Beautiful Storm (28 page)

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Authors: Megan Isaacs

“Oh, sure. I looked like a whale.” It’s an automatic response, but his tenderness is undoing me.

“Whales are beautiful, majestic, and graceful.” His eyes lock onto me, as tears brim and threaten to fall from mine.

“I’m so sorry.” I choke the words out. The emotions he’s inducing in me overpower all my senses. If I said ‘sorry’ every day for the rest of my life, it would still not be enough. It will never ease the guilt I carry.

“Hey.” His thumb rubs over my cheek, sweeping away the tears, which have begun to fall. “It doesn’t matter now. You’re here. You’re safe. If I had to choose between keeping you both safe and my feelings, your safety would win every time. You made the right choice. If you’d told me, I would’ve come for you. No matter what. I understand why you didn’t want that.”

My tears fall harder, trailing down my heated cheeks. I have waited so long for his forgiveness. I’ve tormented myself for years thinking I’d never hear it. That I didn’t deserve it. For him to understand, even if just a fraction, humbles me.

His glowing eyes search my face. “I love you. You’re my fucking everything. Don’t ever forget it.” The conviction in his words reinforces the look in his eyes. Strong arms wrap around me and bring me to rest on his chest.

“This tattoo’s new.” My fingers start to trace the ink covering his left pec.

“Yeah.” His lazy smile graces his lips, and he hardens against my thigh. I sigh against his skin, sending a shockwave of goose bumps across his chest. “Keep that shit up and I’m tying you to the bed, and fucking you to within an inch of your life. As I recall, I promised to make love to you next time, so you better move. Your soft touch is killing me.” His low, gravelly voice rumbles under my ear, accompanied by the thud of his heart.

One of his hands slaps down on my bum cheek causing it to sting in pleasure. “Get that pretty arse up, I’ve got my son to meet.” On the last words, his voice cracks a little.

Raising my head from his chest, I gaze into his eyes. Expecting to find the hurt I’ve seen for the last week or so, my breath catches when I see nothing but pure happiness. The dark hazel glows almost amber with the light that shines in them. I fight to pull my gaze away from his, and slide my body over him to get up.

He relaxes back on his bed, left hand behind his head, and the right resting across his perfect six-pack. One leg raised and one straight. His thick erection is still hard and lies proudly against his lower abdomen, tempting me in a way which has me clenching in anticipation. I force myself to look away to find my underwear as his eyes burn into me.

“What are your plans now?” His husky after-sex lilt is still present in his voice.

I stare back at him, fighting the urge to climb back on top, and slip one leg into my knickers followed by the other. Noah gives me confidence in my body; something only he manages to produce. “What do you mean by plans?”

Turning away from him again, I locate my bra on the floor and bend to pick it up.

“Where are you both going to live?”

“I was planning on staying with Layla for a bit, then I’m going to buy a house.” Straightening up, I pull my arms through the straps and fasten my bra at the back. I hear rustling behind me, and my whole body jumps from sated to hyperaware. His breath washes over my neck as his huge hands rest on my hips and tug me back to him. Every hard inch of him presses up against me. I resist the urge to rub myself against him as heat pools between my thighs.

“Like fuck you are. If you think you’re living anywhere but here, you’re sadly fucking mistaken.” His low-spoken command allows for no argument.

His lips press to my neck and he sucks against it, and I can’t find any words. My body, already enflamed from his previous delicious torture, shudders against him. One of his hands moves from my hip and up across to my breast, where he pinches and rolls the hard nub between his thumb and forefinger. The other dips into my knickers and his large finger lazily strokes against my slickness. I almost convulse on the spot as he sinks into me, my knees giving way as he holds me against him.

“Mmm,” he whispers in my ear, setting fire to my entire being with the vibration. “This hot, wet pussy is
. You will be in my house, in this bed to fuck, touch, and taste, whenever the fuck I want.” He’s masculine, dominating, and it’s turning me on.

He nips on my earlobe, his hot tongue strokes at the tender spot beneath it. I can’t think straight. Withdrawing his finger from me, he runs the moisture across my lips before spinning me around and branding my mouth with his. A groan emanates from his chest and I know I’ve lost the argument before it’s begun.

Pulling away, he has his cocky half grin on full wattage. “Got that?” The arrogant arse slaps my bottom again and strides off, chuckling, out of the bedroom. Breathless and speechless, all I can do is watch him leave, with a smile on my lips.

Just before the sound of the shower running hits my ears, there’s an electric buzz, and his bedroom is filled with music. Raising my hand to my mouth, I collapse on the bed as I try to choke back the tears. It’s playing Nickelback’s
I’d Come for You

Noah stands with his hed down, hands in his pockets, and his shoulders hunched. We have been standing side by side outside of Boo’s for the last five minutes, while he builds up the courage to meet Kai. I give him a quick once-over. Vulnerable Noah is a sight to behold. Usually oozing with masculine confidence and domineering power, the soft, unsure side is a vast contrast and melts my heart even further.

“What if he doesn’t like me?” The apprehension in his deep voice is astonishing. My great big grizzly man is terrified of a two-year-old. I’d laugh at him for being ridiculous, but I don’t think it’d go down too well at the minute. Instead, I lean into his side and speak softly.

“He’ll love you. I just hope you love him half as much.” Attempting to calm his nervousness, I lay a hand on his arm.

His head whips up and there’s fire in his eyes. “I already do.”

