Ashwood Falls Volume Two (11 page)

“Yes. He did it to me until I finally let my mind break, and then he said I gave him headaches.”

Keegan didn’t bother to hold back his growl. “Felix will die one day. It’ll be one day soon if I get my hands on him.”

She smoothed her palm over his chest and threaded her fingers through the light dust of chest hair. “He rules through mind control and fear.”

Keegan already knew this. Well, the fear part. The mind control was new knowledge. He wondered if Kieran knew. Did it even matter?

“Did you know Felix had an adopted daughter?”

Addyson shrugged. “I heard rumors. They mentioned some female by the name of Zorana and how she was off limits to everyone. It really didn’t make any senses to me at the time.”

Zorana. It was the name Cate had picked out. She said it sounded exotic and beautiful. Felix must have pulled the name out of her mind. Keegan grounded his molars and tried to calm himself. “Addy, you know I’ll have to go for a run after this conversation. I’m not used to facing all these emotions and not kill something.”

She released a small sigh. “I know. Thanks for trying. I do believe it will help.”

“Have you been hanging out with Nevan?”

She laughed. “I’ve been speaking with him. He comes by the house. We have tea and talk.”

Keegan hugged her close. “That’s good. Is it helping?”

“Yes, I think it’s why I can now try to create my shields with Will’s help.”

He smiled. The human psychiatrist now mated to the leopard Healer had proven himself and had helped many Pack members deal with issues in the short time he’d been in the den. Keegan was glad to have him.

His phone rang, drawing him out of his thoughts. He picked it up after the second ring. “This better be good,” he snapped.

“She wants to meet with you,” Kieran said, not at all fazed by Keegan’s tone.

Keegan stopped breathing for a second. “What? You told her?”

Kieran laughed. “She’s as smart and stubborn as you are.”

Keegan was too stunned to reply with a smartass comment. “Okay. What time?”

“Mid-morning, our usual meeting place.”

Keegan hung up the phone and met Addyson’s smiling face. “This is good, right?”

He kissed her forehead. “I hope so.”

God, he hoped so. The last thing he needed was to walk into a trap.

Chapter 11

eegan arrived at a small underground waterfall about a mile north of Ashwood territory. It was the small section of neutral land between his and what used to be Hunter Ridge Pack territory, just over the Tennessee boarder. Keegan loved to come here as boy and not many knew about the waterfall tucked inside a cavern in the earth.

He sat on a large bolder and listened to the water roar as it fell rapidly over rock and into the stream below it. Until he’d met Addyson, this place had been his only solitude, the only time he could drop his shields and not hear others’ thoughts.

He scented Kieran before the male dropped down inside the cave. Keegan gave the male a short nod in greeting. Kieran returned the gesture then a scowl crossed his face as Ana dropped in behind him.


She smiled, patted Kieran on the shoulder, and walked around him. “You said this place was safe.” She peered around in awe. “This is cool and beautiful.”

The ache, now dull to the point that it didn’t put his cat on edge, surfaced at the sight of her. “You look just like her.”

Ana stopped and looked right at him. She drew her eyebrows together. “It pains you.”

It wasn’t a question, but he answered anyway. “It does, but seeing you gives me hope.”

She narrowed her eyes at him and moved to sit on the rock across from him. Kieran shifted closer, but she ignored him. “How so?”

Keegan lifted his gaze to Kieran. “How much did you tell her?”

“That Felix stole her from you and Cate at birth. Nothing else. I felt it was your job to tell her.” Kieran’s gaze lowered to Ana. “I hope she understands why I couldn’t tell her.”

Ana sighed. “Kieran and Sable have withheld information from me my whole life. I don’t like to be lied to.”

Keegan smiled, despite sensing the growing bond between Kieran and Ana. “There is a difference between lying to deceive and lying to protect.”

She pursued her lips. “It’s still lying, and I don’t like it.”

Keegan held in his laugh. It was so amazing how much she was like Cate, yet held many of his own traits. “Your mother betrayed the Pack by feeding information to Felix then took her own life to spare me from doing it.”

Ana fell silent and stared into the water. “That’s so sad.”

Keegan nodded. “Yeah, but the Pack believes she was killed by the rogues.”

