Read Bella's Choice Online

Authors: Lynelle Clark

Bella's Choice (18 page)

“I am sorry, darling,” he apologized softly, lifting her hand to his lips. “Can I spend the night with you rather?”

She turned her beautiful face up to him, grinned and said softly, “Yes, I would love that.”

“Okay, then I will drop lover-boy off, and we can go home.”

“Yes!” Derek shouted, making Wanda giggle as she planted a kiss on Roy’s cheek.

“I love you,” she said in a low voice, and he groaned in delight.

“I love you, too, my darling.”



“Are you absolutely sure that that’s what he said?” Anabella asked. They were seated at their favorite restaurant in
Cape Town; already done with their meal, dishes cleared before them, and her face contorted in shocked confusion.

“But… why?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart.” Aldrich sighed heavily. During their meal, he’d argued with himself about the information. He’d had no idea how to go about mentioning it, except to get straight to the point, and knew it would come as a shock. He still couldn’t believe it himself. He had thought of every possible scenario, but nothing had stuck. In all honesty, he’d been fearful of the unknown, a position he didn’t like at all.

Silence fell between them; each contemplating the news. He gathered her in his arms and stared at the dark clump of rock in the distance, as if the mountain was the answer to this dilemma. Their minds blank.

When she covered a yawn, he asked, “Do you want to go home tonight?”

“Yes. I have nowhere else to go.”

“You can always come home with me.” He smiled into her hazy green eyes, the spark of moments ago gone, the shield back. He could understand why; she was protecting herself from whatever was out there causing her harm. He had missed her, so to just sit there with her in his arms was heaven. He wanted to protect her from the unknown. From the moment they’d walked in and were seated at their favorite spot, he hadn’t let her go. He fed her just so the contact couldn’t be broken, and it had caused a few blissful minutes of pure pleasure.

“You’d love that,” she said softly, blushing when she saw his desire, which mirrored hers.

“You are irresistible,” he murmured, planting a kiss on her forehead. They sat like that for a few seconds, each busy in their own thoughts.

“Do you think your parents would harm you?” He finally asked the one question he refused to take seriously. His heart clenched. This one question had haunted him through the night whilst watching her.

She looked up at him, her eyes big and scared.

He hated this.

She hesitated for a moment before she replied in a shaky voice, “I don’t think so.” Nothing had prepared her for this. She’d never been fearful of her parents before, even in their drunken state. She had no energy to cope with this. All she longed for was a bed, and a few days of rest before she needed to return to her regular routine. Nevertheless, Roy had warned Aldrich, and then rushed away without waiting for her.

Could it be?
Once again, she covered her yawn and giggled from pure exhaustion.

“Must I take you home?” he asked ruefully.

“If you don’t mind, Aldi. I am tired. I could do with a good night’s sleep.”

“Okay, I will bring you your car tomorrow.”

“No.” She stopped him. “I will take my car tonight.” She looked at him, hoping he would understand. “It’s better this way.”

He was quiet for a long time. “I don’t like it,” he finally admitted.

“Yes, I know, Aldrich, but it’s how it is, don’t fight me on this.”

He sighed in defeat. “Okay. Come, let me take you home.”

When he moved to stand, she stopped him. “Thank you for understanding, Aldrich,” she whispered.

“I don’t like this, just so we’re clear.” His voice became hard with his own displeasure.

“I know,” she said softly.

“I would never forgive myself if something happened to you, sweetheart.” The edge of anger and disappointment still evident as he cupped her face.

“Nothing will happen to me, I promise,” she replied, her lips so close to his that he could feel her warm breath brushing up against his mouth.

He kissed her softly. “I love you, Anabella Anthony.”

Her face lit up. “I love you, Aldrich Hagin.”

“Will you?” He stopped, staring down into her eyes. The hardness made way for a soft glow as he took her in, swallowing at the lump forming in his throat. Anabella was all fragile and beautiful, so very much his.

She squeezed his leg. The brilliance in her eyes had returned while she watched him tenderly, expectation written on her glowing face under the subtle light.

They forgot about all the commotion around them, it was just them in that moment of time. No one mattered, and when she licked her lips from the sudden dryness her breath caused, Aldrich asked again, “Will you consider becoming my wife?” Finally, the words that had been burning into his mind since she’d left had now been said. His body trembled. “I know this is too soon, and I’m willing to wait until you finish with varsity and the Olympics, but I want everyone to know you are mine.”

She gulped in surprise, and her breath caught in her throat. With her face beaming her absolute pleasure, she leaned closer to him and said, “I will consider it.”

A few moments passed where all he did was watch her face closely. His heart was thundering in his chest, silencing the music emanating from the speakers. Her eyes were an open window to her soul; he could see her every emotion clearly displayed. She changed from a thoughtful expression to a bright smile in seconds as they sparkled with pure joy. Aldrich just grinned.

“Yes, I will,” she replied, and kissed him with unashamed enthusiasm.

“You are mine, Bella,” he groaned.

“Always,” she returned passionately, and they were lost in the burning kiss long overdue.

At first, their mouths touched tentatively―almost in reverence―innocently, tenderly, and hopeful
, but soon desire took them into an explored adventure of discovery. Their world was opening to the vastness of their love. Reacquainting themselves with each other, their individual tastes became one with every brush of the tongue and lips.