Removing his hands from his pockets, he runs them over his head, making me smile. I take the opportunity to pacify him further. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I gaze up into his beautiful eyes, which look so much like our son’s. He’s so out of his depth, he doesn’t realise the moment he walks through the door every fear he holds will be wiped away.

At least I hope.

Pushing myself up onto my tiptoes, I place a small kiss on his lips and pull away a fraction. One of his hands immediately reaches up and cups the nape of my neck, drawing me closer, while the other flexes against my waist. I surrender to him and let him take what he needs. My senses are engulfed by everything that is him. His musky aftershave and fabric softener combine with the tiniest hint of engine oil on his skin. The frenzied connection slows to tender, then he pulls away. His eyes are molten and I know I’ve achieved my objective, he’s distracted.

I unwrap my arms from around him and take one of his large hands in mine. He looks down at them entwined with each other and then back to my face. His eyes flicker with an emotion I can’t quite place. Then, without any words, he nods his head and walks with me into the house.

When we enter the kitchen, the grip on my hand tightens, and I feel him go rigid. Ted is sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. The voice of Boo playing with a squealing and giggly Kai drifts into the room. I smile at the sound.

As I look back at Noah, his face is set in a murderous rage directed at Ted. When I glance over at Ted, his eyes have widened, but he dips his head in acknowledgement at Noah’s expression. Whatever they have just silently communicated to each other calms Noah’s features, and as he turns to look at me, the cold expression disappears. A soft, nervous smile takes its place and I want to jump into his arms. Instead I place a kiss onto his chin.

“Just give me a minute?”

He hesitates as if he wants to argue with me, but then agrees.

As I stride out of the kitchen, Noah’s voice rumbles as he starts talking to Ted. “You need to explain yourself, mate. And you better make it fucking good.”

I decide I better give him five minutes, at least, so they can sort out whatever’s going on between them.

Walking into the lounge, I’m met with Boo crawling around on hands and knees with Kai attached to her back, as she makes silly dog noises.

I stifle a chuckle. “Hmm, that’s a good look you’ve got going there. You’d better get up before Ted comes in and takes that as an invitation.”

She swings around and Kai almost topples off, laughing his little head off. I bend down and lift him from her back, and he wraps himself around me like a limpet. I give him a kiss as Boo gets up off the floor and wraps us both in a hug.

“Nothing he’s not already had today,” she whispers in my ear. Straightening up, she asks, “You good?”

She pulls back and I give her a shy smile, indicating towards the kitchen with my head. “Yeah, he’s here. Thanks for looking after Kai for me.”

Squealing, she squashes us both in her arms again. “Thank fu— The heavens for that. And it was a pleasure. I’ve missed him.”

I chuckle as she releases us again and starts her barrage of questions. “Where’d you find him? How’d he take it? Did you two make up?”

I interrupt her before she goes where I know she’s going with this line of questioning. “He’s nervous as hell. Do you think you could take Ted out somewhere?” I sigh, feeling guilty. After all, this is her house. “I promise I’ll answer all your questions but… I don’t think he needs an audience for this.”

“Oh, I think I can manage that,” she says with a smile. “But you better tell me everything. I’ve been waiting years for this.”

Kai wiggles in my arms and tugs on my hair. “Mu-mum, ‘ars.”

“Okay, poppet.” I give him another kiss, place him down, and he wanders off to play.

Then I turn my attention back to Boo. “Yeah, so have I.” As I glance at my friend, her eyes fill with tears. “Don’t start, you’ll set me off.”

“It’s just I know you have, hun. I’m so happy for you.”

We’re distracted by raised voices in the kitchen, followed by a crash. We eye each other then burst out laughing. “Better go save them from themselves,” I mutter. Taking a quick glance at Kai to make sure he’s safe, I nod and follow Boo out of the room.

The scene that greets us is not quite what we were expecting. Noah and Ted are hugging. They slap each other on the back and break apart. Ted rubs his jaw with his fingers as Noah smirks at him, and then tries to hide the fact he’s rubbing his own knuckles. They both turn to stare at us, innocent looks gracing their faces.

Guess the guys have made up.

Boo goes and grabs hold of Ted’s hand. “Come on, handsome. You’re taking me down the new wine bar for a drink.” I can see the protest coming in his eyes and his brows pinch, but she cuts him off with a glare. “We can get some ice for that glass jaw of yours, too.” She smirks at him.

“You’ll pay for that.” He dips, grabs her around the waist, and lifts her onto his shoulder.

With Boo squealing and yelling, a chuckling Ted carries her out the door, and I turn around to find Noah missing.

What the hell?

I pace into the hallway but come to a halt when I see him standing in the doorway to the lounge. Tension is evident across his stiff shoulders, and I’m desperate to see his face. With a pounding heart, I will myself forward. Coming up behind him, I place a hand on his arm. His gorgeous head turns and his eyes find mine. The burn in them is something new, something I’ve never seen before, and reserved only for the little boy playing cars on the floor.

“Go on, I’ll wait here.” I manage to croak out the words, my emotions going off the scale. I’ve dreamed of this day so many times over the years, but I never dared hope it would ever happen. In front of me, my dreams are coming true.

He pulls his eyes from mine and takes a deep breath. When he steps into the room, Kai turns to look at him, and a smile so similar to Noah’s lights his face.

“Hey, little man.” Noah’s deep voice, choked with emotion, flows into my ears and I can’t see anything else, as tears run freely down my face. This is all I ever wanted. This is how it always should have been.

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