Bad Girl Lessons (8 page)

Read Bad Girl Lessons Online

Authors: Seraphina Donavan,Wicked Muse

“Is there a bed?” When she nodded, he said, “That’s all I need.”

Fifteen minutes later, they were walking into Evie’s apartment. While she went to shower, Jackson stripped down to his jeans and began to explore the small space. The off white walls and beige carpet weren’t exactly a decorator’s dream. Evie’s antique furniture and brightly upholstered couch looked out of place in the drab apartment. Heading back into the bedroom, he sat down on the edge of the bed and listened to the sound of the shower running. He wanted to join her, but then she was probably shaving her legs and doing all of those things that women pretended they didn’t have to do. Smiling, at the thought, he allowed his curiosity to get the better of him and opened the drawer to the tiny, painted nightstand. While his own contained a stash of condoms and the latest issue of Playboy, Evie’s was a treasure trove of feminine touches. A pair of earrings that she’d forgotten to remove before bed rested atop an embossed leather journal. A bottle of expensive and sweet smelling lotion was also in there. He sniffed the lotion, recognizing Evie’s favorite scent.

At the back of the drawer was a little wooden box. Unable to resist the mystery, Jackson opened it and a wolfish smile spread across his face. Nestled inside the box was a small, silver vibrator. He heard the shower turn off, and quickly replaced the box, cupping the toy in his palm. With his most innocent expression, he waited for Evie to come out of the bathroom. He was not disappointed when he saw her. Her hair had been brushed out into loose waves, and she wore a black silk robe that only reached to her mid thighs, leaving the long expanse of her legs bare. It parted to reveal a tiny swatch of lace and made him wonder what delights were concealed beneath it.

“So where is it?” he asked.
“Where’s what?” she replied, walking around the bed. She made a great production of fluffing the many pillows there.
“Every single or dissatisfied woman’s best friend... I know you have a vibrator, Evie. I’ve yet to meet a woman who doesn’t.”
She blushed. “You’re being ridiculous.”

Reclining on the bed with his hands folded behind his head, he grinned. “You’ve got some monstrous vibrating cock hidden in your closet, don’t you? One look at it and I will feel like less of a man, right?”

She rolled her eyes heavenward. “Are you twelve? Where do these random questions come from?”

Raising up on his elbows, he looked at her, and at the deep V where her robe parted as she straightened the bed clothes. Her breasts swayed beneath the silk and lace with each movement and his cock pulsed behind his fly in response. “No...that would be entirely too tacky for you. I bet you have something small, quiet, discreet...ladylike but very effective.”

The blush on her cheeks deepened and her lips firmed with disapproval, “Jackson--”

“Show me,” he said. “Do you honestly think that I would be bothered by that? The truth is, the very idea of it turns me on.... I can just see you laying here in this bed, naked. Your creamy, white thighs spread apart and your beautiful, pink pussy just begging to be touched.”

“Fine. If you want to see it, then just fine,” she said and opened the night stand drawer. When she pulled out the small inlaid wooden box and opened, she stared at it in dismay for a second before, turning back to him. “You sneaky bastard.”

He chuckled, but didn’t allow her to walk away in a huff. Grabbing her hand, he tugged her down onto the bed until she sprawled atop him, widening the gaping split at the front of her robe. In addition to the black lace he’d seen before, he now knew that the rest of the garment was pink satin. “Is this what you were looking for?” he asked, opening his hand to reveal the small, egg shaped toy. Flipping her onto her back, he turned it on and rolled it delicately up the inside of her thigh, until she shivered in response.


“Don’t go getting shy on me now,” he said, tugging at the ties of her robe until it parted completely. The pink satin chemise was so thin it was practically transparent. He could easily see the darker shadows of her nipples beneath. They were perfectly framed by the black lace that edged the garment. “Open your legs for me.”

