Ballers: His Game (Ballers Series Book 1) (16 page)

“I’ll drive you,” Mike says with a smug smile on his face.

I want to smack the smile right off. The whole time we dated he tried to use Ellie to get his way on just about everything. I see my mother and the girls frowning as well out the corner of my eyes.

“Hey, Mr. Mike,” Ellie chirps. “Thank you, but I want my Daddy to drive me.”

“Your daddy is ready to, Sugar,” Brad says with a cocky grin on his face. “Let’s go win us a race.”

“I’ll keep Tam company for you big man,” Mike says smugly.

“Ellie baby, you go pick us out a car,” Brad says pushing Ellie toward the cars.

“Okay,” she sings and takes off as fast as her little legs will take her.

“I don’t think we have met properly. I’m Bradley Monroe, Tam’s man and Ellie’s father. I don’t share what’s mine, so unless I’m misreading your body language you might want to check yourself around my family,” Brad growls low.

“Where were you when I was taking care of your family,” Mike hisses back.

My head whips back and I turn to glare at Mike. Brad goes to lunge at him but I place my body between them placing a hand on Brad’s chest. “I don’t remember you taking care of anything Mike,” I snap. “We dated for a while, nothing more. Just dates. Don’t try to play me or my man like I’m some cheap hoe or something, especially in front of my family. I think you should leave.”

“Come on Tam it’s not like that and you know it,” Mike sighs in frustration.

“Nah man,” my brother rumbles as he steps up beside Brad. “You’re my boy, but I’m not feeling what you’re trying right now. This man asked you to respect his family and my sister asked you to leave. You told me you didn’t want any trouble. You wanted to come for Ellie. That’s not looking to be true to me right now, so I’m feeling some type of way. I think you should take all of our suggestions and make a quick exit.”

“Yeah, alright man,” Mike nods but doesn’t look to happy about conceding.

We all watch him walk off. I look up at Brad to see his jaw working under the skin. I wasn’t expecting him to claim his position so firmly. Honestly, my panties are soaked right now. Brad is hot when he is protecting what is his.

His blue eyes are blazing and his cheeks are flushed red from anger. I bite back a laugh, because in this very moment my man is looking like Thor, ready to go into battle. I lift up on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Bradley,” I call his name as he is still watching Mike leave. “Baby.” I call again.

This time his eyes slowly meet mine. I reach to tuck his hair behind his ear and cup his face with my hand. “Thank you for defending me, but he isn’t worth being upset over. Our baby is waiting on you. She is excited for her daddy to win her a race. Last thing we want is for you to be like this while driving our daughter around at her party,” I say softly.

He pinches his eyes closed and when they open again the storm that was brewing is gone. He tugs on my waist and brings is lips down on mine in a passionate kiss before pulling away and placing a kiss to my forehead. He doesn’t say another word as he turns and heads for an excited Bri.

I stand watching my man walk over to our daughter scooping her up and tossing her in the air before he catches her, whispering something in her ear that causes her to throw her head back and laugh. He then walks over to Uri and his son, shaking hands with Uri as Bri shakes hands with Nori. Then they are off into their go carts.

“You know my husband will take care of that little problem for you,” Valentina says with a sly smile. I have come to know this woman and her husband through her brother in law and Reese in the last four years. They have secrets and I know from Reese that they are nothing nice.

She may be smiling and looking amused as she says this but I know that the teasing tone she is using is in case someone else hears. Reese steps to my other side shaking her head. “Behave Valentina,” Reese chuckles. “Although, I told you there was something I never liked about him. He was trying to get a beat down today. If looks could kill, with the way your father, Nico and Uri were looking over here that man would be toast.”

“I’m just saying we can make that happen,” Valentina shrugs. “How is he going to come to this baby’s party disrespecting not just you but her father as well?”

Valentina places a hand on her hip and presses her lips. “Ignore her,” Reese giggles she has been extra snippy since we got on the plane.

“Mama,” Valentina’s daughter Vita runs up and rifles off rapid Italian to her mother excitedly.

“Vita baby, English, what have I told you,” Valentina says gently.

“Mama, Uncle Nico promised Inzo he would drive him around the track. I want to race too, Mama. Will you drive me please?” the precious little girl asks her mother.

