Baby Makes Five (A Multiple Birth Book 1) (7 page)

“That will be acceptable,” she said feeling some of her anxiety disappearing. “Anything else?” she asked drinking the remaining of her milk.

“I’ll like to make love to you again,” he said softly.

She choked on her milk at his answer.

“You’ve got to be joking?” she said, looking at him when she had herself under control.

“Not really, but since you were cooperative, I thought I would throw that in and see what answer you’ll give,” he smiled.

Butterflies danced in her stomach it would be so easy to say yes to him. “Is everything a joke for you?” She snapped instead.

“You need to relax more, and I never joke about something as serious as sex. Can you honestly tell me you don’t want a repeat of that night that you don’t get hot for me as I do for you?”

“That’s what got us into this predicament in the first place,” she whispered looking towards her roommate’s door. “After the crap you pulled at your office, do you expect me to agree?”

“She doesn’t know am the father does she?” he asked now curious. “As for the way I treated you, it was out of place. I was angry you kept your pregnancy from me.”

“No, she doesn’t know you're the father.”

“Are you ashamed of me?”

“Of you not of me yes. I will tell her when I am ready.”

“Fair enough.”

“Thank you, would you like some dessert? I have brownies and butter tarts,” she offered.

“No thank you. I am full. I greatly enjoyed dinner. Maybe you can cook for me again? I must go, but first I need your cell phone number if I am going to get in contact with you.”

She blushed embarrassed, “I don’t have one.”

“Okay, we’ll figure something out. Here’s my card if you want anything, call me no matter the time.”

“Thank you,” she said looking at the card.

“There is a Gala coming up in a month, the opening of the new pediatric wing at the hospital. I would like it if you could attend with me.”

“As in a date?” she asked baffle.

“I guess so. We agreed to get to know each other didn’t we?”

“Yes, we did.”

“Good, why don’t you walk me to the door?”

She complied. He turned to her when he was outside.

“Thank you for dinner; it’s been a lovely evening.” He kissed her.

He tasted like she remembered. He pulled her close to him deepening their kiss. She sighed and relaxed in his embrace letting her body take over. He was the first to break their kiss.

“If we don’t stop now I am going to carry to your room and make love to you all night. That’s how much I crave you. Goodnight Miah,” and he was gone.

She touched her lips closing the door and leaned against it eyes shut.

“Wow, so I was right, he is the father,” Amanda said staring at her.

Miah’s eyes flew open “how long have you been there?” she asked in surprise.

“Not long enough. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t tell you because I know how you felt about him knowing. Frankly, I wouldn’t put it passed you not to tell him.”

“I am hurt; I wouldn’t have told him if you asked me not to. I thought you didn’t know his name?”

“I didn’t until I ran into him at the hospital and found out who he was.”

“Then you told him the truth?”

“Hardly,” she said filling in her friend on what had happened.

“You were destined to meet,” Amanda said eyes glazed over. She obviously was dreaming up some romantic notion.

“This is why I didn’t tell you. It’s not a romantic story.”

“Fine, but you can’t deny you’re still attracted to him, and he obviously wants you.”

“Sex is what got us here Amanda. We now have two people to think about than our needs.”

“You’re already pregnant what harm is there in a little sex?”

“Let’s just have our dessert. I am tired.”


The next day a package arrive for her. When she opened the box, it was a cell phone. The note that accompanied it read “
every girl should have a cell phone, especially in case of emergencies. Enjoy.


p.s. have dinner with me tonight.


That was two and half weeks ago. They had practically spoken every day and had gone out to dinner most nights getting to know each other.  They called a truce. She spent most of her days looking forward to hearing his voice or seeing him. He had canceled their date the night before, due to an emergency. He didn’t say what it was. She learned not to ask him about his business if he wanted to share he would.

He had never once kissed her or tried anything remotely sexual; making her wonder if he would ever again touch her. After each date, she went home full of sexual need and ended up taking cold showers to cool her body down. He was the perfect gentleman, another side of him. She hadn’t seen before.