Evie wanted to be angry at him for snooping, but with the way he was looking at her, and the delicious weight of his body pressed against hers, it was impossible. Her whole body clenched in anticipation when he stroked her moist slit with the toy. She bit back a moan, as he made another pass, firmer and more insistent than the last. When he parted the damp folds of her sex, Evie expected him to simply place the vibrator on her clit the way she normally did. Instead, he turned it lengthwise and slipped it between the lips of her pussy. The soft hum of the tiny engine was more dispersed this way, the pleasure building at a steadier pace. But he wasn’t done. In a move that was totally unanticipated, he closed his hand over her mound, clamping the damp folds together and forcing the vibrator into more persistent contact with her clit. Evie screamed, her hips coming off the bed as she felt the pleasure begin to build inside her. Jackson leaned in and without releasing the pressure, begin to run his tongue gently over the seam of her cunt, lapping at the juices that had escaped. Then he moved lower, his tongue sliding along the cleft between the lush cheeks of her ass, then delving between them. She sobbed out his name as he began to lick that small, puckered opening, sliding his tongue in and out. Over and over again, he teased that tender flesh until she was writhing beneath him.

“Jackson!” Evie cried out. “Please, please...”
“Please what?” he asked, only pausing in the sensual torment.
“Please, just fuck me!” she begged, her fists clutching at the bedclothes as she strained against him.

Moving between her thighs, he nestled the hard ridge of his cock against her. He didn’t enter her, but rocked his hips against hers, his cock gliding along the slit of her pussy. She threw her head back, and one dusky nipple peaked from beneath the nightie she wore. Leaning forward, he closed his mouth over it and sucked it deeply. He bit her, closing his teeth gently over the hardened peak, then assuaging the stinging flesh with his tongue.

“Oh, god! Don’t make me beg, Jackson! You’re driving me crazy.”

He was driving himself crazy, as well. With a few deft twists of his fingers, he freed the button fly of his jeans. His cock was so hard it ached, and precome already leaked from the reddened tip. He hissed out a breath as she closed her hand around him and guided him to her entrance. He released his grip on the plump and swollen lips of her cunt, but kept the small vibrator pressed tightly against her clit. Allowing her to guide his cock, to take him deeply inside her, he gave himself up the sensation. The soft, velvety heat of her sheath clutching him was like heaven. When she brought her legs up, wrapping them tight around his waist and locking her ankles behind him, he bit back a curse. With another thrust of his hips he drove his cock completely inside her, balls deep, and the pleasure of it was mind numbing.

Evie sobbed his name, her hips moving in time with his. She met each thrust as she clutched at his shoulders, her nails scoring his back. Sliding her hands lower, she cupped the firm muscles of his ass as she rocked against him. With his cock filling her and the vibrator humming lightly on her clit, she was teetering on the edge. With a few driving thrusts, he sent her hurtling over. Evie felt the first rippling contractions of her orgasm. They began deep inside her, radiating outward as the intense pleasure coursed through her, leaving her weak, even as the felt the familiar warmth of him coming inside her.

It was hours later when they lay twined together on her bed, Jackson tickling her with a strand of her own hair, that she told him about the house. “I have an appointment to look at it tomorrow. It’s so perfect, Jackson... When I saw it, I just knew. Have you ever felt that way about something?”

He smiled, appreciating the irony of the question. The only thing he’d ever felt that way about in his life was the woman in his arms. “I have, actually. Do you want me to go with you?”

“You don’t feel weird about that? I mean, I know we’re not serious or anything, but that might make other people think we are.”

“We don’t give a damn what other people think. Remember?”

She smiled, “Of course. How silly of me to forget! Then yes, I would love for you to come with me. I know nothing about plumbing or construction. I have no idea how to tell if the house is going to cost a fortune to repair.”

He kissed her, “Sleep, Evie. If I’m going to play the he-man tomorrow, I need rest, woman!”

Evie laughed again, and snuggled against him. She’d never had fun in bed with Trevor, she realized. It had always been more of a chore than anything else, or at least it had become one when she realized it wasn’t going to get any better. Smiling at the thought, she drifted off to sleep with Jackson’t arms around her, grateful to finally know what all the fuss was about.












