Because This Is Forever (11 page)

Read Because This Is Forever Online

Authors: Lena Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

you and Daddy still mad at me?”

looked at her son, the earnest expression on his round face tugged at her
heart. Nate had been withdrawn all evening and she wondered if she had made a
big deal over nothing. She certainly had with the grasshopper. Now that she had
time to get over her repulsion, it hadn’t been something worth building an
argument over.

baby, I’m not mad at you,” Mia said, pulling him to her for a quick hug. “And
neither is Daddy. We just had a disagreement that’s all.”

son looked up at her, his eyes still solemn. “I’m sorry I used the bad word. I
didn’t mean to. It just came out.”

know you didn’t mean to, baby,” she said, smiling down at him. Though a foul
mouth wasn’t something Mia wanted to encourage, Mikey had certainly heard
plenty from her and Leah when their conversations became heated and they didn’t
think he was around. She realized now, with Nate, she had blown this out of
proportion. They were all new to this situation. It hadn’t been fair for her to
judge him on his parenting mishaps. He was trying and she should appreciate that.
Mia was filled with a lot of should haves.

on,” Mia said, “let’s get you in bed.”

As Mikey
scrambled into the bed, she pulled out his big book of bedtime stories. “What
story do you want to read tonight?” she asked, sitting on the bed as she flipped
through the pages.

“Can Daddy
read with me tonight?” Her son surprised her by asking.

eager request made her smile and she flipped the book shut. Sunday nights were
their reading nights together but she couldn’t begrudge her son for wanting to
spend more time with his dad. Father and son were both growing an attachment
she didn’t want to break.

I’ll ask him.” She placed a soft kiss on his forehead then left the room. The
door to Nate’s office stood ajar. She headed toward the end of the hall and peered
inside. He looked so alone, sitting there behind his desk in the large room by

was on the computer screen held his full attention and for a moment, she stood
there watching him. It was like a self-imposed isolation he’d created for
himself. Not just the office but the entire condo. Mia wanted to change that.
She wanted to pierce through his aloof wall, through the solitary shield he had
built around himself.

He looked
up suddenly. Mia started. She pushed the door wide open and walked in. His eyes
were unreadable as she approached him.

for bothering you,” she rushed out, trying to cover her embarrassment for being
caught peeping. “Your son’s asking for you.”

immediately rose from his seat. “Is he okay?”

Mia assured him, handing him the book of bedtime stories. “He just wants you to
read to him tonight.”

looked a bit surprised, but took the book from her grasp. “All right.”

As he
headed toward the door, Mia called out to him, “By the way, he thought you were
mad at him so you may want to talk to him about that.”

turned to her, frowning. “Why would he think that?”

glanced away. “I think it may have something to do with what happened earlier,
when I made a big deal out of nothing.”

stared at her for a moment. Mia hoped he could read the apology in her words. Instead,
he simply nodded and headed out the door.

sighed then left his office. She didn’t know how they were going to last the
entire summer if they continued like this.

wasn’t used to this co-parenting. She certainly wasn’t accustomed to granting
anyone else an opinion about how to raise her son. Her mother and Leah had
learned early on that she had the final say on how to raise him. With Nate, however,
it was different. Mikey was his too.

went into the bedroom and began unpacking her things. Having to dig through her
luggage for toiletries and underwear was starting to get old. Since they were
going to stay a while longer, she decided to make herself comfortable, which
would require some changes around the condo.

finished her unpacking, she sat in the living room, adding to the list of
things she’d asked her sister to ship. A few minutes later, Nate joined her.

asleep now,” Nate said, falling onto the sofa beside her.

glanced over at him, smiling. “Was it that rough?”

sighed, though a small smile formed on his lips. “He kept begging me to read
him another story. I didn’t have the heart to say no.”

Mia nodded,
all too familiar with her son’s puppy-dog expression. She guessed she should
have warned Nate but then he would miss out on the fun of learning their son’s
mischievous ways himself.

of a sudden, he lost his easy smile. “Look, about earlier,” he started. “I’m
sorry I—”

she interrupted him. “I need to apologize. I was over the top today and shouldn’t
have attacked you like that.”

sat forward in his seat and ran his hand through his hair. “This is all new to
me so when it comes to Mikey, I want us to be a team. I don’t know what kind of
father I’ll be, but I’ll try my hardest to be the best I can.”

