Read Baby Come Back Online

Authors: Andrea Smith

Baby Come Back (11 page)

“Okay then.  Why don’t you go ahead and take off.  I’ll finish up here.”

“Thanks, Gina.  See you tomorrow afternoon.”



I was stretched out on the couch in the living room when Tristan got home.  I was freshly showered, shaved and extremely horny for my man.  Tristan hadn’t seemed to be bothered by my growing belly; he still found me sexy and was extremely attentive to my needs as I started into my third trimester.

He got a wicked grin on his face as he saw me on the couch dressed only in a short cut-off tee shirt and thong. I was going to make damn certain I wore his ass out this evening.  I wasn’t about to allow him to get a whiff of Amber’s pheromone stench or whatever it was Tylar said she had going.

“Hey, sweet baby,” he greeted me with a smile, as he sauntered over to the sofa.  “What have you been up to all day?”

“Just thinking about fucking you as soon as you walked through the door, baby,” I purred.

Tristan dropped his knee to the cushion beside me; he lowered his face to mine. His lips and tongue sought out mine hungrily.  I encircled him with my arms, pulling him closer.  I felt him unbuckle his belt, and tug at the button on his jeans.  I heard the sound of his zipper being lowered.  My hand sought out his manhood; my fingers closed around his girth. I gently, but methodically stroked the full length of it.  I heard him suck in his breath sharply.

“Too rough, babe?” I asked.

“No - just right, Gina.  Like always.”

Tristan loved it when I played with him with my hands. He had a fairly high tolerance, as I knew I could get rough at times.  His fingers lowered my thong; I lifted my legs so that he could pull it completely off.  He moved his face from mine and lifted my tee shirt up so that he could access my breasts.  He loved how big they were getting with my pregnancy.

His tongue flicked across a nipple, circling it and then lightly nipping at it with his teeth.  I loved it when he did that! It bordered between pleasure and pain.  That was my thing.  Tristan knew it.  He spent a good ten minutes on my breasts until they were rosy pink from his play.  He went lower still, capturing my snatch with his tongue and thoroughly devouring it with his lips.  He took my swollen clitoris in his mouth, rolling it beneath his tongue, his teeth putting just enough pressure on it to drive me wild.

“I think you’re ready to be fucked now,” he said, huskily.  He parted my legs with his knee.  He pulled them up with his arms, placing them around his hips.  I squeezed them around him and watched as he guided his very erect, very swollen shaft into me.  He had somehow managed to shed all of his clothes while ministering pleasure to me.  That was another of Tristan’s talents.  I’d never seen anyone who could get naked so quickly and undetectably as Tristan. 

I moaned with his first hard thrust.  Our eyes met and locked as always.  I could totally, fucking lose myself in his eyes.  Green had become my favorite color after the first time we had fucked.  He said that he loved my brown eyes; he said they told a story.

Tristan was thrusting in and out of me; I had my feet buried in his firm ass, pulling him in against me.  My hips bucked upward to meet his every thrust.

“Damn Gina,” he rasped; he was going to come quicker than usual.  I could tell by his eyes.

“It is okay, Tristan.  Come on babe; I’m right there with you.”

He moaned and his thrusts grew harder and deeper.  I rolled over the edge, my orgasm spiraling around me, my head rolled to the side as I cried out with it.

“Eyes on mine, Gina,” Tristan said, “I want to see the pleasure in your eyes.”

My eyes met his once again, and I could tell they were glassy with the heat of my climax.  Tristan’s were burning green as I watched him come, again and again.

Once spent, Tristan collapsed beside me on the couch.  He pulled me onto him and kissed my face, my lips, my neck and my shoulders.  I shivered post-orgasm as his lips softly kissed all of my sensitive areas.

“I love you, babe.”

Right back at you, Tristan.”



It was fairly warm and muggy out already in Atlanta as the Memorial Day weekend arrived.  Tristan and I had showered together.  I had opted to wear a cute sun dress and sandals.  He was not the Bermuda shorts type.  He put on a pair of light khakis and a polo shirt I had bought him that matched his eyes.  I figured if Trey had a tie to match his eye color, my Tristan would have a whole shirt to match his.

I felt a bit wicked today.  Maybe it was because I knew I had to be around that Amber bitch.  I had inserted one of my remote controlled silver bullets.  Tristan and I had played with this before at the club’s Christmas party.  It was more fun with crowds around.  Today wouldn’t actually be representative of a crowd, but still I felt like I needed some self-imposed pleasure.

We had put the food in a refrigerated thermal bag and loaded it into the car.  We were nearly at Trey and Tylar’s when I handed Tristan the remote.

“Here,” I said, “You hang on to this and feel free to push the controls as needed.”

He didn’t recognize it immediately, but once he did, a slow smile spread across his face.  He shoved it into his pocket giving me a wicked grin.

“You can’t scream this time,” he teased.  “Everyone at the Christmas party thought you were having some type of seizure, remember?”

“That was because you over-did it, Tristan.  So remember that.  If you don’t want me screaming then you need to gauge the momentum of this thing.”