She drew back and studied him. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the rogue comment or the fact that he’d admitted to lying to his Pack. “Not all of us are rogues.” She stood and walked over to stand beneath the cave entrance and stopped. Turning around to face him, she added in a softer tone, “Lying to your Pack about their Alpha female wasn’t wrong. I’m guessing they loved her as much as you did.”

She stepped forward to stand beside Kieran. “I’ve always known that I didn’t belong in Onyx. I hate Felix. He might have raised me, but he was never a father to me or Sable. We were his soldiers to be used to bring down his own race.”

She fisted her hands beside her, and the water froze in mid-fall. Keegan jumped up and looked at the water then at Ana. He laughed and said, “Your mother had a quarter earth witch in her. She could control the elements if she focused hard enough. The ability must have passed on to you.”

Ana dropped her shoulders, and the water started moving again. “I didn’t start having the ability until after my first shift at thirteen. Sable helped me hide it from Felix. Sometimes I have to go outside to expend extra energy. And I always have to watch my temper and emotions while around others in the den.”

Keegan cut a gaze to Kieran. “She needs to get out of the den. Take her to Ashwood. I’ll call Blaine so he’ll be expecting you.”

Kieran shook his head. “Not tonight. We were seen leaving the den together, which I can explain as a training exercise. So Felix will be expecting her to return to the den.”

“You have three days to come up with some kind of plan to get her out of that hell of a den,” Keegan growled.

Kieran growled back and took a step forward. “You aren’t my Alpha anymore. Blaine is.”

Keegan felt his lips twitch. “Should I call him to tell him his baby sister is alive and in Onyx?”

Ana crossed her arms over her chest. “Hello. I’m still here and able to make my own decisions. Who the hell is Blaine?”

Kieran answered her question before Keegan could. “He’s one of your brothers and the new leopard Alpha of Ashwood Falls.”

Ana dipped her brows and looked from Kieran the Keegan. “One of my brothers? How many do I have?”

Keegan moved past her to stand under the opening of the cavern. “You have two brothers, Blaine and Alec, and an adopted sister, Shay.”

“There is so much I must know, but Kieran is right. I should be getting back soon.” She walked over to Keegan and touched his cheek with her fingers. “We’ll be at Ashwood tomorrow evening. I’ll make sure of it.”

Before she turned away, Keegan took out his phone and snapped a picture of her.

“What was that for?”

Keegan smiled. “I need proof for Blaine. Let’s just say he’ll need it.”

Ana rolled her eyes, but didn’t hide the smile that formed as she hopped up on the ledge under the opening and climbed out of underground cave. Kieran moved in behind her, only to stop and peer back at Keegan. “She’s strong. She’s has her mother’s fire and love for life, and her father’s stubbornness.”

Keegan smiled as Kieran turned and climbed out of the hole. Ana, the daughter he’d lost, was coming home. The hole in his soul started to knit together, healing the pain he’d carried for far too long.

As for Felix, well, the leopard would get what was coming to him.

Once above ground, Keegan telepathically connected with Blaine. “
Meet me at the safe house in ten and bring Cam. We’re going rogue hunting


elix paced his large living room, hands fisted at his side and blood boiling in his veins. How dare she lie to him? His own daughter.

“Are you sure she’s heading the operation?” he gritted out to his Marshal, Vance.

“I am. I have spies all over the den. Besides, I heard one of her officers mention it.”

Felix snapped his gaze to Vance. “That’s not right. Sable is much too smart and lethal to allow her followers to speak of it inside the den.”

Vance crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. “Even if it was Ana who spoke?”

Felix growled, the sound echoing off the walls. “Let me guess. She was talking to the Ashwood spy.”

Vance nodded, and it only infuriated him more. Yes, he’d known Kieran was a spy for Keegan and Luna for several months. Felix had noticed a crack in the mental wall the male kept over his mind and used it to slip in. He was able to get enough information to tell him Kieran wasn’t only a spy, but Ana’s mate.

Shit kept getting better and better.

It appeared he’d have to take control of the situation and show both Kieran and Ashwood not to fuck with the Onyx Alpha.

Meeting his Marshal’s gaze, Felix said, “It’s time to eliminate the problem. Zorana is no longer useful to me.”

Vance straightened. “What about Sable?”