“Oh honey, I don’t think that is a good idea for mommy right now. Remember we talked about this,” Valentina says.

“Oh,” Vita says sadly then places a hand on her mother’s stomach. She kisses her mother’s belly and pats it. “I forgot.”

“You’re pregnant again,” Reese gasps. It is hard to miss the sadness in her eyes. “I should have known, that explains.”

Valentina groans. “Nico asked us not to tell you yet,” Valentina sighs.

“Why does he do that,” Reese says, almost in a whisper to herself.

Alee moves in to wrap an arm around Reese. “Because he loves you and it has torn him up watching you go through the same thing over and over. When are you going to accept what you two have? Accept his proposal.” Alee encourages.

“We are not here to talk about me. We are here to have fun and celebrate Brielle,” Reese huffs.

“That may be so, but we are going to talk about the elephant in the room soon,” I say.

“My story will finish itself when it is ready. Now back to you. That man is in love with you. How are things going, you look so happy,” Reese says to me.

“I can’t complain things have been perfect, almost too perfect. I can’t help but think that there is a shoe somewhere waiting to drop,” I bite my lip. “It was such a big step to move in together, but I have never been happier and neither has Brielle. She adores her father. I just don’t want her to get attached and things blow up in her face.”

“Blow up in her face or yours,” Reese asks as she tilts her head at me.

“It sounds to me like you are the one that is afraid to get attached,” Stacey adds in. I knew she wasn’t going to be quiet much longer.

“I think it is a bit late for that,” I groan. “I crave that man something fierce and I would be lying if I said that hasn’t always been the case.”

“Then let yourself be happy for once without looking over your shoulder,” Stacey says wrapping an arm around my shoulders and squeezing. She then looks at Reese. “That goes for you too, because I would fuck your man in a heartbeat. Phew.”

Reese draws out. “If I didn’t know you from childhood you would come up missing one of these days.”

“All jokes aside, you know I am right,” Stacey says pointedly.

“Oh don’t worry, if Nico is anything like his brother she is only on borrowed time. He will wait for so much longer before he gives her no way out,” Valentina says with a sly smile on her lips.

“Whatever,” Reese mutters. “Come on Vita. I’ll drive you.”

“Truth hurts,” Alee speaks up.

“I don’t think I can blame her,” I say as I watch my friend walk away.

“Oh no honey, I was talking about you. It hurts to see how much that man really loves you and yet you are still trying to find reasons why you should run,” Alee says knowingly.

“When are you heifers flying out again,” I grumble and head off after Reese and Vita. I can hear them cackling behind me.









Chapter 20

The party was a huge success. I got to spend some time with my girls, my baby had the time of her life, and my man put on display what Brielle and I mean to him for everyone to see. I couldn’t have asked for anything more, but some of the things the girls said have been playing in my head all evening, almost to the point of distraction.

I guess that’s why I have found myself wondering where everyone has gone. One minute the girls were all helping me gather gifts the next I am looking around and everyone is gone. I had been in deep thought about the speech Brad gave as we cut the cake.

“Thank you everyone for coming out to share our little girl’s day. I have come home to Texas to find that my world has been here all along. The things I thought I couldn’t live without are no longer a priority to me, because what I can’t live without are my two girls.

“I find myself to be a lucky man and as soon as she’ll have me I plan to lockdown my future with the woman I love more than life itself. I want to create more beautiful little girls and some handsome boys,” everyone laughs at that last remark and Brad kisses Brielle’s cheek as he holds her in his arms and then pulls me closer to kiss the my top of my head. “So thank you all again for making this a wonderful and special day for my family.”

I was left stunned by his speech. I have gotten over taking things slow with Brad, but that doesn’t mean his words didn’t shock me a little. We have gotten so close in the last few months. He knows me better than most people in my life. It is like our bodies minds and souls have become one and in sync with one another.

Truthfully, these days when I try to find a reason that we shouldn’t be together I come up empty handed. Brad has really stepped things up. He may make little mistakes here and there, like letting Bri manipulate him without checking with me first. But I can’t fault him for that. He spoils us both as much as I will allow him and it comes from his heart.

