Read Bedded Bliss (Found in Oblivion Book 1) Online

Authors: Cari Quinn,Taryn Elliott

Bedded Bliss (Found in Oblivion Book 1) (33 page)

“That doesn’t hurt.” She grinned. “Neither does the gorgeous blue eyes or the gorgeous body or the wicked skills on the guitar. But no, that’s not why I love you. I’d just crush on you—hard—for those things.”

He pulled her jeans the rest of the way down and off her legs. Beneath she wore a scrap of white lace. He removed that from her too and wasted no time in burying his face between her thighs.

She was so responsive. A few brushes of his thumb, a couple of long, slow licks and she came undone around his fingers. Shivering, gasping, getting him wet for the next round with his mouth.

Once was never enough when it came to his wife. Not for her, and definitely not for him.

But when he gripped her legs to tug her to the edge of the bed, she stopped him with her hands on his shoulders. “See, this is one reason right there. Our oral sex ratio is way, way off.”

He was already lowering to finish his very enjoyable task. “You’re right. I need to spend more time on my knees. I promise to rectify that in the near future.”

Clasping his lips around her clit, he slid his fingers inside her to find that secret spot that always made her legs quake and her ass come right off the bed. He wasn’t disappointed. Within a couple of minutes, she was biting a pillow to muffle her cries and saturating his chin with her release.

He rose and undid his jeans, looming over her as her pupils flared wide and she trembled. “Do you know it’s been twelve hours since I’ve fucked you? How am I still standing?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking that question?” She pretended to look around. “Oh, lookie. I’m not. Flat on my back as usual.”

His laughter caught him off-guard. “Suppose that means we’re tempting the baby fates.” He’d said it as a test, to give her a chance to mention waiting. She seemed to read his mind more often than not, and maybe she’d had a few misgivings of her own lately.

Truthfully, he hadn’t. His only misgiving was that he didn’t want to shortchange Axl, and perhaps they weren’t prepared yet to juggle two. But he’d been sure he wasn’t ready for a wife and baby, and they’d been the best things to ever happen to him.

Sometimes you just had to leap off the cliff like a deranged motherfucker to see if you could fly.

“We’ve tempted many fates already.” She reached up to grab his hand where it rested on his belt. “Michael, I’m scared.”

He started to tease her, because that’s what he did. Then he glimpsed her pinched lips and noticed her knuckles were white where his hand grasped his buckle. “About what?”

“Everything.” She blew out a breath and sat up to press her head to his chest. “Can you explode from happiness? Because I think I just might, and that terrifies me.”

Now he did laugh, and he didn’t feel the least bit ashamed. “You realize that’s silly, right?”

“Yes. Of course I do. But what if this changes? What if one day you wake up, and seeing me on the other side of the bed just makes you want to bury your head under the pillow?”

“It won’t. Besides, you know I wake up between your legs most of the time anyway.”

“I’m being serious.”

“I know, and so am I.” He cupped her cheek. “If I ever give you a reason to doubt me, just kick me in the nuts and that’ll get my head back on straight. And if I ever doubt you, I’ll just flip your legs over my shoulders and remind you why it’s good to be my woman.”

Her mouth quivered into a smile. “As if I’d ever forget.”

“Mom brain, maybe?”

She socked him in the gut and he chuckled, clutching her hand. Then he brought it to his mouth. “I love you and I love Axl. That’s not going to change. Ever.”

Swallowing hard, she nodded. “I’m trying to trust in this, in us, but it’s hard. I just never expected to have so much. And now I’ll have even more.” When he frowned, she nudged him again. “So about that massage. Were you serious?”

He might be male and about as subtle as a bulldozer, but even he noticed that topic change. “Sure. Let me grab your oil stuff from the bathroom.”

“Thanks. I’m all tense.” She smiled up at him and pulled her top over her head.

No bra.

Glorious breasts with taut little pink nipples.

Concerns about interpersonal problems—vamoose.

A little dazed, he wandered into the next room and dug out Chloe’s after shower crap. She loved when he worked it into her skin. Though maybe he should give himself a hand too, in case she fell asleep before he was finished like she sometimes did.