Felix closed his eyes. There was a time he’d have protected his daughter at all cost, but this was a war and sacrifices had to be made. Besides, he had no doubt that, given the chance, his daughter would kill him.

“Sable has chosen her side.”

Chapter 12

ddyson had just stepped out of the shower when she heard Blaine’s voice from the living room. Odd, she wasn’t aware he’d be stopping by, and she wasn’t sure how long Keegan would be gone.

She dressed and towel-dried her hair before making her way to the living room. Addyson made eye contact with Cameron for a brief moment. The female enforcer sat on the sofa next to Blaine and talked quietly with Will. Cam had her long black hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she wore a pair of faded blue jeans and a soft blue T-shirt.

Shifting her gaze, she caught Blaine’s gray stare, which made her instantly look away. Her submissive cat was still not comfortable meeting the new Alpha’s gaze. Direct eye contact with a dominant could be taken as a challenge.

Addyson instead focused on Will, who sat on the arm of the sofa next to Cam. “No offense, but why are you here? Has something happen?” Oh, God, if the den was attacked...

No, that wasn’t right. Her imagination was running amuck. The Alpha pair, well, two of a triad, could just be there for a visit with Keegan.

Blaine chuckled and sat back in the sofa. “My father told us to meet him here. I take it you don’t know why, do you?”

Shit. What was she supposed to say? She wasn’t even sure if Blaine knew about his long lost, believed-dead, sister. “I have a guess on what it’s about, but I think you should hear it from your father.”

Blaine nodded. “Fair enough.”

Addyson relaxed a little. “Would you like something to drink?”

Before anyone could answer, the door to the cave slid opened, and damn if her heart didn’t flip at the sight of Keegan. Then concern filled her mind. His brows were drawn together causing his forehead to crinkle. A tic in his temples told her he was clenching his jaw. However, when his gaze met hers, she saw his pain. She wanted to go to him, wrap her arms around him, and soothe away any of the aliments that darkened his mood.

As if knowing what she was thinking, he walked straight to her, pulled her to a stand, and sat in the chair, pulling her into his lap. She stiffened and he made soothing circular motions on her back, making her relax and lean into his touch.

When she peered over at Blaine, Addyson noticed the male wasn’t surprised by Keegan’s affection. That made her wonder just how long Blaine had known about her being his father’s mate. It couldn’t have been too long. Hell, it was all still so new to Addyson.

Keegan spoke after a long moment, and Addyson wasn’t sure if the silence was to find the right words to tell his son of a sister he’d never known or something else. “I just came back from meeting with Kieran. We may have to pull a rescue.”

Blaine raised a brow. “To rescue Kieran? Has he gone soft over the years in Onyx?”

Keegan’s lips twitched then dipped into a frown. “Not for Kieran. For your sister.”

Blaine froze and stared at his father with a narrowed-eyed glare. “My sister is safe with her very overprotective mate.”

Keegan replied, with a tone void of emotion. “Zorana.”

Blaine’s features hardened, and he growled, “I’m not in the mood for jokes or playing games with you. Zorana died at birth.”

The tension surging through the room made Addyson’s leopard whimper and curl into a ball. Addyson didn’t blame her; she wanted to curl up somewhere safe as well. Keegan must have sensed the shift in her mood, for he pulled her closer to him and massaged her scalp, calming her and the cat within.

“Believe me, son, I would never joke about this. You need to calm down and think. Am I really that cruel?” Keegan said through his teeth then took out his phone and tossed it to Blaine. “Pull up the first image. I took that before returning here because somehow I knew you’d need proof.”

Blaine opened the file and stared for several moments before responding. “Fuck me. This isn’t possible. She has to be, what? Thirty-eight?”

Keegan nodded. “She’s been raised in the Onyx den as Felix’s daughter. She knew she was adopted and was told her parents died when she was born.”

Blaine handed the phone back to Keegan. “So when are we getting her out of there?”

“Tomorrow evening. If she doesn’t call me by seven, then we go in.”

Blaine narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. “And you know where the Onyx den is?”

Keegan nodded and Blaine studied his father for several long moments before finally speaking. “I don’t like it. I can’t order the enforcers to go into a rogue den full of half crazed mutants.”

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