Assure Her (Assured Distraction Book 1) (22 page)

“I think that’s a good idea, Chandler,” KeeMac added. “That way we’re close by and you can go meet them, if they want to.”

“OK, y’all are probably right. And even if I find them, he might not want to meet me.”

“I don’t want you to get your hopes up just yet, babe. You don’t know how this will all pan out.” KeeMac wrapped her in his arms hugging her close to him. He prayed this wasn’t going to blow up in her face. She didn’t need any more traumas in her life.

“Let’s go have some fun and see the Mile High City, Chan.”

“Yes, but please both of you keep your feet out of the pot shops. We don’t need y’all a ‘mile high’ and driving, too.”

“Dad, calm down. We’re going sight-seeing. If we wanted to roll a big fat one, we could have done that with the roadies.” They all laughed at the irony as the couple walked out the door. If Cash wanted to worry about anyone involved in the tour walking into the smoke shops in Colorado, they could almost bank on it being the roadies. Cash made a mental note to warn the band and drivers to steer clear of the brownies and other edibles from the road crew for the next week or so too.

They all went separate ways to enjoy the summer weather and the majestic beauty of the mountains, but no one would have to wander far to experience the breathtaking landscapes and a day in the sun. Hanging out around Denver, checking out the local fare and shopping killed all of the first day. KeeMac and Chandler had both been eager to see Garden of the Gods and Royal Gorge so they decided to make the short drive down to Colorado Springs on the second day and look around.

The rock formations at Garden of the Gods were like nothing either of them had seen before. Red rock in natural outcroppings and formations that were nearly unimaginable, and they both enjoyed the easy access to them and spending the day taking the short hikes among them. After taking goofy pictures and selfies to post online, they found a shady spot off the beaten path. KeeMac packed a small blanket from the hotel, which he would probably end up paying for, and some bottled water and snacks for them to share.

“It’s so beautiful, Keeton. I can’t believe this place. I’ve never seen anything like this before.” She lay back on the blanket and admired the contrast of the azure skies and terra cotta formations stretching high above them.

“Yeah, I know. My parents took us to Utah once and we saw something similar to this in a state park there.” Lying back beside her, she turned to cuddle into the crook of his shoulder. “We camped out there for over a week and had so much family fun.”

“I want to do those kinds of things when I have a family. My parent’s idea of roughing-it was swimming in the pool at the Ritz-Carlton, and that was only if I could prove I hadn’t sneezed in the last 30 days.” KeeMac laughed out loud at her.

“Wow, Chan, you had a rough life. You lived in two huge homes, went to all the best schools, drove the best cars, travelled the world and never worried about money. It must have been rough growing up.”

While he was just kidding with her, and she knew it, his comment still ruffled her feathers.

“More like being suffocated in your own home, Keeton. My parents said ‘no’ so many times by the time I was five, that I didn’t even bother asking for anything anymore. I never had friends, never went to the movies, never was allowed to talk on the phone for fun or have slumber parties, and never was allowed to date. I know you think I lived a charmed life but if I had my way, I would choose your childhood over mine.”

When he heard the hurt in her voice he rolled over to her, cupped her face in his hands and rubbed his lips over hers. He discovered her lips were covered in cherry-flavored lip gloss that he loved to nibble on. She opened her mouth and pulled his tongue in deepening the kiss, which quickly reached a ravenous tempo. Chandler fingers roamed over his torso, loving the feel of his cut abs as her hands crept under his shirt and made their way up to his pierced nipples, causing him to suck in a breath on a growl.

“Babe, I have to have you,” he whispered into her mouth. She wasted no time in yanking the shirt over his head. He followed suit, nearly ripping the buttons from the front of her top and frantically unhooking the front clasp of her bra. “I fucking love this bra: easy access!” She smirked at his playful admission but she had suddenly become a big fan of that front clasp herself in that moment as his hands and hungry mouth descended on her breasts.

They both wasted no time when he rolled away to rid them both of their shorts and Chucks. The shade made it cool enough to comfortably curl inside the large blanket, blocking out everything, and cocooning them in their own little world away from wandering eyes.