Anabella pulled him closer to her, her hands twisting in his soft, dark hair. She moaned in delight as their lips crushed with intensified pleasure.

He groaned softly into her mouth, and her body pressed against him so that he felt every delicious curve of her slender body.

“You are stunning,” he finally said, releasing her, her lips swollen from his passionate kiss, “and you are mine.” His touch worship-like as he adored her with every loving caress. From his pocket, a small, red box appeared and when he opened it, a small, princess style, diamante ring winked at her.

Her heart leaped with joy as he placed it on her ring finger. Perfect wasn’t the word she would use to describe it, but for the moment it had to do.

When their lips touched, she couldn’t help but release another moan, one that told him all he wanted to know, and more. He devoured her with his eyes, his mouth, his hands, and his mind. He filled himself with her fragrance, her softness, and her splendor; took her in, making her a part of himself. His body responded as he swept his tongue over her skin, his hands wandering over every delicious curve. He wanted her. Badly.

Out of breath, he whispered, “I’d better take you home.” He released her, and Anabella pouted her already swollen lips.

Aldrich chuckled with delight. “Come on, you minx, it’s time to put you to bed.”

Those words made her smile seductively, her mouth curling with pleasure.

“In your own bed, young lady,” he corrected with a grin.

Anabella laughed, not quite believing how straight forward she was being with him, goading him for more. Her dreams had been vivid and alive when she was in his arms. She wanted him more than she thought possible, her body demanding his attention. She had missed him. To have been so near, and yet so far from him had been frustrating. She needed him, desperately. But he was right, not in this way. It didn’t stop her lips from trailing down his neck, pausing at the spot she loved so much, enjoying the pulsating beat against her tongue; his pulse quickened with every stroke.

“Don’t temp me, sweetheart,” he warned in her ear, releasing her as he sat back.

She snickered, “Or what, Aldi?”

The waiter appeared. Aldrich paid the bill without saying a word, but his eyes gleamed with want. The moment they stepped out into the cooler January night, he swatted her on her bottom. She giggled, and he couldn’t help but smile himself.

With their arms linked and bodies melded together, they walked to his parked car. The night sky was filled with millions of stars, and small critters were out and about making their own music, highlighting the beautiful night. He was perfect in every sense, and she couldn’t help but look up at him with all the desire she felt, only to find his eyes burning on her.

He pushed her up against the BMW and kissed her. Her arms circled his neck as she gave herself to him. He groaned his want, and his hands got busy exploring her body. He delved into every curve, hovering over her neck, her breasts, and finally her bottom as he held her tight against him.

“You are delicious,” he groaned into her ear.

“You’re delicious yourself,” she said as her body quivered with want.

Aldrich chuckled. “Let me take you home.” He opened the door and helped her in. When he closed the door behind her, he took a deep breath in order to compose himself. Whistling softly, he walked to his side of the car and quickly got behind the steering wheel. The yielding leather’s familiarity was welcoming to him. When he reached for the start button, he stopped in mid-air as her soft voice floated to him.

“I need to tell you what happened while I was gone.” She didn’t want to break the serenity between them. It was amazing to be back in Aldrich’s arms, and most importantly, his intentions still hadn’t changed. She loved him even more now that there weren’t any doubts between them. He’d confirmed it tonight by asking her to be his wife. She found herself looking at the ring again, already such a huge part of her.

He raised a brow, briefly looking in her direction. He started the car in silence as his jaw clenched, then turned his attention back to the road. They passed cliffs, sentinel in the dark, and the vast ocean to their right. The sliver of a moonbeam glittered on the calm, inky sea, giving off a surreal feeling as it welcomed her home. The magnificence of Table Mountain loomed over the city, its presence overshadowing the sleeping town, keeping it safe in its rocky embrace. She loved her city, one vibrant and full of life; never dull for one moment, but yet had the awareness and tranquility of the country to create the perfect atmosphere for the mother city.

“What do you want to tell me?” He broke into her thoughts. His hand rested on hers, warm and comforting, their fingers entwined as he steered the car along the winding road.

Anabella took a deep breath, resolute in what she had to tell him. She recounted her time and experiences, continuing with what Charles and Thomas had tried to do to her. She concealed nothing; she wanted him to know so that there would be no secrets between them. Painstakingly, she continued to recount every detail of her three months, while her heart beat in her chest as she watched his passive face.

Mrs. Smit had told her that in order for a relationship to survive, honesty and trust was valuable. This was new territory for her since she’d never talked to anyone before, never trusted grown-ups, and Aldrich fell into that category. As time passed, they had learned more about each other, and she now knew she could trust him. The way he’d greeted her at the airport, unashamed of what she represented, amidst the flashing lights and throngs of people had shown her how open his heart really was.

She felt him tense for a second before he relaxed, listening without interrupting her once. When she was finished, silence fell inside the car, and when they passed an overlaid section, he stopped, the car’s nose overlooking the ocean as it moved in the moonlight.

He turned and opened his arms for her.

Anabella beamed up at him, grateful for his acceptance. As she moved into his warm embrace, he said softly, “Thank you for telling me, sweetheart.” He placed a kiss on her forehead.

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