Her breasts, man. So fucking full and perfect.

He sighed and relegated his needs to the background. Later. She never left him wanting for long, that was for sure. He’d just wait until—

The first snore hit him before he even made it out of the bathroom.

He smothered a laugh in his fist. Damn, he adored her. Even if she did conk out before he could massage her into incredible sex.

Then again, he couldn’t deny the restorative power of a nap.

After setting the alarm on his phone for a half hour, he curled up with her in bed. She snuggled up against him without even waking up.

Closing his eyes, he let sleep take him. And let the alarm rip it away half an hour later.

“Axl,” he muttered, sitting straight up. “Gotta get the baby.”

From beside him, Chloe laughed. “The baby can wait another five minutes. Sorry, I forgot to finish something.” She yawned and reached across his lap to jerk down his zipper the rest of the way. His belt was still undone. “Time to rectify that.”

He fell back against the mattress. “This might be the best dream I’ve ever had.”

“Not yet. But it will be.” She pulled his waking cock out of his boxers and slid her warm mouth over the tip. She smiled around him and slipped her hand between his legs to cup his balls.

Fuck. He was a lucky man.

Half an hour later, they stumbled into the bathroom for the quickest shower in the history of life. When he started to grab her under the spray, she giggled and shoved him back.

“Babymaking bathroom,” he mumbled into her mouth, boosting her up against the wall.

“All right. If you insist.” She gave a long-suffering sigh. “Bring it on home.”

By the time they made it back to the tasting room of the winery, the rambunctious kids were gone and most of the concert debris had been cleared away. Axl and Gram were out back pulling up mini pumpkins from a smaller patch next to the house. The real pumpkin patch was out back.

“Look, Mama!” Axl tried to jump to his feet, but his foot got caught in a vine and down he went. Yet he never lost his grip on the mini pumpkin he held over his head. “Punkin!”

“Aww, you got one. Look at that.” Chloe scooped him up and smiled at Mrs. Ronson, who was sitting contentedly in the dirt. “Thank you for watching him. We were a bit longer than we intended to be.”

“No problem at all. Newlyweds have to catch their moments of privacy when they can.” Lila’s mother winked and reached over to pat Michael’s leg.

He flushed. “Jeez, Gram.”

She hooted out a laugh and exchanged a look with Chloe. “You guys ready for the hayride tonight?”

“Yes, I think so.” Chloe glanced at Michael and heaved out a breath. “I hope so.”

Michael frowned. It was only a hayride. He was about to say just that when Axl stuck out his pumpkin in Michael’s direction.

“Look, Dada! Punkin.”

He tried to find his voice. He cleared his throat and blinked half a dozen times. The wind must’ve kicked up dust into his eyes. Maybe he was allergic to something.

“Thank you, Ax-Man,” he rasped, accepting the pumpkin. When that wasn’t nearly close enough, he wrapped Chloe and Axl in a tight hug and buried his face in his son’s brown corduroy jacket. “Thank you.”

He still hadn’t recovered when it came time for the hayride. Somehow they ended up at the front of the line and were able to get seats on the perfectly shaped bales of hay at the front. Axl was so excited he couldn’t stop jumping.

“Go, go!” he yelled to the driver.

“Gotta wait for everyone else, buddy.” Michael laughed and ruffled the boy’s hair. Axl ducked away and moved to Chloe’s other side to jump.

He might’ve called Michael “Dada” for the first time, but he wasn’t going to let the dude mess up his hair. A guy had boundaries, even if he was only two-and-a-half.

The wagon filled up fairly quickly, considering almost half of the passengers were children. They set off on the ride on a winding route through the forest, jolting and bumping over every ridge on the path.

Chloe clutched Axl with one hand and her stomach with the other. “So maybe this wasn’t the best idea.”

“Who says? It’s a gorgeous night. Smell that woodsmoke. That crisp air. Fall’s coming.” He slid his arm around Chloe’s shoulders. “Can you feel it?”

She moaned. “I feel something.”

