Aster Wood and the Lost Maps of Almara (Book 1) (30 page)

When I awoke it was late in the day, and I felt stronger than I had before meeting Cadoc in the cave. I sat up abruptly and looked around, my eyes finding Jade in the distance walking among the rocks on the far side of the beach. I got to my feet and set out along the soft sand in her direction.

I inspected the beach as I walked. Up above the rocky cliffs hung over us. Somewhere up there was the lair, the place of Cadoc’s, and my, death. I guess that, technically, I was now a murderer. But it didn’t feel that way. I had been defending Jade, for one thing, and was Cadoc even human anymore at the end? He had once been Zarich, but I doubted that any humanity could have survived inside that body, sharing the space with all that smoke. I looked down at my hand as I walked. Only the faintest outline of a long-healed burn mark was visible on my palm, the mark left by the jade dagger before it had left my grip.

The sand pushed up between my bare toes as I crossed the beach towards her. I had questions, but I didn’t know if she, or anyone, would ever be able to answer them.

“Hi,” I said when I was twenty feet from her. She was collecting stones into a small pile between a little grove of trees. She spun and smiled.

“Hello,” she said. “You are up.”

“Yes,” I said. “I feel pretty good.”

“That’s not surprising,” she replied. “The elixir of life is extremely powerful.” She fell into step with me as I continued walking on the sand.

“Will I live for centuries now? Like you?” I asked.

“No, I doubt it,” she laughed. “I only lived for centuries because I took the elixir for centuries. I suspect that now I will have a somewhat normal lifespan. Though I can tell you that people can sometimes continue on in their lives with slightly more vigor than before. You may find health where you once lacked it. And perhaps a few extra years may favor you.”

We continued to walk in silence for a time. Jade fiddled with the long golden chain I had broken from Cadoc’s neck, passing it back and forth between her hands. We slowed and found a place to stop.

“I don’t understand something,” I said as we both sat down in the sand. “Why did he die?”

She didn’t answer me right away. We both looked out at the ocean as she thought.

“I do not know,” she finally said. “Maybe the jadestone was able to destroy him because I was so close to it. Maybe you have a power I do not know of. It has puzzled me over these days of waiting for you.”

I reached out and took the chain from her hands. Holding up the pendant, I flipped it over to see the carved symbol of Almara.

“What a treasure, don’t you think?” she said.

“I guess,” I said.

“You guess?” she said. “I never dreamed I would see so much gold in one place. The power in this pendant is enormous.”

I looked at her, surprised. Was she messing with me? But her eyes met mine earnestly. I smiled.

“Jade, Cadoc said something while you were passed out, something that I didn’t understand,” I said. “He said Almara killed Amelia. What was he talking about?”

She tore her eyes away from the pendant and looked at me, and her brows knitted with confusion.

“I don’t know,” she said slowly. “Father didn’t kill Amelia, she just died. And why would he? He is no murderer.” She gazed out at the water as she said this, shaking her head slowly from side to side.

My eyes followed hers, and I stared at the glittering water.

“Well, he
insane,” I said. “But I wonder why he said it.” I glanced quickly over at her.

Suddenly, I realized that she had tears streaming down her face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, alarmed.

A sort of choking sound came from her throat and she buried her face in her hands.

“Jade? What’s going on? Why are you crying?”

“I failed you,” she wailed when she finally raised her head.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“I could not do it! I could not face him! It should have been I to kill Cadoc, not you! And you! You
because of my failure! It is only luck that has restored you to life. I am weak and undeserving of a friendship such as yours. I have disgraced myself, and in so doing both I and my family have failed you.”

This was crazy! I laughed. I couldn’t help it.

“Jade,” I said, snickering, “you
my family.”

She stopped for a moment, surprised by what I had said, and then she, too began to laugh. A few teary chuckles passed her lips and then she descended back into sobbing.

I didn’t know what to do. I went for a stern, older-brother sort of tone.

“Look kid,” I said, “I saved your life. And you saved mine. We’re square.”

“I just couldn’t—” she was hiccupping now, “I just couldn’t face him. I am a coward.”

I laughed at this, too.

“That is the single stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say. And that’s saying a lot, considering the list keeps on growing.” She didn’t stop crying. I let her carry on for a few minutes, and I put my arm around her shoulder until she settled down.

When both the sobbing and the hiccuping had finally ceased, I tried again, this time a little gentler.

“Nobody, not in a thousand years, could ever blame you for clamming up in front of someone like Cadoc. After what he did to you—” I broke off, not wanting to make her cry again. “Anybody would have been scared out of their wits, Jade. Anybody. In fact, I think you just might be the bravest person I’ve ever met.”

She didn’t look up at me, but her breathing slowed as she seemed to consider my words. Several long minutes later I spoke again.

“What will happen now?” I asked. Cadoc was dead. Almara was probably dead. And Kiron and the others, trapped in Stonemore.

“We will continue on,” she said, lifting her head. A hard glint shined in her eyes. She had almost composed herself. “My father is out there. Somewhere.”

“Jade, you know he might be—” I broke off, not having the heart to finish the sentence.

“I know,” she said quietly. “That letter. There are many new questions. What did he mean by saying I was the key?” She shook her head. “We have to try to find him. Don’t we?”

I nodded. Yes, of course we did. We had to try to find Almara, or at least to find out what happened to him. And what he had written in that letter was on my mind, too. What, exactly, had happened with my great great grandfather that resulted in him coming to Earth? I might never find out, but unless I tried I would wonder forever.

Then there was the issue of Kiron. Was he down in the dungeons, too? I told her what Cadoc had said about Stonemore and the prisoners.