His affirmation
seemed to come from someplace deeper than their mere argument. Who was he
comparing himself to?

some reason, the need to reach out to him, to comfort him was too great for her
to ignore. “Nate, you’ve been a father for two days and I think you’re doing
great,” she whispered, touching his arm. “Half of being a parent is trial and
error. Today, it was error on both our parts.”

muscles in his forearm tensed and he looked over at her. She immediately pulled
her hand away. Awkward silence settled between them for a moment. Then he glanced
down at the notepad on her lap.

are you writing there?” he asked.

list of things I’m gonna have Leah ship for us. Is it cool if she sends them

stared at her, incredulous. “Of course, it’s cool. Mia, I want you to feel
comfortable here,” he added quietly.

glanced away, feeling silly. She didn’t know why she’d asked that, of course he
wouldn’t object, but this was
home and she didn’t want to assume anything.

“I do…”
she whispered.

he prompted.

looked up at him. “This is your home. I don’t want to overstep my welcome here.”

“You won’t,”
he said, looking at her intensely. “You’re the mother of my son. Think of this
as your second home.”

glanced around the beautifully maintained condo. It was hard to believe just
two days ago she had walked in here, not knowing what to expect. Now she was
thinking up ways to make this place
like a home. And she had just the idea. She would just need to enlist her
sister’s help to accomplish what she had in mind.

you won’t mind if I make a few changes around here?” she asked cautiously. “Maybe
a little redecorating?”

right ahead,” he said. Then he added with a grin, “Just please, no pink. I have
to live here too.”

smiled back. “I promise I won’t go crazy. But how do you feel about coral?”




next morning, Mia was rudely awakened by the bedside alarm. She turned at the
harsh sound and pounded at the thin, black clock until the annoying sound stopped.

It was
a little after six in the morning. Her sleep fatigued mind was barely
functional as she rolled out of the large bed and padded down the hall to the
living room. The shades on the windows were drawn, letting in a little of the
soft morning light.

found Nate in the same place she had left him last night. This was his third
night sleeping on the sofa, and he had to be feeling it by now. He was
obviously too tall for the couch. His feet practically hung over the side. Last
night she had insisted he take his bed back and she would just sleep with Mikey
but again he had refused.

walked up to the sofa where he slept on his stomach. He was naked except for
the navy blue boxers he wore that were exposed through the thin sheet barely
covering him. Mia couldn’t help but admire the firm sinew of his back. Memories
of stroking and clinging to his muscular frame as he moved over her flooded her

mouth grew dry and she flushed all over from the erotically vivid memory.

thinking, she ran her fingers through his hair. “Nate,” she whispered softly.
“Wake up.” At her light touch and soft command, he slowly turned his head with
a grunt. “What time is it?” His voice was gruff from sleep.

alarm went off in the bedroom,” she replied. “So I guess it’s time for work?”

sat up with another groan, rubbing his neck. Even with his mussed hair and
unshaven face, he looked impossibly handsome.

can’t keep sleeping out here like this,” she whispered, crawling on the couch
until she was slightly behind him. With her legs tucked beneath her, she placed
her hands on his shoulders and began firmly kneading his tense muscles. She was
a bit amazed by her boldness but his half-sleep state made it easier.

He leaned
his head forward and groaned with what she hoped was pleasure. “I forgot how
good those hands were.”

Mia smiled,
enjoying the feel of his muscles easing beneath her fingers. His shoulders were
broader then she remembered. The heat radiating from him was as soothing as it was
magnetic. She wanted to press her body fully against his and absorb his heat.

hands faltered as she gave herself a mental slap and slammed the door shut on
those dangerous thoughts.

