Assure Her (Assured Distraction Book 1) (20 page)

When they got back to the hotel, Peri caught Chandler and pulled her back. “Is there a problem I don’t know about?”

“Nooo, what makes you think that?”

“The look I got from the guys when we first got here, and then I saw you and KeeMac talking and he looked angry about something.”

Not wanting to give them up, “No, he was pissed off about something Gunner said earlier, that’s all.”

“You would tell me if there’s a problem, right?”

“Sure.” But the look she was wearing told Peri otherwise. After lounging around in their hotel room while Chandler told Peri about the shows, the fans, the groupies and what she wore, the group went back to the venue to dress for the night’s performance.

Peri and Camille dressed and prepped Chandler in her dressing room, and then they all joined the guys in theirs.

“Y’all have about twenty minutes before you go on,” Peri informed them. “Is there anything y’all need to tell me, so I can be prepared? It seems like the paparazzi has upped their presence since Reno. Of course, from what Cash has been reporting back to the office, you’re popularity is beginning to rival Frission’s.” The room erupted in celebration over that comment. This was exactly what the band was praying for. A knock at the door for them to move to the wings ended all the noise and the band made their way out.

KeeMac pulled Chandler to the side. “Chan, you have to do something. We finally get access to a big bed and our own fucking room, and it comes with a cockblocker, too?”

“We’ll just have to tell Peri what’s going on then,” she whispered in his ear.

“Is that what you want?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know really, Keeton. Is that what you want? You didn’t seem all that ready to spill it to anyone when you blew me off and walked away at the hotel earlier.”

“I wanted to talk to you first. Shit, I don’t give a fuck who knows about us.”

“OK, so you’re ready to go public with us then?”

“I don’t know about
, yet. We need to keep it in the band because she’s already said more of those douchebags press are around snooping for shit to print. All it’s going to take it one shot and they twist around and blow things out of proportion for a damn story. I don’t want them taking the focus off the band and the music.”

Chandler didn’t know if she was ready for any of that kind of publicity either. “Let’s tell them all when we get back tonight after the party then.” He nodded in agreement.

When KeeMac started his usual intro to the audience, the whole house shook. The sheer volume the fans produced in the theater electrified the band and they played to that energy. With this being a smaller venue, the fans were closer to KeeMac, Carter, and Ryan. Security was placed around the front of the stage to keep the screaming women back but it didn’t stop panties, bras, and other objects from flying onstage at them. Carter hooked a few pair over the head of his guitar. He threw a few pair back to hang in front of Gunner’s kit off the platform.

The girls screamed obscenities at the guys to capture their attention in hopes of getting backstage. Carter pointed out several and the guards sent them to the side of the stage for passes. It was all funny to Chandler to watch this going on until KeeMac introduced the band and asked her to come forward, more into the spots. He knew she would be nervous but she looked so smokin’ hot in the leather shorts, strapless hot pink top, and her “fuck me” heels that he wanted her to show-off for the audience, as well. She waved to them and had some guys in the audience offer up suggestions to join her backstage. Chandler just smiled widely, and blew kisses to the crowd and waved and said “thanks” a hundred times then they all hurried off stage.

They attended the meet-and-greet to sign autographs and took selfies with the fans, as usual. The bands all had fun but were still so amped with adrenaline after the show they were ready to get to the after party at the club that Frission’s manager had booked for them.

Watching the girls attach themselves to Carter, Gunner and all the guys from Frission, and fending off more than his share of suggestive advances himself, made KeeMac want nothing more than to take Chandler to the nearest dark spot and fuck her until they couldn’t think straight. The place was packed with photographers and people in the club with camera phones, so he knew they would be caught and couldn’t risk it. She felt the tension from him but finally convinced him to dance with her.

Pulling her back close to his front, he began grinding against her, but realized it was a bad idea when she slithered down his body and back up. He thought he was going to explode in the middle of the dance floor.

“Babe, you can’t do that again or the dance floor is going to get more than they bargained for,” he whispered in her ear.

