Read BeMyWarlockTonight Online

Authors: Renee Field

BeMyWarlockTonight (4 page)

“You’re happy this morning.
Must have been a good night.”

Lost in her own daydreams, Cindy blinked to clear her thoughts and forced herself to stop humming. For a second she could have sworn she’d heard her mystery lover’s voice here in the elevator with her.

Turning her head to the right, she noticed Lance Papadopoulos leaning with his back against the elevator wall. The light in the elevator was dim at the best of times and with his neat black business suit and dark navy dress shirt she hadn’t been aware of him.

“So was it a good night?”

“What?” she asked, clearing her

He leaned a little closer to her, and for one second Cindy thought she caught a whiff of sweet, hot melting candy. Pursing her lips, she dismissed that, noting the hint of malice in Lance’s voice.
It’s just Lance.
The hotshot Greek human who would soon be eating dust when she became the next CEO.
The same hunk
had every woman in all the departments panting with lust.
But not her.
Cindy made it a rule not to date coworkers.
Even coworkers as charming and dangerously good-looking as Lance.
Plus, dating to her mother meant marriage. Either a wedding or be turned into a toad.
So not funny.

“Did you have a good night last night?”

“The usual.”
She pressed the bottom button. For a moment she wondered why the button hadn’t been already pressed because it appeared as if Lance had been in the elevator before her.
Surely he wasn’t in here waiting to talk to me.
Cindy cast another glance Lance’s way.

His dark hands trailed through the thick black wavy hair on his head and for a moment she caught a glimpse of her mystery lover. She physically shook her head.
It’s just because he’s Greek and the guy last night was Greek. That’s it.
Still though, it took a lot of willpower on Cindy’s part not to thoroughly check out Lance as he leaned casually against the elevator wall all but staring at her.
Now if he’d do a slow strip-tease, then I’d know for sure it wasn’t him.
She chuckled.

“Something funny?” he snarled.


“You’re chuckling. Am I missing some private joke here?”

Cindy smoothed her now sweaty palms over her blue skirt. “No. I was just remembering something.”

“Really, I bet it’s not what you think it is,” he mumbled.

“What?” She turned and looked at him, thinking this had to be the most confusing conversation she’d had in a long time. His blue eyes were all but shooting daggers at her. “Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” she teased.

“Not the wrong side of the bed…wrong bed,” he stated flatly, staring at her in earnest.

A shiver of fear spiked through Cindy, causing goose bumps of warning to zing across her skin. Thankfully she was saved by the bell. “TMI, Lance. Grab a coffee, you’ll feel better. That always works for me.” With a spring in her step Cindy stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby with a smile.

“Oh I’ll be grabbing something later, don’t you worry…you’ll be the first to know.”

With that cryptic remark Lance marched past her, oblivious to the sighs and glances from all the women in the lobby who were ogling his muscular body that the polished business suit showcased with ease. Her eyes got caught on his ass, clearly outlined in his black suit pants as he marched through the corridor, looking madder than an enraged bull.

Good thing he isn’t a magical being because adding his handsome good looks and magic together would make for one volcanic recipe.

Cindy smiled. There was nothing remotely magical about Lance. Giving up her own magical powers, much to her mother’s horror and forever consternation, didn’t mean she couldn’t smell a magical being. The few times she had run across
beings laced with magic she’d caught that sweet, hot, melting candy scent and wisely backed away. He reeked of hot, intent male and that was enough.

Cindy’s heart started to palpitate when she realized the seriousness of what she’d set into motion. She’d basically told Sasha her date didn’t perform. She’d called into question his masculinity. Cindy gulped and ran for the coffee house across the street, not caring in her haste she wove in and out of traffic.

The truth of what she’d now set in motion spun in her mind faster than a crazed broomstick. A deadly magical message flashed through her mind telling her she was in a deep, boiling cauldron trouble.

