Bear to the Rescue (Bear Claw Security Book 3) (13 page)

Read Bear to the Rescue (Bear Claw Security Book 3) Online

Authors: Terry Bolryder

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Multicultural, #Paranormal, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Werewolves & Shifters

Chapter 15

he’d come for him
. Somehow, Regan had forgiven him and come for him. He was touched and a little embarrassed at the same time. But he didn’t have time to analyze the emotion as he watched in terror as his little black bear mate tackled a much bigger lady bear to the ground.

He grinned as he saw Regan deliver the first blow, then another, as the other woman staggered and then tried to escape.

That was his woman.

He tugged at the cuffs on him but couldn’t pull them loose. They’d already lost him when he was younger, and they didn’t look like they were going to take any chances this time.

He groaned at being the damsel in distress, but he had to admit he couldn’t have a hotter rescuer.

His head still pounded from whatever they’d hit him with. But he’d understood fully what the evil bitch who kidnapped him had been saying.

They had his brother and were holding him as bait. Apparently, they’d been watching him for some time, but Michelle had been willing to wait, as long as it didn’t look like he was showing interest in a mate. When she’d been informed he was watching one of his employees, a female bear, too closely, she’d started attacking them. Hoping to scare away Regan.

Well, that had backfired.

He stared wide-eyed at the fight in front of him, praying his friends knew to show up before the guards downstairs heard what was happening.

Regan was holding her own against a she-bear, but what could she do against armed guards who knew how to take down shifters?

He pulled at his bonds again, just as the door burst open.

“Regan, look out!” he shouted, trying to get her attention so she could run. “Get out! Just leave!”

She sent him an angry bear glare that told him exactly what she thought of that idea, but then a man burst through the door, gun aimed directly at her as she held the lady bear by the neck, growling and refusing to let go.

His heart ached as he watched the other man point the weapon. He was dead if he hurt Regan.

But just as the man stepped forward, ready to pull the trigger, a whooshing noise and then a thud sounded, and the man staggered forward, looking at his chest where a bolt protruded.

The man looked shocked as he was downed, and he sent Bronson a look of rage as he fell forward onto the ground.

Then all hell broke loose just outside the door, and Bronson looked desperately over at Regan to make sure she was okay. That was all that mattered.

He shouldn’t have run off on her. He’d panicked about his family, but he should have taken time to explain.

He still didn’t know why she’d even followed him. But he knew if she hadn’t, if she’d stayed in the office, pouting and mad, she might have been too late. And Michelle might have claimed him.

The thought was chilling.

“Regan, it’s okay. She’s done,” he said as he watched Michelle’s bear hanging limply by the scruff. The woman wasn’t dead, but she was definitely done fighting, letting out little whines of protest and surrender.

Regan glared at Bronson, ready to go in for the kill.

Bronson sighed. “I know. But she needs to get caught and exposed. We can’t do that if she’s dead, right?”

Regan slowly released her hold on the other bear, and it slumped to the ground, paws over her head pitifully.

Regan let out a snort and trotted over to Bronson just as the door opened wide and Limes strode in, carrying one of Hercules’s crossbows on his shoulder.

“Forgot how fun these were,” he said, glancing around the room. When his eyes landed on Bronson, he raised a sardonic eyebrow. “Am I interrupting something?”

Bronson groaned. “Shut up and untie me.”

“I don’t know,” Limes said. “I feel like anyone who comes near you is going to get it from that lady bear.” He looked at Regan, who still seemed half feral.

Another man came through the door; this one was like looking into a mirror.

Mark, his brother.

Bronson gaped at him, and Mark gaped back. Bronson forced himself to calm down, despite the situation. “Long time no see.”

Mark just stared at him. “We have a lot to talk about.” He wore a tailored suit like their dad often did and was the spitting image of him in demeanor. But there was also a softness to him their dad never had.

Bronson had missed him.

“Sorry to break up this reunion,” Hercules said, pushing his way in as he also slung a crossbow over his shoulder and walked toward Bronson. “But we gotta get out of here before help arrives for the other side.”

