Read Bear to the Rescue (Bear Claw Security Book 3) Online

Authors: Terry Bolryder

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Multicultural, #Paranormal, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Werewolves & Shifters

Bear to the Rescue (Bear Claw Security Book 3) (4 page)

“Hm,” she said. “All men say that at the start.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t know,” she said, waving her fork. “Let’s just eat.”

“All right,” he said, and then it was awkwardly quiet again, just the sound of them chewing.

When they were done, he stood and stretched. “Come on. I’ll show you where you’re sleeping.”

“Not where you’re sleeping, right?” she asked, looking up at him.

He put a hand on the counter and came closer. The tension between them that had been building since they’d left the office was so tight it was ready to snap.

She nearly stopped breathing but forced herself to keep going.

“Why?” he asked. “You don’t want to share a room?”

She shook her head vigorously, and he smiled, his eyes hooded and sexy as he tilted his head.

He reached out to put a finger under her chin, tilting her gaze to his. Her whole body tingled.



“The way you’ve been looking at me all night makes me think you want me to break my promise,” he said quietly.

She swallowed. He was right. It was far too easy picturing him naked now that she didn’t have her food or the fear of imminent danger to distract her.

He was the best-looking man she’d ever seen.


“I don’t want you to break your promise,” she said.

His lids lowered slightly, and he let out a breath that caressed her shoulders with soft whispers. “Good, because I’m not the type that would ever do it.”

Then he pulled back. “Come on. I’ll show you your room.”

Her legs were shaky as she followed him up the stairs. Ugh, she wanted him. Now that she was full of his amazing cooking and in his amazing house, she couldn’t see any reason why she shouldn’t just get down and beg him now.

The stupid bear inside her was ready to mate.

But the scared human knew it wasn’t possible. She needed to stay distant in order to survive.

He showed her to the end of the hall to a beautifully appointed bedroom. “There are fresh towels in the shower. Anything else you need, you know where to find me.”

She nodded, pressing her lips together.

“Oh, and, Regan?” he asked, his hand on the door handle, his huge, masculine body taking up all the doorframe.

“Yes?” she choked out.

“All you gotta do is beg,” he said. Then he was out with a quick, rakish wink, leaving her furious and horny all at the same time.

She felt the two sides of her warring against each other. Then she ran after him and grabbed the back of his shirt, yanking him back in shock.

He looked at her with surprised eyes, blond hair ruffled, slightly off balance. “What?”

She took a deep breath. Perhaps she couldn’t do the whole commitment thing. But perhaps if she gave her bear just this much, the animal inside her would shut up and let her think. Let her find a way to get back to her old life.

If she just gave it a night with this handsome male bear. Something she’d been wanting and denying herself since the moment she met him.

“I, um…”

“Yes?” he asked, folding his arms and tilting his head cockily.

“I, um… am begging.”

He looked genuinely shocked by that. “Seriously?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Really, really?”

“Dammit, now I’m regretting this,” she said, her face flaming as she turned away.

He caught her by the arms and spun her up against the door, so quick but so gentle it was like being caught in a whirlwind.

He stroked her hair back from her face. “Don’t regret it,” he said.

“Don’t make me regret it,” she replied, already wondering if it was a mistake as he leaned down, his lips heading for her neck.

As he touched the skin there and her whole body sighed in relief, she forgot to worry about regretting it.

She felt like she’d never regret anything less in her life.

Chapter 4

ronson held
her against the door, their bodies so close he could feel her heat, her need, the softness of her breasts brushing against his chest as one hand held her side and the other cupped the small of her back.

He placed a single kiss at the base of her neck, and she let out a soft moan. It was so quiet it was almost a whisper yet so satisfying it lit his desire for her like a furnace, burning for this woman more than he had any other person in his entire life.

Regan would be all his.

Even if it were for just one night.

Caging her in tighter, his lips caressed and kissed over her neck, and her hands found his back as her body responded to him. He moved to her ear, then to her cheek as the flood of pent-up sexual tension that had building between since the first time they’d met started to pour out from behind the dam of his self-control. 

Something about her changed all the rules.

Unexpectedly, Regan jumped off the ground and wrapped her legs around his waist, and Bronson’s grip moved instinctively to hold her soft, generous ass that had been teasing him too long. Glad to be gifted with large hands, he squeezed as he moved her into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him as he went.

In response, Regan arched back, revealing her delicious neck again and the swell of her breasts beneath her tank top. Her gaze came back to his, and the fire in her eyes told him they both had the same thought.

Suddenly, the bed across the room was just too far.

Both of them ravenous, like nomads in the desert stumbling upon an oasis at the same time, Regan pulled off the shirt as Bronson undid the clasp of her bra. As the clothing flew off, he stepped to the cherry wood dresser next to them, setting her on it and sending a small clock tumbling to the floor as his hungry hands found the exposed flesh of her chest.

Her breasts were so perfect, large and round with nipples he could almost hear calling to him, begging for his mouth. 