The night before her appointment they were lying on the grass with their heads touching in his enormous backyard looking up at the stars.

“You should get your driver’s license. It can come in handy.”

“I have one, what make you think I didn’t?”

“You don’t drive, and you never mentioned it.”

“I got my license a few months before my mother died. I haven’t gotten around to

getting my G2.”

“Tell me about your mother. What was she like?”

She smiled, “she was the best. I called her super mom. She was always there for me no matter what I was into at the time. She never missed a softball game or one of my baking competitions. She was perfect.”

“You played softball?’ he asked sounding surprised.

She laughed “why does that surprise you?”

“I wouldn’t have taken you for the sporty type.”

“Well, that should tell you never judge a book by its cover. I was a pitcher, and I’ll have you know we won the championship four years in a row, out of the five I was on the team.”


“Yes, I was a tomboy and had a lot of extracurricular activities from aikido to cookery club and tennis. My mom was an administrative assistant at the local hospital, so my schedule worked perfectly with hers. That way, I won’t have to be home alone. She worked extra hours and sacrificed a lot to make sure I was happy and taken care of.

“What about your father?” he asked curiously.             

“I don’t have one,” she said flatly.

“I’m sorry if it’s difficult to talk about—”

“Didn’t your research on me tell you anything?”

“There isn’t much said about him,” he said not trying to deny he had had her investigated.

“There isn’t much to tell. I never met him or saw a picture of him. I know my mother loved him, and he apparently loved her. He was a professor at the college she attended. They started dating when she was nineteen, and he was twenty-eight. Three years later, she got pregnant with me three months after they had moved in together. My conception wasn’t planned. She was sick, and the antibiotics didn’t mesh well with the birth control pill she was taking.

“When she told him, she was pregnant, he told her he wasn’t ready to become a father and didn’t want to have kids’ period. It was either him or the baby.”

“She chose you.”

“Yeah, she didn’t believe in abortions, and she had always wanted a child. She told him that, and he left the next day. She never saw or heard from him again. I only know his name is Benjamin Clarke. It’s on my birth certificate. My mother never kept his name from me.

“Have you ever been curious enough to want to look him up and ask him why?”

“No, he made his choice. I had a happy childhood. I can’t complain about wanting anything. She loved me. I was her life. I was the one thing she got right she always said.”

“She sounds great, strong someone I would have liked.”

“She was, all the way to the end.”

“I wish I could have met her.”

“Me too. What about you. What was your childhood like?”

“Not as great as yours. My dad died when I was seven.”

“Sorry, it must have been hard. Were you two close?”

“Thank you, I’ll like to say yes, but my parents shouldn’t have procreated. They were too self-absorbed and had no patience for a child. I grew up seeing my nanny more than I did my parents.”

“I can’t imagine what that felt like.”

“It wasn’t that bad, not when you don’t know anything else. When my dad died, I went to live with my grandmother, his mother.”

“Why, was your mother ill?”

“No, she didn’t want to give up her partying lifestyle. So my grandmother offered her five million dollars to get out of my life. She took the money, and I haven’t seen her since.”

“That’s terrible what kind of mother sells her child?” she asked, mad on behalf of the seven-year-old boy. She thought of her babies and put a protective hand over her stomach.

“As I said, my parents weren’t meant to have children. They weren’t ready to grow up.”

“Were you, at least, happy with your grandmother?”

“I was comfortable. She wasn’t the hugs and kisses type of person. When I was nine, she sent me to boarding school in England. She died when I was eighteen.”

She sniffed she couldn’t help crying for the boy who had lost his childhood. He sat up and put her head in his lap wiping her tears away.

“Don’t cry for me, I am okay. My childhood made me stronger."

“I am not crying for you. I am crying for the seven-year-old boy who didn’t get a chance to a wonderful childhood. The boy who didn’t get hugs or his boo-boos kissed. The boy who didn’t have stories read to him at nights. I’m sorry, but your family sounds awful.”