He leaned over and kissed me.  “You are a trip, Gina.”


              Trey had the grill going when we got there.  Preston was playing in the yard with Jean.  Tylar was fussing around the kitchen when I got in there.

“Gina, did you remember the baked beans?”

“Yes Ty.  Have I ever let you down?” 

I helped her finish up the preparations.  She said we would keep the side dishes inside until the hamburgers and hot dogs were ready.

Trey hollered in that Amber and her guest had just pulled in.

“Showtime,” we both said in unison.             


              The cookout went well, all things considered.  Amber’s date happened to be a defensive end for the Atlanta Falcons which made Trey and Tristan practically giddy.  He was a thirty-something, very tall, very buff black guy by the name of Darin Wright. He had that sexy, athletic thing going on, big time. I had nudged Tylar during the introductions as he was shaking Trey and Tristan’s hands.  I had wanted her to get a look at the size of his hands. Her eyes had widened perceptibly.  I had then lip synced the word “Ouch.” She had managed to suppress her giggle.

Trey had caught the whole exchange between us and gave Tylar one of his notorious frowns of disapproval.

(Oh get over yourself, Hot Nazi.  A girl can still look for Chrissake!)

It amazed both Tylar and me that Darin wanted anything to do with Amber, as pretentious as she was. He seemed very down to earth and congenial; not some pumped-up NFL celebrity type at all.

“I bet Amber has never watched one freaking inning of football,” Tylar hissed to me as we carried the dirty dishes back up to the house.

“Yeah and I bet she’s never watched a quarter of baseball, either,” I replied.  Tylar gave me a puzzled look before it dawned on her that I was being funny.

“Smart ass.  You know what I meant.”

“Well, he sure is a hit with Tristan and Trey,” I said.

“Exactly.  That is exactly what she wanted to do.  She knows Trey is a die-hard Falcons fan.”

“So is Tristan,” I replied.

“Hey, did you notice that Amber didn’t offer to help us clear or clean up?”

“Why should she, Ty?  She’s out there spoon feeding that famous ‘Better than Sex’ cake she brought to your spousal unit and my stud.”

We both broke into a fit of giggles on that one.

Jean came inside the house just then with Preston.

“You two go on back out there with the rest of them,” she said, “I’m putting Preston down for her nap and then I’ll finish up in here.”

“Thanks, Jean,” Tylar said, giving Preston a kiss on her cheek.

“Come on, Gina.  Let’s go talk football with Darin.”

This ought to be good, I thought.

Trey and Tristan had pummeled Darin with questions about the upcoming season’s schedule.  They were talking about who was picked up in the draft; who was traded, who was walking on as a free agent.  They were clearly in hog heaven. 

I had noticed Amber looking at Tristan a few times, but in all fairness, she had paid a lot more attention to Trey today.  She wasn’t paying all that much attention to Darin, though.  Perhaps I could assist with that.

They had moved the lawn chairs over to a shady grove of trees.  Amber was sitting on a chair between Trey and Tristan; I took a chair on the other side of Darin. Tylar sat on an empty chair on the other side of Trey.  It was odd that Amber wasn’t sitting in the chair I had taken.  It was closest to Darin.

As soon as there was a lull in the man talk, I got Darin’s attention.

“So, Darin,” I said sweetly.  “Has Tony Gonzalez decided whether he is going to retire after eighteen seasons or not?”

I saw Trey and Tristan look over at me quickly; Tristan’s mouth twitched into a smile.

“Well Gina, he hasn’t declared as of yet.  If I were a betting man, I’d say the odds are 50-50.  We may not know until training camp officially starts.”

“Oh come on, Darin,” I said in a teasing, flirty voice, “You must have some locker room skinny you can share with us.”

“No ma’am, you all will probably know before we do with ESPN always seeming to have the scoop before the franchise coaches, general managers and even the owners know.”

He chuckled good-naturedly.  He was right about that.

“Oh, don’t even get me started on ESPN,” I said, taking this topic as a cue to start discussing everything I had heard on ESPN regarding the Falcons, good and bad.  It wasn’t difficult since Tristan had the sports channel on constantly.

I was clearly dominating his attention.  I was waiting for Amber to notice and get her ass up off of that chair next to Tristan and take her place next to her man.  So far she appeared oblivious to it.

Darin was nodding his head as I continued on about ESPN.

“What did you think about ESPN making the claim that the Falcons were going to cut Turner before Dimitroff had even announced it to the team?”

“I know,” he said, his fork slicing into his piece of Amber’s dessert.  “That was some crazy shit.”

“I mean, I totally understand that things in sports happen quickly, but to announce something that up until that point was purely specul----Whoaa!”

Darin stopped chewing and stared at me with a look of alarm on his face.

I was squirming now in my chair.

“Are you okay, Gina?”

(Tristan had activated the remote on my silver bullet!)

Now Tylar and Trey were staring at me not sure whether they should be alarmed or not.  Tristan sat there looking smug and impassive.

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