* * * * *

Lance swiveled his office chair around to watch Cindy walk past him wearing one of her no-nonsense blue business suits. Like a spy he took great satisfaction as she plopped her ass down in her chair. She grimaced and he knew why. He’d fucked her long and thoroughly, spanking her round cheeks even harder, and she’d come twice for him—once while she’d been on her knees, ass in the air with his cock in her cunt, and the other time when he’d tied her face-down, stuffed a pillow under her hips to leverage her butt and smacked her cheeks, feigning outrage that she’d come when he’d told her not to.

She had thrashed around and pretended not to enjoy his punishment but the minute he plunged a finger into her dripping wet core her pussy muscles had clenched around it like a spandex glove and she’d come hard, her body spiraling with passion. Slightly dazed, he then flipped her over, untied the silk scarf from her wrists and donned another condom so he could quickly fill her cunt with his achy cock. And then he’d taken his time with her. They played out the fucking, taking delight in each other’s body, each other’s desires. By the time Lance had left around four in the morning his cock had hurt and his balls had ached. He’d come four times in four hours.
A record for him.

The phone buzzed in his right pants pocket, interrupting his thoughts, a good thing judging by the reaction of his cock. He turned his chair so his back was to his office door, forcing his eyes away from Cindy, whose office was directly opposite his.

“Have you checked your email?”

Mitch’s voice cut through him. His
vampire buddy who worked the night shift as a human police officer sounded annoyed. It was the perfect job for his pissed-off-with-life buddy. Lance was pleased the Mistress of the
Council had granted Mitch a stay in the human world. Until fairly recently the
realm had been in a state of beastly clan wars with fairies,
, vampires, the
, warlocks and witches fighting each other. A peace of sorts had finally emerged thanks to the Mistress. With peace also came prosperity and Lance, besides being a mighty warlock, was a mighty fast learner in the business-corporate world. Mergers and acquisitions thrilled him as much as facing a crazed

“What?” asked

Check it.”

Taking orders didn’t sit well with Lance. Normally he’d tell anyone else to fuck off but not Mitch. Besides being a great cop, Mitch was a killer vampire and the best buddy a warlock could have. When he gave an order you responded because Mitch was the type of vampire who didn’t put up with any shit, but he was also the type of guy who’d take out your enemy for you without a second thought.

Lance clicked his email icon, watching as a dozen new messages popped up on the screen. His eyes flared when the red flagged email popped up. Immediately he opened it, still keeping his cell phone open with his other hand. Twice Lance read the email. It didn’t make any sense to him.

“Fuck, Mitch, what does that mean?”

“It means your sister is one mad witch. She says the client emailed her stating you didn’t deliver your end of the blind date agreement. I’m so glad I’m not you. I have my own problems.”

The dead sarcasm wasn’t lost on Lance.

Didn’t deliver? Try like four fucking times
! Lance knew his buddy would view that disclosure as TMI.

“Your sister said not to bother showing up for the second night of the auction. She’s really mad at you. I don’t know what you did to that date of yours but you must have pissed her off completely.”

Hot searing outrage flashed through Lance.
Not bloody likely
. “Who’s taking my number?”

“Some warlock named Marcus.”

Lance didn’t say anything else. He clicked his cell phone closed, deleted the email and stormed out of his office.
Marcus. There was no way Marcus, his cousin, was going to take his number and
his stuff tonight.
Didn’t deliver.
Cindy, you are so going to wish you didn’t say that.
Because not even if the
froze over would Lance let Marcus anywhere near his

Lance looked at his watch. Nine hours until the sun set and then he’d have all his warlock powers and little witchy Cindy Frost had better look out. One
warlock was coming for her and he wasn’t smiling.

* * * * *

Lance slid into the diner’s leather seat, ordered a coffee from a passing waitress and listened to the conversation taking place between Mitch and Hank.

“I knew we should have said no to your sister, Lance.” Mitch’s voice was gruff and dead serious.

“When was the last time you tried to say no to Sasha?”