He laughed, but the sound was empty. “Having money or two parents doesn’t guarantee you happiness. Miah your childhood was ten times better than mine, and that is what I want for our two beans.”

“Beans, that’s what you are calling them?”

“Yes until we can give them names.”

“Okay Bean one and Bean two it is them. Tonight has been nice, but I need to get going. We have that appointment in the morning,” she said sitting up.

“Stay,” he said standing and pulling her up with him.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t have my toothbrush or a change of clothes.”

“Technicalities we can easily remedy.”


“What are you afraid of. I know you feel this thing between us tell me you don’t, and I’ll never bring it up again.”

“It’s just sex.”

“How could you say that? The past two and a half weeks have been the best I’ve had in a very long time. Can you say you didn’t enjoy our time together?”

“I did. Things are going too fast.”

“Look around you Miah, that ship has sailed with the conception of our babies.”

“I know it’s just—”

“It’s alright. I’ll take you home,” he said heading towards the kitchen door.

“No!” she said not moving from her spot.

“I’m not going to let you take the bus or a cab. I’ll feel better knowing you are safely home no arguments.”

“I mean no. You don’t have to drive me home. I’ll stay.

















He was silent for a few heartbeats.

“I don’t want you to stay because it’s what I want. If you are going to stay it has to be because you want to, otherwise I am driving you home.”

She walked towards him and placed her hands on either side of his face.

“I am staying because I want to. I’ll be lying if I didn’t say I wasn’t scared. I would also be lying if I said I didn’t want you.”

He took her hands and kissed each palm at the wrists. The action sent shock waves up her arms.

“You have nothing to be frightened of. I would never hurt you don’t you know that by now. I’m trying my best not to screw things up, Miah.”

“I know you are,” she said. The problem was she was worried her heart wouldn’t listen.

He lifted her into his arms and walked towards the door.

“What are you doing?” she asked in surprise.

“Sweeping you off your feet I guess if you have to ask I’m not doing it right.”

She laughed. He was good at that. She hadn’t pegged him for someone with a sense of humor until they started dating, albeit some of his jokes weren’t that funny.

He walked up the staircase. Even though she had come here a few times in the past two weeks, she was still in awe of his home. She remembered the first time she saw his home. She had felt intimidated by how huge it was.

He opened the door to his bedroom door and sat her on the bed.

“Stay here I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?”

“Just stay here, and don’t get undress. I want the pleasure of doing that.”

“Okay,” she was getting curious about his behaviour.

She sat restlessly on the bed looking around the room. It was the first time she had seen the inside. When he had shown her around, she made sure to avoid his private domain. Her eyes fell on the lone picture frame on the nightstand on his bed. It looks out of place. She was surprised. She hasn’t seen many photos lying around. She walked over and took it up. It was a copy of the sonogram of their babies.

“I made a copy for myself. I hope you don’t mind. I like waking up to it and going to bed seeing it.”

She jumped at his voice. She didn’t hear him reenter the room.

“You scared the crap out of me.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

She put the picture back on the stand and turned to him.

“It’s okay. I am happy you have a copy,” she smiled. “So what’s with the mystery?”

He smiles and laces his fingers with hers, “come and see,” he said leading her to the master bathroom.

The scene that greeted her was breathtaking. The room was lit with candles on the floor as well as on the side of the bathtub. The tub was fill with bubbles and floating candles. It was like a scene from one of her favourite romance movies.

“Wow, this is beautiful,” she said, touched at the effort he has put into it.

“I wanted to do something just for you. I hope you like it,” he said suddenly unsure. That wasn’t the confident man she knew.

“I love it. It’s perfect.”

“Good. Now I get to undress you.”

“Yes, you do.”

He kissed her lips then backed away.

“Do you trust me?” he asked softly taking off first her top then her skirt. He left her standing exposed in her red lace bra and matching thong. He inhaled deeply. She wanted to cover herself but did not.

“Yes,” she answered softly.