The more firmly he squeezed, the more tightly her legs pressed into his sides, the more her body arched against the wall behind them, making Bronson harder with each passing second. 

They were a flurry of motion, her hands searching, exploring his body as his thumbs pressed into her nipples, making her scream lightly for just a second. Then, still cupping her breasts with his hands, his tongue came over her nipples, first licking, then sucking hard on them as she gasped from the intensity of it.

There was so much to Regan, so much Bronson wanted to take in and learn about her. Like her scent, a warm vanilla that was distinctly hers. Or the sight of her, eyes closed in ecstasy as he pleasured her breasts, his hands roving over the curves of her belly and hips as he did so.

As Bronson sucked down on one nipple, Regan’s hands dug into his hair, her nails raking over his scalp as she pressed her body more firmly into his mouth, pulling him farther.

At this point, Regan didn’t need words to beg. Her body was doing all the talking for her.

And Bronson was there to listen. 

He continued to lick at her chest as his hands found the zipper of her jeans, pulling it down and exposing just the slightest hint of soft, black panties. He came back up to her, his height towering over her even as she was still seated on the dresser, and claimed her mouth with his own. 

Without even the least hesitation, her mouth opened, seeking his entrance. He obliged immediately, his tongue delving inside and stroking as she moaned against him, her hips rocking slightly.

He ran one hand down her back, feeling the soft curve of it as he found her ass again, and his other hand moved down her stomach and beneath her jeans. Still holding the kiss, their lips sealed together, his finger found her clit and stroked against it, loving the way her body melded to his, so perfect in every way.

Regan’s moaning turned to powerful gasps as she gripped his shoulders tightly. Spurred by the sounds of her desire and the feel of her curves against him, he lifted her off the dresser as his finger went into a rhythmic stroking that had her pushing into it faster and faster in an addictive motion that made Bronson crazy with lust, the bear in him roaring to take her.

Bronson didn’t take even three steps toward the bed before Regan came apart in his arms, curling around him as he held her up, her body rocking with a powerful orgasm. 

He could feel her entire body being shocked with incredible force as he held her, loving the feel of having her come right there against him, in the middle of the room. Even as her body slowly relaxed, he could sense little aftershocks that shook her as he carried her the rest of the way to the huge bed.

“Damn, you know how to overwhelm a girl,” she said, purring with satisfaction as her head pulled away from his shoulder and she looked up at him.

“It’s something about you, something that makes me think about doing things I have no business thinking,” he replied, setting her on the bed. Her hands stretched out to the sides, swimming amongst the soft, plush sheets as she looked up at him, gaze just as fiery as ever.

Somehow, her lying on the bed half naked felt so right. Like she belonged here with him, in his house.

, Bronson could hear a voice calling to him again.

But this was no-commitment. Or was it?

He’d have to figure it out later. Right now, the sight of her like this, shirtless and pants open, was almost too much to handle. The feeling of desire was so overwhelming. 

Bronson pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side, and her eyes lit up even more.

“You don’t do anything halfway, do you?” she asked as he leaned over her, dipping down to kiss her neck.

“Never,” he said, his mouth moving lower and lower down her body, his fingers finding the ends of her pant legs and pulling them off.

“Ugh, ever since I’ve been working there, I’ve been fighting off the stupidest thoughts,” she said, a slight moan leaving her lips as he bit gently down at her shoulder.

“Like?” he asked.

She came close to his ear, her full lips brushing him in a way that made him shudder. “That gorgeous face. You make a girl want to sit on it,” she teased.

Bronson let out a growl. It might have been a joke, but all he knew was it set off a rushing in his veins that could only be calmed by one thing.

With one quick motion, he pulled off her panties as well, leaving her completely bare, so beautiful and wet and ready for him. He could feel himself salivating; she was so close he could almost taste her. 

“Works for me,” Bronson replied as he wrapped his arms around her legs and held them tightly against his thick neck. Then, with one quick motion, he reversed their positions, bringing her above him as he came beneath her, hips directly over his head.

Regan’s eyes opened in shock. Then her mouth quirked in a smile as she raised a disbelieving eyebrow down at him. 

But Bronson couldn’t wait any longer.

He needed to see Regan come again.

Right now.

egan couldn’t believe
the audacity of this man. 

But even more, she couldn’t believe her own body’s response to the things he did. How even the lightest touch sent lightning shooting through her, calling for more and more.

So overwhelming. So much height, so much muscle, so much…

Regan felt Bronson’s tongue caress her clit, and everything in her head disappeared as she was overcome by intense physical pleasure coursing through her veins. 

Bronson’s fingers were already a new degree of sensation for her. This was something else entirely, though.

He licked again, and she felt her own body buck instinctively, both drawn to the pleasure and afraid of the intensity of it at the same time.

As if in answer to her own hidden desires, his hands came around her legs, holding her against him as she felt the tip of his warm tongue slide over her once again. This time, there was nowhere to run from the pleasure as her body came alive in ways and in places she never had thought possible. 

Her hands, free and looking for something, anything, to hold on to, wrapped into her hair as he licked over her again and again, each time the sensation sweeter than the last.