“Take her,” Mark said, pointing at Michelle’s prone bear form. “And wrap her up. She’s about to shift, and no one wants to see

“Nope,” Bronson agreed, locking eyes with his brother. “She didn’t do anything, did she?”

“Hell no,” Mark said, rolling his eyes. “Give me some credit. I’ve been running Dad’s company for the past ten years. I think I can handle a rogue she-bear. I was about to escape before your guys showed up.”

Regan crept over to Bronson and rested her head on his arm. “Mark, meet Regan. Regan, meet—”

Hercules let out a groan. “Didn’t I just say we needed to go?” He finished breaking the links on Bronson’s chains with some pliers he’d pulled from his pocket and then reached out a hand to pull the other man up.

Bronson put an arm around Hercules as they walked out of the room and down the steps into the main hall. Regan followed behind, staying in bear form and on guard.

Did this mean he could hope she had accepted him? She wouldn’t do this for just anyone, right? And she wouldn’t do it for a man she was mad at?

She’d decimated that she-bear with all the rage of an offended mate.

He could hope, anyway. It was what he’d been doing since he’d met Regan, and he didn’t mean to stop now.

As they walked out, they passed men with various bolts sticking out of them, the work of Hercules and Limes, who apparently had been content to play with their food. Hercules hated killing and liked that his bows could put people down without blasting them apart.

Bronson sighed and stepped over the groaning men who would probably regain consciousness soon.

As they got outside, he saw that Limes had brought his truck, and Hercules was pulling him toward it.

He looked down the hill and saw his Charger parked off the side. Regan must have brought it. He pushed off of Hercules slightly, long enough to take off his shirt, and Limes gave him a weird look.

“Strip show?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “You still drugged?”

“For Regan, dumbass,” Bronson said, holding it out to Hercules. “Can you take it to her?”

He heard his brother laughing in the background but let Limes help him into the truck as Hercules went to Regan.

“And turn around while she shifts!” he shouted, not that he needed to. Herc would be a gentleman.

He looked for his brother, who walked up. “Where’s Michelle?”

“In the bed of the truck. Tied down, in bear form.”

“Good,” Bronson muttered. “Can you drive back with Regan?”

“You trust me?” Mark asked, looking taken aback.

“You’re my brother, right?”

Mark bit his lip and looked away. “Of course.” He took a step back, shoving his hands into his suit pockets. “I’ll make sure she gets home safe.”

“Hey, you might make a good bodyguard someday,” Bronson said.

Mark flashed a crooked grin at him. “Know of any openings?”

Bronson felt something light up inside him. Work with his brother? “Hell yes.”

“Good,” Mark said. “Because after this, I’m done with Dad.”

Bronson nodded, looking over to see Regan had shifted and changed into his shirt, and Hercules was turned away, a blush on his face just at the situation in general.

The next second, Regan darted out from behind him and ran over to the truck. “I’m going with you,” she said.

“There’s no room in the truck,” he said. “You won’t be comfortable.”

“I’m going with you,” she said again.

Limes laughed. “I saw what happened to the last bear who pissed her off. No way I’m telling her no.”

Mark laughed and took Bronson’s keys. “I’ll get your car home. You hug your mate. If I had a woman that would scale a building to rescue me, I’d never let go.”

Bronson laughed and hugged Regan close as she let out a little growl.

“What were you doing just lunging in like that?” he asked, still amazed.

“What were you doing running off to get kidnapped?” she asked, shaking her head as her hand found his chest. Luckily, his shirt was giant on her, enough to function as a dress. Still, he put his arms around her, shielding her from view.

“All right, lovebirds,” Limes said, shutting the door to the cab and waiting for Mark to pull out and Hercules to get in the passenger side. “Let’s get out of here safe before you start mushing all over me.”

“You wish,” Bronson said.

Limes snorted. “Well, you did look pretty sexy tied to that bed.”

Bronson opened his mouth to retort, but Regan giggled. “Yeah, a bit.”

He shut his mouth and sat back, content to just hold her, no matter what jabs Limes threw his way.

“I’m sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion,” she said quietly, holding his hand as the truck pulled out over bumping forest road.