Inside their private little bubble, he began anew, kissing down her neck to her exposed breast, circling the peak with his warm tongue. The tender flesh pebbled as he lavished one with his tongue, the other endured exquisite pleasure as he massaged and pulled at her with his thumb and index finger causing Chandler to writhe under him, until she pull her legs up bending at the knee and hip until she could arch and contort no more.

Keeton, leaned over her body as he sought the warmth inside her he craved and buried himself as far as he could go. She cried out as he completely filled her. She shoved the blanket off as the heat they were causing was too much for her. Rocking in and out of her slowly, he finally wrapped his arms under and around her and pulled her up, straightening their legs to get her off the hard ground below them. She wrapped her legs around him and lifted and plunged down so he entered her even deeper than before.

“Oh, God baby! I fucking love what you’re doing,” as he took over the movement with his hands on her hips. Pumping harder with each stroke, as she grasped his neck and kissed and nipped at the skin of his neck and shoulder, until he panting as though he was hanging on the very edge of his control and rotated his cock within her warmth and hit the spot he was seeking and her body was begging for.

“Keeton, yes, yes, right there, right there.” Her inner muscles pulsated around him on each thrust as she fell back down from the high she had reached.

Laying her back, he pulled her knees back up to her chest and with a few more hard thrusts he found that high she had been on, too.

“Fuck, Chandler!” He sat up instantly. “What did we do?”

It wasn’t the typical reaction from him after they finished. “What do you mean, what did we do? Uh, I think we’ve done this before.”

“Not without protection though,” he said staring at her, a panicked look in his eyes.

“I’m on the pill, Keeton. Calm down.” She tucked his long hair back behind his ears.

“Why are you just now telling me this? We could have been going bareback all along?” He pulled back from her like he was angry.

“It never came up. You always put one on and I assumed it was because you had other reasons for the extra safety, or that it’s the way you liked it.”

“I don’t need extra security, as you put it, Chan. I’m clean. We were all tested before we left and I’ve always used one. Last thing I want is some kind of disease. Why are you on the pill anyway?” He pulled his shirt over his head.

She sat up and pulled him back into her arms, wrapping her arms around his neck so she could see his face and gauge his reaction. “My mother took me to get on it before I left for college. I guess they didn’t want any mistakes following me home, and since they couldn’t monitor every minute at college like they did when I was home, she made sure it didn’t happen. What drove me crazy was her calling me every single night for thirty days reminding me to take my damn pill. I finally told her to stop with a few new words I learned in college and she got the hint.” She laughed at her own comment. “So, are you really upset at me for not mentioning it?”

“Yes!” he feigned outrage. “I mean, damn girl. We are going to have to start over and make up for all the times we fucked
one. How many times do you think we’ve had sex so far?” he asked as he stood up, a look of eager mischief in his eyes.

She laughed at him, “Really, Keeton? I’m supposed to keep track of that? You barely let me sleep!” He laughed and pulled her to him.

“Come on, let’s get back to the hotel. We can start some more ‘not sleeping’ tonight.”

“Is that all you think about?” Then she laughed out loud at his over-enthusiastic nods and roaming hands that evaded her attempts to swat him away.

On the way back to Denver, Chandler thoughts drifted to the family she didn’t know. “I don’t know if I’m going to be able to wait to call my new family.”

“Chan, we talked about this. What if you call them and they get angry that you’ve contacted them? Closed adoption is done that way for a damn good reason.”

“Yes, but this is different. He didn’t even know about me. It wasn’t like he was closed off the same way as my mother.” She was irate that he didn’t seem to support her in this. How could he not understand how this felt like some essential piece of her identity and that she needed to know more?

“You’re right, but your mom must have wanted it that way for a reason. I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you let me call them and I’ll see if I can find out anything about where your father is, without giving over any information?”

“OK. Do it. Right now.”

“What? Now?” The hopeful look in her eye was more than he could take. “Dial the number and cross your fingers.”

“Yes, this is Keeton McDonald, and I’m trying to reach Brax Whitmore. Is he available, please?”
He sounded so formal that it took Chandler by surprise.