“Yeah, I know. All this grinding and my panties are drenched. I want you NOW, Keeton,” she shouted in his ear, leaving no doubt what she meant. He loved that she had gotten more vocal in her needs, and now that meant that there was a door of opportunity open, and he was a man that wanted to walk through the door with this woman every chance he got.

He pulled her off the dance floor and down two hallways to a backdoor that was only illuminated by the red glow from the exit sign. He grabbed her by her thighs and lifted her, wrapped them around his waist and slammed her back against the wall.

“KeeMac, anyone could come down here.”

“Don’t give a fuck, babe. I have to have you now. You had to mention how wet your panties are.”

He unbuttoned her tight shorts. “Damn, babe, these little shorts are fucking hot but please don’t wear shorts anymore. I can’t get to you. Panties are bad enough.” And with that he dropped her legs and yanked the shorts down and off one foot. She unzipped his jeans and pushed them down enough to expose his thick cock, then reached into his back pocket and claimed the package she was thankful to find there and she put it between her lips and tore it open with her teeth, then sheathed him in the thin latex.

“Good girl,” he groaned at the feel of her hands gripping his throbbing length. “Hang on baby.”

He pulled her legs back up over his hips, and buried himself to the hilt in one move. She cried out from the pleasure of it. “Babe, this is going to have to be hard and fast. I just can’t help it. And I can’t risk anyone seeing you like this. I promise it’ll be all about you next time.” He continued to pump into her in an almost desperate pace. She loved it though because no time before had it been like this, so primal and almost out of control.

“Can you get there babe? I really can’t hold out any longer.” Slamming her back against the wall to change the angle he entered her, he continued his frenzied pace, grinding her clit with his pelvis every time he went balls deep until she began contracting around him.

“OH, SHIT, Chan. That’s it, babe.” With that, he came with a raw groan escaping from deep in his throat.

He held them there for a few minutes just trying to steady his breathing. He felt like all the air had left his lungs. “Can you stand up, babe?”

She nodded her head but said nothing. She didn’t think her mind could form words. As soon as her feet hit the ground, he helped her step back into her shorts, and he pulled them up quickly to fasten them.

Righting his jeans, he wrapped his arms around her and held her there. “Are you OK?” He wasn’t sure since she had yet to speak.

“Yeah. I can’t get... enough air in... to say... anything...” she panted. He smiled his full-blown panty-dropper at her. She had seen it on stage enough to know it, but this time it was just for her.

“Babe, that was fan-fucking-tastic. It’s OK if you can’t talk, just nod if you agree.” He placed a series of sweet kisses on her lips and cheeks and eyes and then her forehead. He gave her one of his signature smirks, and said, still winded, “You’re going to be the death of me!”

She simply nodded, and let the slow, devious grin take over her face as she stared back at him. He chuckled and shook his head. Once they were calm and collected, they made their way back to the tables for fresh drinks.

Returning to the hotel later in the same limo with the rest of the band and Peri, KeeMac knew this would be as good a time as any to let them in on their secret.

“So, guys,” KeeMac wrapped Chandler up tight next to him, “Chan and I just wanted the family to know that we are officially together, and we will be staying in our own damn room the two nights we are here.” Laying it out so matter-of-factly like that, what could Peri, or anyone else, say?

“What the fuck? Why didn’t you tell me Chandler?” Peri jumped across and hugged her. “I knew something was up!”

Laughing out loud, Carter said, “You have no idea how much it’s up! We have to hear it all night long. Every-
-night. Literally. What you should have done was apologize for making us listen to y’all. Do you know how many times we were forced to take turns in the shower when y’all were done, or had to resort to just rubbing one out in the damn bunk if y’all took over the shower.”

“I have a great imagination and just listening to Chan makes me go off into fucking fantasy land,” Gunner added, shooting Chandler a wink. Chandler’s face turned a burning shade of red. She couldn’t look them in the eyes. KeeMac sent him a go-to-hell look and Gunner laughed aloud.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Chandler,” Ryan chimed in. “We are all so jealous, it’s about to kill us.”

“I guess this means none of us will get our turn at the bedroom now, right?” Gunner refused to let it go.