Jade thought for a moment. “We try for Father first,” she said. “Cadoc is gone. Perhaps the prisoners will be freed without him there to rule. But if not, and if we can find Father…”

Yes. If any chance really did exist that Almara was still alive, surely we would have much more success in a rescue mission to Stonemore with him than without him.

“Cadoc,” I said. “When he was dying he spoke of others like him.”


“Do you think they know about us? Do they know what has happened to their ‘brother’?”

“I know not,” she said. “Some types of magic are connected, as I am connected to the rocks and the earth. Some are independent, not attached to one another. Perhaps they do not yet know.”

My skin was getting that tingly feeling again, the feeling of pent up energy. I stood up and stretched my arms above my head. Considering I had recently been dead, I was feeling pretty amazing. She stood, too, and together we started walking back to the makeshift camp she had arranged while I slept.

“Well,” I said, “we’d better be off then, don’t you think?”

“Let’s wait,” she said softly, “just long enough for the sun to set. I’ve really missed seeing the sun.”

When we arrived back at the camp, she handed me the gold chain and then sat down in the sand, watching the sun slip beneath the ocean. Jade’s face was warm with the last light of the day, and she dried the last of her tears with the sleeve of her ragged nightgown.

“We need to get you some better clothes,” I said. This brought the first smile since the crying had started.

“Ok,” she said, standing. “Are you ready?”

I slung the pack around my back and stood facing her.

“Ready,” I smiled.

The little, impossibly old, impossibly young girl looked up into my eyes. She pulled Almara’s letter from her sleeve, now uncrumpled and flat from days of her reading and rereading it. The link.

It struck me that we might not find Almara, or any trace of him, at all. The truth about what happened to him could be anywhere, lost in the maze of the Maylin Fold. We could be jumping into another snarled mess as we tried to find him.

But no matter. Whether here or on Earth, this was the only life I had. And every cell in my body was screaming at me to get moving.

“Time to go,
,” I said, lacing the last word with sarcasm.

She glared at me. There she was, finally back again.

“Aster Wood, you are a fool,” she said coolly.

I laughed. “Ready for another adventure?” I asked.

In answer, she held out the letter again. I took it, and her hand, and held both up high above our heads.

The rocks around us burst away from the force of the link. Our insides were pulled and stretched as we leapt into the jump, our hands cemented together. I wondered where this jump would take us. Would we land in the center of a raging battle? Or find peace on an empty stretch of earth? Would the Corentin know where to look for us? Which planet lay on the other side of this link?

I looked over at Jade. My friend. My blood. Her eyes were shut tight, not seeing the whirl of color and light that spun us like a corkscrew through time and space. But I didn’t close my own this time.

My eyes were open now.

<<<< >>>>

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Aster Wood and the Lost Maps of Almara (Book 1

Aster Wood and the Book of Leveling (Book 2)

Aster Wood and the Book of Leveling
is the next installment of the Aster Wood series, which follows the saga of a young man fighting to save the universe from the evil of the Corentin.

After failing to locate the celebrated sorcerer, Almara, Aster Wood has done the next best thing; he has found, and rescued, Almara’s daughter, Jade. Now, the two are traveling through Maylin Fold together, still searching for the lost wizard. He is the one man who can answer their questions about why the planets within the Fold are dying, what it means for Earth, and how the evil can be stopped.

But when they finally find Almara, he’s in no state to be of help to anyone. They must push on with him in tow and hope to find the little known Book of Leveling, an ancient tome said to hold the key to balancing the planets in the Fold. Little by little, tiny fragments of information leak from Almara’s fractured mind, pushing them closer to their goal. Aster hopes that the discovery of the book will lead to not just the healing of worlds, but the healing of the people who inhabit them. Including the one person Aster has barely dared think of for the past eight years: his own father.

But a new enemy is waiting for them, watching every step that they take. The Corentin, a force of evil so great that few dare to pass along their knowledge of him, is examining their every move, playing with them like puppets on strings.

And Jade. Aster thought he had saved her for good, that the release from her mountain prison would be enough to bring her back from the misery she had experienced for so many years. But her happiness is fading, and in her eyes Aster sees flashes of a malice so deep that it chills him to his core.

Aster must make it to the book and wrench it from the clutches of the Corentin before it’s too late. Before his friend, and her old, mad father, are lost to the Corentin’s strange hold over them. And before he, himself, falls to the dark bed of madness the Corentin has waiting.

Turn the page to read an excerpt from
Aster Wood and the Book of Leveling.

Excerpt from

Aster Wood and the Book of Leveling

by J. B. Cantwell

Copyright © 2014 by J. B. Cantwell. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher, except where permitted by law, or in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, contact
[email protected]

This was the worst idea Jade had had yet.

I was crumpled into a tight ball on the cabin bed, willing what was left of my dinner to stay in my acid-filled stomach, while the creaking, groaning ship swayed around me. With each cresting wave the wooden vessel rose up, tilting me dangerously close to the edge of the mattress, and then fell with a rush, crashing the boat down with sickening force.

Couldn’t we have just walked?

The ship gave another jolt, and I buried my head in the pillow. Ugh! When would this rocking nightmare stop? I wished desperately for the end of the sea voyage, but I knew it was hopeless. It would be two more days before my feet would touch land again. Or so the sailors had told us.

The door to the tiny cabin creaked loudly on sea-salt rusted hinges. And then she was tugging at my arm, trying to peel me from the bed.

“Come on, Aster,” Jade’s voice reached for me through my foggy consciousness. “Don’t be such a child. It will be better on deck.”

“No,” I moaned into the musty mattress. “Leave me alone.”

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