“You okay?” He frowned and picked up Axl, setting him beside him on the large hay bale he was sharing with Chloe. “You’re not getting motion sick, are you?”

“It’s only a few minutes more. I’m fine.”

“Just throw up over the side if you have to.”

Chloe shook her head. “Really?”

“I’m just saying, if you have to you’re in nature’s bathroom. Aw, hey, pal, look at that.” Michael pointed at a display of lit up pumpkins. “Like yours, Ax-man.”

Axl bounced and clapped, already wiggling to get down. “Nope, you gotta stay here. Can’t run around on this thing. Hey look, scarecrows.”

“Scarecows.” Axl grabbed Chloe’s knee and shook it forcibly enough to make her groan. “Look.”

“Oh, I’m looking.” She poked Michael in the side. “Those are for you.”

“What’s for me?”

“The scarecrows. Count them.”

“Huh?” He narrowed his eyes as the wagon rumbled past the large display. “There’s one. The other two are baby ones, which are cute but don’t really count.”

“Tell that to my belly.” Chloe rested her head on Michael’s shoulder. “So it turns out we don’t need the babymaking room after all.”

Michael was too busy trying to restrain Axl to hear her at first. The kid had turned into a rocket determined to launch off the hay. “Easy, kid. Stop jumping around. You’re what?”

“Three scarecrows. Think about it.”

Chloe’s testy voice broke into his consciousness just as they lurched over another bump and she went flying into his side. He stared at her incredulously while he shifted Axl onto his belly on his lap. His little arms and legs pumped as he flailed to get free, but he was just going to have to wait a dang second.

“No,” Axl howled. “Nooooo.”

“You’re—” Michael’s gaze dropped to where her stomach was hidden by her jacket and the darkness. “No.”



Chloe let out an exasperated laugh. “Okay, Axl Senior.”

“You’re not kidding?”

“You just told me to puke in nature’s bathroom because I have all day sickness. Do you think I’m kidding?”

“Oh. Oh wow. Holy shit.” He let out a whoop and pressed a hard kiss to Chloe’s mouth before jerking unsteadily to his feet. He’d used to surf in the Pacific. This was kind of like that—

if you were delirious. “Guess what? I’m going to be a father—again.”

While the rest of the surprised riders clapped and cheered for him, Michael hoisted Axl high.

Then he toppled onto his ass on the floor of the wagon, and Axl landed securely in his lap. And they both started to laugh.

Chloe covered her face with her hands. “What have I done?”

Once he’d gotten his wind back, Michael leaned over to kiss her knee. “Made me the happiest father on the planet. Hey, can we call her Rose if it’s a girl? It’d be perfect, don’t you think?”

“Rose is a nice name—” Then she glared at her husband. “I’m too nauseous to get your obnoxious jokes.”

“Come on, Axl and Rose. If they both have red hair, it’ll be even better.”

“Is it too late to divorce you, Shawcross?”

“Yes.” From the seat of the wagon, he leaned up to bring her mouth to his for once. “Way too late, Mrs. Shawcross.”


Triple Trouble
Coming Nov 18th

She wasn't looking to fall in love with one man. Never mind two.

Juliet Reece grew up in the shadow of her seemingly perfect older sister, Margo Reece. While Juliet's wealthy, blue-blood parents dealt with infidelity, Juliet fought for normalcy. Now she's the bassist in Warning Sign, a band on the rise, and she finally feels like she's making space for herself in the world. It's her time to shine, and she's ready to have fun and focus on her career.

Until Randy "Sparks" Pruitt nearly blows up her life. Literally.

She can't stand the guy. She definitely hasn't fantasized about gripping a handful of his hair and—no. Not happening.

Then there's Tristan Eves, Sparks' new friend. He's the exact opposite of Sparks. Playful. Naughty. Arousing. Suddenly, she's on the verge of something wilder than she's ever experienced before. Two seductive men, hers for the taking—if she can handle the heat.

If double trouble is dangerous, watch out for the power of three...