He seemed to inhale at her answer. She wasn’t sure why.  He unclasped her bra and kneeled to take the thong off. He then led her to the tub and helped her into the warm soapy water. He released the two clips that were holding her hair together and threw them on the closed toilet seat.

“Is this peach bubble bath?” she asked looking at him.

“Yes, I remembered you saying it was your favourite.”

“It is, aren’t you going to join me?”

“No,” he said running his hand through her hair gently massaging her scalp.

“That feels good,” she moaned.

“Put your head back,” he said, grabbing the pitcher of water from the floor and wet her hair before adding a generous amount of shampoo. He washed her hair massaging her scalp with his strong fingers. She moaned again in pleasure.

“She groaned in pleasure, don’t stop,” she said eyes closed lips curved into a satisfied smile.

“Happy to oblige,” he said hoarsely.

He rinsed the shampoo from her hair and repeated the process again with conditioner. When he finally rinsed her hair, he got her to sit up and then towel dry her curls.

“Thank you that felt great. Now are you going to join me?”

“No, now I bathe you,” he took a soft sponge from the foot of the tub and wet it. He gently leans her forward so he can wash from the nape of her neck all the way down her back. He leaned her back and started to wash her neck moving the sponge slowly and teasingly between her breasts, before washing each, in turn, making an effort to tantalize her nipples.

“Why are you torturing me? Do you want me to beg you to make love to me?” she asked desperately.

“No, no begging,” he said moving the sponge down her stomach pausing between her thighs. He dropped the sponge then used his hand to wash her vagina before inserting two fingers inside her. She buckled with excitement as his fingers played within her pulling his hand closer. He abruptly moved his hand away, and she whimpered at the loss of contact.

“Time to dry off,” he said holding a towel for her.

She looked at him wondering if he was just going to leave her like that unsatisfied. She carefully stood then stepped into his fluffy embrace. He lifted her from the tub and sat her on the face basin.

“Close your eyes,” he commands.


“Trust me.”

She closed her eyes and felt silk against her skin. He blindfolded her. The towel drop around her hips and she felt his hands on her thighs pulling her closer to him. She felt the bulge of his erection and pushed against him. He broke contact and pulled her close to the edge of the sink. She stiffened.

“I won’t let you fall,” he reassures her, and she relaxed.

He kneeled between her legs and kissed her thighs. He stroke her clitoris and she shudders at his touch.


“Hurry,” she said in return.


She laughed. He blew on her clit then took a taste of her. He stroked her with his tongue playfully, skillfully inserting a finger into her. He draped her legs over his shoulders pulling her closer. His tongue worked its magic like a wand. He pleasured her with his mouth while stroking her as he did so. He worked as if he was strumming a guitar within her.  He added another finger and found her G-spot.

She climaxed purring like a satisfied cat. She sagged against him her feet hanging limp. She took the blindfold off and looked at him where he was still kneeling.

“What about you?”

“I’ll be fine with a shower; you, on the other hand, need to get dry before you catch a cold.” He stood dried her off and pulled one of his T-shirts over her head, before carrying he to the bed and tucking her in.


“Go to sleep Miah.” He kissed her forehead, and she did as he asked.


In the middle of the night, their bodies found each other, and they made frantic love throughout the night as if their lives depended on it. Going slow then fast deep and shallow until they exhausted their bodies in their lovemaking. Afterward, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

It was around seven fifteen when Miah woke to warm fluid running down her legs. At first, she thought she was peeing herself but smell the metallic
scent of blood.  She inhaled sharply and almost threw up. She sat up trying not to wake the man beside her. She walked carefully to the washroom, turned the light on and looked down her leg. She was bleeding. She panicked. She couldn’t lose the babies.

Paralyzed at the sight, she felt as if her world was crashing down around her.

“Ash!” she screamed lightheaded. Blood was never something she was good at dealing with.

“Miah,” he called rushing to the bathroom.

“I think I am having a miscarriage,” she said before darkness enveloped her. She needed to stop fainting was her last thought.

He caught her before she hit the ground.