“Oh, I see. Well, can you give me that new name and how I can try to reach him?”

“Ryder Steel?”
he repeated it as a question.

“Yes, ma’am. I have it. Thank you for the information.”

Pulling over abruptly as he hung up the call, mumbling incoherently with an occasional obscenity she could make out. Once the car came to a stop he put the car in park and looked her right in the eyes with an expression she didn’t understand but it was intense and it made her anxious.

“What? What did she say? Is he alive? Does he live there? Tell me everything!” The words erupted from Chandler’s mouth as fast as she could form them.

“Whoa, Chandler. Babe, take a breath.” He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned fully toward her. He shook his head and ran his hands through his hair like he was stunned and trying to process some absurd bit of information. Finally, he let out a huge breath and began to answer her questioning gaze. “Yes, he’s alive and no, he doesn’t live there anymore, usually.”

“What does that mean...’usually’?”

“His name is Ryder Steel, Chandler. Like
RYDER STEEL.” Chandler looked at him, completely unfazed by whatever significance the name seemed to hold for KeeMac. “I’m sorry, I’m still not catching on to what you’re telling me,” she confessed, feeling slightly foolish.

“Chandler, your dad is fucking
Ryder Steel,
of the band, Steel. As in:
the rock gods of the fucking twenty-first century, Steel
. As in: the mega-stars known world-fucking-wide for their music.” He just stared at her, awestruck and dazed as they both sat there on the side of road letting this news sink in. “No wonder you are this music prodigy with him for a dad!”

Chandler stared back at him like he was crazy or something. “Say something, Chan.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Tears started to well in her eyes. “I have a daddy, Keeton. A real daddy, who’s alive.” His take on the news and hers were obviously different.

The rest of the evening they both had their heads in the clouds over the information they learned. It could mean changes to everything or it could mean nothing. They both wanted to talk to Cash when they walked into the hotel. Chandler texted him to see where he was before they arrived, discovering he was there too, and they agreed to meet for dinner.

Noticing a lot of people hanging around the entrance, they wondered what was going on or which celebrity had come for the Festival and was also staying at their hotel. When KeeMac slowly pulled up to the valet stand and jumped out, he threw his keys to the kid parking cars, and made his way around to Chandler’s door when the screaming started and a mob started moving his way.

“It’s him! Hey KeeMac!” He turned to look when his name was shouted. “And he’s with Chandler!”

The valet gave him a smirk and said, “Dude, you better run for your life. These crazy chicks have been here all afternoon looking for Assured Distraction. They will tear your clothes off.”

KeeMac grabbed Chandler’s arm and pulled her close to him and they both went running for the sliding door. Before it could close, several of the girls came through with them. Fortunately, the concierge was there to back them out the door quickly.

“Thanks, dude. We’ve never had this problem before,” KeeMac said with a stunned half-smile. “I guess we are going to need to hire some security.” The concierge nodded at him, a strained expression on his face.

They made it to their room without being further accosted by fans, and showered together, which ended up taking twice the time a shower would normally take then they dressed for dinner with Cash. Carter and Gunner were nowhere to be found, but Ryan was there, and Peri had flown in that morning, and accepted their invitation to join them.

Once they were all seated in the restaurant and drinks were ordered, Chandler took a long drink of her wine, and reluctantly, filled the others in on what they learned that afternoon about her birthfather. Her friends reactions were a similar mix of stunned, and thrilled, and then stunned again, much as hers and KeeMac’s had been all afternoon.

“I am not ready for this to be out yet, so
don’t tell anyone else for now. I want to talk to my father first. Who knows, he may not want to acknowledge me at all.”

Naturally, Cash had had his face planted in his phone the entire time the other four were contemplating all the things this could possibly mean for her.

“Chandler, damn but you are so full of surprises. I can’t wait to talk to you each time. Wait until Krissy gets here in the morning. Oh wait, you said ‘tell no one’. Sorry.” Ryan was trying to lighten the mood when he saw the mixed emotions that were moving across her face.

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