Her spine arched from the sensation of it. Her skin burned with consuming need stronger than anything she’d ever felt before. Her vision blurred as she lost all concept of time and space, everything focused at the place where his head met her hips.

And beneath her, she could see Bronson’s eyes, watching her possessively as he took what he wanted and gave her everything.

This was perhaps the most complex man she’d ever met in her life. Nothing about him was as it seemed. And as he made love to her like this, so shameless, so selfless, she could hear the bear inside her opening up to new possibilities that she’d never considered.

But before that thought could go anywhere else, she felt his wet, firm tongue stroke over her one last time, and every piece of her body felt like it was being burned alive, the pleasure so strong she screamed out wantonly, not knowing what to say so speaking the first words that came off her lips.

“Bronson. Bronson. Bronson…”

As white light continued to shoot through her, making her feel almost surreally out of body from the power of it all, she could sense Bronson there with her. 

Watching her. 

Holding her. 

Wanting her.

Needing her. 

Finally, she caught her breath, and Regan came back to reality, her body relaxed and pleasured almost completely.


Deep inside her, she could still feel a hunger, a want that was foreign and unfamiliar yet completely clear in her mind.

“I want you inside me, Bronson,” she said, the sound of her voice surprisingly hoarse as she looked down at him.

Bronson moved up slightly, her body now resting on his delicious, hard pecs.

“You sure? I don’t want this to go any further than you say,” he said, a hint of caution in his voice, though it was more than obvious his desire for her matched her own.

Taking the initiative, she moved farther down him, enjoying the sight of his perfect, bulging pecs and the long row of abs, reaching for the buckle to his expensive-looking slacks. 

“Is this clear enough?” she said, undoing the buckle and pulling down the zipper of his pants. 

In response, Bronson just gave her a wry smile, looking confident and hot. His normally pristine, blond hair was mussed slightly, adding a hint of rakishness to his usual appearance.

Without hesitation, his hands found her legs, then came around her back. A moment later, before she even knew what had happened, she was on her back again, lying on the bed with Bronson above her, watching her dominantly.

“Then I insist on being the one on top for this,” he growled, sending shivers down her spine.

Regan had no complaints there, and clearly, her body agreed. 

Bronson pulled of his slacks and threw them to the side, giving her a glimpse of the sheer size of his manhood. 

Apparently, all that height and muscle came with something else.

As he pulled off his navy boxer briefs, Regan felt her body’s need for him rise more by the second, curiosity mixed with sheer lust to have a taste for him.

Once he was completely naked, he reached into the back pocket of his pants near them and pulled out a small packet, tearing it open quickly and sheathing a condom over his dick. Regan felt a slight twinge of disappointment, her body acting on instinct, when she remembered they were both bears and they had to be careful having unprotected sex if they didn’t want to be mated permanently.

Touché, Bronson. You would be the responsible one like that, wouldn’t you?

Without waiting any longer, he leaned down over her and positioned himself between her legs. She could feel his tip teasing her, just the slightest hint of the delicious pleasure her entire body was coiled, anticipating to receive. For a moment, Bronson hesitated, pulling her tighter than a wire with want, before sliding in with one incredibly long, satisfying thrust that filled her so deeply she couldn’t tell where he ended and she began. 

Damn. So much better than she’d fantasized about. 

“Oh, Bronson… that’s,” she choked out, trying to say something to distract herself from the rapidly rising pleasure in her but only hearing half-drunk babbling escape her mouth.

Bronson just smiled, a cocky, self-assured smile that showed a side to him she rarely saw, and leaned down closer to her ear, still inside her.

“I’d hold on to something if I were you,” he whispered.

With a smooth movement of his hips, he slid out of her and immediately thrust back in, every ridge of his length making her body scream for more. But this time, he didn’t hesitate and came out and pushed once more in, pounding her with pleasure.

The feeling was so good, so intense she immediately wrapped her arms around him, hands digging into his back for dear life like a cartoon character slowly sliding down the side of a mountain, making cavernous indents as they went.

The orgasm building deep within her was so fathomless, so strong that she was almost afraid to come. But she couldn’t resist as Bronson’s body rocked into her, filling her and leaving her and filling her again, over and over. 

And as he moved, she could feel his muscles bulging from exertion, could hear him grunt as she moaned spontaneously. 

Each thrust was better than the last. Each kiss he placed on her neck more intense as she became more sensitive, hyperaware of even the slightest movement. 

Until it was more than she could take. All of it together, coupled with the perfect rhythm of his body and his iron-hard rod deep inside, was beyond what she could handle. With what felt like an explosion, Regan’s entire body tensed around him, her legs and arms and anything that could grab hold of Bronson doing exactly that, followed by shocks of incredible strength coursing through her.

A split second later, she felt Bronson jerk inside her, which only further stoked the waves of pleasure crashing through her. Over and over she came, so hard she couldn’t tell if it was all one orgasm or a string of so many small ones she couldn’t count them. 

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