know I don't live in mothafuckin' Peru. But that's where your
ass is going next. And when you're done with your Peruvian chocolate,
you're going to come see my spiraling ass!” It took Morgan all
of three seconds for it to sink in.

I wasn't planning on going to Peru...yet. But I might be able stop in
a day before I go to Hawaii.” The words came out of her lips
before she had even thought of it. Shit. I still have to plan that
trip. Hawaii was still on the back burner, but the thought was still
burning, even if it was on low.

Tiggle Bitties, you are going to Peru.” He waited a few
seconds, then heard it. The gasp. “You didn't! Angel! How
did....did you really?” She remembered, he had seen her log in
to her account. “Who is it?” So many questions.

“Look him up. You're welcome.” Angel blew a kiss and hung
up. “Oh my god!” She was actually angry at her friend.
Not just frustrated, but legitimately angry. Having a place, or her
client, chosen for her was not acceptable. The only thing that popped
into Morgan's mind...Julianne chose Carlos.

okay. I'll look him up and...and if he's not good...” I'll call
Julianne and have it fixed. Morgan threw her phone down on the table
and ran up the stairs to Eryk's bedroom. In her zebra print bag was
her laptop, and she pulled it out and opened it. “Shit. There's
a password.” Morgan couldn't connect to his internet, so she
closed the laptop back up and stuffed it into the bag once more. Back
down the stairs she ran, and to her phone. The only reason she'd
wanted to get on her laptop was because it offered a larger
description, and of course, the pictures were easier to view. She
flopped down on the couch and went to Julianne's site. Right after
signing it, Morgan saw her next client. Julius. “Okay,
definitely not hard on the eyes.” In fact, he was beautiful.
His skin was a deep, golden brown and his eyes were a bright hazel
color that lit up his whole face. He was wearing a suit, but it was
open in the front and he had a tight goatee that trimmed his face,
from his full lips, to his strong jawline. His hair was incredibly
short, and he didn't look too tall, but he was a gorgeous man. In the
description, he labeled himself as an Italian/African/Peruvian.
Morgan didn't care what made the man so beautiful, but the
combination of the three made him look exotic. “Okay, Angel.
He's hot. I'll give you that. But I still wasn't ready to go to
Peru.” Morgan set her phone on the coffee table, just as Eryk
was coming back into the house.

like beer?” He was carrying a box of canned beer, and already
had one cracked open. “Uh...”
two could seriously be brothers.
“Yeah. I'll take one.”
Morgan reached in and grabbed a cold can, then popped it open loudly.
“Want to get drunk, and fool around?” Eryk didn't know,
but Morgan was actually quoting one of her favorite lines from
It didn't matter anyway, because Eryk was already planning on the
fooling around part.

much so.” The
wink was followed by a brief raise of his can, and Morgan toasted to
a fun night, with plenty of fooling around.


house. I think.” Morgan looked at her cards and shrugged her
bare shoulders.

is not a full house! That's two pair and an eight.” Eryk
showed his cards and sat back in the cool grass. “I want the
jeans.” Morgan had lost the last three hands of strip poker,
leaving her jeans and boots as her only covering.

Morgan took another drink, “I can't take my jeans off until I
take my boots off.” She smiled, then giggled when Eryk had to
nod and agree. He knew he could win one more hand, even drunk, so
the wait was that much sweeter.

strip poker in the back yard of his home wasn't something that either
of them had planned, but after several beers and idle threats between
the two of them, the game began, and moved outdoors. Morgan had
hoped to win at least a few hands, but was happy that Eryk at least
unbuttoned his shirt in an attempt to make her feel more comfortable
when she wound up naked from the waist up.

cheated!” Morgan looked at his next hand, another four of a
kind, and she crossed her arms over her bare chest. Eryk, who didn't
cheat, laughed and pulled on her boots. They came off easily, and he
tossed both of them behind him. “My socks count, by the way.”
She wiggled her toes and the man shook his head.

matter, I'll have what I want soon enough.” Morgan's head
tilted as she spoke again.

do you want?” His eyes moved to her breasts, then back to her
face. “Hmmm you want...,” she brought her hands to her
chest and held her breasts in her hands, “these?” His
eyes followed her movements and he nodded.

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