He lifted her up and carried her to the bed and went back for a cold, wet cloth to wipe her face.

“Come on sweetheart wake up,” he said, grabbing his cell phone and was about to dial 911 when she moaned.

“Easy,” he said as she opened her eyes.

Her hands flew to her stomach automatically, “the babies.”

“I am calling the doctor now to see if she can see us earlier just stay there,” he said dialing the phone.

“I need a shower,” she said as she watched him on the phone with their OB.

She didn’t wait for his reply but got up and went to the washroom turning on the shower. She needed to wash the blood away from her. She stepped under the shower, just as he entered the room.             

“What do you think you are doing? Doctor Sand said to come in right away.”

“I am not going, looking and smelling like this. I need to wash this off, where are my clothes?”

“On the chair next to the bed, I washed them last night. Let me help you,” he said stepping into the shower with his pajama bottoms still on.

“I can take a shower by myself,” she said looking at the blood washed down the drain.

“I know you can. I just want to help,” he said in frustration.

“I’m done now; I’ll go and get dressed while you finish off,” she grabbed the towel from the rack and walked across the room. She had just finished dressing when he came in.

“I’ll only be a few minutes.”

“Okay. I am not bleeding as much now,” she said sitting on the bed trying to calm her overactive imagination from jumping to possibilities.

“We are still going to the doctor. I do not want to take any chances,” he said all dressed in a T-shirt and jeans.

“Let’s go, can you walk. Do you want me to carry you?”

“I can walk,” she said leading the way.

They rode in silence except for the drumming of his fingers on the steering wheel that was driving her crazy.

“This isn’t your fault you know I am sure everything is going to be alright,” she said trying to reassure him as well as herself.

“Of course, it’s my fault. I was too rough I didn’t think of you and our babies. I just thought of satisfying my hunger for you. I wanted you so bad I didn’t think.”

“You didn’t hurt me. I would have let you know if you did.”

“How can you be so calm about this when we could be losing our children?”

“What do you want me to do Ash, sit here and think of all the bad things that could go wrong before we get to the hospital? What good would that do to any of us?”

“Maybe it will show that you are as scared as I am that you care what happens?” he shouted.

“You think I don’t care? I can’t think about what ifs because that would make it to real. I have to have hope that the fact I am not bleeding as much is a sign they are still there, that they are both okay, and I haven’t just lost one of them.

I have to have faith; God would not let me get pregnant on my first sexual experience just to take them away from me. That would be cruel. I have to think through it all; I got pregnant for a reason.”

“God. God Miah, really where was he when your mom died. When you started bleeding?”

“That’s not fair. I am not doing this with you, not now. If thinking the worst will make you feel better then do it, just don’t expect me to follow suit.”

“You think I want to believe the worst that I want my children to die? I am used to fixing other people’s problems giving money to those who need it. I’m used to getting my way in business. My personal life is another story. I can’t throw money at this if you are losing our babies. I can’t do anything to save them. How do you think that makes me feel?”

“Helpless, but, whatever happens, it is not your fault or mine you have to believe that.  You did everything right. You are taking me to see the doctor; you are supportive that’s all I ask of you. I don’t expect you to perform miracles, Ash.”

“You should. I am accustomed to expecting the worst when it comes to the people I care about because in truth, in the end, they all either die, leave or take a better deal.  That’s what my life is Miah, an empty curse.

“Being brilliant at my job is a fact some people say I am lucky. I don’t believe in luck Miah. I was beginning to think there may be some on my side when I learned of the babies. A new beginning for us, but here we are. It’s the reason I never marry or ever will. After a while, the disappointment just consumes you.”


“I don’t need your pity, Miah, not now. Just don’t,” he said in defeat.

Her heart broke for him and their babies. She didn’t know what to say to his confession. It was the most he had let her see of him, and he obviously didn’t need her.  She felt hurt but was happy to see they were approaching the entrance to the hospital. He already made up his mind about the babies and their relationship. She knew him well enough to know pushing will not be beneficial. He’ll just close off his emotions again.

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