She concentrated
on the familiarity of her movements, remembering all of his pressure points.

you seeing anyone?”

both tensed at her unexpectedly blunt question. Heat rushed to her cheeks.
Where the hell did that come from?

dropped her hands as he turned to face her. She glanced away, too embarrassed
to look at him.

sorry,” she whispered. “That’s none of my business. You don’t—”

he said, voice low and warm. “I’m not seeing anyone.”

brought her eyes up to his.


shook her head, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. They sat there staring
at each other, his heated gaze pierced hers then dropped to her lips and she
unconsciously licked them. His eyes got the same dark look they usually did
before he kissed her. Mia’s breath hitched as she remembered and anticipated
his mouth over hers again.

didn’t move a muscle as he slowly, gently brought his hand up to the side of
her face and down the back of her neck. He leaned forward, his eyes hooded yet
focused intently on her mouth. She lowered her lids, as the heat from his lips
hovered mere inches from hers and she waited with bated anticipation for the
warm touch of his…


both jumped back, startled by their tiny, bed-rumpled intrusion. Mia exhaled
softly, though tension still kept a strong grip on her. She got up from the
couch and turned to their son, acutely aware of the simple yellow nightshirt
she wore with a faded rose printed on the front.


hungry,” he said, coming up to her. He rested his head on her tummy and Mia
brushed her fingers through his hair.

go brush your teeth and I’ll make you some cereal.”

moved away from her to give Nate a quick hug. “Can Daddy have some too?”

glanced over at Nate, who returned her look with big, woeful eyes. “Pretty
please,” he said for added effect. “I’ve been good.”

laughed, shaking her head in exasperation.


* * * *

you sure he’s yours?”

Fred. I’m sure,” Nate snapped, glaring at his friend. He had asked Fred to
lunch to tell him about the son he’d only found out about just a few short days
ago. He’d purposely left out the arrangement he’d made with Mia in exchange for
keeping Mikey for the summer. Fred, however, had always been sharp.

not trying to insult her,” Fred said in defense, “but it wouldn’t be the first
time a woman tried to pawn off a kid for a big payout.”

“Mia’s not like that,” Nate said. “And it’s
hard to explain but if you saw him, you wouldn’t even be asking.”

sat back in his seat. “Then when can I meet the little guy?”

recognized the familiar calculating look on Fred’s face and regarded him coldly.
“I’m not gonna parade him around for your curiosity or approval,” he said

not like that,” Fred said with a heavy sigh. “I don’t mean to come off so
suspicious but this is just sudden news. However, if he’s yours then he’s
automatically a part of my family too.”

relaxed slightly. Fred was a trusted friend. The fact that Nate had told his
old friend about Mikey before he’d even told his own father said as much. But
when it came to Mikey and Mia, Nate would be damned if he’d let anyone so much
as hurt their feelings. Before he brought anyone near them, he wanted to be
sure they wouldn’t be subject to judgment or scorn. One of the main reasons he would
wait to tell his father.

don’t you all come by for dinner this weekend?” Fred suggested. “I’m sure
Allison would love the visit.”

talk to Mia about it and let you know.”

that night, Nate brought it up to Mia while she hurried around the kitchen.

an old family friend,” Nate added. “I think Mikey will like him.”

likes everyone,” she said, smiling. “But yes, I think dinner would be fun.” Then
she glanced up at him and added, “If you’re sure you’re cool with it.”

Nate stared
at her curiously. Once again, she had that uncertain look on her face. The same
one she’d had when he’d told her about the company picnic and hinted at her and
Mikey going.

wouldn’t I be?” he eventually asked.

shrugged, turning back to a boiling pot. “I just don’t want things to turn
awkward when we...”


The unspoken
word lay heavy between them. He had two months with Mikey—and with her—yet
their inevitable departure seemed to be looming over him relentlessly. A
departure she seemed hell-bent on reminding him of constantly—like now.

let Fred know to expect us,” Nate simply said.

nodded and looked away, bringing her focus back to the stove.

watched her for a moment. He loved the graceful way she moved around the
kitchen. Just the way she moved, period. She was a lithe blend of elegance and
confidence, and the way she breezed around his kitchen was as if she’d been
there for years instead of just three days. His kitchen utensils hadn’t seen
this much activity since he’d moved in three years ago. The interior decorator he’d
hired had seen to the condo’s furnishing and had made sure the kitchen was well

remembered the astonished yet impressed look Mia had thrown him when she’d walked
into the kitchen to find it well-stocked with brand-new cooking utensils, the
kind professionals used. He had simply shrugged and said, “They’re ornamental.”
Well aware of his hazardous cooking skills, they both shared a laugh.