Also by Cari & Taryn

Found in Oblivion

a Rock Star Series

Bedded Bliss #1


Triple Trouble #2


a Rock Star Romantic Comedy Series

f you’d like more
information about the series & extras, please visit

Lost in Oblivion Series
USA Today Bestselling Rockstar Series


usic kept them going
. Now it might tear them apart…
 Guitarist Nick Crandall has one focus in his life—Oblivion, the band he started with his closest friends, lead singer Simon Kagan and bassist Deacon McCoy. After losing their drummer to rehab, they take on two members, one of them female. A YouTube video gone viral later, Oblivion is heading to the top faster than they ever dreamed. If the band doesn’t break up—and hearts don’t get broken—before they manage to sign their first recording contract. (


Music saved him, but now it's keeping him from the only woman he craves...
 Hot nights with a naughty, inventive rockstar are one thing, but more isn't on the playlist. Until Deacon's dream with his best friends starts turning into a nightmare, and Harper begins to see the real man behind the façade. Except Harper has her own dreams to chase, even if what she’s started with Deacon might be the most important one of all. (


Loving in fast forward...
 A beachfront cottage, hours of alone time, and plenty of skin on skin action is just what the rockstar ordered. Until the future once again comes much quicker than Deacon and Harper expected, threatening to crumble not only their perfect honeymoon but also their brand new marriage. (


Sometimes the knight in shining armor needs to be saved himself...
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Falling in love was easy…figuring out the rhythm of being a couple, not so much.
 Now that they’ve pressed play, life is going way too fast for Gray Duffy and Jazz Edwards. A super hot video has boosted their band Oblivion’s popularity even higher, and suddenly Gray and Jazz are the reigning prince and princess of rock. But as their private wedding ceremony in their treasured place approaches, they realize they can’t go forward without facing their roots. (


Only one woman has ever refused him…and she’s the only one he wants.
Now that he’s beyond successful with Oblivion, lead singer Simon Kagan is enjoying his all-access pass to the groupie train. But from the moment he met Margo Reece, he knew the classy, buttoned-up violinist was different. After an amazing night in the studio, he’s finally connected with someone on a deeper level—only to have her walk away without a backward glance. Except maybe Margo is ready to take a walk on the wild side…or even fall in love with the one man she was never supposed to. If it’s not already too late. (


Is it better to burn out or fade away…
 Oblivion lead singer Simon Kagan is used to being in the spotlight, but not because of the epic ending to Oblivion’s last show. That unforgettable night rocked the band in more ways than one, and now the journey back seems almost impossible. The only bright spot is Margo. As long as she never realizes the man she fell for no longer exists, maybe he won’t lose everything that matters due to just one all-consuming night. (


He’s shattered…and she’s the only woman who can help him pick up the pieces.
 Nick Crandall has everything he ever thought he wanted, but it doesn’t stop his dream from shattering, right before his eyes.Until the person he least expects pulls him back from the brink. Ripper Records exec Lila Shawcross isn’t about to let a hot-headed, hard-bodied lead guitarist wreck her orderly existence or dilute her focus from managing the band. Except Nick is determined to possess her…and what Nick wants, Nick gets.(


They’re shattered…and he’s the only one who can fuse them back together.
 From the pinnacle of success to the depths of despair, Oblivion has been through it all. Nick Crandall is the only one who can begin to put the pieces back together after the most catastrophic night of his life. And that includes making a stand to win back the woman he needs. His only choice is to fight hard and dirty for what—and who—he loves. (


Music kept them going. Now it's torn them apart…
Guitarist Nick Crandall lost the most important thing in his life—his band—just as he was falling in love. A year after going on hiatus, Oblivion is returning to the studio and he’s about to ask the woman he loves to marry him. Simon has spent the past year trying to find his way back to the thing that sustained him in his darkest hours, then grew to be his biggest demon. With Margo’s help, he’s ready to admit it’s showtime. It’s do or die, one more time. (

Lost In Oblivion

the Series


(book #1)

(book #1.5)

(book #2)

(book #2.5)

(book #3)

(book #3.5)

(book #4)

(book #4.5)

(book #5)


extras for people that just can’t get enough of the Oblivion peeps

(book #3.7)

(book #4.2)

If you’d like more information about the series & extras, please visit
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