Read Becoming Lady Thomas (Becoming Her Book 1) Online

Authors: K Webster

Tags: #Becoming Her Series, #Book One

Becoming Lady Thomas (Becoming Her Book 1) (14 page)

Running a palm over my belly, I pray that a little one is inside me. My breasts have been tender to the point that I’ve had to push Jasper away from them on many occasions. He swears they’ve grown in the last few months. I’ve written it off to all the salty, rich foods they feed me here.

But maybe?

Jasper’s deep voice rings out as he enters our bedroom. “Gretchen, can you leave us for a moment?”

She scurries out of the room, but my eyes remain affixed to my stomach’s reflection. He steps behind me and buries his nose in my hair.

“Are you trying to kill me, honeysuckle? Becoming hard in the presence of an old woman is embarrassing. You know I can’t keep my hands off your naked flesh, yet here you are, presenting yourself like a delectable fruit ripe for tasting.”

I grin at his reflection. He’s every bit as handsome as the day I first laid eyes on him. Then his hands slide around me and he clasps them against my belly. As he rests his chin on my shoulder, it happens.



Our wide eyes meet each other’s and tears well in mine. I drop my gaze down to his hands, which are now lovingly splayed across my belly. Then it happens again and the tears spill out, splashing on his hands.

My usual butterflies that flutter in my belly have been replaced. The movement is eerie. Foreign. But so beautiful.

“Is th-that . . .” he stammers but trails off.

It is.

I run my hands over his and rub my thumbs along them. “Jaz, we’re going to have a baby.”

The movement startles us again and we both chuckle.

“Mine,” he growls as he gently squeezes my belly.

Turning my head, I graze my lips against his. “Ours.”

The End.

Becoming Countess Dumont

Coming soon!




To marry the Earl of Havering.

And he’s utterly sinful to look at.

Tall. Thick, dark hair. The beginnings of a beard.

It only took one second to make the decision. One tiny second to decide that I didn’t care if I spent the rest of my years in a loveless marriage. Love was for the weak anyhow. Look how things turned out for William and Elisabeth.

Love is a farce.

But money?



Those are all very real and palpable. Considering Father nearly lost our farm and continues to struggle to make ends meet despite having sold off his daughter to the highest bidder, I’m in no hurry to rush back.

Nothing remains for me back at the farm aside from Ella.

The vision of my younger sister with her wispy, blond hair and kind, blue eyes makes my heart clench painfully in my chest. She’s an innocent and always will be. Ella is the type of girl who will marry another farm boy and be perfectly content with a simple, poor life.

Not me.

I’ve always had a taste for finer things. While at university, I learned this when a professor of mathematics, Sven, showed me what the world had to offer. He was teaching abroad while his wife and children stayed in Spain. Even though he came from money, teaching was his passion.

I was his passion.

Many nights, we shared a bed in his expansive home in London. Many nights, he lavished me with expensive gifts and wines. Many nights, he feasted upon me as if I were a world-class delicacy.

But when
showed up with the children?

He discarded me like a used-up whore.

I’d loved him.

Just like I’d loved William.

So I thought. As it turns out, love is ridiculous and nothing more than a fleeting feeling. In both instances, I had thought I was in love. Looking back, I realize I just needed their companionship. Their bodies pressed against mine. Their mouths worshipping my body.

Now, as I dip the quill pen into the ink, I smile.

For the rest of my life, I will have the best of everything. Wealth, power, a gorgeous faux husband, and whatever lovers who strike my fancy. Love won’t have a place in my life—messing things up as it’s done in the past.

“Are you having second thoughts,

His voice sends a thrill through me as the pen holds still over the paper.

“Not at all,
” I flash him a conspiratorial smile.

Heat washes over my skin when he rewards me with a lopsided grin. “You’re a rare find, Edith. I am one lucky man.”

I know we’re talking about my eagerness to agree to his deal, but it still makes my heart pound to hear his words.

He is lucky.

I am one of a kind.

“When shall we marry?” I question as I rewet the end of the pen in the ink and then scrawl out my signature.

The moment I sign, he snatches the paper away from me and scribbles out his own.

“Tomorrow.” His word is simple, but I gape at him.

“You don’t want to do that in front of your father? To make it more real for him?” I question, surprised by his answer.

He shakes his head as he fans the paper to dry the ink, his eyes never leaving mine. “You will soon discover that my father sniffs out lies better than any hunting hound. That is why we need to marry and settle into a routine that will convince him before we return. Once I believe we are ready to return to Havering, Lord Thomas and your sister will come with us to bear testimony of our marriage and faithful love.”

I briefly snap my eyes closed at the mention of her. I’m not sure that she’ll ever want to go anywhere with me ever again considering what I did to her.

“Are you sure we can’t go alone?” I ask, reopening my eyes.

Steel-colored ones find mine, and he glowers at me. I square my shoulders and hold his gaze.

“You’ve signed the document. The deal is done. We do things my way. End of story,” he snarls.

I blink my eyes at him and wonder just what I may have hastily gotten myself into. “What if things don’t go your way? What if, when we get there, I tell your father everything?” I taunt. “What if I change my mind?” Some sinister part of me wants to know what will happen if I decide this life of his isn’t for me.

His hand strikes like a cobra and catches my throat. Even though he doesn’t squeeze, terror floods my veins.

go my way. You will
tell my father. And you
change your mind,” he growls.

My lip trembles, and his eyes drop to them for a moment before glaring at me again.

“But what if?” I’m a glutton for punishment.

“Then I’ll kill you,” he says simply as he releases my throat and begins folding the contract. “Accidentally, of course. Obviously, you don’t understand the importance of this matter. I suggest you clear that foggy head of yours and show up to the chapel tomorrow with a better attitude. It would be tragic if I lost my fiancée on the eve of our wedding.”





Thank you to my husband for supporting me with your words of encouragement. You’re the best and I love you dearly!

I want to thank the beta readers on this book, whom are also my friends. Nikki McCrae, Wendy Colby, Dena Marie, Elizabeth Thiele, Lori Christensen, Michelle Ramirez, Shannon Martin, Amy Bosica, Holly Sparks, Sian Davies, Ella Stewart, Ella Fox, Aurora Rose Reynolds, Maggie Lugo, Kayla Stewart, and Elizabeth Clinton, you guys provided AMAZING feedback. You all gave helpful ideas to make the story better and gave me incredible encouragement. I appreciate all of your comments and suggestions.

I’m especially thankful for the Breaking the Rules Babes. You ladies are amazing with your support and friendship. When I hear about catty and nasty street teams, I chuckle. I know our group is nothing but sweet, loving women that care for one another. I’m truly blessed to have you all in my life!

Mickey, my fabulous editor from I’m a Book Shark, thank you putting on your historical hat and swatting me with your editorial rod when I would stray too far into the modern. I can’t thank you enough for how awesome you are! Love ya!

Thank you Stacey Blake for working your gorgeous magic and for being such a great wino friend. Love you!

Lastly but certainly not least of all, thank you to all of the wonderful readers out there that are willing to hear my story and enjoy my characters like I do. It means the world to me!

I’m a thirty three year old self-proclaimed book nerd. Married to my husband for nearly twelve years, we enjoy spending time with our two lovely children. Writing is a newly acquired fun hobby for me that has now turned into a livelihood over the past year. In the past, I’ve enjoyed the role as a reader. However, I have learned I absolutely love taking on the creative role as the writer. Something about determining how the story will play out intrigues me to no end.

This writing experience has been a blast and I’ve met some really fabulous people along the way. I hope my readers enjoy reading my stories as much as I do writing them. I look forward to connecting with you all!

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