“It’s fine,” he said. “Everyone would have. I’m sorry I freaked out.”

“It’s fine. It’s been tough on you, too,” she said.

“Okay, so truce?” he asked, extending a pinky.

“Truce,” she said. “If you mate me.”

“Really?” he asked, his eyes widening as her jade irises avoided his.

“Yes,” she said, finally looking up at him. She sighed. “After all, if I wait, another she-bear might take you.” She ran a finger over his chest. “You
pretty sexy.”

Bronson let out a booming laugh and tickled her side, making her screech in protest. Then he just sat back with her in his arms, stroking her curls and thinking maybe everything he’d been through was worth it if it ended with being with her.

imes and Hercules
dropped Bronson off with Regan at his house and went back to take Michelle to the regional shifter authorities, who would know what to do from there. Different species answered to different tribunals, but all were overseen by the dragons, who worked in pairs to deal with those who went above and beyond in the “bad” category.

Bronson was just relieved to be home with his mate. Soon-to-be mate.

The tranquilizer they’d used on him was finally wearing off all the way, and now that they were alone, he could fully feel the excitement of Regan finally agreeing to be his. What a journey it had been.

She was still wearing his shirt, though she walked ahead of him into the bedroom to put on some of her own clothing.

If he didn’t know they both needed food and a rest, he’d have told her not to bother. After all, he was going to strip everything off of her soon enough anyway.

He grinned to himself, rubbing his wrists where they’d been chained as he looked up to see her coming out of the bedroom in soft-blue, plaid pajama pants and a blue tee. She looked nervous, one arm straight at her side, the other crossing her body to hold her elbow, and she cocked her head as she appraised his position at the counter.

“You hungry?” he asked.

She nodded, green eyes glowing softly. “You bet.”

He smiled and pushed himself up, but she put a hand out and crossed in front of him over the fridge.

“I got it this time,” she said. “You rest.”

“I can still—”

She gave him a smirk. “You’re going to need your energy.


He sat back on the chair, allowing himself to relax. They were both safe. They’d eliminated the main danger, and if anyone else came after her for her hacking, he’d be by her side all the time, watching out for her.

“So you’re going to bring your brother into the business?” she asked as she pulled a plate of leftover pancakes from the fridge and began heating them.

“Yeah,” he replied. “If nothing else, he can help with the business end. But since he has my size, he should be an excellent prospect for bodyguarding.”

“It’s really weird seeing someone who looks so much like you,” she said, shaking her head. “At the same time, as soon as I saw him in person, I could see the differences in demeanor. The way you hold your faces.” She shrugged. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t handle it better,” he said. “I guess seeing her just brought a bunch of things back, and I wasn’t thinking straight.”

“Well, that and I was torturing your bear with my lack of commitment,” she said, handing him a plate along with butter and syrup for him to use as he wished. She pulled a yogurt out of the fridge and ate that instead.

“That you were,” he said. “You definitely don’t make it easy.”

She nodded. “Not on myself, either.” She licked the yogurt spoon in a way that made him twitch. “I think I knew you were my mate on a subconscious level long before I admitted it on a conscious one. That’s probably why I gave you such a hard time.” She put aside her yogurt. “You know, it’s funny. Sometimes you have this perfect plan for your life, and it just doesn’t go that way at all.”

He reached over the counter and took her hand, pulling her around to sit on his lap so he could wrap his arms around her. The pancakes still smelled amazing, but she smelled even better.

He rested his nose in her short curls and sighed.

“Stop that,” she said, giggling. “You need to eat.”

“I need you,” he said. “I can eat later.”

She looked up into his eyes seriously. “You’ve been through a lot. Are you sure you want to do it now?”

“I thought you insisted,” he said, narrowing his eyes, hoping she wasn’t going back out on what she’d promised.

“Of course,” she said. “I can hardly wait. But once we got home and I thought about what you’ve really dealt with so far today, I didn’t know if it would be right. I mean, that woman…”

He tilted up her chin, bringing her lips closer to his. “Erase her,” he said. “If she was close, then get closer.”

She pressed her lips together. “I wanted to kill her.”

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