Chandler gave him a funny look. “I’m so sorry. I forgot about that with what happened and everything. We’ll share my bunk.”

KeeMac laughed, “Yeah, right. If you bunch of pricks think we were loud in the bedroom, just think of what we will come up with in that little bunk just a couple feet from y’all.”

“Yeah, in that case, keep the room. I’ve heard enough of KeeMac’s getting off to last me a lifetime,” Ryan told them. “But, if I ever get Krissy on the damn bus, all I can say is look out. Y’all better get a damn room somewhere else.” The moans and groans started from the entire group.

Chapter Fifteen


umping on the bus just before it departed, Cash had so many great things he wanted to say to the band. They were leaving Seattle after playing at the White River Amphitheater.

“Guys, you fucking killed it tonight,” he started. “I don’t know if y’all are aware of this, or not, but your radio play and iTunes downloads are climbing astronomically each day. The suits back in Austin are finally taking notice, just like I knew they would.”

“It’s about damn time,” Gunner said. “The audience fucking loved us!”

“I knew if you guys could finally get a chance to really show what AD is capable of, your fan base would be off the charts,” Cash added.

“That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Carter laughingly told the group. It earned him some fist bumps from Gunner and Ryan.

“What I’m really working toward now, since we know y’all will get picked up for the second half of the tour, is that next year at this time, AD will be the headliner of this tour!”

“Now that’s the kind of news we need!” KeeMac stood and bumped everyone on the bus.

With the long ride from Seattle to Denver, Cash decided to spend a little time on the bus with the guys to catch up. He also wanted to hear what they had been writing while they had time on the road. They were going to take some time during this leg of the trip since they wouldn’t have to be in Denver for several days to work on some new material. The festival at Red Rock Amphitheater was a location where they would get to hear, and hopefully meet, some of the other big names performing at the yearly festival.

KeeMac and Ryan had both written lyrics along the way when they had a chance. Ryan was missing Krissy and his loneliness spurred his need to write. With guitars in hand, they each sat down in the living area to work on setting some music to the lyrics. This is the way almost all of their songs had been written, although Ryan did more of the writing. They were working out a rough spot when Chandler joined the group after showering.

“What I’ve heard is sounding great,” she offered.

“Yeah, but we’ve kinda’ hit a fucking wall right here,” KeeMac added, when she wrapped her arm around his shoulders to look at what they had so far.

“So Chan,” Gunner looked up from his Xbox controller, “I’ve been meaning to ask you. Why did you bring a damn guitar on the road?”

“I never liked being without music, and the keyboard is too much trouble to travel with. Really, it’s kinda like my security blanket. I just haven’t had much time to play it.”

“Well, hell babe. You any good or just play around?” KeeMac asked, looking up at her. “You’ve never even mentioned playing guitar.”

“I can play most stringed instruments, but I love the guitar. My parents gave me the one I have with me for something. That was their idea of a reward for a good job. You know how most kids get an iPod or video games, or money, or jewelry? I got instruments or tickets to concerts.”

“Dude, where the hell were they when I needed a gift?” Gunner laughed, but then wished he hadn’t made the comment. “Sorry, Chan. I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s OK, Gunner. I knew you didn’t say it to hurt me.” Chandler was glad they could have an easy way of communicating since the accident. She never wanted it to be awkward for them.

“Get your guitar, little girl; let’s see what ya got.” Carter was now interested too.

A little nervous about playing with these guys, Chandler brought her acoustic Gibson out of its case. It was her first guitar.

“Y’all know I haven’t played in a while, right?”

“Just like riding a bike. Get on and go for it. It’ll come right back,” Carter said. She strummed over the strings and did a little tuning before she launched into “Stairway to Heaven.” It was something she’d learned to play early on because the melody drew her in each time she heard it. Next, she played a little bit of Nirvana’s, “About a Girl” without really missing a beat. She segued into some of “Strife” by Steel, then “Yellow” by Coldplay, a verse of “She Talks to Angels” by Black Crowes, the intro to Clapton’s “Layla” and finished out with some of “Pride and Joy” by Stevie Ray Vaughan.

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