Lance halfheartedly paid attention to both Mitch’s and Hank’s tales. It sounded as if they were all in deep shit. Being in the human realm was hard enough, but with what had happened to them last night Lance’s senses told him things were about to get worse.

“I can top you guys. My date of the evening doesn’t even remember me. Thank the universe. She was a bloody witch.”

“I thought you liked witches,” said Hank, his

“I normally do. She, however, obviously hates warlocks. The minute she realized I was magical she cast me back to that theater quicker than you could wink, which pissed me off.”

“So naturally you went all macho-warlock on her and used a spell to ensure she wouldn’t remember you.” Sarcasm dripped from Mitch’s voice.

“Of course.
By the way did I mention the witch is none other than my coworker Cindy Frost?”

“No shit,” exclaimed both Hank and Mitch.


“Wait a sec.
this the same woman you asked out and were turned down cold? And the same person who fired off that email to your sister saying you didn’t deliver?” Mitch gave an evil chuckle. Hank grinned, flashing those pearly whites that could dazzle a woman.

“Shut up.” Lance desperately wanted to give both his buddies a good zap in the ass but knew that would make things worse.

“Man, that’s one pissed, angry woman,” teased Hank.

“She’s not a woman. She’s a witch. Did you miss that part of the sentence, you illiterate feline?” growled Lance. He flicked his finger and a hot cheeseburger appeared in front of him. He made sure his magic blocked the patrons from seeing his parlor tricks and then wolfed down the burger before the waitress noticed.

Hank snarled. His hair almost stood on end. “Who are you calling illiterate? ’
I know it
me. I’ve got a doctor in front of my name and all you’ve got is…nothing. And I’ve told you a hundred times, don’t use magic in public.”

“So what’s your problem anyway, Lance?” asked Mitch.

Lance knew it was a diversionary tactic, which was probably for the best.

“Good thing she doesn’t remember me. I cast
a forget
-me spell on her and worked my own magic in the sheets, if you get my meaning,” said Lance, grinning.

“At least the sun had set and you were able to do that,” said Hank, patting down his fly-away hair.

“How come you didn’t know she was a witch before?” asked Mitch.

Lance glared at his friend.
“Duh, because it was day.
power in the day, man, kind of like you.”

“Yeah, don’t remind me,” said Mitch, pushing around the food on his plate to make it look as if he’d eaten. “We’re all having problems with our women and tonight we have to
our stuff again. We can’t let Sasha down, she’s counting on us.”

“Don’t I know that,” said Lance, grimacing. “However there is no way I’m about to let my cousin on that stage. I worked out things with my sister and she’s agreed that I can have one more chance and trust me, after tonight Cindy had better look out.”

“Why does my gut tell me you’ve got something dark and sinister planned for that witch?” added Hank, in between bites of his rare cheeseburger.

Lance took a sip of his coffee and grinned.
“Dark and sinister sounds about right.
After all, my date didn’t call in to tell
sister that you didn’t deliver in the sheets. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Nope. Well, trust me, after tonight, Cindy will be begging for my touch and my sister won’t be laughing her ass off at me anymore.”

Mitch and Hank chuckled but Lance knew the only one laughing after tonight would be him. Sweet magical satisfaction, he couldn’t wait to get started.

Sobering, Mitch added, “Trust me, all our problems are serious. Here’s what I propose. We
our stuff, let the women bid on us and then fuck them senseless.”

Lance nodded his agreement. His erection pressed tight to his pants as he envisioned fucking Cindy over and over again until his balls ached and she could say his name fluently and slowly, like a lover’s caress.

Chapter Four


Sitting through night two of the charity auction was absolute torture for Cindy. The urge to flee and leave her friends soared through her. She was especially thankful she had left her magical broomstick at home in the

She had watched her blind date from the previous night perform onstage. Slowly he had shed his clothing for the crowd of encouraging women. Not being able to take it any longer, Cindy had bolted out of the theater’s hall into the side alley, not caring she left her friends in the lurch. She couldn’t take another minute of watching her mystery date strip for other women.

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