The man breathes to see us happy. That in itself brings a smile to my face. I never knew I wanted to be cherished this way until Brad started to show me just what I really want in a relationship. I never thought about it before because it wasn’t a priority, now it is like second nature to want to be loved the way I know only Brad can love me.

I look around and wrinkle my brows.
How did I not see everyone leave?
The lights have even grown dim.
Where is everyone?
Was I really that deep in thought?
I spin in a circle and my brows draw in deeper.

Suddenly, soft pink and red lights come up giving the gardens a soft romantic glow. I laugh to myself. This must be the staff’s way of telling us it is time for us to go. I turn back to the bag of gifts I had been filling, but the air fills with music. I look around confused at first.

When I realize that they are playing a country version of
Falling Slowly
. I laugh to myself. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard a country version of a song I like, since moving here to Texas. I shrug and turn back to the bag once again, but this time I stop as I see Brad standing with a white rose between his teeth and a small white and grey Pitbull in his arms.

Brielle has been hounding him for a dog for weeks since seeing the puppies one of the dogs at the ranch gave birth to. I eye the dog warily, but burst out laughing when the puppy actually looks like he is pleading with me with his big blue eyes, just like the man that is holding him is doing.

“What are you up to?” I say with a smile. “I thought we agreed that Bri would get a puppy when she could care for it. Like in six or seven years from now,” I chide.

Brad pulls the rose from his mouth and hands it to me. “Yeah, well I started to think about how often I’ll be leaving my girls without me and this little guy started to sound like a good idea,” Brad shrugs.

The puppy is adorable. As Brad scratches his neck around the collar while talking to me, the puppy looks between the two of us. He is so cute. I don’t have the heart to be upset or to deny wanting to keep him.

“Will you dance with us,” Brad asks with a little boyish grin on his lips.

How can I resist? I throw my head back and laugh as Brad steps closer to me. I wrap my arms around his waist and place my head on his chest. When he wraps the arm holding the puppy around me the little pup starts to push his little cold nose into my back and paw at me.

“Easy Six, we want her to like you,” Brad says to the dog.

I laugh again. “Six?” I lift my head to look at him and lift a brow. “Why in the world have you named the dog Six?”

“It was my number when I met you,” Brad says with a smile. “I won a ring with it. I figured it would bring me luck tonight.”

My brows draw together and I give him a curious look. “Why would you need luck tonight?”

“This song, it says what I don’t know how to say about the night I met you. I saw you and even though I didn’t know you I wanted you. I let silly words fool me and I didn’t know how to react to you then. You have pointed me home again Tam.

“I have found where I want to be for the rest of my life. I can be content on our ranch with our children and our dog as long as I have you there with me. What I am saying is that I am hoping that Six here brings me luck because,” Brad pauses and releases me as he gets down on one knee.

I lift a shaky hand to my lips as they part in shock. Brad lifts the puppy up toward me and I notice for the first time that there is a huge rock dangling from his collar. “I want to ask you to marry me, Tamara. I don’t want anyone else. You are it for me. I want you and Ellie to finally have my last name,” Brad says, as his eyes blaze with the love I know he has for me.

“If I say no do I get to keep the puppy,” I tease as tears leak from my eyes.

“Tam,” Brad growls.

“Yes, of course I’ll marry you,” I laugh.

Cheers and hand claps come from out of nowhere and our family starts to pour out of their hiding places. Even my friends are here for this. I can’t believe he planned all this without me knowing. I mean Bri can’t hold water.

“We have a puppy mommy,” Bri squeals excitedly as she runs up and throws her arms around her father’s neck as he releases the string that has the ring attached to Six’s collar.

“Yes, we do,” I say as I give Brad the eye.

“Good boy,” Brad coos to the dog as he pets his head and grins widely at me. He hands Bri the puppy and pulls me to him for a searing kiss before placing the huge diamond ring on my finger. Once the ring is on my finger the weight of it brings me to reality.

I just agreed to marry this man. He is going to be mine for the rest of my life. I almost want to pinch myself. Somehow I think our trial has really just begun.

Everyone gathers around to congratulate us and get a look at the ring. I don’t miss the sour look on Donna’s face as she stands off to the side. Whatever her problem is she can shove it. I won’t let anything ruin this moment for me.

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