Bee Among the Clover (312 page)

Read Bee Among the Clover Online

Authors: Fae Sutherland,Marguerite Labbe

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Gay, #General

T’D been a long time coming, it seemed. In actuality, it had only been

several weeks, though it felt like longer. It felt like an eternity Aron had been back in his darkling’s arms, and now they were going to Marcus’s
Rome. Aron looked forward to it, not just because it meant a fresh, clean
start for them both, but because he, as Marcus was always saying, craved new things, new places, and new people. He didn’t know if Marcus, Wulfgar, and Cate were right, if he really had some grand destiny, or if
that was just fanciful thinking on their part. What he did know was that as
far as he was concerned, he’d already accomplished more than anyone
from his croft had expected.

He’d changed his destiny. One day a little more than a year ago, he’d
been nothing but a crofter’s son, destined to follow that path even though
he chafed and wished for more. Then Wulfgar had come and, though he hadn’t seen the thane’s impossible choice as a blessing at the time, it’d
turned out to be just that.

Because of that fateful day, Aron
had been brought into his
darkling’s life. He’d learned there was so much more to be had from the world and life in general than just waging war, fucking a slave woman, or planting a field. There was joy and wonder and happiness and an entire
country out there, and countries beyond that one, to explore and see and wonder about.

There were words to be scribbled on pages that told stories he’d never known existed, and pleasures of the flesh to be enjoyed in the arms
of the most beautiful man ever made that Aron had never considered.
There was pain, oh, there was pain beyond that croft of his, but along with the pain was so much more, so much that made it worth it because really, without the pain, how could one appreciate the beauties that followed?

Aron glanced across the room to Marcus, who stood neatly packing
away the last of his things in preparation for the long voyage to Rome. They’d initially planned to stay until spring, but there were too many

ghosts here, in the house, in the city, and on the island itself. Too many worries about someone seeing them and remembering what they’d been and thinking they could make them slaves again. No, it was better to leave; the steward would handle the rest, Marcus had decided one night lying in Aron’s arms, and they’d talked about it. Now, here they were.

He felt he knew Rome, just from listening to Marcus talk about it. The tales he’d told were unbelievable. Aron had his questions of whether such a grand place could really exist, but Marcus wouldn’t lie, nor was he one to spin tales, so it must be true. Aron had to admit he was eager to see the wonders of that land, to see the place his darkling had longed for those many years as a slave.

Unable to stay away from him any longer, Aron crossed the room, arms slipping around Marcus from behind and resting his chin on his shoulder. He turned his head and nuzzled into his lover’s neck. “I love you, darkling.” It was simply said, but he knew Marcus heard in those words the very complicated and varied depths of what he felt. Marcus heard. Marcus knew. And that was all that mattered to Aron.

Marcus packed the last item away, a smile flitting across his face. His family would be horrified he was taking care of the chore himself. After all, there were slaves to do such things, and a man of his stature had better things to do with his time. But he’d gotten used to taking care of tasks for himself in the last several years, and he’d discovered there was a certain freedom in doing things for yourself and not relying on others to care for you. Marcus didn’t want to slip back into that comfortable lifestyle where unseen hands took care of his every need. He knew the people who made up his household considered him eccentric, but he cared not. The only opinion that mattered to him now was from the man who was holding him in his arms.

“I know, Aron,” Marcus replied, learning back into him and turning his face toward his lover’s, feeling the heat of his breath against the side of his neck. “And I love you.”

He brought his hand up to caress Aron’s cheek, then slipped it back into his thick hair, feeling the contentment and peace that washed over him whenever he was in Aron’s embrace. As always seemed to be the case, all of the little cares and misgivings that constantly occupied his mind seemed to vanish in the circle of his arms. He stopped thinking about the long trip through the dead of winter or what his reception would be like when he was finally reunited with his family. It didn’t matter.

Marcus shifted, turning himself around and wrapping his arms around Aron in turn. He liked seeing the light in his blue eyes and the serene smile on his lips. He put that there, and the knowledge gave him supreme satisfaction. Marcus knew he could calm the restless spirit inside of his lover without leashing him. Just as Aron calmed the fears in him and gave him courage to fly and test his borders.

“Do you think she knows, Aron?” Marcus asked softly, his mind returning to that strange woman who seemed to have manipulated all of the focal points in their lives over the last year. They’d lain together many a night, piecing together their story, and they’d realized just how much of their gratitude she deserved. He knew how it had bothered Aron when they’d returned to her shop only to find it gone as if it had never existed.

Aron smiled, a wry chuckle falling from his lips. “I know she does, darkling.”
Marcus smiled back and lifted his face, kissing Aron and melting against him as his lover kissed him back. Aye, she knew, and maybe one day they’d get the chance to see her again and thank her for everything she’d done for them.
Their lips broke apart at the sound of a discreet knock on the door. “Aye, we’ll be there in a moment,” Marcus called, not bothering to pull out of Aron’s arms. He could hear the guard gathering down in the courtyard. It was time to leave. “Are you ready, Aron?”
“More than ready, Marcus. I’m looking forward to this new world you have to show me.” Marcus heard the eagerness in Aron’s voice as well as the apprehension. He was growing used to reading the hidden emotions on Aron’s face, just as Aron was learning to read him. He’d been amazed to discover how vulnerable Aron could be and humbled by the fact that his proud lover would share it with him, even if only a little bit.
Marcus laid his head on Aron’s shoulder and soaked in the bond they shared. The world was opening up before them, and though neither of them knew what the future would bring, for once he wasn’t afraid. When he’d arrived at the villa heartbroken and uncertain, he’d often wondered why he’d lingered there, taking on responsibilities he really hadn’t needed to see to and delaying his trip home.
It was because deep down inside, he couldn’t sever the last link with this man. He’d known that somehow, some way, they’d find each other again, and if he left, he would have thrown away that last hope. Marcus lifted his head and stepped back, taking Aron’s hand.
“My love, together, I think we can take on anything that comes our way.”
Aron grinned that irrepressible grin Marcus loved so much, an impish sparkle in his blue eyes. “Indeed we can. Now, about your hair….”

AE SUTHERLAND writes exclusively M/M erotic romance of the

"sexier the better" variety. She currently resides in the nation’s capital with two polar opposite kitties, a laptop named Pocket, and her hetero lifemate of three wonderful years. When not tapping away at the keyboard on new books for her readers, Fae spends her time playing Sims, indulging in mindless reality TV, and dabbling in web site/graphic design.

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