Chapter Seven

The following day Evie was sleepwalking through work. She and Jackson had gone to view the house that morning, and she’d coasted through lunch on a high from that. The house was even better in person than in pictures, and the major stuff like wiring and plumbing had been recently updated. There were small cosmetic changes to be made, like ditching dated wallpaper and painting kitchen cabinets, but those were easy fixes. Jackson had taken her to lunch afterward, and it was then that her bubble had been burst. He’d gotten a strange phone call and told her that he had to meet someone that evening. It had been very hush-hush and mysterious, which was a huge red flag. She couldn’t say anything even if it was another woman. It wasn’t like she had a claim on him.

Stifling a yawn, Evie signed off on the packages that had arrived and returned to her office to begin penning more of the handwritten thank you notes that would be sent out after the annual fundraiser. They were generic enough, but still added a classy touch to holding one’s hand out. As she turned down the hall toward her office, the face that greeted her there made her smile instantly vanish.

“Trevor, you need to leave. Immediately.”

“Why? Is Jackson waiting in your office to fuck you senseless?”

“Even if he is, it’s none of your business. Get out, or I’ll call security.”

“Evie, we need to talk about things. I have to explain to you why I left.”

“No, you don’t. I don’t care about why you left, only that you did. I’m done with you, Trevor.”

The curt dismissal only seemed to enrage him and grabbed her upper arms, shoving her back against the wall so hard that she bit her lip. “You have no idea what’s at stake here!”

“I know about the loan, Trevor...and I know what you’ve been using my bank accounts for!”

His face paled and he dropped his hands from her abruptly. “You fucking bitch.”

“Is there a problem, Miss Harper?”

Evie looked in the direction of the voice, never so thankful to see the security guard that patrolled the battlefield and house during the daytime hours. He’d never had to do more than run off kids who were trying to cut school in the past. “Mr. Dupree was leaving, Tom. If you would be so good as to show him out.”

Trevor glared at her before turning to walk away and the look was pure venom. Evie retreated to her office. She was shaking as she sat down at her desk, tears threatening. Trevor was reaching bottom and she had no idea what he was capable of. But she wouldn’t be foolish enough to dismiss any further warnings about him. He was a desperate man, and that made him a dangerous one. Dashing tears away, she pulled a compact from her purse and tried to repair her face as a knock sounded on the door. When Reed appeared, she bit back a mild oath. He would tell Jackson she’d been crying. “I’m sorry, Reed. I forgot you were coming by.”

He looked at her swollen, puffy eyes. “I can come back if it’s a bad time.”

“No… It’s fine. You just missed Trevor,” she said tightly. “I think in addition to everything else, I may need a restraining order.”

“That would probably make me cry, too,” he said, pointing to the small split on her bottom lip. “He do that?”

“Indirectly... I bit my lip when he shoved me against the wall.”

“I’ll work on the restraining order...the big thing is going to be how to keep Jackson from killing him in the meantime.” Reed placed several documents in front of her, “This is an accounting of the money that is missing from your accounts. It’s a small amount really, given the amount of money that’s been shuffled in and out. The big issue is the loan. I’ve already taken care of having the charges filed against him. I had a talk with the district attorney and they will probably issue a warrant for him by this afternoon… Are you prepared for all this, Evie? The gossip is going to get very ugly, very fast.”

“I don’t think I have a choice. If I don’t get it taken care of, it could destroy me financially…and I can’t let Trevor get away with this. Whatever he’s doing, whatever shady dealings he’s involved in, they have to be stopped.”

Reed nodded, “Okay. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“I won’t. Thank you, Reed.”

Evie signed all the forms he’d brought, in triplicate, it seemed. When he stood up to leave, he paused for just a moment. “If things don’t work out with Jackson… Just go easy on him, Evie. He’d kill me for telling you this, but he’s been hung up on you for years. Don’t break his heart.”

Evie was still puzzling over his words long after he left. Was it possible that she would even have that power? She’d worried about the possibility that Jackson would break her heart. It had never even occurred to her that he might fear the same thing. With a weary sigh, she locked her desk drawers and then left the museum. She didn’t go to Jackson’s, but drove home to her rented apartment instead. She needed to finish unpacking, or at the very least organize the chaos. Perhaps organizing her surroundings would help her to organize her thoughts, she mused. Regardless, she needed a little time to clear her head and process everything that had happened.

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