utensils were now, however, being put to good use. He loved the aroma that
filled the condo each night from her cooking. Her meals tended to be simple for
Mikey’s sake but it certainly beat eating pre-packaged meals and take-out each

glanced up when he continued to stand there, watching her. A sparkle flashed in
her eyes. “You look like you’re dying to help,” she said, grinning. “Why don’t
you come here and mash these for me.”

smiled and rolled up his sleeves. “Yes, ma’am.”

He began
mashing the tender potatoes as she instructed. “What are you making?” he asked
when she brought out the milk and butter.


looked at the potatoes that were beginning to look like lumpy vanilla ice
cream. “Never had it before,” he said thoughtfully.

glanced up at him, laughing silently. “Really? Good. Then you won’t judge me
for using beef instead of lamb.”

judgment here,” he said. “But will Mikey eat it?” He was becoming familiar with
his son’s obscure eating habits.

nodded. “I think he’s back to eating meat, but no more chicken. I also add
cheese in the potatoes and he loves it.”

Nate watched
as she began layering the cooked ground meat and other ingredients into a large
glass dish. He set his bowl aside, confident he had mashed the potatoes into
submission. She reached for it and glanced into the bowl.

“Is that
good?” he asked.

must have detected the eager-to-please note in his question because she turned and
smiled up at him. “It’s perfect,” she said. “Congratulations, you just made mashed

Nate laughed.
“I don’t know where you get this idea that I can’t cook.”

She chuckled,
mashing them a few more times before spreading the potatoes over the cooked

He smiled,
enjoying the moment of being there with her. There was something about food and
heat that brought on a special kind of intimacy. He was more aware of her now than
he had been this morning on the couch.

The memory
of her kneading and rubbing his tense muscles this morning came rushing back to
him. He had never been so aroused. Her soft hands had been creating tension in
other places.

feeling of those soft hands on his bare skin had been divine and her nearness
had made it impossibly difficult not to touch her. She had felt the tug of
attraction too or else she would have pulled away when he’d gone to kiss her.
Instead, their son and his impeccable timing had put a stop to that.

bent over to slide the dish into the oven and he admired the view. She was
dressed plainly in a long, pale blue skirt and white cami yet he couldn’t tear
his eyes away. She was sexier to him now more than ever. He wanted her but that
was nothing new. He had always wanted her.

She moved
to the sink to wash up the few dishes left inside. Propelled by a force he
couldn’t control, Nate walked up behind her and slipped his arm around her
middle. She jumped slightly then stilled. The feel of her pressed against him was
overly stimulating. He inhaled deeply, her light, sweet scent drew him like a bee
to nectar.

turned off the faucet and placed her wet hand over his. He tightened his hold,
pulling her closer to him.

Her soft whisper was either a question or a plea. He couldn’t tell and it
didn’t matter. He was familiar with her body and by the slight shivers vibrating
through her, it was obvious his touch wasn’t repelled.

placed a light kiss on the back of her neck, the spot he knew well.

She trembled
and leaned fully against him. He wondered if she could feel his arousal. She
had to because the way they were pressed solidly against each other, a slip of
paper couldn’t pass between them.

brought his hands to her waist. He had to taste her.

want to kiss you,” he whispered into her ear.

She inhaled
sharply then turned in his arms. Bringing her hands up between them, she placed
her palm on his chest as if she wasn’t sure whether she should push him away or
slide them up around his neck.

Nate made
the decision for her. He grabbed her hands and moved them up to his shoulders.
Wrapping his arm around her waist, he gently pulled her to him. She stared up
at him, her eyes large, dark pools on her smooth brown face. There was
uncertainty there, as well as a burning desire that couldn’t be hidden. That was
all the encouragement he needed. Nate leaned down and captured her lips with

light, warm touch was like a detonator.

She hesitated
for a heartbeat then exploded with passion, wrapping her arms around his neck and
slanting her lips with his as he devoured her.

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